The death of the “Hustings”. In days gone by, any prospective candidate stood on a street corner, hailer in hand and spouted. They were cheered, they were jeered and many got the shit kicked out of them. But. If they wanted your vote, they had to do it. That was the hustings. Every street corner had at least one visit from the current arsehole wanting power. Kids like use used to pelt the cunts ( whoever they were ) and some of the drunks leaving the pub took time out to start a fight.
In those days, that was the only way. No newspaper mastabatory support. No telly to promote your campaign, no armies of cretins in support. Just you. You and your Campaign Manager.
So why cunt the death and demise of the Hustings ? Because if they still went on, none of todays cunts in power would stand up to the test, and we would sharp see the back of these sleazy cunts for wanton lack of guts.
Imagine, a Dark Key on a soapbox in Walker Newcastle in 1956 asking for your vote. The cunt would be swinging from a branch in Walker Park.
Nominated by Asimplearsehole
Excellent cunting ASA,
Personally I believe there’s lots of old traditions that should be resurrected, public floggings, stocks and heads on spikes to name a few…….
Morning Q, that would definitely induce some collective PTSD from snowflakes on the previous nom, lets start with Westminster and then see who else is ‘on zee list’.
Afternoon LL,
Couldn’t think of a better place ?
To be fair……the current batch of politicians are held in such utter contempt that I’d be surprised if they can collect a bottle of milk off their own doorstep without someone chucking something at them, never mind stand in front of voters to try and justify their treachery and lies.
Anyhow,they have zero respect for the electorate and certainly have no interest in their concerns. Why bother listening to people too stupid to know what they were voting for? No need to have to endure listening to the common-herd voters anymore,their views don’t count anyhow.
Fuck them.
Those who crave power are seldom the ones you’d like to have wielding it.
“Oop arrr way” the Tories pitch a some prepubescent fresh from college 20-something, who lives 200 miles away in Shepton Mallet (or summat), knowing full well Labour will always have our seat because of the imbeciles who still think Labour represents them. HAH!?!
No doubt Labour do similar things in strong Tory areas too.
In these areas you never see/hear from your MP, ever. No need to. The seat is safe – fuck the proles!
That is why I truly hope none of those parties get voted for ever again.
I see many informative discussions on this subject – the abject failure of the political establishment to represent the people – but you’ll never see a lamestream platform for these views/discussions because Red or Blue (and both parties have now converged in their view towards “The People”), the media don’t care who sits in office so long as it’s the same old shit election cycle after election cycle.
We deserve better!
We need better!
Whether you vote at all, please don’t vote for any of those cunts ever again!
Like Rebel and his Common Sense Party, I am one lottery win away from starting my own party. Provisional name: the League of Spartacus (hope I don’t get shot in a Berlin backstreet).
if there’s a general election I hope that Umunna are his band of merry turds field candidates, I’m gonna confidently predict that the independent group get nundreds of MPs , but best off all seeing sugar tits and her mates getting wiped out at the polling stations along with people like Nicky Morgan Dominic grieve and every other manifesto denying cunt……
Here’s some good news about one cunt who won’t be appearing on the hustings during the next General Election campaign.
Now there will be plenty of time for Nick Boles to take it in the bowels.
The political class in 56 are the authors of the world we live in today. Rose tinted glasses are fine but research policy history from the time. Enoch Powell wasn’t reacting to the policy of the future but to the policies being implemented in the mid 50s to the late 60s, he wasn’t a visionary he just articulated the foreseeable results of contemporary policy.
Very, very true and how astute of you soxdog. Are you related to sixdog by any chance??
After a couple of quiet week s things appear to be warming up nicely. Roll on the summer.
YouTube have a live feed.
In Paris!!
I dislike the frogs intensely, but they put us to shame when it comes to protest.
Harold Wilson was pretty good at putting down hecklers. Once when somebody shouted: “Rubbish!” during a speech Wilson answered: “I’ll come to your special interest in a minute, sir.”
Not exactly heckling but I recall the glorious putdown of Gordon Brown by Vince Cable in which he said something like “The House has noticed the Prime Minister’s remarkable transformation in the last few weeks from Stalin to Mr. Bean.”
Did I dream this or read it online? 10,000 European troops to enter UK to take part in NATO exercise. Date exercise begins 30.3.19. Date troops enter UK – 29.3.19. Something’s familiar about that date….err now what is it?
Absolutely correct: you were conscious:
Joint Warrior….toke…hehehehehe….
This has died a death as all of the soap boxes have been purloined and are occupied by annoying, fucktard lefties.
I would like nothing better than to see the likes of that tosser Owen Jones on a street corner, megaphone in hand. I know straight where I would shove it too….
…..and bang would go his (ahem) ‘social life’.
Any of the treacherous, traitorous, self serving cunts who put themselves forward for election these days would probably call the police if they got jeered on the hustings. Worse, the wankers who now infest our police service would probably do their bidding and arrest the hecklers.