The House of Commons is clearly loaded with cunts. Hardly a startling revelation, but it has become clear that a majority of MPs have no intention of honouring the referendum. They want another referendum, they want Mavis’s sell-out, they want Norway, Canada or fucking anywhere that ensures we never actually leave.
They talk slyly of democracy yet now go against the end date that a vast majority of the cunts voted for.
Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble
17.4 million v’s 650……
The 650
I can understand why the hard Brexit supporters are against the May deal…. backstop stitch up
But the remoaners should be grabbing it with both hands…. it guarantees that the UK can never truly leave, proving that Stop Brexit is the only goal.
And we’d be handing over a minimum of £39billion to keep their rancid show on the road for another 5 years – Remoaners should love that too!
Of course the EU will be back for more before that runs out… blackmailers always do.
Remoaners in Labour, Lib Dem, Green, SNP should love May’s deal but I think they want to keep defeating her meaningful vote in the hope of a General Election. Party politics instead of Brexit, disgusting! However, May’s deal is rubbish and leavers don’t want it. You couldn’t make this up.
I don’t doubt you, but you have to assume they are all fucking deluded – they have just given themselves another pay rise, taking their basic to 80,000, meanwhile Slubberguts Watson and Steptoe are fighting over what is left of Labour (or LEFT of Labour), Chuckaduckie Ummuna and his hoes look as if they are sig ing their own death warrants at the ballot box next election (despite his lies that Blair knew nothing of “his” new group – I assume he told his dear friend Mandy who would have whispered it into Blair’s shell-like?) and the Tories are tearing each other apart, plus the latest Grayling fuck-up costing us £33 million yesterday. Why the hell would anyone of the turds want an election. If I were an MP I would be frit, and shitting myself at the thought of being judged by the voters. Turkeys voting for christmas if they really want it
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, “I didn’t vote for a deal of any description, I voted to leave the EU”.
Any MP who will not honour the democratically arrived at decision, or who tries to reword the vote to mean something else is not fit for office, (if they ever were), and should stand down.
They should not be in a position to vote on anything in the house of cunts as they are wilfully ignoring British democracy and trying to force through their own agenda which was not the subject of the referendum. They are therefore guilty of treason.
Any delay at this point will make us the laughing stock and bring us the worst possible outcome. Any MP that pisses about at this juncture and wants to cause Britain hardship can pack their bags and Fuck off to Europe.
And never return you cunts
Well said, your worshipfulness.
I can’t stand any of them. There seems to be a varying degree of cuntitude, i.e. some are bearable while some are wretched; nonetheless, all are cunts. Their job is to debate bills and create statute law though they’re either more interested in profit-making or they’re intrinsically thick as pig shit in the neck of a bottle.
Once we had the minds of Disraeli, Peel, Attlee, Churchill, Gladstone, Melbourne upholding Britain, forging an ever-fairer society; now we have cretins, foreigners, enemies from within, token ethnics, ex-tv stars, and the SNfuckingP. The most eloquent, articulate historians ever born couldn’t dress up this pile of filthy cunts.
Democracy sometimes need a hand. .44 Calibre should do it !
Are blunderbusses effective ?
DF and Limpers, any comments ? If any one knows, I suspect you’d both be well-informed !
Something about the tree of liberty? I think we had one at some point but it’s now under a Tesco car park.
I’m sick and fucking tired of the Brexit alphabet spaghetti!!
Oh let’s have a Norway type deal
I advocate a Canada ++++ deal
Maybe a Norway – Canada + Switzerland deal?
Listen you bunch of word twisting cunts!!
We voted to LEAVE!!
Final destination ? LEAVE!!
LEAVE!! like we are no longer beholden to this bunch of “ appointed” foreign cunts!
I don’t ever remember actually being asked if i wanted to Join your rotten organisation? As far as I’m concerned we were railroaded into this crap by arseholes major, Blair and Brown, sure Heath took us into the old EEC but not this pile of fucking shit…
The political class are contemptuous of the population! Just the other day kier starmer dismissed civil unrest out of hand! So cocky and aloof…….
CUNT is not an adequate enough word to describe the occupants of this house of shite and den of vipers.
These traitorous bastards think they can do what the fuck they like. They may find there’s a price to pay for that.
I Predict a Riot by the Kaiser Chiefs suddenly seems more relevant than ever
These cunts get expenses, a second place to live in London (even if they are in London) and they have let there ‘power’ go to their head.
To expect any decent democracy respecting behavior from these out of touch fuckers is very naive.
After the expenses scandal and various other acts of debauchery nothing changed and after a while everyone got on with their day to day business, Brexit will not happen the way we want and it’ll all be forgotten in a few years time and everyone will get on with their lives.
One positive abaaaaht Brexit is that it has shown the sheer arrogance of these elected by the people bastards.
Say what you want abaaaaht foreign shitholes etc but one things for sure they wouldn’t put up with this blatant cunt behaviour from the likes of Keir, Soubry, Lammy, and Teresa… There would be civil unrest and a lot worse…cutting a long rant short… We have lost our bottle and are too worried abaaaaht getting in trouble so we carry on as normal and out up with being shat upon.
Well I don’t give a fuck anymore, all abaaaaht me and my family, get what I can and myself out before the Ship sinks.
Good evening.
Piss off.
Guy Fawkes had the right idea.
The establishment in Britain/England has always shat upon the normal man… Look through history Kings and Queens living in stupid wealth whilst some waste of space cunt is in the gutter dying, Government taxing us all to death and then wasting money on total bollocks and giving money to the Ravi cunts in India etc.
Back when the poll tax riots were kicking off it was a different country in terms of people’s general income and where most were in the class system… Nowadays there are much more middle and upper class (not that there is anything wrong with climbing up the class system ladder) who mostly only give a fuck abaaaaht getting their Latte or flat White in the morning and they don’t give enough of a fuck to kick off.
The country is going down the shitter and unless you got a few quid you are as well. What a pile of cunt.
“What kills a skunk is the publicity it gives itself.”
Abraham Lincoln
And he was a bit of a cunt too I believe Freddie. But he was right on with that statement !
What do I think about each of those in the House of Parliament?
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Think you forgot traitorous thick twats at the end there.
What are trying to say mr stoker speak up man ?
Outstanding Willie, outstanding.
Case of beer for that one.
Which one is Caroline Lucas?
Have you included Ipswich MP Sandy Martin?
Oh yes… there he is… I’ve just noticed him.
It’s like a Where’s Wally of MPs except it should be Where’s The One Who’s NOT A Cunt?
I don’t dislike Kate Hoey… probably wouldn’t shag her though.
One of the very few who sticks to her principles – as does Frank Field, though he has now left Labour and had the integrity not to join the ChuckaBlair gang.
I counted them and I’m pretty sure you missed several hundred, especially since the £2k wage rise.
Should be exactly 650 but be honest cannot be bothered to check.
Forgot about Bercow.
Great stuff. The one for Dame Kier Kunt Starmer should have been in bold and underlined.
However, who’s the bigger cunt, the cunt or the cunt who voted for him, her?
Excellent post ….
personally I would like to see it used in a UK wide poster campaign!!
And have the largest billboard set up opposite the Houses of Parliament!!
Make sure it’s well lit up too ……..
If they can ignore us it follows we can ignore them!
The Chief Cunt ( May ) needs a fucking safe bolt hole to disappear to when the shit hits the fan. I fancy that she will flee to somewhere in the Bavarian Alps, a place where Eagles live, somewhere like that, free of charge courtesy of her most grateful mistress Merkel. One thing about Nazi’s. They really look after their own .
I’ve got a captive bolt gun she can use if she wants to “disappear”…
Now that is a most tempting idea RTC !
Not since all those pervs last elected a pope has there Been a room full of so many cunts. If you want to see behaviour worse than an Infants playground look no further than this bunch of sorry wankers, name calling, squabbling, pinching, har pulling and holding their breath till they get what they want,they even have a bully chucked in for good measure all be it in the shape of little man Bercow.
When John Bercow was born his dad was heard to shout “Fuck me, Look at that cunt coming out of that cunts cunt”
If they succeed in a second referendum then I will vote in it and never vote again. I will give fuck all back to a society which is corrupt to the core. Fuck them. Its all about me and my own from then on.
I am so utterly sick of all of these cunts.
The handfull of decent MPs out there have also lost any respect I had for them, as they should have shown some conviction at the farce that is currently being played out, and resigned in protest from either the hapless Tories, or the equally useless Labour twats.
Somebody with some backbone should have handled these negotiations from the very start.
1. £39 Billion – you can get fucked Brussels! If we’d left you as part of the Reich, you’d still be grovelling for scraps and kissing Jackboots.
2. Wind your neck in Merkel – if we hadn’t occupied half of Germany at the end of the war and restarted VW, you’d all be speaking Russian now and gather crops in a wheatfield.
3. Macron – shut your garlic munching gob, & look after your own problems. If we hadn’t got our country bancrupt fighting the Nazis and landing at Normandy, ther’d still be a swastika hanging from the Eiffel tower & you’d have grown up in a striped jersey selling onions. Have some fucking gratitude.
4. Everyone else, remember we buy more of your crap than we do of your. Tax our exports and we’ll tax your imports more. Maybe we’ll start actually making cars and other stuff in this country again and build a few factories. For a start we could stop buying Italian ambulances and German police cars.
Our government couldn’t run a fucking bath – the over-paid Cunts
To be fair though the Romanians are much superior to us at begging, pickpocketing and ATM fraud.