The British Cuntment

I nominate the British Government as a CUNT!

Why? Firstly, we have a PM who is pro-remain and has a chief negotiator for Brexit who is also pro-remain, they are doing everything they can to go against the vote of the people and screw us over by deliberately pushing for a bad deal so that it can be turned down in the house of parliament which could then go onto a second referendum.
Democracy does not exist in this country anymore!

Secondly, the systematic covering up Immigration figures and statistics, the covering up of Muslim Rape Gangs which has resulted in up to a million of our children having been abused and life’s destroyed over 4 decades.
Allowing Sharia Law to creep it’s ugly head into our societies and making the white working classes second class citizens in their own land.

Thirdly, now fully going after Tommy Robinson for exposing these Muslim Rape Gangs that we the people would probably not have heard about, as a result, he will now more than likely face prison again for doing this, at the same time as Muslim Rape Gangs are being covered up and being allowed to abuse our children.

Fourth point, the continued collaboration with far left extremist groups to shut down anyone with a backbone and who wishes to stand up for their own people and show some pride in their own nation, this is prevalent throughout the whole government, all parties are involved!

Fifth point, the allowance of parasites like George Soros to continue to interfere within british politics and Immigration through his Open Society Foundation, how is this scumbag still not banged up in a sewer?

Sixth point, the continued persecution of the white working classes which has been going on for just way too long. And now this new phenomena called Positive Discrimination? Discrimination in all forms is just not allowed in anyway at all, except when it is targeted against the white working classes, one example of this is the Metropolitan Police recruitment drive.

Seventh point, the continued lies in all areas of politics and economy, the are continually doing this at the same time as lining their own fat pockets, scum, the lot of them!

Eight point, our so called PM’s only real reason for the potential legalization of Cannabis is only for her own sake, her husband Philip May owns a 22% share in the company GW Pharmaceuticals who produces Medical Cannabis.
The convenience of that child who has Epilepsy and needs Medicinal Cannabis to help his condition was a perfect ploy for them to earn millions!.
Nothing they do will ever be for the real benefit of the people unless they can earn from it!

Ninth point, the continued blind eyes from the government when it comes to severe tax avoidance of the big Corporations and Billionaires who continually get away with paying little to no tax at all whilst the everyday working classes struggle to just get by in life with continually rising taxes applied to all areas of life!

And my final point, well, just look at them all, just spend ten minutes watching them all in the house of parliament, is there any other more hypocritical, self centred, sociopathic, compulsive lying scumbags that gather in large numbers anywhere else?

Having said that, Bilderberg Group, EU Headquarters and Bohemian Grove are up there too, but i’ll leave those for another vote!

Nominated by Truth Seeker

85 thoughts on “The British Cuntment

  1. What an excellent Cunting Truth Seeker. Your absolutely right on every point.
    Leo Mckinstry writing in the Daily Mail summed up the Cunts Brexit Strategy when he said The Cabinet has treated Brexit as a damage – limitation exercise. Fucking arseholes one and all.

  2. Depressing reading because it’s spot on, we have to get out of the EU so the 650 cunts in Parliament can’t wring there hands in mock despair when the ECJ give a ruling they don’t like.
    They’ll soon get found out when they’ve nothing to hide behind, make them our servants and not slaves to big business, as they are now. The un-democratic cunts.

  3. It’s getting bad when you just start to expect to be fucked over and you know that you can’t stop their madness in any election.
    Hard not to think we’re totally fucked and powerless.

  4. I hate pretty much everything about British politics.

    From the system that is in place, whereby the SNP get 50 MP’s for receiving 1.5m votes, and UKIP get 1 MP for receiving in excess of 4m votes.

    For the stupid historical iconic building they all swan about in, which supposedly will cost in excess of £3b of taxpayers money to repair. Pull the fucker down and start again. Much of London is being demolished to make way for new “affordable” housing.

    I hate the large amount of holidays the cunts are afforded (often when there are important issues to discuss), the second houses that the taxpayer has to fund, their ridiculous expenses, the subsidised restaurant/bar, and the large pay rises they are awarded (despite everyone else having to make do with fuck all).

    The stupid uniforms, ceremonies and traditions that date back to the 13th century that are still performed today. People like Black Rod (now a woman incidentally for the first time) can fuck off as far as I am concerned.

    The stupid cunts that have been voted in on a party manifesto who once elected think it is their moral duty to do what the fuck they like, regardless of what their constituents voted for.

    For the low level calibre of MP’s sitting on the front benches, most of who have not held a proper job, done a decent days work in their lives, appointed to head up departments they do not have ANY fucking knowledge about or experience to manage, and who are totally out of touch with real life.

    Hate the current “impartial” speaker (fucking low life dwarf twat) who under current legislation is able to use and influence his bias to the outcome of important votes in the house.

    I hate everything about the current smug, arrogant cunts in government, including their pathetic negotiations and Mays pathetically predictable smoke and mirrors approach on Brexit, the imposition of austerity on the less fortunate citing lack of funds however are able to find billions to secure DUP votes and the pointless HS2 project, and generally being totally incompetent on virtually every major issue that needed dealing with. But mostly for not putting British peoples needs first and above all others.

    I hate the fucking front bench misfit Muppets in the shadow government. Christ almighty- how much worse can it get. Jeremy Corbyn, Diane Abbott, John McDonnell, Kier Starmer, Emily Thornberry, Dawn Butler, Shami Chakrabarti to name a few. All total cunts. Angela Raynor (for example) is shadow education secretary. NO qualifications and had her first child at 16, a grandmother at 37 FFS.

    I hate Vince Cable. Daft old cunt still goes on and on and on and on about how bad Brexit will be for this country. Sorry you old tart- democratic election. You lost. Shut the fuck up. Also hated Nick Clegg- useless fucking cunt who went to Westminster School then to Cambridge. Thick twat who made himself look a complete uninformed plank when up against Nigel “The Master” Farage, calling his comments of a European Army “a dangerous fantasy” and showed his true colours when siding with the enemy.

    I hate the whinging SNP. German speaking cunt Angus Robertson (gone now thank Christ). Never came so close as putting my foot through the TV screen as when he was on. Had a once in a lifetime vote for independence. Lost the fucker. Want another one because they want to be independent. But remain in the EU? Cunts.

    I hate those MP’s who complain they are receiving abusive correspondence from their constituents for doing the total opposite of what they promised to do when voted in. Or for being called names by the Far Right extremists (Leave voters). Happy to give it out but cannot take it. What the fuck did they expect would happen?

    I hate the cunts in the house of Lords, their £300 a day expenses just for turning up, stinking of piss, falling asleep, having nothing worthwhile or relevant to say then fucking off home again.

    Surely there is a place for a logical, common sense anti EU party where everyone is on the same side, has a common goal and that it does what it says on the tin. Not sure there is one at the moment however would almost certainly get my vote.

    • Disappointingly long post in moderation in excess 3 hours and still no sign of it.

      Absolutely nothing untoward.

      Thanks WordPress.

      • Disappointingly long post in moderation now in excess of 6 hours and still no sign of it.

        Fucking given up. Will probably appear on Thursday. Too sodding late.

      • Didn’t see you offering to help when we were asking for volunteers. Perhaps it got lost in moderation???

        Or maybe you’re all mouth and no trousers

      • Pissed off with WordPress, not Admin.

        Make sure on my posts not to include any libellous or derogatory words but find even the mildest of posts go straight into moderation.

      • It’s not WordPress that kept it in moderation for 6 hours. It’s the fact that we have a fucking life.

        Probably moderated due to length. It’s one of the settings designed to catch trolling.

    • Fuck me – tour de force post there Willie!

      Meanwhile May’s lying through her rotten teeth again re the danger the backstop represents.

      The new document says is it “reduces the risk the UK could be deliberately held in the Northern Ireland backstop indefinitely.”

      But crucially it does not eliminate the backstop being implemented against our will, or allow us to unilaterally walk away from it. So no real change.

      If the withdrawal agreement passes we’ll have to accept whatever the EU decide to serve up in the form of a future trade deal, or remain trapped in the Customs Union forever.

      And now the Government is trying to rush through the most important vote in the Commons since the Second World War.

      If our lilly-livered MPs buy May’s basically unchanged deal we’re, all well and truly fucked.

  5. Mrs. May might be a cunt – but there are bigger ones – Dominic Grieve, who looks like a priest caught at last after 40 years, Anna Soubry, Yvette Sugartits Cooper, Dame Kunt Starmerthat vile back of shit John Bercow, as prejudiced as the BBC nancy boys, the poofter element in parliament such as Boles, Duncan, Bradshaw, Streeting, all scared stiff of their *rights* or lefts, plus those old has-beens of parliament who fucked off years ago but cause trouble on the outside, Adonis, Mangledbum, vaseline-arsed Blair, Heseltine who according to the Telegraph has been colluding with Macron, given his usual camp “advice”.

    Poor old Theresa doesn’t stand a chance with all those cunts behind her

  6. The honourable members won’t like that photo with that racist flag in front of their up market doss house.
    Bet they can’t wait to get that blue starry arserag up there where it belongs. ??

  7. The reason why leaving the EU is proving so difficult is, in fact, because it is an intractable problem.
    There is no basis on which we can decouple economically from Europe which will not be damaging. This has been widely mocked since well before the referendum: “project Fear”.

    This will soon become plain to all, and as project-Fear morphs into project-Fact, Messrs Farage, Johnson, Rees-Mogg et hoc genus omne will need even more costly close protection than they currently enjoy.

    I’ve stayed well clear of Brexit bullshit on ISAC, because my own views are not very well-aligned with the apparent majority here. I’m not personally at all pro-Union philosophically-speaking, and I think we should never have joined. Rather like gun-laws in the US, however, you cannot “uninvent” things, and must work with the status quo: the here and now, as it were.

    Leaving the EU in 2019 is dumb as fuck, it is self-evidently precisely the wrong time to kick our membership into touch. Lacking a crystal ball, but I’d say around 2035 would have been better timing for a full detachment.
    Hey ho, not long to go! When the London housing market collapses, and the Exchequer runs dry around 2023/4/5, (the bankers having pissed off to Frankfurt am Main, NY, Singapore…) Messrs Farage, Rees-Mogg, Johnson et alwill already be in hiding.

    We shall see, and I hope I’m wrong, but apart from misspelling detritus, I have a fairly robust track record! Friends from Cambridge days who are now rather grand in the City (and elsewhere) have reliably informed me that there is an omerta among London bankers; everyone is keeping incredibly tight-lipped as no one wants to be the first to spill the beans. When it begins however, the process will be staggeringly rapid, and devastating.

    I’m (genuinely) thinking of relocating to Matsu Island. It’s going to get very, very ugly in England. Quite soon.

    • Sorry but I have to disagree. Yes there will be economic difficulties but if that’s the price to pay for leaving an organisation which, among other things, has an unelected Commission, tried to pass TTIP, is trying to pass the Copyright Directive and which allows a foreign court to have jurisdiction over our own courts then it is a price worth paying. I understand your argument but I’m willing to risk it if it means greater sovereignty. I mean, China has a strong economy and I wouldn’t want to live there.

    • Also didn’t help that we had Queen Midas in reverse as PM – everything she touches turns to shit.

      Which is why she was appointed.

      She’s helped the EU Commission though… they’ll be creaming their pants if she gets their ‘agreement’ through Parliament.

      Do they wear pants on the Continent?

    • The fear around the banks leaving for Frankfurt is not realistic. Frankfurt doesnt have the pull London does. The city is too well established as a financial hub compared to other European capitals.

      • You are not correctly in those assertions, Cuntamus.
        This trueism will be abundantly clear very soon.
        You’re actually wrong!

        What I never understood about all this Brexit balony is why and how folks without any understanding of international trade arrangements suddenly became experts.

        It’s complex, I’m no expert, but need no additional wakefulness to see that this (Brexit) is a train crash of the very most devastating proportions.

        When the plebiscite results were just in, three years ago, I was playing online chess with a Chinese chick from Shanghai. I suspect she worked/s for an international bank there. She was utterly bemused by the result of the democratic vote to leave EU by UK.

        It was a “Road to Damascus” moment for her; she said to me “thank God we don’t have democracy like that in China”.

        That was from a young person who, hitherto, had thought democracy was the sine qua non of national transactional – ism..

        Hilariously amusing for me, as a Sinophile, but decidedly telling about the folly of the close-run decision. She was, simply put, relieved that her nation would never hoist itself on the pétard of democracy. It had previously seemed quite the reverse to her.

        She looked like she needed a hood seeing to, also, and I won the game of chess. Lovely figure she had too, a nice tight pussy no doubt also.

      • Hey CS, I don’t belive a word of it! Party night on the 29th.

        Goodbye for now.

      • As for “folks without any understanding of international trade arrangements”…

        Mark Carney springs to mind.

        There’s a hell of a lot of “smoke and mirrors” in the whole political arena today, and I rather think some of the mirrors are transparent, for the additional thrill of perving…!!

      • The same can be said on nany on the remain side. How many humanities students suddenly became experts on currency fluctuations when the pound plummeted a few days after the result.

        You might have chums in finance, but so do a lot of people, and Mervyn King doesnt seem to think the sky will fall.

        If the sky does fall, then i will be wrong, but i can rough it, unlike the bankers.

    • I love the thought of the housing market collapsing. Inflating the housing bubble to cover the ever-decreasing equity-to-debt ratio demanded by the banks’ continuing Ponzi scheme can never be a sustainable policy. And it will collapse anyway. Or the banks will, again. Or both. And we will again have the privilege of paying the cunts to get to their crooked feet for another bout of vampire capitalism. Let it bloody go. And next time ensure that the value of housing rests in its availability and abundance rather than what a hedge fund can screw out of it.

      • I personally couldn’t give a fuck about any of this, and may quite possibly get out of UK.
        Your strangely-trite brush off about “loving the thought about a housing market collapse”, although good quality claptrap, is grotesquely naïve.

        If London falls by 35%, the fallout for the r-UK will be exceedingly painful, and yet will not even begin to adress the issue of affordability. There will be no upside, and the rough engagement of the brave new world will indeed be daunting.

        Hoho hehe, and the roughest effect of all will be felt among the most rabidly anti remainders of Doncaster et seq. It really is unbelievably sad, and that Shanghai chick was absolutely correct.

      • If you like boom and bust economics you are presumably in a position to profit from them. I’m not. So go your ostentatiously erudite way, and I’ll go mine. Think I’m actually in the majority there.

      • Don’t be silly, everyone knows Gordon Brown abolished boom and bust. ?

        Sleep well K.

    • One of my mates ‘in the city’ says pretty much the same as yours. He’s not prone to scaremongering but is genuinely worried. But who knows, really? We’re very Much in uncharted waters here.

      Respect for posting a view that goes against the general consensus, here.

      • If there were more awareness of how finance works, it would not be a minority view. Your mate is certainly not alone, even in the City. The overall position is worse than it was in 2007, currently. And:

        “The modern banking process manufactures currency out of nothing. The process is perhaps the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented … If you want to be slaves of the bankers, and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let the banks create currency.”
        (Josiah Stemp, former governor of the Bank of England (1880–1941), address at the University of Texas, 1927)

        Nothing’s changed. The banks still create money, on a larger scale, with proportionally smaller deposits, than they did then. And the longer a crash is held off by the creation of magic money, the bigger it is when it comes.

      • PS –
        “It is well that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.”
        — Henry Ford

      • It was indeed, and thankee kindly Sir! Not long now, there will be roots, and inflammatory guff this summer.

        I’m probably off, Matsu looks good, I can tick over teaching English, German, Chemistry, Maths, and shall stay on touch on short wave.


    • I have no issue with your arguements CS however Brexit bullshit isnt something I would associate with ISAC, like it or not the majority of the country voted to leave so regardless of wether it will be good, bad or the same it is democracy not bullshit.

      • CS suffers from an abundance of intelligence (or so he/she thinks) – in common with all of our betters in positions of “incorruptible” power.

      • I was watching Coronation street while typing and my multitask skills are not up to scratch.
        Note To Admin, please can you incorporate spell check on the reply window, thank you.

      • I wouldn’t worry about it too much, most people will know exactly what you are saying and not take the road of the grammar-Nazi.

      • CS has an in depth knowledge of vacuum cleaners. Make your own mind up.

        Goodbye for now.

      • I know quite a bit about vector calculus, too, Random Cunt, and Penrose – Lucas theory about Gödel incompleteness, and John Wheeler’s/Hugh Evetett’s “Many Worlds” Interpretation.
        This is easy peasy to defend the logic of compared to balony about the EU.

        Suck it up, like my Sebo.

  8. The EU for many years has been a good thing to be a member of.

    I would be all for staying in the EU if it could be reformed, as many great things have been achieved between the member countries, working together with our European neighbours is clearly advantageous.

    Allowing much poorer countries to join, who contribute financially very little, and allow mass unskilled unchecked immigration into the more prosperous UK (and other wealthier countries) is clearly a recipe for disaster. Poorer British towns are now overrun by Eastern Europeans, and we are not now able to get our own children into our local schools.

    I would have voted to Remain if the subject of movement and mass immigration was addressed and limited, that the EU accounts were audited and signed off by a reputable firm of accountants, that Britain was respected and had a voice at the top table, that those making the decisions were elected (and could be removed), and that Germany (and France to a lesser degree) were not allowed to dictate policy.

    Unfortunately none of these subjects were on the table or even worthy of discussion, and what is clear that the power crazy morons in charge will not even listen to concerns of those member countries most affected.

    It is for this reason I voted to Leave.

    • You are clearly a sensible, level-headed chap, WS. I agree with much you aver. Full-plain, the king-sized error was allowing unfettered access in 2006 of the A8 (read:Polska), and this was Mr Blair’s sole decision, and he was adamant about that decision. In the FCO at that time, his presidential style of leadership and an abandonment of Cabinet government was a source of concern (and indeed before he was actually anointed in 97).

      The guy should, in retrospect, have been “taken out” in the seventies. No one foresaw his barking megalomania before it was too late, however.

      All other EU members applied the brakes, as should we have done, and now we are throwing out the baby with the bathwater.
      Together with kowtowing – unnecessarly and embarrassingly–to George Bush’s régime three years earlier, Phoney Tony was the architect of the final dénoument of “England’s Glory”.

      Within my lifetime, if I don’t get mown down by Farmer Giles riding my bicycle, this will become the standard received wisdom. If indeed it is not already.

      Leaving the union now is the grandest of follies, spectacularly ill-timed, and this too will be abundantly plain in a year or three.

      • Bliar’s disastrous Premiership makes it even more of a pity that John Smith had that heart attack. The last true Labour leader.

      • Fuck me caughtspedding – you’re on fire this evening!

        And writing in English… well, 99%…

        Excellent post from Willie too.

      • I ascribe it to a weekend of hard sexual volatility at the coalface of Venetia’s twat, together with a difficult programme of French Romantic organ music on the woefully lacking instrument in Bowdon.

        Fking good fun though, and I’m properly goosed for a day or two.

        Hope your black dog is in recession, Number Six.

      • Black dog under control thanks caughtspedding… not yet in remission, work in progress…

        Good to know it’s still possible to have fun in these troubled times, you’re an inspiration to us all.

        Be seeing you. ?

      • I’m more than happy to dispose of the baby, as it’s increasingly looking massively in-bred and genetically compromised, and a huge drain on non-existent resources.

        As for the bathwater, well it’s full of piss and shit. Down the sluice with it.

        I COULD have voted to remain, but my issue is, is that the EU has NO bloody intention of any internal reform whatsoever.
        The only way to “apply any brake” now is to take a manifestly unroadworthy and dangerous vehicle out of circulation, and scrap it.

        In future years, how many people would SERIOUSLY vote for Verminhofstadt, Druncker and Sleazemayr ??

        The future does NOT have to be a disaster; there is no natural law that states this; only the appalling level of blackmail and threats that spew forth from Berlaymont on an almost daily basis.

        Europe will outlive the EU, just as Russia has outlived the Soviet Union.

    • A well structured arguement for vote leave, I think you could have converted many more reluctant remainers.

  9. The common market was understandable, but a political union, soon to become a federal state. Get fucked. Freedom isn’t free.

  10. Brexit: May heads to Strasbourg for last-ditch talks with EU.

    What, again? Why doesn’t she just fucking stay over there.

    And why is the bastard ball always in the UK’s court? And why do we always go running to them when they click their fingers?

    The EU do not deserve a deal at this late stage as from day one they have not worked for it, have not negotiated other than to say this is what we want, have done everything possible to frustrate the process, and have disrespected Britain and its people.

    To coin a phrase from a much esteemed fellow cunter- Fuck em.

  11. What is barely reported is that the EU itself is going through a turbulent period which by all accounts will get worse. Populism, or plain common sense, is a factor all across Europe, as people tire of the bullshit grandstanding and general nose in the trough behaviour of most western politicians, and in particular, the EU, where the top echelon don’t even have to go through the theatrics of an election to get on the first class carriage of le train pour le gravy. So, would remaining be shackling us to a sinking ship? All the posturing by remainers assume that the EU will go from strength to strength, which is far from likely. Fuck them.

  12. Doesn’t matter whether you’re Leave or Remain, Tory or Labour, young or old, we have all been betrayed by a collection of weak,self-interested political pygmies. The age of politicians who actually represented their constituents is over. For years now “Conviction politicians” have been replaced by professional politicians who have no experience outside politics,don’t relate to voters and are only motivated by self-interest and greed. They have allowed Big Business to take control and set the agenda.
    Vote for whoever or whatever you want…or don’t bother…won’t matter either way now.

    • I have been thinking along those lines for several years now and the last couple have confirmed it beyond doubt. Won’t waste my time voting in future.

    • And if you do pose a serious threat to the New World Order you’ll be locked up like Tommy Robinson or banished like James Goddard.

  13. Leaving the EU shouldnt have been complicated, a reasonable trade deal along the lines of Canada should have been straightforward.
    The Eurocrats saw an angle to fuck us over and played it to perfection, the Irish Border, I have to say …. ‘they saw us coming’

    As for bankers, they are the biggest cheats and narrow minded group on earth, they didnt even see the financial crash which was off there own making using tactics which makes PPI miselling look like short change in a sweetshop.

    There is only one way forward, leave on the 29th, I would bet my last dollar that on the 30th there will be a ememrgency meeting between the EU and te the UK to have a temporary deal to keep the status quo.
    After that there will be a “solution” found to the Irish border and a fast track to a trade deal, cost 39 billion.

      • And it will be the easiest deal in history, It would interesting if there is a motion in Parliament , ‘does the house wish to revoke article 50’
        Free vote.

  14. Were I wearing one, I would, Truth Seeker, take my hat off to you. My thoughts encapsulated verbatim. Sadly, as others point out – the electorate’s opinion is of no interest whatsoever to those in power, their greed is insatiable, yet we are all here for a very short space of time, so why fuck over everyone else just to get what they want ? The British Government STINKS

  15. I’ve never given it much thought until now, but it strikes me that a good % of MPs are a bit thick. Strikes me the only qualification needed is the ability to address a crowd of people and tell lies. On both sides of the house. Yesterday the cunt that represents Tottenham (and don’t get me started) was on LBC and was positively raving. He sounded demented. What are the constituents thinking, although Hackney cunts don’t have the ability to “think”.

    • Its the same with the mathematically challenged Flabbott, over thirty years in the same seat, defending it in seven elections with a current majority of over 35,000. Any other job and they would have told her to fuck off years ago or quietly pensioned her off.

    • I watched Politics Live and they had an off camera spat, it was right at the end of the hour, the rest of us were watching the replay of the Francois v Self cock waving episode.
      Politics can be fun.

      • Indeed, watching BBC Parliament can be fun. Take the recent Gove speech in which he accused Corbyn of having a Vicky Pollard approach to Brexit.

    • Mason is a Trotskyite, Mancunian, rubber-faced, gobshite cunt.

      Michelle Dewberry is simply far too smart to be engaging with this Manc monkey. Should have been Rex Harrison, as Doctor Doolittle, deciphering Mason’s grunts and squeals.

      • I’ve watched the Dewberry / Mason spat. What an utterly despicable, shallow, sneering nasty bastard Mason is.
        Fuck off you wrinkly cuntbag of steaming momentum shite.
        L is for Labour.
        L is for Lice.
        Get to fuck.

  16. I have death and destruction on my mind.
    I must have been radicalised. ☠️

  17. Possibly the worst bunch of bastards in Parliament in my lifetime. Horrible, greedy, dishonourable, self-important rats with golden teeth. Just horrible.

    Moreover I see cowardice and fear-mongering has flopped its tiny cock onto these wonderful pages. How predictable but how dreary. As for those EuroCunts on the continent, the Devil take them all.

  18. I tried to post this as a nomination, but it won’t go through, so lets try here:


    What a gay day for a “for-the-many-not-the-few” cunting for political tart Tom “I Can Be Whatever You Want Me To Be, Dearie” Watson who, Umunna-like has started his own new “group” (Westminster is just like Merseyside in 1964 now) of disaffected Blairites, ponces and pansies. So you will now have three Labour parties to vote for – Steptoe (and sons), Umunna’s Tribute Band or Watson, who seems to have the backing of New Labour queen of the May, Lord Mangledbum:

    There he is – back from the political dead, Lord Mandy strutting along to cruise the talent amongst the pretty young Blairites who have come along since his time. He really should get that butt plug removed, he looks in severe pain.

    What a choice: Steptoe leading the Fred Kite wing, Umunna and Soubry, a song, a dance and unemployment, and Watson’s ragbag including Sugartits Cooper, the young men in a hurry who don’t really believe in anything except their pathetic little careers, backed by an elderly peer who had to resign twice due to dishonesty over money, worshipping an ageing former Prime Minister who now “advises” dictators and would be prepared to take money from a worm-infested cowpat with his teeth.

    It will be an interesting fight – if Watson & Mandy succeed Umunna & co will be dead in the water (Soubry better get her knee-tremble in quick before the gang of 11 split up and they all try to crawl back to their old parties). The ponces versus the pansies.

    Who could vote Labour – which of the three Labour parties would you vote for? How would you know?. It will be a lucky dip – the Saturday night lottery transferred to a Thursday. The Tories are not much better Amber Rudd , Dominic “Mr. Punch” Grieve (or should that be Mr. Pooter?) & Grayling, the walking disasters, and the New Labourite lite mincers like Boles. all diluting the party every day. All of them on all sides seem to be yesterdays men and women, losers and tosspots, including the Vince Cable Retirement Home for Distressed Gentlefolk, who sleep the hours away while picking up their £78,000 from us for fuck all.

    We really do need a new party who knows what they stand for and sticks to it, unlike most of the opportunistic cunts who piss on the green benches today.

  19. I can’t imagine anyone shedding a tear if The Palace of Westminster had a similar accident as per that of Grenfell.

    No doubt they’d be horrified and hurt to hear this but no, you really are that dreadful and unworthy of office!

    • As long as Lammy died in the conflagration so we wouldn’t have to hear about a friend he knew in there.

  20. As long as Lammy died in the conflagration so we wouldn’t have to hear about a friend he knew in there.

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