Scott Morrison Australian P.M.
This cunt is cashing in on the Christchurch murders, for his ilk by earmarking at least $55 million for security grants for religious organisations (places of worship, clerical residences and schools) ranging from $50k to $1.5 mil per application, instead give it to ASIO to help them stop all murdering cunts. This shits me to tears for the state subsidising religious organisations which pay no tax and recieving even more money for some cameras, goons, a lot of new silly hats and rent boys. “Scomo” a member of the fundamentalist Hillsong Pentacostalists has probably promised the maximum for his Pastor Brian Houston (the very paragon of Christian virtue, under investigation for covering up Hillsongs founders paedo past, his father Frank Houston)
p.s. Admin wait till CMC posts a less rabid, more eloquent nom.
Nominated by Shackledragger cunt
Well you’ve had Jacinda dressing native to pacify the ROPers.
Worst thing.
Isn’t Jedi a religion nowadays? Would have been impressive to watch her don a Chewbecca outfit in the event that some Jedis were instead killed.
“Hold it steady, Jacinda”
– “Roooarrrrr”
You could dress Jacinda in a whole range of religious garb; the entertainment factor would be limitless.
Dress Jacinda in the outfit Princess Leia wore while a prisoner to Jabba the Hutt……
Money cant protect public areas or buildings from the loonies. Concerts, markets, transport, bridges, town spaces have all been attacked, usually by the same set of maniacs with the exception of the USA which grows it’s own.
Policing, intelligence and keeping the fuckers out in the first place are the only ways to minimise the threat.
Apart from the usual bullshit I cant see what Morrison hopes to achieve by throwing money at religious organisations. If there is a threat in Oz it is from the same fuckers who threaten Europe, not the odd fucking madman.
Surely all this can be solved with an emergency COBRA meeting.
I went to a Cobra meeting once.
I got kicked in the head then told ‘pain… does not exist… in this dojo!’
Asking for a short pause or a longer pause.
I wish the EU would just kick us out of their club. I’m getting more wound up every time I here about Brexit.
“Hear”, not “here” you silly buggerer !
Burma solved the problem. China has imprisoned one million of the cunts. Why do we pussyfoot around spending millions for extra security, let natural selection take it’s course, if the mosques gets trashed, so be it.
Part of the reason I live in the Isle of Wight is that every cunt in the street is white English, every cunt in the shops is white English, every cunt in the restaurants is white English (apart from the Indians in the Indian, who are really nice). Must be one of the few remaining bastions of Englishness.
Good evening CnR. Tavistock is one such place. Some locals call it the ‘ White Highlands ‘.
I like it and could happily live there.
C’n’R, there’s a book by Julian Barnes called ‘England, England’ where a mad, jinhoistic entrepreneur turns the IoW into a huge Tourist park based on olde English clichés and vulgar stereotypes for the paying tourists. It’s a good concept but eventually becomes a cynical stab at patriotism about halfway through before the plot descends into desultory bollocks.
Nonetheless an interesting concept and I recommend the first half.
(I’ve read a few by him and they all seem to wane in the middle. I think he’s a bit of a pompous cunt)
* jingoistic
Haven’t had a drop. Psh
Thank you. Just ordered a used hardback for 3 quid on Amazon. Will look forward to it. Sounds a great concept.
Coincidence for you Cap’n : I have just finished his highly-praised The Only Story (2018).
It’s very good but the shagging could’ve been more descriptive especially given its ‘middle aged housewife seduces schoolboy’ theme.
William Boyd is similar- but funnier and less artsy fartsy
Isaac, I thought The Only Story was dreary. He managed to kill all the sexiness whilst crowbarring in some insipid alky theme. I’ve had enough of Barnes.
Boyd is entertaining, especially Any Human Heart and Reckless. He reminds me of a modern Somerset Maugham but less articulate.
Is he as pompous as Mr Amis or Mr Self?
When can I move?
Can’t see why Godbotherers of any religion feel the need for protection, surely their God will look after all that. If they are shot to bits by some maniac,well,it’s all part of God’s great plan and they should be delighted to be on their way to Heaven or some private brothel staffed by 72 virgins.
Fuck Off.
Surely a hail of gunfire is a good test of faith ? An All Areas Pass to Paradise, as you point out.
I suspect a lot of these so called Religious Types aren’t genuine, and are only keeping up appearances. The cunts.
Should I ever get caught up in a shooting I’ll be doing an Obadiah Hakeswill, and crawling under a couple of corpses until the hoo ha dies down, Paradise can wait.
Good evening .
Evening Jack. I had an old Maiden Aunt who was deeply religious. She spent her entire life quoting bits of the bible and revelling in “sinners” getting their comeuppance. Oddly enough,the auld trout didn’t go “gentle into that good night” and the Grim Reaper had to drag the appalling old bag kicking and screaming into her box. She obviously wasn’t quite as convinced that a seat at god’s right hand was as appealing to her as she’d spent her life professing.
I take it she was the ‘ White Sheep ‘ of the family ?
Good evening Dick.
Oh no, Jack, we Fiddlers have always been judgemental hypocrites only too happy to seize the moral high-ground while actually being immoral Cunts. She just hid it behind her “Godliness”.
She was a thoroughly unpleasant old bag,but “Fiddler” to the core. I remember everyone acting sombre and serious at her funeral as the priest spouted bollocks about what a fine,Christian lady she had been…and then thanking god that the old witch had carked later at the wake in the pub.
We’re not a pleasant family, I’m proud to say.
Another comment off to moderation.
He’s come a long way since his early days on Neighbours. Some of those scenes with Bouncer and Mrs.Mangle still bring a tear to my eye, so appalling were they.
Not sure about the Peacefuls, but Christians have gone all soft.
Whatever happened to the concept of martyrdom? They should be throwing open their doors to the gunmen etc and turning the other cheek.
Back in the day they used to welcome a good barney with the lions.
Miles is going to be very angry with you.
Evening RTC.
Evening Dick.
On the contrary, I’m sure Miles would be the first to agree with my observation.
Mrs Plastic tells me he’s currently campaigning to bring back the Spanish Inquisition…
What was it from your post yesterday? ‘ the Spirit is the creator of all existence’. ‘ I’m very angry with you RT for your sudden apostasy.
Calm down dear. Think Miles… what would Jesus do?
It was all about the The Sound of Music for me yesterday. I like a good film. Great sprawling house they filmed it at. Must take some maintaining. I suppose you Mr F have a busy time maintaining the ‘Towers’. Water damage is a terrible thing. Making sure the basement and all the rooms are properly damp proofed. So important that the you keep the rain out. It must be a worry to you. I bet we often see a Fiddler on the Roof.
I bet the children of the tenantry love to come round to watch Fiddler on the Roof.
The religious schools already have private protection. When I lived in Melbourne, every Jewish school had an armed guard outside it between 3 and 5. Gun holster and itchy finger-ready.
It was also odd to see two police officers at every single Railway station on every railway line during school kicking out time. Must cost a fortune. Presumably Melbourne’s got money to burn, awww fack yeaeh, crecking the shiits, hangin’ shiit, etc.
The cunts in power seem intent on wasting OUR MONEY on HS2, the failing EU project, Foreign aid and fuck knows how many other stupid bastard ideas that have little effect on the vast majority of British people.
Spend the fucking money on the indigenous people of Britain you fucking cunts, and stop cutting essential services.
How much money has been spent on the investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann?
The Metropolitan Police launched a probe into the case in 2011 – after Portuguese police failed to make any progress.
So far £11.75 million has been spent on the investigation by UK authorities.
Enough is enough. Why aren’t the parents prosecuted (at the very least) for negligence and leaving her when they went out for dinner?
Shit parents who are doing quite nicely out of it thank you very much. Are either of them working does anyone know?
They are still on the GMC Register, although she is under her maiden name. I can’t imagine why.
I watched the Netflix series about them and as well as discovering how innocent they are, it turns out they also had a block booking at that restaurant. They apparently went there every single pissing night. I don’t know how they sleep.
Staggered Betty why money is still being allocated. Not a cats chance in hell they will find her or what actually happened.
Missing people do (rarely) turn up so who knows what might happen. I somehow doubt she will turn up though, the poor wee mite.
Yes. working on their “struggle” , an autobiography of their life.
Agreed Willie, and you forgot the massive chunk we fork out to newly-arrived Iron Curtains who can go straight into free houses and straight onto the Dole. No wonder they’re busting a gut to get onto British soil. Might as well have a welcoming parry for them on Camber Sands – free champagne and pizzas before we chauffeur you to your new, charmed life.
Good evening Mr. Creampuff. I bet there were some jolly ISAC types back in Roman times.
All pissed up in the Coloseum, raising their right hands with thumbs down, as some dishevelled Christian ,dressed in sackcloth , wails ‘ Blessed are the Meek ‘ as the lions descend with jaws of bone crushing death !
‘ Let’s get those meek bastards Leo ‘
giggles Ruffus Tuffus Maximo Puffus , as his ISAC chums roar ‘ Fuck Off you Christian Cunts ‘
Happy days, long past.
Evening Jack.
Happier, simpler times.
There was a great bit in Clockwork Orange where Alex fantasised a similar scenario. As an 18 yr old I was much taken by the film, not long afterwards it was banned. ?
That was one scary movie. If I remember right even the author distanced himself from it. Wonder if you can get it on pirate?
It’s generally available now. Once Kubrick died it resurfaced in the mainstream.
I remember well the kerfuffle it caused, every Saturday night punch up , gang rape or murder of any pensioner was Clockwork Orange related, according to the press, who had a field day, until the next bandwagon trundled into town.
Apparently Kubrick stood steadfast by his film, but something about the crimes attributed to the film’s influence troubled him. He met with Warner Bros and they came to a decision: the movie would be pulled from release in the United Kingdom.
Over the years legend had it that A Clockwork Orange was one of the ‘video nasties’, films banned in Britain because of their violent content, but the truth is that it was Kubrick himself who chose to withdraw his masterpiece from circulation.
Julian Senior, who was then vice-president of Warner Bros, said “The police were saying to us: ‘We think you should do something about this. It is getting dangerous.'”
The film remained unavailable in the UK for three decades. I owned a very fuzzy VHS bootleg in the 1980s…
@ CnR. As Jack said, it is now available on DVD, dirt cheap, see below:
Wonderful book, average film.
⏬ ⏬
The book was a bona fide classic – on a par with 1984 & Brave New World etc – the film couldn’t hope to compete, but was as good an adaptation as anyone could expect imo.
My favourite Kubrick film has to be Dr Strangelove.
I Went to see the film with my class from college, we were required to take ‘liberal studies’ to make us science types more rounded individuals.
We managed to get through this torture by persuading the liberal studies geek to do stuff like that.
I remeber it was banned soon after due to a copy cat killing in my home county of Lancashire.
Evening Ruff Tuff.
I remember a gang Of Portsmouth fans coming to Brighton dressed in bowler hats Doc Martins and white boiler suits. Scared the shit out of me.
Evening Fenton… ?
Play up Pompey!!!
If you need security and protection that must be because you are a right cunt. Observe the armed coppers outside Westminster for example. All these cunts are looking forward to dying and cause nothing but trouble while they’re here so fuck ‘em I say.
Use them as target practice for the army the useless wankers.
All politicians of all countries are equally bereft of principals and common sense. Fat Oz needs a fucking good humping from skippy !
Have we found out if Lammy knows one of the victims “personally” yet?
Probably a facebook friend, or if not he is desperately clicking through the find friends section to get a request in.
Maybe some of that £8mil he cost Comic Relief will be winging it’s way to NZ instead…
I hope that £125 quid a year Jaffa Cake habit *we* pay for sticks in his throat!
How long before Jaycinda becomes Ramlynda Al Habadi?
Oh, I forgot to mention: Sam Smith now reckons he is “non-binary” I say FUCK OFF with your made up shite.
Do we give a fuck? Does Sam Smith do anything that isn’t all about his ego? Gender fluid? Not one fuck is given, keep it to yourself or maybe he’s hoping for a hero award like Bruce Jenner!
I prefer decimal myself.
I started watching the film a few years ago and switched over in boredom. Might give the book a go, generally prefer them over film adaptations.
This should have been a reply to Captain Magnanimous a few posts up, fuck only knows what it’s doing here.
I see it, Moggs.
Yes, the book is ace, far less of a cartoon than the film. Burgess said that we need violence in our lives whether it’s listening to music or doing the horizontal dance. You can’t simply erase that part of the brain. Fascinating stuff.
Nowt like a spot of the old ultra-violence, eh Cap?
…apart from inny-outty, RTC.
Ya droog.
Aussie cunt