Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, KCVO is a Cunt.
The Half-Blood Halfwit’s latest bit of utter Cuntery is to announce that he will be taking 2 weeks paternity leave when the latest “Royal” leech is whelped….Leave from what? The Prick does nothing bar crawl along behind his publicity mad wife. He doesn’t have a job, he’s just a stupid parasite who got lucky that the Royals don’t go in for DNA testing.
We’ve had the “People’s Prince” phase which was shown to be a sham when the benefits of being Royal suited him better,so now we move on to the Modern Prince act. Perhaps the best way to show us just how modern he is would be to renounce the anachronistic idea of hereditary Royalty? Now that would show us that he really is a modern,forward-thinking Man of the People. Not much fear of that happening of course; he’s too spoiled and entitled,besides,his wife would never let him.
I admit that I’m no supporter of the Royal Family,but I find Harry particularly loathsome. At least the rest of them are prepared to brazen it out and don’t pretend to be something that they’re obviously not.
Prince Harry and his wife should take their brat and Fuck Off.
Nominated by Dick Fiddler
Another pathetic scrounger just like the rest of the Royal family.
QE2 has done a great job, and Phil is good for a laugh.
But scrap the rest of them.
Lazy cunts.
I have a soft spot for ginger blokes but this ginger cunt is on my blacklist alongside Chris Evans and Chucky.
I used to support the idea of the royal family but lately I’m having second thoughts. What have they don’t while parliament rides roughshot over our democracy? Fuck all.
And don’t get me started on that cunt markle!
A full on celebricunt sjw that proudly states that she’ll use her royal position to promote her causes and further her sjw activism. She’s staunchly anti brexit and surprise, surprise, anti Trump.
And like all sjw slebs like Lilly Allen and co, she believes in inclusivity and equality, whilst speaking to all of her “lessers” like utter shit.
Harry is a cunt for many reasons but marrying that celebricunt sjw markle is by far the biggest….
Her Maj held some respect in my view, and Phillips Non PC mutterings were occasionally funny, but given the way she has ignored the effing debacle in the HoP caused by her Prime Minister and others ignoring the will of the people, I’m sorry she can do one now as well.
As for the rest of the parasites, they can be stripped of all entitlement and we’ll turn their palaces into fun parks and museums.
The only difference between this ‘ranga playboy and Jüncker/Tusk /Soubry/Barnier et al, is that Hewitt Junior dresses like a Nazi.
Bravo captain!! ?
I live in Sussex and never voted for this cunt!!
Oh yeh a bit like Juncker and tusk…..
You surprise me Mr Fiddler. I thought a member of the landed gentry like yourself, with his own pack of hounds, would have been a fawning, forelock-tugging admirer of the royals. No knighthood on the horizon after this post, methinks.
Point of order Mr Polly: Sir Dick was knighted many years ago, but along with fellow “man of the people” (Sir) Keir Starmer, he prefers to be addressed and known as simply Dick Fiddler.
Fiddler Towers was on a list of National Trust properties but was revoked due to ‘issues’ over the Gay Pride badges and concern over great uncle Fiddlers antiquities from 19th African exploration.
Dick could follow the examples of other CunKnights of the realm, all honourable men:
Sir Phillip Green
Sir Richard Branson
Sir Alex Ferguson
Sir Jimmy Savile
Didn’t his farm shop get closed down coz he agreed to bake a cake for a gay wedding, but insisted on making it a large bumhole with a penis poking out of it?
He is very shaggable but becoming a total wanker since hooking up with that half breed daughter of a cotton picker.
She will do more harm than Diana.
Meghan is a diva. Her skin color and ancestry are not relevant but her virtue signaling feminist shitehole bollocks is becoming a real issue.
Shut up love. Use your mouth to suck off your husband.
Silly little tart……
So eloquently put as usual Krav. Evening .
I would happily suck him off…
I’m not so sure about that but everyone to their own taste! I’m quite liberal about these things( with a small “l”)
I know someone who works in one of the Royal residences. The staff have received correspondence to tell them not to feel obliged to say hello to these two parasites if they bump into them in the grounds. In other words, they can’t be arsed to talk to the little folk. Arseholes.
Betty, I’ve heard that one, too! Also heard that the Half-Blood ginger idiot is now preparing their food, as the little cotton picker was convinced that malcontented staff were adding a little extra protein Not me! I would hide a great big turd in her omelette!
Shame we can’t swap him and get Henry VIII back. That old sod would come in handy at the mo…
“Verhofstadt? Orf with his ‘ead…”
Who the fuck in the palace is responsible for the upbringing of these two little feckless cunts.? Who has moulded them, programmed them and , even got the fuckers to marry. ? Who in fuck encouraged the meeting of Ginger knob and the celebrity Trailer Trash Moll ? And who in fuck wants to meddle ( experimentally ) with 1000 years of Royal Selective breeding ?
Find the fucker, who, and when who is found, rip off his knackers, before setting the hounds on him.
Harry, the half blood Prince needs his arse kicked into reality !
There are no lights in the jungle Harry. ..That’s why they all have flat noses !
Prince Harry visits a clairvoyant, ..”I have two women in love with me, Polly & Sally. Who will be the lucky one ??”
“Sally will marry you,” replies the clairvoyant. “Polly will be the lucky one.”
Off topic, the Maybott is getting her own back on the cunts in parliament, making them work on Friday!!
They have found a devious way of presenting the ‘Deal’ ……
By splitting it down the middle….. and only voting on the withdrawl not the future
And, its just to satisfy the EU, bend over and take it up the arse!!
Same as it ever was…
What it’s come down to is unbelievable, ten Irish cunts have our entire future in their hands. This will be their 15 minutes and they will milk it.
Right about now Im in love with Arlene !
Arlene Foster for PM!
Like I’ve said before, these “Irish cunts” should have headed the negotiating team for Brexit in Brussels. They do no shit and would have come back with a better deal than the fuckin English civil servants. They have a fierce reputation for negotiating and would of turned those bastards over. And before you ask, I’m English. Respect to those dudes.
May was so desperate to get a deal she forgot to read the fine print.
The only problem with the Oirish is they can’t agree with each other let alone anyone else.
Now come on, Dick – you think this witless orange vegetable can compete with Sarah Fucking Ferguson as the absolute benchmark for a Royal ginger parasite ?
Behave yourself man !
Arlene Foster would make a 1st rate PM.
Perhaps, though, we should borrow Jaycinda from NZ. Only problem being that if she went walkabout with her hijab in London she would be impossible to spot until she speaks. She sounds like the late Lester Piggott.
They could just follow her halo, inherited from St Jo of Cox.
On the subject of entitled posh cunts…
Jacob Rees-Sycophantic-Turncoat-Mogg, speaking re Mrs May, on Peston last night:
“I think it was incredibly noble and extremely dignified the way she addressed the 1922 committee, it was extremely impressive that she came across as a very honest, dutiful and courageous person who was putting the interests of her country and her party above her own personal interests…”
Yuk! That’s beyond satire. The simpering wimp is now content to sell our country down the river, signing us up to be an EU “slave state” (his description).
To be honest it’s a relief to no longer feel obliged to take this brown-nosing little twerp seriously anymore. No better than those other two unprincipled chancers, Boris Johnson and Catweasle.
The next GE will be fun, I think I will spoil my ballot paper and leave a skidmark on it but this might be misinterpreted as a vote for Comrade Compo.
I wonder how many pieces of silver were given to Judas Rees-Mogg.
Apparently, if you spoil your voting card by drawing a big cock, with all pubes and a Japs Eye, it counts as a vote for Labour! A big hairy ‘Edna Hinge’ counts as a vote for Lib/Dem!
Evening Ruff Tuff,
I still had some hope in people like JRM but now he’s pussied out my trust that was hanging by a thread has diminished completely. I dont even trust Farage anymore , all talk and no action.
Evening Fenton,
Trust him or not, Farage is standing firm, continuing to describe May’s deal as “the worst deal in history.” He would prefer (if No Deal WTO cannot be achieved) to “press the reset button” with a long extension if necessary, because the ‘deal’ is in actuality yet another EU treaty from which the UK would be unable to escape without the remaining 27 member’s agreement.
Yeah, fuck that Eton snotrag, Harry Potter lookalike fucking cunt. The wanker was just manoeuvering for position at the trough. Rich cunts always stick together in the end.
Beano’s Lord Snooty /Walter the Softy lookalike.
One thing with the DUP. They sure know how to negotiate. Unlike this generation of quivering snowflakes this side of the Irish sea.
Having been to a few royal events, I feel genuinely sorry for the hard working members of the Royal Family. These events are complete freak shows, with all the guests having a good gawp. The Queen and Charlie are actually the few remaining bastions of decency and a sense of selfless duty. What’s the alternative? Commissar Corbyn?
Harry is not my taste. Seeing the cunt in a beard in Army uniform boils my piss. Ginger hipster cunt.
I see a vessel was hijacked by a bunch of dar quays the ship’s captain had rescued.
And people wonder about the ascendancy of the far right.
Well said, Sgt Major! At least it gave the SBS a good run out! Just a shame they were in U.K. territorial waters, as they would have been dumped over the side, which the rest of the shit!
There’s the heir, the spare heir and the spare spare heir. And the spare female heir
There’s the heir’s heir and the heir’s spare heir, also the spare heir’s heir and spare heir , the spare spare heir’s heir and spare heir, and…
The heir’s heir’s heir, spare heir and spare spare heir, and the heir’s spare heir’s still embryonic heir, coming shortly.
How many fucking heirs do we need? Note, every male royal heir for years of heirs has gone bald prematurely. Except Hairy.
The boy Hewitt made a big mistake shacking up with this gold digging, pretend snowflake, champagne socialist whore.
As soon as the sprog pops out she’s made for life. How long before she fucks off back to Hollywood is any cunt’s guess.
He should have stuck with posh upper class tarts…..they understand where he comes from……and are, almost certainly, a better shag anyway.
I ‘second’ this nomination! I had high hopes for Hewitt Jnr. He is a time served combat veteran, and did great works with his Invictus concept. I believed he would have been a great ambassador for our armed forces, and the country. But since he’s hooked up with that truly dreadful, trailer trash tainted blood grifter from the colonies, he’s become nothing more than a ginger pubed, pussy whipped half wit! I will give this marriage 5 years before it either dissolves, or the little tramp finds herself embracing a concrete pillar in some dimly lit underpass!