Katie Price

Katie Price is a cheap cunt.
This pointless ho is no stranger to tabloid fuckwittery, as she sucked and fucked her way through the shallow end of the z list celebrity piss pool, spawning multiple kids by multiple bellends. How her fame as a glamour model came about is a mystery to me, as she was one of the least attractive of the bunch during her time flashing her crap tits on page three. Not afraid to use any means necessary to maintain her grip on the little amount of fame she has, including hawking her kids for all to see and mock. Now she has been to court for crashing her Chelsea tractor pissed up, and has mostly got away with it because the plod couldn’t prove it was her driving, and she refused to say who was. I couldn’t care less if she kills herself or her family, but some poor cunt on a public road shouldn’t have have their life put at risk by this fucking shameless skank.

Nominated by Gutstick Japseye

57 thoughts on “Katie Price

  1. Hideous disgusting skank.
    Stupid fake tits.
    No talent.
    No class.
    A cunt.

  2. The state of its phizzog is enough to keep me amused for hours…
    What in the name of Kerry Katona are these whores thinking as they perpetually pump there lips & faces full of shite in the hollow hope that they are attractive to someone.. Anyone…
    She is the Queen cunt to the hoard of fucking TOWIE.. Chelsea.. And god knows what “reality” Morons…
    Fake tan covered, Botox filled, plastic… Cunts
    Waste of fuckin Snap & Baccy the lot of em….

  3. Apparently Katie is contemplating having Harvey (hello you cunt) locked up in an institution. He’s 16 now and weighs about 20 stone. He smashes the place up and is a danger to the other brats.
    Of course the truth is he’s a danger to Katie getting the copious lengths of cock she thrives on. There won’t be many blokes wanting to fuck her if they have to face an out of control gorilla.
    On the other hand, turning lezzer would do wonders for her sleb profile.

  4. The wife, for some unfathomable reason takes an interest in the comings and goings of this wretched trout.
    If you look at her when she first dropped on the scene, she was actually quite fit (in my humble opinion) before she completely ruined her face and tits by messing with them. Which leads me on to the matter of fillers, well worthy of a cunting of it’s own. Who in the name of fuck would honestly want to pump their face full of that shite when you look at all the other walking Picassos that have had it done? Katie Price being a prime example….I would happily hand over a crisp £20 note to anyone that could find me a slob who has had fillers and looks better for it, instead of looking like Pete Burn’s long long sister.
    But back to that worn out bucket….she is despicable enough for the way she hawks her sorry brood around national television and subjects those poor kids to whichever father shes chosen that week.
    Talentless freak and terrible mother.

    (By the way admin, please accept my apologies for any previous wayward behaviour, unknowing or otherwise!)

    • Nah, Ghost, she’s always been a munter. I remember seeing her getting off an aircraft in Pristina where she was visiting troops in Kosovo. After 4 hours on board, she looked like she’d been dragged through a hedge. She was rumoured to have shagged a Royal Engineer SNCO during that visit too.

  5. Can we try and be a bit more original for a frikkin change? – it was only yesterday we had this ugly cunt on here. Fuck’s sakes, we’ll be having Jeremy Corbyn and Teresa May again before the day’s out.

    Oops… my mistake, et pardonnez-moi, that was Kerry Katona.

  6. About as attractive as an unflushed, public toilet and has probably seen as many cocks as a public shitter too. With her ever-orange face and bucket-like fanny, goodness knows why anybody would want to go anywhere near such a desperately fugly and embarrassingly cheap hussy.

    • As Grandad put it one time on ‘Only Fools…’, ‘I’d ‘ave ter fink twice’.
      How do Cap’n.

      • How do to you too, Ronnie. Are you well? I’m better than I was. Drank half a gallon of gin last night and woke feeling a tad average. I haven’t felt that rough since I saw Treason May doing that awkward granny dance.

        Off out for a civilised meal later so I can dispense with the Bombay Sapphire.

  7. With her looks fading faster than a winter sunset and a cunt that’s got mileage on it than a Pakis Minicab this vacuous waste of space will soon disappear back into the sewer from where she came.
    Who’s gonna miss this pathetic attention seeking twat? Absolutely nobody…..

  8. Tragic. When she first started she had a decent pair of tits. As soon as the 1st boob job went in its been downhill all the way.

    Anybody else be pilloried and interrogated until admission of guilt or identity who was driving. If not then banged up for perverting the course of justice.

    Another driver that has got off scot free for an offence that if you or I had made would have been hounded and fined or imprisoned and made an example of.

    It just shows how crooked and corrupted the judiciary system is now in this country, no different to America. Cunts.

  9. And how come this bitch wasn’t done for withholding evidence or something? If you or I were caught for speeding (caughtspedding?!) and refused to name the driver, we’d have our collars felt faster than Jimmy Savile could rape a disabled Stoke Mandeville patient in 1973.

    • Good evening Mr Cunt Engine!
      As I pointed only a fortnight ago, although strictly speaking what you say is true, the Hamilton defence (quod vide, ibidem involves precisely NOT denying you were the driver.
      The trick is to admit you could have been the driver, but equally well so could someone else (and that neither can remember who it was). Obviously, this requires another person to be prepared to say the same (it could have been them, etc) on oath in (usually) a Magistrate’s Court. Equally obviously both parties would need to have been insured to drive the vehicle, and not demonstrably have been elsewhere at the time (&c).
      Although this would constitute perjury, I am reliably informed that as a general rule, when the “Hamilton” is invoked, the matter is normally dropped before Court action is taken.
      I am not condoning the technique, though I believe it is fairly common knowledge among certain of the “less scrupulous” of the used car dealing fraternity.
      Vicky Pryce paid the price for perjury, and I hope Katie Price will too. Certainly if it went to Court, you might be well advised to “regain your memory” (though I’ve heard that “balls of steel” can work wonders even then).

      • Evening caughtspedding,
        A most excellently concise description there, thanks.
        For the last few weeks, I must say that I’ve been quite an admirer of your use of splendidly unusual, sometimes obtuse and occasionally archaic words!
        Are you a literary chap?
        May I point out that I’m not being facetious, I’m genuinely curious! Your use of erudite language is, much like one of Katie Price’s fanny farts, a breath of fresh air!

      • Comment awaits the scooter-riding fraternity. That one certainly contained no proscribed expressions, so wtf?
        Have a dekko on the morrow, RTC and TCE!

      • Your final sentence seems perhaps oxymoronic TCE, unless you either dislike my erudite cobblers’, or far worse still, actually like Ms Price’s emesis-inducing “fanny farts”

  10. It’s 4 of her 5 kids I feel sorry for (Harvey is a lost cause), especially the Peter Andre ones. Imagine having parents who are worthless whore and an utter mong…
    Wonder what sad unfortunate fathered the other two…?

    • It shows how low brow that fucking twat Andre is, to have even put a cock in it, let alone leave it to soak. What is it with cunts, having the fertility of a cockroach? Vermin, who buy new heads for Christmas.

      • Fucking right GS.
        What did you mean with the last sentence? ‘Twas splendidly idiosyncratic and cryptic…

      • Well, these nobodies love a bit of surgery, don’t they? So, when asked what they would like for a present, new tits, face, arse, and some hair extensions will probably be top of the list. What amazes me though, is that they never look better for it, and they are never happy for long, as they have another go at a nose, or more dingy lips. Twats, who if they were skint, would have more money than sense. Or dignity. You can’t polish a turd.

      • “…parents who are worthless whore and an utter mong.”

        Which one is Peter André?
        Evening chaps.

      • Well, good point Cap’n.
        At least Peter (mong) Andre seems like a half-decent human being. Undoubtedly still a cunt, but I daresay the 2 nostril miners that are his would be better off living with him.
        Also, at some point, Harvey will attempt to fuck them, chasing the poor tikes around Price’s crumbling mansion in an unstoppable blind horn rage.

      • Most people know Harvey Dent as a Batman villain.
        In the Price household it’s a blemish on the fridge door….

      • Ho ho, good one, JR.
        I reckon that colossal scopey could put a dent in an osmium bathtub…

  11. I saw her on the telly 2 or 3 weeks back with her son Harvey. She is tiny and he is about 10 times the size of her. Still, I bet he never touched the sides of her cunt when he was inside.
    Katie Jordan is like the Tardis: small on the outside but loads of room inside when you walk through the piss flaps.

  12. I often wonder what the state of their imagination is inside their empty substance soaked heads. Probably as beautiful, inspiring, and creative as a crayon drawing done by a retarded 3 year old using only the colour red.

    Why does anyone follow these hopeless dregs? Why are we forced to follow them! Cunt media, find some real news you lazy bellends!

    • Can’t say I even notice them unless they’re up for a Cunting.

      Thanks Gutstick ?

      • Sorry RTC, I didn’t think there was anyone left in the western world that wasn’t aware of this slag. Now you must share the burden.?

      • No probs Gutstick… of course I know who she is, have done for decades, it’s just that I’m programmed to ignore the narcissistic slag and her type on a day to day basis, unless they appear on ISAC. At which point it would be disrespectful of me not to take notice of an esteemed fellow Cunter’s nomination.

  13. I remember, a few years ago now, I was standing in the queue in WH Smith’s and there were 2 girls, aged about 16, in front of me. They were buying a copy of Katie’s “autobiography”, probably the one and only book they would ever read. It was a strange feeling to realise that real people actually buy into that shit, if that makes any sense.
    To this day I still remember the price…..£12.99. I’ve pissed some money up the wall in my time but that is a proper fucking waste.

      • Evening RTC.
        Did you know that Daniella Westbrook ghost-wrote Katie Price’s autobiography?
        True fact.

      • Evening Thomas. Fucking gobsmacking. Would be surprised if either of them had the attention span to string two words together.

        Btw, I was lying about buying the book. I did however see it in SEH charity shop for 30p. Lady Creampuff would not have seen the funny side if I’d presented her with such.

        My balls would have ended up the size Buster Gonad’s for a month.

      • Of course, I was joking too.
        It was ghost-written by Harvey.
        An amusing mental image of him mashing an old-fashioned typewriter with his drool-slathered paws and bellowing like a wounded moose when he hears about all his mother’s slutty shenanigans.

      • Ha ha – I bet Harvey’s version would have been a lot more literate, let alone entertaining!

    • What was the name of her book? How to become a Z grade with only one cunt working for you?

  14. The only thing that Westbrook whore has ever written is an IOU for her next bag of Colombian class A.

  15. Sorry… can’t post anything constructive… the stench of her kipper crate is fucking up my mind!

  16. I’m sure that if you fucked her it would be like opening your window and fucking the night

  17. As I watched the TV this morning I was horrified by what I saw. Why are we subjected to this first thing in the morning?

    The twisted mangled wreck of a bike. What a massive cunt!

    But anyway. Enough about Katie Price.

  18. She is a worthless vacuous slapper, but I’ve been watching the England women playing the yanks at football and they’ve improved beyond all recognition. I honestly believe they are capable of giving a high school team a good game now. Harvey’s school team that is. See how I got it back on topic there?

  19. Harvey Price is following in his mum’s footsteps by getting his first modelling contract…

    He’s the new face of Mr Potato head.

  20. She was in charge of the vehicle as it turned out she had the key. 3 month ban, what a cunt. I know someone that slept in their car pissed. They had the keys on them, plod turned up and woke them up and did them for drunk in charge. 12month ban was the result.
    How Katie Fucking useless cunt Price dodged a more serious punishment is beyond me. She deserves a public lashing for the damage she has caused to society over the course of he career never mind driving pissed and crashing! The degridation of society.

  21. I confess to finding her easy to masturbate over back in the millennial dawn, when she was known as Jordan from Brighton.

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