John McDonnell (4)

A red flag 1984* cunting please for the man who would be “Speed” to Steptoe’s Citizen Smith in a Labour government.

This is the time of life when poor old John should be putting his feet up – perhaps a bit of light exercise on a Sunday morning by helping his old mate Jeremy on his allotment, shovelling in the manure, followed by a quick trip to the boozer for a swift half. If he can’t resist the limelight as most MPs cant, he could sign up to an agency and do adverts for stairlifts, denture fixative or funeral plans. However, it seems that he wants to send economic civil servants for “retraining”, which is where 1984 comes in:

* How many fingers am I holding up, Winston?

– Four

But if the party says there are not 4 but 5 – then how many? ……

As George Orwell wrote in 1984 “It takes a long time to become well, Winston”

This is a deluded dangerous old man. Make no mistake Steptoe might dream of the glorious day, but all he does is talk about it. He hasn’t even got the guts to admit he is a Brexiteer, instead allowing Dame Keir, Hilary Duckie-Benn and Sugartits to take over the farce, but old John, despite the grandad haircut, glasses and false teeth is the real thing – a total off-his-rocker cunt, yet I am sure fuckwits like Polly Toynbee would find him frightfully amusing and believable and urge her readers in the breakfast to vote for this commie crap.

Nominated by W. C. Boggs

71 thoughts on “John McDonnell (4)

  1. Jeremy is the woolly Socialist/Marxist but in reality a sixth form idealist never grew up cunt. John is far more insidious, John is a grown up, John is a very capable man, Jeremy is the key to the door to real power for John cunt.

    Jeremy is the eternal agitator, Jeremy was happiest stirring up shit in the Labour Party, John in the other hand wants power and John would turn that power on the English people, the people and nation he despises, John is a fervent Irish nationalist and celebrates IRA murderers as heroes.

    John McDonnell isn’t a cunt, he is a nasty dangerous cunt. If you’re English and you vote for John McDonnell you’re fuckijng crazy, this cunt hates you to the bottom of his feinian heart.

    • Spot on SV, catweazle is just a comedy aside. Where as this cunt is a nasty piece of work, recently he said Churchill was a villain.
      What makes him so nasty and dangerous, is in his twisted mind he hates decent ordinary people who work for a living.
      Anybody who tries to better themselves, or get on in life he hates that. And by fuck will he punish them if he ever came to power.

    • My thoughts too SixdogVomit. I cannot bear watching or listening to this Cretin. He is a dangerous evil manipulator, masquerading as the sweet next door grandpa, & he makes me cringe. He should stick to mumblings about trains, toilets & arthritis…then bugger off to the nearest bog, with his glow in the dark loo paper, and never raise his mug above the bowl again.

    • John should be first up against the wall and one in the nut come a revolution! The daft old cunt.

  2. The son of a bus driver. What is it about bus drivers and their cuntish offspring?
    What did Lineker’s dad do for a living I wonder?

    • I don’t know but I wish it had made him infertile, lineker and his dad are both cunts.

      • Lineker’s dad was a trader on Leicester market until he died in 2017 and a really nice bloke by all accounts. He only passed the cunt gene to Gary.

  3. Simply put this cunt and his loonie mates would cripple the working family with extreme taxes to support the unwashed feckless cunts the peacefuls and the aspiring architects doctors etc, if this cunt gets expect your piss to fuckin boil

    • John McDonnalds was on the Marr Show awhile back, failing to adequately explain how he was going to spend an extra £500 billion without it costing the average taxpayer a penny!

      “How so?” he was asked. Easy: soak the top 30% of earners, borrow the rest, then invest the proceeds in the public sector and hey presto – it pays for itself! And with interest rates being so low a few hundred billion can easily be added to the already eye watering £2 trillion National Debt – fuckin’ peanuts mate!

      And when interest rates go up? Needless to say Marr was far from convinced.

      Then there’s his innocuous sounding ‘Garden Tax’:

      • I’ll tell you how he will do it RTC. He will bleed the rich untill the economy collapses.
        This sinister cunt will be causing the damage if they get in. Dear old Jeremy is just a useful idiot , a front man for McDonall’s momentum thugs.
        Socialists fatal flaw is failing to accept the fact that Wealth has to be created before it can be redistributed.
        If Labour get in a vicious cycle of extravagance will develop, pushing up inflation, worsening debts, throttling enterprise, creating unemployment and driving up taxes.

      • Evening Fenton.

        Reckon you’ve covered most bases there… though the economy will probably boom during the first few years, with the building and management of gulags.

      • Corbynski is a complete & utter evil lying cunt. They should publicly hang the Catweazely bastard.

  4. ….and such a punchable face!
    I don’t care if he’s old, I wouldn’t be able to resist.

    Every time I listen to him on the telly or radio I just think “what the fuck is this cunt on?”
    How can anyone think that he’d be anything other than a total disaster as chancellor? The cunt clearly has no fucking idea what he’s talking about.

    Did I mention he has a very punchable face….

  5. I’m afraid the ‘leavers’ vote will be split at the next election such is the anger with the referendum fuck ups where as every remainer and uni snowflake will vote for these cunts.
    Just as the rest of Europe and the US turn right we could be left with these evil commie jokers.

    • Nah, Labour needs it’s traditional voters in it’s traditional heartlands. I can’t see why they would be attracted to either the Blairite EU tendency or the representatives of the People’s Republic of Islington.

      • With the help of the BBC they will probably sanitize the old bugger. He will take to wearing cardigans and having Sugartits and Bulldyke Phillips sitting on his knee as he offers them a Wurthers Original.

        The original purpose of my cunting was that earlier this week he had said that he would have economic staff “retrained” in left wing economics.

      • For retraining read brainwashing, and i wonder what the fate would be for someone who refused, or blew the whistle.
        He’s sinister in his approach to economics, we would be bankrupt in no time.

      • Apologies if this has been covered, but the victim of the stabbing near Regents Park Mosque was surprise surprise a Chechen refugee. They were apparently after his £60,000 watch and whatever ‘job’ he had, business is good as he had just waved off his parents and brothers who were going on holiday. All round good guy, old ladies and shopping, usual bollocks.

      • Yes, I saw this earlier. 24 years old, from yet another shithole I know not and care even less, an aspiring ‘music producer’ and a 60 grand watch on his wrist.

        You know the world is a bit upside down when the MSM is spinning foreign criminals as victims.

        Not that much of a surprise, to be honest. They’re getting lairy about even reporting ethnicities now. I grew up in a world of ‘police are looking for a black male’……..

  6. I am instinctively anti-Labour because I believe the best people to decide how your money should be spent is you. Piss it up the wall or invest for old age. Your choice but you should have that choice. I also believe that taxation should be minimal. I detest the Labour viewpoint of “what’s mine is mine and what’s yours is mine” Profligate and inefficient spending of tax revenues is a hallmark of Labour. Recall the note left at the Treasury by Liam Byrne “I’m afraid to tell you there’s no money left”. If they get into power Labour cunts always end up bankrupting the country (or the County at local level). No, I would never trust John McDonnell as Chancellor of the Exchequer BUT be fair to him. He has consistently opposed the privatisation of public services and opposed every PFI scheme put forward by both Labour and Conservative governments. I am with him here. I think the health service, railways, power generation, water supply, postal service and landline telephone system should be in public not private (often foreign) hands because they are essential services upon which, in the final analysis, the security of the country depends. He also has a real hatred of banks and bankers and wants much tighter controls over them especially when it comes to their tax avoidance schemes. I agree with him 100%. He was also strongly against the Bush-Blair invasion of Iraq which he correctly predicted would damage the territorial integrity of Iraq and destabilise the whole region. Therefore, fellow cunters, I cannot say in all honesty that I think he is a complete cunt. He has some redeeming qualities that would make him, I estimate, 66% cunt. Which is a mild condition compared to my 100% cuntitude.

    • Good morning Jeremy. I trust you and the Karma Police enjoyed reading my comment. Just one small favour to ask old chap – do try and speed it up a bit, there’s a good fellow. Eight hours in the moderation bin is, I think, a little excessive for such a short, innocuous comment. Or is it part of your equality and diversity programme to recruit dyslexics these days. Say hello to the Keys from me.

      • Krays not Keys. Predictive cunttext. Anyone know how to disable it on an Acer tablet? Jeremy?

  7. This Lenninist/Marxist/Stalinist genuflecting cunt is more dangerous than Corbyn.

    He would destroy the economy for generations to come. If labour, Allah forbid, the gets in the city of London financial district would implode immediately.

    I am married to a very high flying banking executive and can assure you this would happen. The UK would be FUCKED. It would make the winter of discontent look like a picnic. Greece would be a good place to go.

    Renationalisation, bond issuing, borrowing trillions of pounds….
    This cunt would be like Gary Glitter in a Vietnamese kindergarden if he ever got to be chancellor.

    Austerity had to be brought in. The country was near broke thanks to Gordon Brown. Imagine what would happen under Labor.

    Oh, and he hates Jews: Cunt.

    • When you said you were married to a very high-flying banking executive I was surprised, then I realised you were a gay man and thanked Zippy and Bungle your SO is indeed a man.

      Women are fucking up politics. We dont need them in high-level banking.

    • Corbyn is more a ‘useful idiot’… though no less dangerous for that.

  8. Spot on, Kravdarth. Corbyn and Flabbott are just stupid cunts but the third member of this triumvirate is by far the most dangerous cunt in Westminster. Worried about a hard Brexit ? You ain’t seen nothing yet if this prick gets into power. He will do more damage to this country than Brexit ever will, the IRA fanboy cunt. Yet people in their millions fail to see through him….

    • Completely true BH. This is a point that Tories and all Brexit supporters should have been pushing a long time ago. It’s the perfect antidote for all the doom and gloom merchants..Y.A.S.N.Y

  9. Uncle Joe’s purges would have nothing on this shower of absolute Cunts.

    Socialism does not work. He is As Mrs T said: Socialism means eventually running out of other peoples’ money.

    Tax would go to ridiculous levels. Again, as Maggie said: There is no such thing as public money, it is taxpayers money.

    Don’t worry, counters. I I will call the Israeli embassy and tell them he is secretly an Iranian missile scientist……..

    • Thatcher’s precise quote being:

      “The problem with Socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.”

      Too fucking right! As has been demonstrated again and again and again, more recently in Venezuela.

  10. His desire to suck the tit of the EU via a soft brexit nipple is at odds with his socialist beliefs and party ideology. NO Nationalization can be allowed in the Union membership. No State Subsidies allowed in the Union. And the Trade Union Movement to be replaced with a newer ” much fairer “( he he ) system of arbitration which is controlled from ( guess where ? ) Brussels.

    Labour ? A fuck off party for pocket knob doodlers.

  11. What the fuck is going on with Mavis and wanting a FOURTH fucking vote on her sell out?
    I reckon the EU have told her “keep them voting until you get the right result. It always works for us.”

    • After indicative votes, it will be a choice between her “deal” and something very similar to Norway plan, i’ve gone past caring now they’ve robbed us.
      Even the Sun has lost it’s bottle for a fight, it called the 34 Tories who voted against her deal villains, but to me they are heroes. Without them we’d be fucked

    • What gets me FTF, is that they call it ‘the meaningful vote’!!
      Were the first three, two of which resulted in the biggest defeats in parliamentary history, not meaningful enough?
      And whatever happened to no deal is better than a bad deal?
      Brexit is fucked

  12. Provisional IRA lover & hater of all things Winston Churchill John McDonnell is a proper leftie cunt

  13. C4 metropolitan luvvie Jon Snows comment on the pro-Brexit protest outside Parliament of “I have never seen so many white people in one place” personifies the contempt and arrogance these cunts have. Except you probably have Jon at the Glastonbury Corbyn wankathon a few years back, cheerleading the leader of a party who will make The Winter of Discontent look like a fun fair.

    • Yeh I saw that too LL and it boiled my piss.

      Can you just imagine the fucking outrage there would be if a Newsreader said “And we leave Brixton having never seen so many Dark Keys assembled in one place”?

      • Or last weeks remainers march, where he could have said ‘I’ve never seen so many cunts…’

    • Jon Snow Gary Lineker and O, shitehead all in the same room and be given the location of the that room.?????

  14. Well the Tory front bench is fucking abysmal but compared to Labour’s front bench they are doyennes of political enterprise and intellect.

    Corbyn’s heart is in the right place, I’m sure, he’s just a deluded cunt.

    The DFS Leather Sofa would have trouble counting up on Sir Ranulph Fiennes’ fingers.

    But MacNationalise is a truly dangerous cunt, more so because he simply doesn’t realise that he is dangerous.

    If Brexit goes ahead and we save X billion a year from EU subs then the Connies will use that to reduce the national debt (left by the last fuck up of a Labour Government).

    However, if MacNationalise gets his grubbies on the treasury we’ll be 1/2 a trillion in debt before Diane Abbott could say: “Finger licking good!”

    He’s a good socialist in the Red Robbo mold just waiting for his chance to run out of other people’s money.

    It wouldn’t be so bad if it would be pissed away on something worthwhile like actually enforcing illegal immigration laws and deporting cunts, cracking crime epidemics like in Londonistab, etc., but you just know it will be on unworkable follies that cost the earth but amount to fuck all – just like the good wickle socialist that he is.

    He won’t get my vote.

    Neither will the Tories.

    Don’t vote for either of those cunt parties because they have converged in their cuntitude and abject disregard of the population they’re supposed to represent.

    We need better!

    We deserve better!

  15. I can imagine the scene, waking up in a dingy basement strapped to a chair with electrodes attached to your bollocks and McDonnell looming over you explaining the benefits of re-education. He looks the type that would enjoy torture doesn’t he ?

  16. That cunt the Pope is in Morocco today, and as usual, he’s banging on about the ill treatment of migrants, and that building walls only hurts people who are legitimately seeking a better life. So, not even pretending that they are escaping persecution and whatever, just seeking a better life. It’s mainly a dig at Trump, and his wall to keep out the half of Latin America that is barging it’s way into the USA. Let’s not forget that it’s the catholic faith that most of these cunts subscribe to, but he doesn’t say chill out, stop killing each other, or breeding like rats, so the local economies can cope with the numbers. It’s the perfect faith for a cunt, as you can murder, rape, sell drugs, traffic people, whatever, and as long as you repent at some point, all is forgiven. Cunt.

  17. He is by far the most dangerous man in Britain. If labour gets in, poor old Jeremy will be so out of his depth he will become a McDonnell puppet. I genuinely think he is evil.
    Nationalise the railways, post office for starters. Build one million council houses ( to give them their proper title).. Raise tax threshold. Cut duty on brandy to none. Ten thousand more black police, ten thousand more black nurses. Build a thousand more schools in deprived areas, Bradford, Rochdale, Rotherham, Luton.

    And all at no cost to the taxpayer. Maybe he isn’t evil, maybe he’s Jesus.

  18. Some um bongo drinking PhD biochemist has been sacked from her £100,000 a year job as a diversity manager with an NHS trust for racism and and homophobia against a whitey.
    One hundred fucking grand?

    Fuck off back to africa you cotton picking freeloading ugly bint.

  19. Watching boxing on Sly.

    Liverpool’s very own “glass jaw” David Price Vs the “Pride of Birmingham”, i.e., some “Peaceful” called Kash Ali.

    Ali disqualified for biting (yes Tyson/Aguero style) Price.

    I never knew David Price was Halal??

    • If i was price i’d be straight to A&E, for a tetanus injection. You don’t know what diseases those dirty cunts carry.

    • I think she’s still trying to get pregnant again, will this be 4 or 5 she’s had ? that’ll be half what her mother had.
      They breed faster than rats, and are twice as dirty. And the silly cunt at the top of the page would repatriate her, and any fucker she brought back with her.
      They would be housed at our expense, and compensation paid for the mistreatment at the hands of the imperialists. If we’re not careful all this is coming to a town nearby.

  20. The only difference between Luton and Syria is the in Luton the cars are right hand drive……

    • It made me laugh when shitmena said “i didn’t ask to be the pin up girl for isis” i bet a few suicide bombers were put off, when they saw what a virgin really looks like. Can you imagine 72 of those ugly fuckers you have to go through !

  21. I know I am an Iron but she really is pig fucking ugly…..

    Nearly as ugly as Mrs Tony Blair.

    • I didn’t know he had anything to do with the N.U.M ? as he claims on that clip.
      We can call him a cunt all we want but that fella is sinister.

    • Evening RTC.
      Pritti Patel. I wouldn’t mind giving her a dam good fucking. She looks well dirty.

  22. I think the ugliest wife of an MP, i’ve seen, was ken clarkes mrs. When he was chancellor he arrived on budget day, and it looked like his fucking mum was with him.
    And he must have been in his 60s then, i think he must have had viagra to fuck that big fat fucking pig.

  23. I wish I had something to add to this worthy cunting, but everybody has covered it. Our economic cycle is:

    Labour government: Bust
    Tory government: Boom
    Etc etc

    Sadly, history repeats itself, so we’re due a Labour government. Should be due a good war too. Conscription for snowflakes anyone?

    • Real chance of a labour government Sgt Maj, don’t know about a war. But if there was i would like a civil war, there are quite a few cunts i’d like to look at down the barrel of a gun.

  24. I have a gun if you want to borrow it CMOA. I’ll be defending my loved ones and home with a knife. You know…… to be ‘down with the yoof’.

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