Hope Not Hate

Hope not Hate

These holier than thou cunts have always irritated me.

They have done something akin to market research and come up with the pearl that Islamophobia is driving the rise of the far right. The cunts manage to identify that there may be a link between terror attacks such as London and Manchester, but hey those attacks don’t represent Islam.

Apparently 35% of people questioned believe that Islam has a negative impact on our culture and society; racist cunts eh?

In a footnote they mention that anti Semitism is on the rise but ignore that and focus on the all pervading far right threat.

Reading between the lines I think what HNH are worried about is more and more people see Islam as a problem.

Well hope not hate people, maybe more and more people are opening their eyes to Islam? Maybe it’s natural for people to have questions about  Islam and its links to terrorist and barbaric acts around the world?

Maybe it’s acceptable for people to question anything that changes part of their towns, cities and country beyond recognition?

Hope not hate? Fuck off, when I see you protesting outside Corbyn’s house or Labour Party HQ I’ll stop thinking you’re just another bunch of leftist hypocrites.

Nominated by Sixdog Vomit

72 thoughts on “Hope Not Hate

  1. Marxist scum using “islamophobia” to justify attacking their political enemies.
    Fuckin soy boys every last one of em….

    Islam kills more people in a week than all the other religions put together kill in a year.
    Religion of peace?
    Get fucked.

    Strange as well isn’t it that they don’t stand up for the gays when hoards of Muslims protest about poovery being taught to their kids in schools.
    Total silence.
    I wonder what they’d say if white English people spoke out about it?
    No doubt a campaign of hate would be launched from hope not hate (what is it with commies and their ironic names?) containing lots of “isms” and “phobias”.

    Worthy nom sixdog. HNH are scum.

    • Gonna be an interesting battle between The Gays and the Muzzas over degeneracy education in schools. I’m betting on The Gays because,after all, Poofery trumped Christian beliefs when that cake shop wouldn’t bake the poofs a cake celebrating moral corruption or when the B+B owners didn’t fancy having 2 Nancyboys shit-stabbing on their freshly laundered sheets….of course, I may well be wrong because Muslims are always to be treated with the respect that the Peaceful religion deserves…besides,they might detonate a bomb in the nearest Kuffar kids reception class unless they get their way….cutting of their noses to spite their faces if they do…which kiddies can they abuse if they’ve blown them all up?

      It’s a right pickle,this one.

      Inshallah and Fuck Off.

      • Yea I think the muzzies will easily win.
        Firstly the Muslims are higher up on the victimhood hierarchy so their rights trump those below them, and also the sheer terror of the “liberals” will mean unconditional capitulation and pathetic grovelling to the religion of oppression and conquest….
        Their principles aren’t really principles, they’re just metaphorical sticks that they can use to beat their political opponents and make themselves feel virtuous.
        …Where were their feminist principles when the grooming scandal was happening?

      • Lefty twats love Gays AND Peacefuls, but hey love Peacefuls way more. Peacefuls will vote (for now) lefty politicians. Gays do not.

      • Gays are no longer oppressed enough to be a protected group. They’re fair game for the gender feminists and trans-queer unicorns. White gay men are ‘homonormative’ i.e. just not deviant enough and far too privileged relative to your local Iraqi, gender-fluid blue-haired trans-queen..

        It could be that a number of gay men are worried about the rising acceptance of homophobia amongst the retarded left via their more oppressed enrichers (not just peacefuls. Young black men are by and large dismissive of the gays) and have since spoken against the narrative the Guardian and BBC had all set out for them.

        Douglas Murray, Dave Rubin and Milo Yiannopoulos are apparently worried where they might be in 10 years.

        Owen Jones is apparently not.

  2. Only 35% (of people questioned believe that Islam has a negative impact on our culture and society)!?!

    Were they only asking cunts in cosmopolitan Londonistab?

    The rest of the country would be double that at the very least!

    • Probably too late in some areas of big metro cities – the indigenous population in these areas are probably in the minority; so it is no wonder the percentage is so low

    • They probably forgot to mention that only 35% of the people asked were white British.

  3. Hope you are thick as shit and don’t hate the rich cunts who are funding this bullshit propaganda. Saw an article in “The Independent “ (Independent my arse) about what will happen if the orange one refuses to leave office when he loses the 2020 election. There’s 6 weeks between Tangoman losing and the new Obama-like President taking office so which Prez will the army obey? I shat myself I can tell you.
    Unfortunately i didn’t have time to read it because I was stocking up my supply of tinned food along with all the other trembling little snowflake pansy boys.
    Oh woe is me. Somebody help me please!

  4. I wonder if the 65% who thought that Islam had a positive effect on society came from the many areas where grooming gangs have been acting with impunity while their community stood by and said nothing? Perhaps they came from the areas where the schools, doctors and housing are swamped? Or Perhaps they come from the areas where their children were blown up and maimed by some fanatic?…
    Probably not, I suspect that Hope Not Hate were bloody selective where they conducted their survey. I prefer to believe that they have got the figures the wrong way round and 65% of people realise what a cancer Islam is to society,and the 35% are the ones who don’t have to live with the effects that this medieval death cult is actually having on this country.

    Anyone who can’t see the danger posed by radical Islam,which is allowed to flourish within it’s own community,is a fool. As are the apologists who stifle any criticism through their shrill screams of “racist”.

    Fuck them.

  5. I hope that everyone who hates Western culture is booted out of the country.

  6. I hate cunt advocacy human rights groups like this, some peaceful blows abunch of people up and cunts like hope not hate come out and offers support not for the victims but for the mouse limb terrorists and their sympathisers unbelievable. Sure these fuckwits offer their support and condolences to the isis brides birds of a feathers cunters birds of a feather flock together

  7. It has always been my understanding that Islam and Judaism are religions… And hence the followers of either do so by choice..
    How in our modern society did they achieve “race” Status… So that if you have an opinion on either you are deemed a “racist”..
    It fuckin baffles me how the MSM throw terms like ” Racist” In with “anti-semite” And, “Islamophobia”…
    Utter bullshit..
    Surely a ” Race” Is determined by where you are born, your place of birth and the colour of your skin.. Not which make believe medieval method of control you “choose” To be enslaved by…
    “Racism” AKA “telling the truth”..
    Cunts – the lot of em

    • Don’t go there, it’s a can of worms. No, Islam is not a race, and it is not racist to criticise its adherents. Although criticising them en masse and without distinction is IMO pretty braindead. But if you try the same logic on Judaism, you will speedily find that if
      a. You criticise the religion, you are simultaneously criticising the alleged ethnicity – perhaps defined by mitochondrial DNA and otherwise invisible, and you are an antisemite. Or
      b. If you disparage the ethnicity* (etc), you are also an antisemite. Or
      c. If you criticise Israel you are an antisemite, if you reject this definition you are an antisemite and if you even want to discuss the issue of antisemitism rationally you are a Nazi antisemite.

      PS. The far right has never, ever, under any circumstances been antisemitic. It’s only Corbyn’s lot.

      *Effectively Central European to all intents and purposes (Ashkenazim) or Arab (Sephardim)

      • You are quite right Komodo. I’m actually a moderately pro-Israel chap, but dont agree that criticising Israel or Zionism is ‘antisemitic’.

  8. According to their liberal fucked up logic, the next terrorist attack on the UK mainland may have been done by some Islamic group, but they did it because the Far Right made them do it due to Islamophobia – murder by proxy, in other words.

    So don’t blame Islam, blame the Far Right for all these atrocities because Islam is a religion of peace and “hope”


    • It’s important to remember that not all Muslims are terrorists. Some are rapists.

      • And the vast majority are neither.

        If this conversation were about Jews, you’d all be arrested.

      • Though as Peter Hitchens pointed out:

        “Radical Muslims want to cut our heads off and moderate Muslims are happy to let them do it.”

      • What do you suggest moderate Muslims do? Considering that any Muslim not strictly observing the Salafist version of sharia law is equally in the target zone?


      • After every atrocity there’s hardly a stampede to condemn the murders, all executed by believers of this 9th-century desert religion. When there is a condemning voice, it’s inevitably tempered with the epilogue “…but the British Government must…blah blah…” which, in my mind, is a condoning thumbs-up. (A friend who worked in a prison says that every time there was an attack it would be met with High Fives by Muslim inmates who considered them victories).

        The fanatical belief and peremptory obeying of their religious book doesn’t allow for a balanced view. If you’re not with “them” you’re against “them” – one of the galvanising greats.

        It’s a superb trick to convince yourself that you or your brethren have been historically hard done/persecuted by the Britishers as if every action, be it grooming, raping, fraud, destruction or murder, is justified, and by a higher court – God himself.

      • The vast majority are at least sympathisers. And they’re all cunts who make no effort to integrate, despite what you might think.

      • I beg to differ. If you mean that their retention of their religion when in the UK is a failure to integrate, I can only refer you to our friends the Red Sea Pedestrians for comparison. Equally exclusive, protected by special-interest lobbies such as BICOM, equally insistent on their own special identity being respected.

        Otherwise, may I see your data. please? Your assertion that most British Muslims sympathise with the establishment of a worldwide caliphate could use a little more support than your simple say-so.

        And if it were the case (I say it isn’t), the extreme decadence of the West, something ISAC reliably deplores on every possible occasion, would have to be factored in as a recruiting tool for members of an austere and fundamentalist religion. Maybe we should review our own disintegrating morals and ethics a bit and deny the extremists what they can sell as the moral high ground?

  9. To combat racism they should stop pretending Islam is a fucking race.
    Did Cat Stevens change race?


    • Come on peace train come blow us up again… but it basically is a race right its arab culture is deeply ingrained into their religion apart from maybe Chechenians the only white non arab muslim population I can think of

      • If I practice Haitian Vodou will that make me a black?

        PS: am currently a irreligious white.

      • Actually chechenians aren’t even true white because chechenians are so mixed. Mixture of slavic, eurasian and arab due to the arab invasion of the north caucaus They just look whiter because of their slavic lineage and the average stereotypical image of a muslim is middle eastern

        I dunno Ruff Tuff good point but it might make you a witch doctor im not saying it will change your skin colour bit it will influence you

      • A cunt’s religion (or lack of it) doesn’t denote his /her /its race… that’s the point I was making.

        Muslims (like adherents to most religions) encompass several races & colours, including white.

      • In my first year at uni, I did a year or Arabic (and it nearly ended my university “career”).
        One lecturer was a Scottish woman, who had converted to Islam. Arabic in a Scotty accent is really bizarre. “Sabach al – hire, Jimmy”… You get the picture. I encountered someone in the W. end of Sauciehall St., a really thick Billy Connolly accent, looked like Osama bin Liner.

        My mother (Anglo-Scot) always told me the Scots were more fucked up by religion than the Oirish…But at least the “Wee Frees” don’t go round blowing people up. Although there’s no doubt at all that they are completely bonkers; I sat through a sermon given in a Tabernacl a couple of years ago, the visiting sermoniser was a Wee Free from the Western Isles. Much swivelling of eyes, flapping of black robes, hellfire and damnation. When I left I was more atheist than ever.
        I’d only gone to suss out the organ, which was a bloody good Hauptwerk set-up, and better than most of the shitty pipe jobs around…

      • The distinguishing feature of the Wee Frees is their incredible capacity for whisky, in my experience. They need a lot of hellfire on a Sunday to make it better.

  10. Another thing that pisses me off about the isis bride scandal is these cunts are unapologectic about going their to begin with and unapologectic about the civilians lives that they helped kill while being sex slaves to their hand shitwipe jihadi husbands and boyfriends

    Fuck a goat and stay there its bad enough we got 14,000 or possibly even more sleeper cell terrorists already living in the uk and waiting to attack any moment. Was thinking of writing up a cunting bu don’t think i’ll bother as there are most likely 14 similar cuntings in queue

  11. How the hell can we be in the 21st century, with all the advancement in knowledge and technology we have achieved, and yet we tolerate the bloodthirsty ramblings of a medieval paedophile. Yes, I hate that, and it’s pointless trying to convert me to have ‘hope’ instead, because there isn’t any. Every second another male of their kind is popped out by one of their yoked women, another piece of the future of human civilisation dies.

  12. All my friends, relatives, fuck, everyone i know hates muslims. “Hate” is a strong word, but they mean it. I actually have a raging hate of them. I would like to ask all the cunts in the survey “What %age of all the world’s terrorists are Muslim?”

  13. The genius of the fascists responsible for the nonsense word ‘Islamophobia’ is they have managed to equate dislike of an idea – Islam – with prejudice against a group of people. And like the old Soviet Union, where dissidents were locked up in mental institutions, they have medicalised opposition to their bullshit with the use of the -phobia suffix.

    As Richard Dawkins has said, if you can convert to it, it isn’t a race.

    Personally, I dislike all religions – Islam, Christianity, transgenderism.

    • It is possible to change race.

      Michael Jackson changed from a normal looking black kid into a Doctor Who monster.

      Goodbye for now.

    • When I was a kid, our entire household was converted to natural gas by one of the feared CORGI agents.

      I am confused…as ever.

      Excellent arguments, apologies for lowering the tone. Again.

      • Lowering the tone? You’ve taken it through the floor, you cunt!

        (Absolutely superb by the way, HBH!). Lol!

  14. These unsavoury cunts should lose their misleading name and instead call themselves…

    Lies not truth…..

    Typical leftie shite, create a monster , say Russian interference, China waiting to pounce, rise of the right etc etc
    Then frighten people into accepting your slanted view of the world…..
    Tbf… both sides use this tactic
    As previous poster said it’s interesting that HNH are obsessed with the “rise” of the right which like the Russian interference in Brexit hasn’t got any real substance, where exactly are all these extreme right parties? Where are all these huge far right marches? Personally I haven’t witnessed any pogroms in hove ? Haven’t seen any on the bbc news either?
    This nonsense is to draw attention away from the unsavoury anti Semitic attacks being orchestrated by corbyns little bully boys momentum…..
    It’s wrong to label people as far right simply because they have immigration concerns but that’s exactly what these cunts want to do…..

  15. I do not believe in God. I do not believe in an afterlife. I do not believe in Angels, nor do I believe in miracles. I am ( honestly ) the most ungodly of people. Would I turn the other cheek. Like fuck I would !

    I should tolerate Religion ? Only those that keep in the background, are not intrusive and are essentially unseen and unheard. Does Islam fall into that category ? No! It does not ! That then , gentlemen, is why I hate Islam, its adherents, its followers and its book.

    I would gladly make use of any Quran as an arsewipe, and the Mosques ? ….well, that would take another post ….

    • Just as well you don’t live in the US Bible Belt, I’d say. In the (approximate) words of Le Carre (The Russia House), you can’t get on a fucking bus if you haven’t been born again…

  16. If a post gets put up, it has presumably passed the automatic filters and the mod queue. If it then disappears, wtf is going on? Are dissenting views suppressed?

    • Thanks, Admin, it’s back. And glad of the reassurance. Paranoid cunt that I sometimes am.

      • THE FILTER (no, not THE FILTER!!) appears to have a mind of its own, Komodo. For the last couple of weeks, all of my posts have been booted into ‘mod’. Now this seems to have stopped as mysteriously as it began. Most odd…

  17. One has a modicum of hope in England and the rest of the cutlery using world defeating the religion of peace as you’ve done a good job against the Church of Rome for nearly 500 years, from 5 crusader armadas to the Axis. There were/are apeasers for them and now they’re in a tailspin of self destruction, so I have confidence in the demise of Islime and it’s dark ages barbarity regardless of the efforts of SJW’s.

  18. Hope not Hate, bunch of cunts, not to be trusted, if ordinary people who have concerns about Islam and its shite view of the world are far right then I must be ultra far right Lol.

    I watched ‘The Big Questions’ yesterday, subject Islam, what a bunch of cunts but good to see some peacefuls (women) ripping the religion apart.

    One of the numpties said that if someone identifies as a muslim it has to be accepted without question ( the reference was in support of gays ).

    So the next time we hear, after a terror attack, they werent real muslims……

    i leave one last thought, not all cunts are muslim but……

    • I saw BQ’s too, one imam was wriggling like a worm on a hook when asked “Is Islam compatible with Western feminism?”.

      • Yes, the only guy who gave an accurate critique of islam was the Sheikh guy, he basically said that the original Arabic text has been translated with a bias of meanings, so to truely analyse what Islam may be saying is to study the original Arabic.
        It is clear that certain parts of the Islamic book have been used to create a power base, not unlike other religions in history.
        The issue with Islam is that it hasn’t adjusted to the modern world and will not engage with any criticism.
        A prime example was the satanic verses, mass protests everywhere, the vast majority of the protesters had never read the book but were told it was evil and blasphemous by religious leaders, no freedom of thought in Islam, do as your Imam tells you and dont question it.
        Anything that doesnt comply with Islam is not worthy.

      • I’m not trying to stir, (honestly) but…

        “Papal infallibility” ??

        Or is that now a thing of the past ?

  19. What sets Islam apart is its insistence that the Quran is the direct unchanging word of God. It ‘ contains no errors’ lol. So if it can be proved that the Quran contains just one error the whole ‘religion’ collapses like a pack of cards. I follow an ex Muslim on YouTube. He has Just published a video entitled ‘ The Qurans biggest error’. Check it out, he is called The Apostate Prophet. Very brave man. He is soon to post a video entitled ‘100 errors in the Quran’. So I get a Bit annoyed when we are told we ‘ must respect Islam ‘. Do we fuck. Isn’t it rather odd that a book supposedly Written by an all knowing God contains absolutely nothing that Wasn’t Simply the common knowledge of that time and area, nothing. A mention of kangaroos would have hard to explain. I think the internet will bring about the downfall of this medieval nonsense, it will be a slow process but it will happen.

    • I’m happy to say that applies to all the Book religions, not least in their common source. Religion as a whole is a fraud. Perhaps that is the understanding which needs to be spread more widely. Not sure how you go about that, though.

    • Of course not MPG – they’re reasonable, open minded, rational people… I’m sure they’ll cut you plenty of slack on your inevitable bungee jump.

  20. Islam is a violent, intolerant backward death cult that has no place in a free Western democratic society. The various branches of Islam cannot even live together peacefully in majority Muslim countries so is not going to work in societies with massively contrasting values and freedoms.

  21. The Bible was written by men but Islam states that the Quran was ‘ dictated’ directly to Mohammed by God over a number of years while he sat in a cave. God is apparently infallible, this is why Muslims tie themselves in knots trying to explain the nonsense to be found in the Quran. One small example: the Quran states quite clearly that semen emanates from between the rib cages.. that may have been thought to be true in the 7thC. But we know better now.Muslims simply can’t admit the error because they know their ‘ religion ‘ would then be fucked.it’s really weird how they are able to ‘ believe ‘ something which Has been proved to be patently wrong.

    • That’s what James O’Brien says about Leave voters. ?

      Good post Richard.

    • With Islam one can hold many statements as true at the same time even if there are contradictions; this applies to the Koran as the Koran is the word of God dictated to Mo. One has to remember that Allah has power over everything and by that I mean everything. An example H2O, Hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water because Allah has said so. If he changes his mind then we are fucked. The Islamic world view and philosophy are miles apart from Christian/Judaic world views. Islam is not compatible with our way of life or culture (what’s left). As the number of Muslims in a society increases so does the demands that others accept their interpretation of the world view. In a society such as ours suffering from a weak and ineffective executive plus mass infiltrations of extreme left wing views the islamification becomes rapid and unopposed in fact the pitiful state of our “leaders” aids the process. Hope not hate are cunts their collective understanding of Islam is, from what I’ve read, the fairy story version the version tony the cunt really liked.
      I suppose that as I do not want the remains of my country islamified I qualify as an islamaphobe. Surely phobia means an irrational fear. I have spent 8 years trying to make sense of Islam attempting to see how Islam could mesh with our society for the benefit of all. My conclusion is; Islam is in no way compatible with our current society. Islam is the be all and end all anything is justified to aid the rise of Islam the means always justify the end if Islam gains a leg up. My fear of Islam is very far from irrational

      • Great post BB.

        Shamima Begum said she was “okay” with IS beheadings and executions because “Islamically that is allowed”.

        As was the Manchester bombing presumably.

        Having failed to win the hearts of the UK infidels with her ‘baby’ card, her lawyer is now playing the ‘bereaved mother’ card.

        I wouldn’t mind bringing her back and putting her on trial if the British justice system was halfway fit for purpose, but it’s not. She’d get a slap on the wrist, £5 million quid on a new identity(s), and be primed to explode at a pop concert near you.

    • The cunts who make me laugh are those who reckon that God made the world in 6 days, completed it at midnight on the 1 January whatever, then although the almighty, all powerful ruler of all time and space, was so shagged out by his efforts that he had to have a lie down on the 7th day.

  22. I see he has called Esther McVey a liar this morning. I’m sure he’s cleared it with LBCs solicitors but it seems a bit risky, she could simply be mistaken.

  23. Death cult. Yes, that’s the problem. Our 21st century Liberal Elite on a suicide mission.

  24. Fuck Islam and those who believe in it. Such a nasty, bigoted faith has no place in what is supposed to be a liberal democracy. Oh, and fuck Hate not Hope too for promoting progressive fascism.

  25. That’s all true, Mr K, with the exception of your post scriptum.

    When I was in the FCO (1996-2008), the “mood” was still – extremely broad-brush – pro-Arab (especially al-Saud) and anti-Israel (the State, rather than the Torah readers).
    You don’t get much more establishment/right wing than the FCO.
    I remember well initially being surprised by this, and in earlier times – the fifties, sixties, and seventies the bias was considerably more pronounced (so I was told).

    No offence chief, just my own authentic personal experience.

    • I was being slightly facetious, in the awareness that the islamophobic ‘far right’ are now the good guys and there’s not a tiny trace of antisemitism in their ranks…come on. Same disease, different Other, and more visible.

      Re the FCO, your point is valid, to my very limited understanding as I do not move in such exalted circles. Partly, I’m guessing, this may have been a hangover from WW2, when it was essential to understand the culture and allegiances of the ME and Maghreb, in which we were fighting. Also, attitudes generally in the 50s and 60s would today be described as antisemitic, at least in private or the pub.

      Some time between Gulf 1 and Gulf 2 , our modernising leader, with the benefit of divine guidance, must have decided the FCO’s repository of skills and experience in this area was redundant*. I do remember reports at the time of Gulf 2 that there were no Arabic-speakers in the FCO, or at any rate in its higher ranks. Hence Blair’s triumph of optimism over rationality, post-occupation, was further compounded by the total absence of expertise. Your confirmation would be welcome. You lived in interesting times.

      I don;t think Blair’s loving attention to Israel’s needs was entirely coincidental, either. Much of the cash with which Levy funded his bid for power was, shall we say, not impartially donated?

      * Not that Tony would have listened to them if there had been, right?

  26. I’ve had to work in a few countries like Sweden and Germany were there is a high population of Muslims.
    Having worked and socialised with a few, they are generally nice people who can even accept criticism of their religion.

    However, the filth that groom kids, attack innocent civilians in public places and the fucked up things isis do are like a cancer to the society.

    I’m also pointing blame to the apologists in government because when you pardon this shit, it’s only going to get out of control and they’re are using their fear of offending them as a fucking weapon. How many more kids will you let have the hellish time of kidnapping and rape before you acknowledge there is a rotten core in the population? I’d hurry up, because I’m sure there is a boatload of radicalised isis whores waiting to come back after a stint as isis baby canons in the frontlines

  27. My irritation is that HNH sit there and brand anyone questioning immigration and Islam in particular are branded racist by default.

    It’s a ploy to stop discussion which in turn raises people’s level of resentment. They are cunts.

    Komodo you’ll have a hard time convincing anyone who lives in a majority Muslim area that it’s not an issue.

    I don’t blame Muslims though I blame the cunts who mismanaged immigration and the last Labour government for using immigration to change the demographic.

    Hope not hate are dishonest and through their actions they demonise ordinary people with valid concerns.

    • SV, while I can’t argue with that, and if my opinion is not in the majority here, well, I don’t expect it to be. Sure, I don’t live in a majority Muslim area, but I’ve been very well treated as a cashstrapped kafir traveller in a nearly-all-Muslim country. So my perspective is different again. I fully agree with you about those responsible. The way they went about it, and their lunatic promotion of multiculturalism, with particular reference to the teracunt Blair, was despicable, and traitorous. It has now got completely out of hand and I deplore that as much as any cunt here.

      But all Muslims are not cunts, and some of them are better people than I am. This I know for a fact.

      Here endeth the sermon. Cue Gunga Din.

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