Most people are decent, honest and well meaning sorts (unless they’re taxi drivers), yet even the nicest of people can be complete cunts when motivated by their ego
I’m a cunt, thats why I’m on here and guilty of ego motivated rantings, but I’ve seen many people (including friends) behave like, act like and talk like complete cunts as their Egos dictated their behavior. One upmanship, social climbing, talking down to cunts, and metaphorically stomping on peoples heads for self gain are all a social norm for these Egos driven cunts!
Peoples’ ponced up ideas of what they think they are or should be can completely obscure their view of their own or others’ reality. Decent cunts I’ve known and helped out have turned into complete Ego maniac cunts in later years and told me I’m a cunt as I don’t conform to their new ideals once back on their feet.
‘Kin Cunts!
Same thing in Parliament of late, so many Egos working to their own head bound mandate and beliefs, its their will against the will of the poeple and only one view counts, theirs! Not meant to be a political Cunting but a fair comparison!
Nominated by Cuntry Cunt
Yeh, like those Snowflake little Princess reporters. ‘I think’ who gives a fuck about what they think just report on the item and don’t go to another ego pumping college for an opinion to agree with you, just give us the fucking news will you. Your just another bimbo holding a phallic symbol with an ego, nobody cares about your opinion. And as soon as the first wrinkle appears you and your ego will be replaced by another self opinionated Snowflake that doesn’t know the difference between a front end loader and a bulldozer. Nobody will remember you or your opinion and by the time your arse fills out to the size of your ego you will become another divorced bitter has been and doing the #metoo shit.
And the corporates wonder why they can’t reach the people, revenue down etc, have a look in the mirror you self indulging cunts and listen to somebody else except your other self, cunts. Just give us the fucking news please.
Parliament is indeed a sea of sociopaths, narcissists and deluded egotistical cunts from across the pollical spectrum.
Spot on LL ?
Indicative voting? Shame the population doesn’t get a go at that..
Have MPs acted in good faith?
Our indicative vote …. 99.9% NO!! (you are a bunch of self serving weasel worded cunts who lost the respect of anybody who believes in democratic process) …..
Even soft remainers are sickened by the treacherous nature of the House of Commons and the House of Lords…..
You can just imagine pompous Yvette Cooper getting ready to “take control” today – she probably rode Ed Balls all night and she has left off her brassiere today so she will get more bounce to the ounce. Conceited deluded old cunt. Take control? – by the look of her she is unable even to control her bladder. Tenalady please!
Yvette cooper is really fucking annoying! Everything about her gives me rage!
How she looks? Rage
How she talks? Ditto
Her “fold arm” body language!!
Keeps asking the same fucking question!! Over and over ……
I wish May had the gumption to rip into the smug cunt!
Oi cooper!!! Fuck off ……..
mind you she’s married to that fat imbecile ed balls …… says everything….
Psycopathic characteristics….
on PCL-R test LL ?
It’s called narcissism. Overly rated sense of self importance.
WHAT the fuck was that thing on Michael Fabricants head last night?
Was it alive?
Right nonce look about him….
As seen in the middle aged man driving some wank sports car because he’s been promoted to senior bean counter in his accountancy firm.
Egotists are pompous,self-important,pain-in-the-arse windbags.
Now…. No doubt you’re all desperate to hear my views on all other subjects of the day.
Fuck Off.
Some of the biggest egomaniacs in Parliament have very little to back them up – Dominic Grieve and Hillary Benn, for example – myopic little cunts and it seems it is only their truss and braces that keeps them upright.
Lord Adonis, who looks as if he needs a bib to eat his soup and nanny to wipe his arse when he has been for a crap. David Lammy who looks as if he would be far more comfortable stark bollock naked and painted in blue. Chuckaduckie looks like one of those shrunken heads which has been attached to a full size body, oily and grotesque.
But the biggest egos belong to those who have left parliament – I am thinking especially of ventriloquist Anthony Blair and his puppet David Miliband – a pair of vacuous cunts who look as if they would both benefit from a social worker.
It will catch up with them one day – all political careers end in failure Enoch said years ago and how pathetic and needy this bunch of cunts look
Oliver Letwin the MP who was robbed in his home by two ‘young men’ whom he claimed to have let into his home IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT to ‘use the toilet’ is now at the forefront of stopping BREXIT. I’ll let you think about that for a minute.
Surely you don’t suspect that he’s a shit stabbing Cunt ?
He was allegedly stabbed over a 1000 times during the night ?
It was noted that he stood during his 2 hr account of what happened? ?
I’m just glad he’s never been caught in a compromising position which could be used by someone to manipulate and control him.
Yes Jack, I remember it well..
Letwin was also the cunt who devised the Poll Tax and got caught disposing of confidential documents in park bins:
Well overdue a Cunting.
I didn’t know that. Bit of rough trade that went South?
A very topical cunting, in view of what’s happening today in Parliament.
Watch those egos go into overdrive, as they proceed to achieve Fuck All.
As an aside, a few months ago I Cunted ‘ Anti Democrats ‘ particularly including a couple that my wife regarded as friends, but who I regarded as mere acquaintances. My suspicions about this pair of hysterical, we know best ( she’s an ex teacher ), remainers, and their snowflake granddaughter, who bursts into tears at a contrary opinion ( she’s training to be a teacher, many, many, many years of therapy in store methinks ) have been realised, as they now will not have anything to do with us.
Result !
Get to fuck.
I misread the title for this nomination and thought it was a cunting of eggs which thankfully it wasn’t because I like eggs.
Cogito Ergo Sum – Eggs think, therefore eggs are.
*Cogito egg sum rather.
You’re in danger of raising the Kraken from his hibernation if you continue to make mistakes in Latin, TITS.
Please be careful.
🙂 .
Pre-emptively –
Cogito ergo ovum sum; I think therefore I am an egg.
I very much doubt that helps.
Thanks Komodo, very helpful. My Dad did Latin in grammar school in the early 60’s so takes the piss out of me for not getting a proper education.
I realise that ego means I and Ergo means therefore but couldn’t resist a good egg-themed joke but still fucked it up.
Shouldn’t think my version was any better (I was permanently excluded from Latin for the year before O levels), and sorry to tread on your jest.
I don’t think, therefore I am an egghead….
He struggles with our language though, DF.
I have stayed out of the Brexit debate as I voted to remain and I am a Conservative.
However, leave won so leave we must.
The fact that the military was put on standby in case we left tomorrow to on WTO terms merely demonstrates how too intertwined we are with the whole EU shitehole.
No 2nd referendum. The UK voted to leave: Fact. I am not interested in any of the silly arguments about the change in electorate or it was very close. I One vote over is the decider.
David Lammy , Anna Sour Face etc al Go FUCK YOURSELVES.
May has to go, Today. I would personally like to see Norris or Jacob Rees Mogg as interim PM before a new one is appointed by Her Majesty.
If Corbinski gets into No 10 I am off to Cape Town or Tel Aviv. That weasel faced cunt will destroy the this country, open up the floodgates and spend, borrow and legislate the majority into poverty.
McDonnell, Flabby, etc make Joey Deacon look like a Cambridge Don.
Oh and the Gazan times sorry the Guardian is a vomit inducing poisonous shit rag.
Good morning and counters. I I am getting my life back together after my recent hiatus. The next 12 months will be difficult but I am made of strong stuff.
Pulled a rent boy last night. I think he was Justin Bieber as he kept saying baby, baby, baby, ooohhhhhh
Ffs Krav, I’m having my breakfast. ; )
…do you know any nice Jewish birds, krav?
I second that Krav. I’ve always had a thing for Jewish birds. I like a good nose I can rest my balls on.
Are your genitals on upside down?
Just wrap your bonces around this, cunters…. Every single Swedish political party voted against article 13… The representatives of the Swedish people UNANIMOUSLY opposed it. And yet Sweden STILL has to adopt the copyright laws….
Why? Because France made them do so. …
That’s the fucking EU…. Yeah, them cunts…
France and Ego
France and Ego
Go together like two bits of Lego…
(c) Komodo Media 2019
Which makes it all the more depressing, we’d have been leaving on Friday.
But because of stupid egotistical cunts who think they know better than the rest of us, we’re not.
And still the witch clings on.
Stripped of brexit and now stripped of democracy by a crowd of egotistical wankers.
They’ve been well and truly shown up for what we always suspected but unfortunately they leave me and many others with no one to vote for.
Some slightly encouraging figures here –
Only one in ten British adults say they trust MPs to do the right thing by the country over Brexit (11%), while seven in ten disagree (68%).
We are not alone.
Fucking depressing that 69% still intend to vote for Con or Lab. Stupid cunts.
Until the ‘first past the post’ voting system is reformed, cunts will feel obliged to vote for whoever stands the best chance of keeping the cunts they least want to see in power OUT.
Donald tusk asking european parliament to be open to a long extension.
Because the “six” million who signed the petition + the “one” million who marched, don’t feel represented in the UK. They are Europeans.
Die die you fucking horrible cunts, fuck off to europe.
Go anywhere but don’t stay in this country. I hope tusk does as well.
*dies * tusk should die, I’ll say it again so there’s no confusion, I hope tusk dies as well.
If we zoom out a bit, the whole concept of ‘Great Britain’ has become a prime example of an ego trip and an inflated sense on one’s self-worth. So many of today’s pressures result from the top-down regurgitation of how important our ‘once great’ nation still is, and an illogical compulsion to take the lead – or at least get involved in – everybody’s business, no matter how tangential the benefit or effect on our own affairs may be. What if, perhaps, we aren’t as important as we like to think?
Vanity is showing off to impress others; Egotism is showing off to impress yourself.
So what if we once ruled half of the World, wrote the rules that (in theory, at least) allowed people to live in a more equal society, invented almost everything important (from steam engines to the world wide web, football, cricket, television and radio waves), brought India out of the Dark Ages (relatively successfully – they are now launching into space), showed Africans they could move forward if they could work together and share their toys (no fucking chance with that one – they are now clinging to rubber dinghies in the Med), seeded the colonies that have grown into USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, etc, etc, blah de fucking blah …….
It’s all gone. We are no longer a superpower and shouldn’t feel obliged to keep on sorting out the basket case ‘Rest of the World’, fighting in every conflict and re-decorating after every earthquake. We are deluding ourselves into believing that they are hanging on every word and soundbite that reaches out across the airwaves from the mighty BBC (unless there is a hint of some more gold being cast carelessly into the wind by the ‘White Saviours’, obviously).
Why can’t we be a bit more comfortable ‘in our own skin’, dial the whole ego thing down a few clicks and adjust to our true place in the new World order? Take some self-induced pressure off ourselves and start looking after Number One.
History isn’t going to judge what we get up to now that we are no longer vying for the top spot (look how quickly the Mesopotaniums or Byzantiniums dropped out of the tabloids once they were knocked out of the cup) so who are we trying to impress now, other than ourselves.
Always strikes me that the Dutch seem to have coped better with their history, accepted that they have ‘done a Preston North End’ and are bobbing along quite happily in the lower leagues after an illustrious history in the past. The cloggies were horrible greedy cunts in the past, just like us (and the Spanish, and the Portuguese, and the French), but they don’t seem too bothered about keeping up with the Elmers, Ivans and Chans these days. Have a smoke, relax.
In some cases, (and it applies to many on this site, myself very much included) there is a tendency to paint history with a rose-coloured wash and review our own contribution and conduct with a fond bias; “The older we get, the better we were.”
That is far from the case with our own country and heritage; our forebears really did change the World and enjoyed a brief flash as the leader of the pack. Not any more though. Let’s calm down a bit and enjoy our lower league status (whether or not we are invited to play for the European competitions).
Great post, Gunner.
Thank you, Captain.
I was a bit nervous about upsetting the Mesopotaniums, but there aren’t many around here, so fuck ’em.
I’d propose we were more like a low-Premiership team than Championship, perhaps just above the relegation zone. We still have a tiny bit of power and a miniscule of admiration in global terms yet that’s undoubtedly connected with tha past. Countries recognise we’ve given inventions, literature, science, as well as team sports to the World.
Nonetheless a quick glance at the biggest economies of the World tells that you needn’t be a member of a protectionist racket to survive. China, Brazil, South Korea, Japan, Australia, USA, Canada, and India all prosper and flourish by being independent.
As you said, if we adjust our view we can be more satisfied. Not ‘better’ than other countries but ‘as good as’ them.
Point taken, and agreed.
Though I hope you are not suggesting we push Big Sam Allardyce as the next PM?
Boring and uninspired leadership, but just enough to keep us safely clear of the drop?
Certainly none of those Merry-Go-Round managers – experts merely at clichés and mediocrity.
Great leaders are a thing of the past. They only seem to arise in undeveloped countries. If one rose their head here they’d be knocked into the ground by the meedja within a week. Politics is a popularity show, a Pantomime of opaque opinions and unequivocal cunts.
Interesting take on EU negotiations by former Ambassador Charles Crawford.
The leaked email, in full.
I’m sure you have a good point to make, Mr Country Cunt, but I would take issue with your first statement ‘Most people are decent, honest and well-meaning sorts….’
I’ve found that the overwhelming majority of people lack decency, are totally dishonest and don’t give a rat’s arse about anyone but themselves. But then I’m a cynical old cunt. Maybe I’ve mixed with the wrong sort.
Ego, combined with ignorance, leads to the Dunning-Kruger effect.
Pretty much the opposite of Richard Feynmann, Nobel-prize winning physicist (and bongo playing strip-club patron) who said; ‘i’m smart enough to know that i’m dumb’.