A cunting for the vile, deranged, psychopaths who murdered Muslims in New Zealand.
Apart from the loss of innocent lives, these stupid, Nazi fuckers actually advance the liberal cause and reinforce Muslims’ sense of victimhood.
The cunt here who murdered Jo Cox and the other halfwit who ran down someone at a mosque achieved exactly the same. And Norway is so much more Norwegian because of that cunt Anders Breivik isn’t it? No, the fucking liberal left is virtuous and thriving.
Any fucker who doesn’t think multiculturalism is great will be labelled far right and the fucking cops will waste more time on the far right.
Post Script
The BBC news reporting on the NZ atrocity managed to end with a report from a Bradford mosque showing how terrified and victimised the worshippers are. This thanks to the stupid murderous Australian fucking moron who decided to rid NZ of a non existent threat.
R4 this morning crammed full of victimised, traumatised peacefuls. Funny that we don’t get this when a mosque or market is attacked in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq etc which happens just about weekly.
Brenton Tarrant should be taken up in a chopper and dropped in the Tasman from 5000 feet.
Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble
The response to the NZ shootings.
Let’s get real, none of us want to live in a world where we can be randomly killed going about our normal daily lives, the whole basis of our way of life is built on personal freedoms.
Let’s join the media and political class in painting over the killers stated motivations. Instead let’s look at the response from the establishment.
1. NZ is using this to tighten gun laws, barely had the last shot been fired and new legislation is mooted.
2. In London instantaneously the Mayor finds the extra police to protect mosques, in the middle of the knife crime epidemic he has been impotent with dealing with and that has left over twice the number of dead on our streets already this year.
3. It’s also possible that a response to this will be a tit for tat terror attack on a church or synagogue for instance, no word of extra security for these places of worship.
4. Of course the far right threat is further elevated, but how big is the far right threat in reality, is the definition of far right different now? This week I’ve seen Tommy Robinson, UKIP and Briebart news all mentioned as far right by the MSM, fuck the term Brexit extremists is gaining hold with some. It doesn’t help when think cunts suggest that Parliament should be bombed or MPs should be hanged.
Lastly why did this cunt spend two years planning this attack and then carry out his inhuman act on a Thursday? Friday prayer an unknown event to a man who has been planning a terror attack on Muslims for two years?
Lastly the media still under reports Muslim on Muslim terror attacks around the world; if you’re a Muslim and you’re the victim of a terror attack it’s many times more likely that your brother Muslims are responsible for the attack.
I’m guessing we are monitored on this site and probably viewed as potentially far right, I’m also guessing most if not all contributors have no interest in extremism and certainly don’t want to see acts of brutality enacted on innocents. I certainly don’t want to be branded far right solely because I exercise the right to criticise any ideology, religion or doctrine that causes me concern.
There are no far right, far left, religious or any other type of extremists, there are only extremists and they are all cunts.
Nominated by Sixdog Vomit
I want to add my own nomination on the response to the killings in New Zealand. We have had wall to wall coverage of various left wing kissers of Islamic ass, telling us how outraged they are that some psycho went out and killed 49 Muslims. The BBC in particular has been at pains to paint this as the ‘Religion of Peace’ being under attack. Apparently, this is the ONLY thing to have happened in the world in the past 24 hours.
And of course, the same thing happens whenever someone ‘attacks’, or glares in the general direction of a peaceful or a mosque. I’d be more inclined to give a toss, were it not for the fact that not a single leftie, especially not those caring celebrity types, not a single news channel, has broadcast the news of, or expressed their outrage at, the murders of over 120 Christians at the hands of Muslims in the past three weeks. Where are the cunts? Where is the wall to coverage of this, a GENUINE act of terrorism? Where are the celebrities pouring out their faux grief? Not a fucking word from any of the hypocritical cunts. And why isn’t Sadiq Khunt posting police officers outside Churches to protect worshippers. More importantly, where the fuck did he the police officers he put outside the mosques? He keeps telling us they don’t have the resources to protect the streets. Apparently though, they DO have the resources to protect fucking Muslims, who wouldn’t NEED protecting, if they STOPPED TRYING TO FUCKING KILL US!
And here’s something else these pricks aren’t outraged by. In the past 30 days, their have been 122 terrorist attacks in 21 countries, leaving 859 dead and 844 injured. Why isn’t the BBC or SKY broadcasting this? Why aren’t celebrities falling over themselves to condemn these attacks? I’ll tell you why, because the perpetrators of these terrorist attacks are MUSLIM.
Nominated by Quick Draw McGraw
New Zealand
Terrorist attack? Maybe but he couldn’t possibly have been hoping to change anything
Hate crime? Probably.
So why? Why was he so filled with hate?
Could it be that he was sick to death of people committing atrocities against the civilised world and seeing them go unpunished.
And was he then forced to accept these same people into his community in the name of integration? Did they take over vast areas of his city and turn them into no-go shit holes? And was he then told that he should be proud to live in a multicultural society?
Were these same people then given priority over him on every issue in the land? And was he told to change the way he felt and spoke, just in case he accidently offended one of them?
Did his council quietly build hundreds of houses to give to these people, while his children are finding it impossible to save up for a mortgage?
Do their children now go to his local school and do they demand that the food is changed to halal food without asking the opinion of his children?
Or is he just amazed as to how it is no longer a surprise to hear that a young girl has been beheaded by her own family and her remains burned in a back alley in Bradford (no witnesses) just for falling in love with the wrong man.
Maybe he feels let down by the authorities that tried to hush up the ritual rape of vulnerable young local girls by gangs of these people, in Rotherham, Rochdale, Sheffield, Telford and God knows where else, just in case it caused any racial tension?
Maybe he couldn’t understand why his council sent the police round to his house to tell him to remove his national flag from his window during the football world cup finals, and yet he could not walk down the road without being slapped in the face with the flag of Eid flying from every lamppost.
Or maybe he was just fed up with all the little things, things like how they can park on double yellow lines all day without getting a ticket, how they throw rubbish out on the street and leave it for someone else to deal with, when he knows that he would be fined for doing the same. He might wonder how unemployed twenty years olds can afford to drive round in a brand new Mercedes-Benz without anyone asking how?
He might feel let down, abandoned and betrayed by his own government, while at the same time watching them bend over backwards to give these people everything that they demand.
Of course this is no excuse to commit mass murder, and no one in their right mind would condone it. But if the authorities want to understand why people like this can ‘snap’, then here is a little insight for them.
Excellent post.
Thanks Dick, it’s a pity the lefties don’t see it as clearly
I concur completely.
?cheers rebel.
Outstanding post !!!
Thanks hammock
Brilliant, eloquent post. Just fantastic.
I had an argument with my sister the other evening about this.
Her view: he is a psycho killing innocent worshippers and two wrongs don’t make a right when it comes to all of the islamic atrocities carried out across the globe.
My view: whilst his actions are vile and abysmal, you would have to be an ignorant, deaf, dumb and blind fool to see what may have driven him to this, but God forbid anyone actually say this or point this out. We will be labelled racist, phobic, disrepectful and filled with hate.
The hypocrisy is laughable.
Sorry. I meant ‘…blind fool NOT to see’.
No sleep last night. Bad back.
God, I’m an old cunt.
Couldn’t agree more, and there in lies the problem.
Spot on. Well done.
Thanks grumpy ?
I can only stand and salute you sir. This is the best post I have seen in my (relatively brief) time reading (since 2016/early 2017) and commenting (since last April) on ISAC, and quite possibly the best post in its history. Simply outstanding.
I am humbled opinionated. Cheers.
Superb post
Well said Cuntstable.
Morning all.
Oops – great stuff Sixdog & Quick Draw too… sorry, it’s bin a heavy night…
Btw, to avoid any misunderstanding, my heavy night had fuck all to do with the NZ massacre or its reporting. Have deliberately avoided MSM since the initial reports, which had the added bonus of also being spared all mention of Red Nose Day… until Mr Fiddler helpfully brought it up in one of his posts… Fuck off.
As much as we deplore the loss of life, there isn’t so much hand wringing by the Muslim community when the perp is Islamic and the victims are equally innocent.
If the lefty-libtards took the murder of other people a bit more seriously, I might not be quite so pissed off when slimes get away with, well – murder.
Until this fuckwitted deification of, and kow-towing to, the “peacefuls” stops, I can’t see any likely “improvement.”
Excellent posts all round.
And Ayatollah Khunt of Londonistan is a worthless little shit-stain.
As an aside, I feel really sorry for New Zealand. It’s a lovely country with lovely people who haven’t become as blasé as we in the West. I suspect that this will hit them hard.
Nothing important to add, the nominators and The Cunt of Monte Cristo seem to have covered it.
Morning Fiddler, true, their Prime Minister is unfortunately a typical hand-wringing Western peaceful apologising clone. The Rugby Club was in sombre mood I take it Mr Fiddler, the port remained in the cupboard and the Nicola Sturgeon themed dwarf-tossing was cancelled?
Oh Fuck no. We wouldn’t let such an event spoil our enjoyment…if 50 Muzzas (or anyone else,for that matter) had been shot outside the club door it wouldn’t have put a damper on our day ….just as long as they didn’t bleed on the pitch,of course The Calcutta Cup was one of the most incredible games of rugby that I’ve ever seen…..brilliant.
Morning L.L.
Climbing over 50 dead bodies to get to the bar would have pissed me off.
Morning DF.
A dirty job,true enough, Moggie. But one that I’m willing to undertake.
Monte Cristo hits the nail on the head. I felt the same way living in North London, a shithole where I was in the minority and every cunt did appear to drive Mercs. As with black knife crime, the muslim community has issues that it refuses to address, perpetuated by cunts like Suckdick.
Well said Sgt.
If you attack someone for their religious beliefs – and I don’t mean criticise but physically attack them – you’re a cunt!
Yes, thank you Cunt me in. I agree. Now go to your nearest mosque (there’ll be one not far away) on a Friday afternoon and tell that to the assembled peacefuls. My money’s on you not making it out alive.
I don’t like conspiracy theories about false flag operations lest I sound like Alex Jones but I have to wonder why a guy who is so anti non-White immigrant and anti-Muslim has claimed that he was inspired by Candace Owens and Pewdiepie.
Candace is a black woman and libertarian who doesn’t really speak on the issue of Islam and Pewdiepie is YouTube gamer and meme Lord who has never mentioned Islam or immigration to my knowledge.
This terrorist acts how clueless lefties or intelligence operatives think rightwingers act.
PS. this guy is an evil terrorist cunt.
And here’s the hypocrisy of it. Social meedyah companies race to take down the videos of the NZ horror. Just type “beheadings” into Google and click on the videos tab. Go no further! This adds weight to Quick Draws narrative. And there’s the video of the Jordanian pilot being burned to death. Nice family viewing.
When it comes to terrorist atrocity victimhood there are two rules you need to understand:
1. If the atrocity is caused by a “peaceful” extremists then that is the West’s fault because of campaigns in the Middle-East (even if the perp was born and bred where the attack took place).
2. If the atrocity is against “peacefuls” then that too is the West’s fault for allowing the rise of (so called) “far right” activism in their native countries.
So either way it’s the West’s fault, and the globalist elites are happy for this to be portrayed as the reason because it gives them the ammunition to disarm their native populations (where ownership is legal) in the name of safety.
It also gives them the ammunition to silence their native populations under the guise of “hate speech”.
The globalist elites are few in number – probably a few thousand in total around the world out of 6.5bn – who own over 80% of the world’s total wealth (a percentage which is rising year on year). They’re shitting themselves because all of this is now starting to come out, the proles are getting wise to their scheme, so the elite’s only recourse is to lobby respective governments (which they own via lashings of gravy or offers of more faux power to the power hungry) to disarm the proles who may rise up against them (they fear uprisings like the Romanov one in Russia after WW1 with a passion); and lobby their fellow tech elites to remove these dissenting voices from their platforms – under the guise of “hate speech” (which *they* define, handy that) – so that their nefarious worldwide activities remain unspoken.
Race is bullshit.
Religion is bullshit.
Gender identity is bullshit.
Sexual orientation is bullshit.
They are all subdividing techniques that the elites use in order to subdivide society into smaller and smaller groups – and then get them to turn on one another – so that no one group has the power or numbers to overthrow the cunts.
And governments, media outlets and tech corporations are happy to allow – hell promote – these divisions because they themselves are now part of the globalist elite jet set.
They want you to concentrate on the bombings in Manchester and London.
They want you to concentrate on the Mosque shootings in New Zealand.
Because if you look a little further beyond the primary focal point, you will just make out the shadows of the elite puppet-masters lurking behind their one-way mirror.
If someone could smash through that glass and let the world see what was truly going on, you would see a rise in unity across all sectors of society and countries, and, well, the elites simply can’t allow that to happen, can they!
Excellent post!
Excellent CMC. Speaking for myself, I couldn’t care less whether 50 Muslims die or not. I’m not glad about it, just don’t care.
There is always the title “Muslim community”. Why is there a community? Because the cunts don’t integrate. They don’t want to. They just want to expand. Imagine one living on the edge of some such community. It would be intolerable, one would have to move, and ones property would be devalued because who the fuck would want to buy it?
I notice there is no such thing as the “white” community. If anyone said they like living in the white community there would be a fucking COBRA meeting.
And as they grow bigger in numbers so they become bolder and less caring.
Where I live, there is a mosque next to a private 50 flat apartment block where there are bicycle stands.
Last week the mosque decided that they wanted to park even more cars on their three car allocated space. So in their infinite wisdom and without any consultation whatsoever, they decided that they would remove the bikes and concreted in stands, even though these stands are on non-mosque private land. Their actions, had they been ignored, would have resulted in a blocked apartment entrance and nowhere for bike users to secure their bikes.
So to initiate their scheme, they taped A4 notes on every bike, with the simple message,
“Evacuate your bikes from this area pleas”
Ironic spelling of please.
Also, in front of the car park spaces that were allocated for them, they have concreted in a lockable concrete swinging post, on private land that they do not own.
Total ignorance displayed towards the locals.
Message from the eastern skygod, for the UK in 2019.
“Evacuate it pleas”.
The media and the west in general are always on the side of the peacefuls, the concern is that peacefuls tend to rally together (right or wrong) to form organised terrorist groups
The ‘far right’, usually one off deranged individual who goes crazy.
Some terrific comments and posts today!
On the subject matter. I slept very well last night. I don’t give a fuck about any Islamic Casualty List. Does that make me a cunt ? Probably , but who cares .
Sometimes you have to stop watching the news to ignore the noise.
You’re right there, General. I don’t have a TV and stopped buying a daily newspaper. It’s not that I don’t care, it’s just that news is noise today – irrelevant SJW issues, Brexit (no change), pro-black, pro-Islam, pro-cunt. Best to avoid for health reasons. Even R4 news stokes my blood pressure these days. I switch to Hancock’s Half Hour.
As an aside, I’m now being harassed by TV Licensing. One form of harassment that’s still legal these days…
I stopped watching the news a while ago and bought my last newspaper last week. I can’t avoid hearing the news on the radio but I can not listen. Apart from this site I now have no interest in anything on the planet that doesn’t directly affect me or my family.
Brilliant posts lads!!
Those utter cunts at sky running the headline
“ NZ terror suspect must have been influenced by British far right”
I’ve read the story 3 times and have yet to find ANYTHING that links him to the British far right other than he spent a few months on holiday in Europe of which 2 weeks were travelling around the UK? So of course it’s possible he met people from the far right? But there’s not a single piece of evidence and to use “ must have” is fucking outrageous, it’s a typical leftie liberal shitfest , creating a dragon….insinuating that the UK is a hotbed for far right extremists!!
So here’s the facts….. (best of my knowledge)
How many MPs in parliament represent far right party’s? 0
How many coordinated terrorists attacks have been carried out by white extremists in the UK? 0
When the far right March in the UK does it resemble the Nuremberg rallies with tens of thousands? Or a few hundred?
We’ve had two fucking losers kill an mp and attack a mosque , the media drove a narrative that these idiots belonged to some structured far right organisations
But was it true?
OP ….
just watched corbyn on sky with sophy ridge talking about Labours cunning plan regarding Brexit? Old catweazle was coming out with his usual nonsense about labours action plans?
It appears the 6 point plan has changed into a common market 2.0 ? Fed up with corbyns bollocks ridge asks the question JC hates the most
SR…. what’s Labours position leave the EU?
Jc … our position is to recognise the referendum result
SR…. what does that mean? Everybody knows the result! ?
Jc .. (wobbling) well there was a majority that voted leave but labour is unique? As we want to recognise both leave and remain! ( waffling about poverty social issues)
SR… ( now terse) do you want to leave the EU? You haven’t answered what I asked you!?
Jc… well I know that’s not what you asked me , but, but ( more wobbling) we want a relationship with Eu
SR… ( eyes rolling) do you want to leave the EU?
Jc… (flat on his back) more waffle
Sr… I’m sorry I don’t want to keep asking it but I’m confused as are many who voted for you in the general election….
Fucking priceless…..
Morning Q, thanks for the heads up – I’ve been boycotting MSM recently but will try to catch the repeat of that interview later. I mean FFS, you can’t get a much easier ride than Sophie Ridge! Except the One Show perhaps…
I watched it 3 times as I love watching corbyn squirm, check out his body language, how uncomfortable he is answering the question!!
It’s brilliant…
Nebulous ?
Corbyn runs scared of interviews, he’s terrified of being properly scrutinised, so a rare treat indeed.
Look in a Pictionary under rabbit caught in headlights and it would be corbyn staring at you on the ridge show……
infact when some politician gets absolutely stumped for an answer the term “ he’s done a corbyn “ should used, children should adopt and use his name when ridiculing something or somebody “ oh your such a corbyn!”
His name synonymous with acts of absolute stupidity…..?
Repeated at 16.30 (Sky freeview ch. 233)
I’ve got a confession RTCP
I can’t stop watching ridge making corbyn squirm, it’s got me thinking a compilation of cunts ( politicians) worst and most awkward interview moments would be a huge DVD/ Blue Ray etc hit…..
infant such is the absolute cuntitude in recent years we are talking box set territory.
Mavis, corbyn , Abbott and co would become the stars of an ISAC set …… ?
Something along these lines Q?
Exactly RTCP
There’s stacks of quality material
“A relationship with the EU”…can only mean one thing.
Being well and truly buggered and fucked over by them.
The EU is a steaming pile of rancid shite.
Tarrant not Tarrent. Let’s get his name right. That’s why he did it. To make his name famous. Let’s get his name right. We owe it to him.
I shouldn’t laugh at that MP but I’m a proper cunt so ?
I’ve seen little, and read little about this murdering cunt, because we all know how this is going to play out. Within hours of this twat carrying out his executions, because that’s what they were, we had his name, background and the knowledge that he is definitely sane. Really? What sane cunt murders a load of people in cold blood, regardless of what cause? Ok, the cunt did it live online, and left a rambling manifesto, like that other coward cunt Brevik, and like that coward cunt, he had no guts to go against the armed coppers when they turn up. But it was cleared for reporting immediately, unlike when followers of the religion of peace carry out their massacres. And now, the same cunts who will declare that those terrorist acts have nothing to do with religion, are more than happy to say that this is Trumps fault, Robinson’s fault, rise of far right, blah blah. Any sane cunt is going to be sickened by acts like these, but that matters little when they want to join the dots.
Also, I only saw the cover of his manifesto, and it mentions workers rights and anti imperialism. Forgive me for being a bit thick, but aren’t those celebrated causes of the far left?
We know the inspiration for the Islamic terrorists, they shout it out when they attack, Alans snack bar ….
They all refer to the one book, not sure which part as I have never read it but I guess its in there somewhere..
The increasingly prevalent (and incorrect) usage of “shooter” when referring to this Breivik impersonator is starting to arouse my significant vexation.
I am not especially interested in the kind of mawkish blanket coverage such “tragic events” inevitably engender; and what, exactly, are we all supposed to do? Haply light some candles, while twattering on like smug little mimsies that “something must be done”?
In British English, the “shooter” refers to the gun itself (and pretty poor English it is at that). “Shootist” might be better, though equally Septic, and John Wayne wouldn’t be pleased.
Gunman seems about right. He does look like a bloke, and I very much doubt he is on the spectrum, to take any offence.
To bear out the cuntings the media today is full of far-right plot bullshit.
What is conveniently ignored:-
Attacks like these are almost always Muslim on Muslim.
The recent ‘far right’ attacks and the Anders Brevik atrocity are carried out by lone nutters.
Only Islam has an ‘organised apparatus’ and policy of hatred.
I suppose that, just as Breivik’s initial diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia became “downgraded” to mere narcissism (for political and jurisprudential reasons), so too may Tarrant’s own peculiar flavour of delusional debilitations.
Those comments above (about his sanity or otherwise) by the Cunstable and Gutstick, J will, as with the Breivik case, become the central theme in endless prattlings-on in the coming days’ abhorrent Smarmnights, Question Times and other shit that I don’t watch.
Apart from the lack of ammonium nitrate, and the subtle variation of victim selection, this is clearly a Breivik-lite atrocity, and I expect the two bellends may have been in contact either via séances, morphic resonance, or possibly just the postal service or email.
No offence, btw, Cuntstable and, Gutstuck, J. I’m 100% agreeing with you as having put your finger on the nub of all this in those comments.
That’s part of the reason why I avoid Smarmnight et al; it is just so fkn predictable!
Husband of Jo Cox was wheeled out on Sky News. NZ PM in a hijab and the Lonstabistan Ayatollah Khan
handwriting like an OCD sufferer who has run out of bleach.
At least Lammy is laughing.£8,000,000 less given to red nose Day. After all we do not want to validate colonial practices, do we? Oh, and as for Olivia Coleman? Fuck off you vomit inducing bitch.
This shooting isn’t anything to celebrate really because in a week or month from now there wiill be revenge attacks from mouse limbs probably a few of them even, I hope i’m wrong
And the usual leftie mongs will cheer the muzzos on while saying white people deserved it and conservatives will cuck and denounce white supremacy and offer their condolences to the peaceful community Its just all so tiring
The doublethink I see from media is sickening for many reasons but i’ll give you this thought to dwell on Tony Blair, George Bush Sr and Jr, Obama, David Cameron, John Bolton , John McCain, Madeline Albright, Bill and Hilary Clinton war policies killed thousand to miilion more moslems then Brenton ever did and they are applauded and lionized by the media These politicians are warmongers and the very same people helping flood your country with pissed off victims of war FFS some of these very same people are offering their sympathies on twitter to the victims of the christchurch shooting we live in bizzaroworld people up is down and bad is good
Another thing simply stopping immigration and separating two incompatible religions and cultures nevers enter the discourse politically Its all about managing chaos and sowing discord among people to feed the next war machine. Liberalizing islam and fighting it internationally is stupid but is globalism 101
Its literally george bush sr fight them over there so they don’t come over here line from the gulf war this is new world order cuntspeak from the evil cunts in power “If you don’t like what we tell you to believe in we’ll kill you” – george bush jr
Fifty Christians murdered by Muslims in Nigeria yesterday. One hundred and twenty murdered over the last month.
Why isn’t this news worthy.
Because it’s Normal for Nigeria. Now, why don’t motivated cunts like Tarrant go there and do some real good by killing Boko Haram thugs?
Answer, unarmed targets are easier and more fun.
Tarrant played right into the Salafist narrative. This is precisely what radical Islam wants. A couple more like that, and ISIS will be playing the victim card. Well done you pigshit thick, dark-web-surfing, conspiracy-theory buying bigoted and probably self-styled Christian cunt. No excuses.