


‘Let’s start at the very beginning, it’s a very good place to start’. There was a Beginning. There was a Start. There was a ‘Creation Event’. There was The Big Bang. Now this last was formulated by the priest- scientist Father (later Monsignor) Georges Lemaitre.
Now before Lemaitre and Einstein the prevailing scientific view was a ‘steady state’ universe. In other words that it had always existed and would always exist. Lemaitre PROVED by his observations and calculations that there was a BEGINNING. In fact, there is more evidence with ‘red shift’ and radio waves for The Big Bang than for Relativity.
Now Lemaitre didn’t get up one morning and think to himself-‘I am going to prove the truth of Genesis’. No, it is first and foremost a scientific explanation (but as I will try to show with religious implications) of how the universe came into existence.
You know the Pope at the time was cockahoop and wanted to use it as a way of spreading the Faith. But Lemaitre rebuked him insisting that discussion was kept in the scientific realm.
When Einstein first heard the theory expounded by Lemaitre he said-‘This is the most beautiful and satisfactory explanation of creation to which I have ever listened’.
‘Nothing comes from nothing, nothing ever could’. Nothing comes from nothing. Ex nihilo nihil fit. (with thanks to Freddie the Frog). Nothing comes from nothing. Now nothing is not an The Abyss or The Void because those two words predispose the existence of space. No nothing means ABSOLUTELY nothing. There was no space-no extension. There was no time-no duration. I know it is difficult to get your head around but please bear with me.
So there was NOTHING. NO THING. Then there was SOMETHING. Now nothing comes from nothing remember. In other words NOTHING CANNOT CREATE.. Only a Creator can create. Therefore there must be a CREATOR. It is intellectually dishonest to hold to a different view.
Now you might try and slip out of this by slipping into another universe. The Multiverse idea. Which, I’m afraid, I cannot be arsed to go into. But if you read Father Robert Spitzer (another religious simpleton) at the Magis Center he explains it all. To do with The Penrose Number, the Law of Entropy (that all matter tends to dissipate), other stuff.
Anyway, I’m done.


Nominated by Miles Plastic

121 thoughts on “Atheists

  1. Since time and space came into being at the moment of the Big Bang, there was no ‘before’ in the sense suggested in the nomination.

    The nomination also presupposes that time is linear. Perhaps it is circular.

    Even if a ‘creator’ exists, said ‘creator’ is not necessarily a ‘god.’ Still less is he the personal god of the various Abrahamic delusions.

    Isaac Asimov, The Last Question –

  2. Doesn’t matter what the truth of creation is….the only thing I do honestly believe is that religion does not, ever has or ever will hold the answer. Religion is fuckwittery of the highest order and a crutch for the weak.

  3. All I can say is give me an atheist any day – even Old Nick himself with his toasting fork, than self righteous, sanctimonious bleeders like Cliff Richard or Anthony Blair or those fucking Radio 4 preachers including the Revd Richard Coles. Smug bastards.

  4. This nom is about nothing. Or can something come from nothing?

    The Sound of Music Mr Fiddler? Are you a fan? I don’t know but beneath that stern exterior there is sentimental heart I believe. Yes, round Christmastime maybe, in some cosy corner of Fiddler’s Towers you secretly watch it-belting out ‘Climb Every Mountain’ with Mother Superior, bushmills in hand.

    And the beautiful scene in the garden where the Captain reveals his love for Maria (this must surely be one of your favourites Mr Fiddler) ‘Nothing comes from nothing, nothing ever could’.

    • Is that the one with the Nun? I must admit to once having a drunken wank at the part where Maria is introduced to the Family…..the local Amateur Dramatics Society were outraged and asked me to leave the Village Hall immediately.

      Fuck Off.

      • I like the idea of a Tarantino remake, where the von Krapp family go on their picnic, meet a gang of merry stormtroopers, and get blown to smithereens

        Reduces the mawkish sentimentality somewht.

        The last (and only) time I saw this heap of scheiss was a year or two ago; it was much admired by a gay hon. rabbit.

      • Oh feck, RABBI…

        There are one or two good filums with nuns. It’s a plus if they are of the non-signing variety.

  5. Atheist: “I don’t know what caused the big bang.”

    Theist: “I don’t know what caused the big bang, therefore God did it.”

    Also worth noting that it’s always their particular God that did it, not any of the thousands of other fictitious deities.

    • I should have added that (to use your own expression) it is intellectually dishonest to go any further than “I don’t know”, particularly if you are pulling an unfalsifiable claim out of your arse.

  6. All fine and dandy (if you like that sort of thing) but what the fuck has this got to do with atheists?

    • Morning RT. In your perceptive way you’ve cut to the heart of it. I was going to entitle the nom ‘The Intellectual Dishonesty of the Atheist’. The heart of the cunting is the line-‘It is intellectually DISHONEST to hold to a different view’.

      Why does it matter? People are in denial. At the heart of it again-they want to believe they live in an meaningless universe because then THERE ARE NO CONSEQUENCES TO THEIR ACTIONS where to quote Freddie Mercury ‘nothing really matters’ and they can do what they like.

      But people know in their heart of hearts (to use that word again) the universe does have meaning and there is order and justice and all the rest. So they are living A LIE. To quote Sartres of all people they are are living ‘inauthentically’.

      That’s why at the back of it all we here in the West have totally lost our way.

      • I’m an atheist meaning that I do not believe in any God’s. I’m not saying that “I believe there are no God’s” it all depends where you place the “not” in the sentence.

        I’m not making any positive, truth or knowledge claims, merely withholding believe until I’m satisfied that theists have met the burden of proof by formulated a compelling case and provided evidence which I can accept.

        Being an agnostic, I would argue that the most intellectually honest position to take would be atheism, which is essentially the lack of a positive belief in any Gods.

        As some other cunters have mentioned, this nomination has fuck all to do with atheists.

      • Afternoon Miles.

        You’re not really selling it to me… why would anyone need a God to understand that THERE ARE CONSEQUENCES TO THEIR ACTIONS? ?

        After all, it’s not fucking rocket science.

        Be seeing you ?

  7. Nothing, or no thing as you put it Miles, implies the lack of something made of matter.
    There was boundless energy which could be converted into matter.
    Call this the creator if you wish but I think people who do not believe in any deity are entitled to their opinion.

  8. The very fact that you are part of this dimension is a reason to rejoice. Life is a precious thing and time is short, so don’t wait until your final days to let people know how you feel.
    Tell ’em to fuck off now….

  9. Lemaitre was careful to say that his proposal was philosophically neutral (as all science should be), and nothing to do with religion. The fact that he could be a devout Catholic, as he was, and still maintain this neutrality, puts him in the top rank of thinkers. It is worth noting that his insights were achieved via mathematics – requiring logical proof at every stage – rather than the Old Testament.

    We poor little evolved monkeys can only conceive of a collection of matter as having been made. So, we reason, the universe must have been made…and so a being of sufficient complexity and intellect to create a universe must have pre-existed the universe. Absurd, and ultimately anthropocentric.

    It begs the question of the spacetime metric within which the ‘creator’ existed and how it came to be; also of the concept of pre-existence, since time did not exist before the ‘creation’ event. Dismiss multiverses, and you are dismissing your god. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter a toss what the origin was. It’s a pretty intellectual and physical problem, which we may not be equipped to solve. But you are here and this is now, and divine intervention is pretty demonstrably absent from this universe as it is now.

    Atheists aren’t cunts.

    • I would suggest that some atheists are cunts, but few, if any, achieve the truly stratospheric level of arrogance and cuntitude reached by many of the religious persuasion.

      The free pass to be beyond scrutiny and ridicule that religion has had for far too long is at last being widely challenged. I recommend taking the piss out of religion whenever possible (whilst avoiding being blown up or stabbed obviously!).

  10. If we agree that nothing can come from nothing I fail to see how that translates into ‘ therefore God must have created the Universe ‘. The problem still remains, even for God.. I tend to the view that the Universe must have always existed because I can’t see why a state of ‘ absolute nothingness’ should or indeed could ever change. Religion is only an attempt to make sense of awkward questions and a rather poor attempt at that.

    • ‘I tend the view that the universe has always existed’ but as I said in the Nom it has been PROVED that it was started or there was a beginning or it was created. The evidence is there. I believe Lemaitres was a couple of billion years out. But now we KNOW through measuring the speed of the expansion of the universe not only that it had a beginng but WHEN it happened. 14 odd billion years ago or whatever the number is. That puts the Modern Atheist in a way more difficult position than say an old Atheist like Bradlaugh. He believed it had always existed but that is an intellectually dishonest position now.

      • The alternate theory was that the universe is a continuous and perpetual cycle of expansion and collapse ( New Scientist ). I honestly cant think of who the scientist was who proposed this originally, but to me that makes perfect sense ( it has , and always will , exist )

        Very interesting nomination Miles, gets the old thought processes working, including the argument “define absolute zero”

        Cheers !

      • It has nothing of the sort ‘been proved’. We can show that the universe has been expanding for around 13.7 billion years but the debate is very much alive whether it originated from a singularity or not. It is also under debate whether this expansion may simply have been one of many in an oscillating universe which is eternal or even if big bangs are what happens when black holes in other universes ‘spit out’ their contents into new universes on the ‘other side’ ( white holes). On top of this there is a theory currently being taken seriously that prior to the big bang there were anti universes where time and entropy flowed in the opposite direction. Most or all of these ideas may prove to be wrong but they all deal with the possibility that there was something before the latest incarnation of the big bang.

      • @Jack. Very many reputable scientists have calculated that if there was such a thing as a multiverse it would still have to have been created.
        See Fr Robert Spitzer’s Magis Center website.

  11. Well well, Mr Miles.

    Although I know little of much of the beefs aired on ISAC, we now come to a proper (albeit amateur) speciality of mine.

    At school in 1984, I had the good fortune to gain 5 A’s, at ‘A-level’ and a I and a II at ‘S-level’. The S’s were in Chemistry and Maths, the A’s in Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Further Maths, and German.

    A Nat-Sci undergradate degree at Cambridge beckoned until I realised that would lead to a load of hard work probably for Jack Shit. Hence Philosophy, and MML were my first degrees.

    Now in my fifties, I am again interested in quantum mechanics, relativity intrugues – and indeed have re-established contact with my old adversary as an undergraduate at Jesus, Jeremy Butterfield. A right pisspot of a cunt I was then, so he reliably informs.

    Particularly of interest a few years ago were FLRW (Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker) metrics. These analyses of the Einstein tensor equation are always worth re-visiting. In particular, I never cease to amaze at Professor Penrose’s output, even as he glides twice beyond his “use-by” date.

    Especially relevant to your nomination, in this regard, is the latter’s superbly inventive idea of CCC :

    A true genius, and if you enjoy tensor calculus as much as I do, a source of extreme inspiration. Obviously, he’s probably wrong, but that’s kind-of the whole point.

    It’s all about the topology.

    A most gratifying post on ISAC, for once no tedious politics, or self-evident bellendery about snowflakes or the equally irrevant Snackbars.

    Thank-you for your erudition , MP, and read The Road to Reality by Roger P. At least, as far as chapter 7….

    • Five-star namedropping (partial) resume there, CS. But what’s your opinion about atheists?

  12. Where did the creator exist in the nothingness and who created the creator. If you consider this theory then the creator existed somewhere outside our dimension which leads some to believe we exist in a holographic simulated universe.

    Does any of the above or any other theory make my day better or worse.


  13. The way I see it, all existence centres around the Spirit. The Spirit cannot be pinned down – it knows no bounds, physical or moral – and is the creator of all existence, beautiful and ugly, with infinite in-betweens, endless potentials, where all the wonders of the macrocosm and beyond are firmly embodied in the simple intricacy of *Riley’s tiny teeth, which are equal only to Melania’s trumped up gash and everything else through which the Spirit elects to manifest itself.

    I could go on but Nurse Cunty’s just pumped a syringe full of animal tranquilliser into my left buttock…

    * The cat.

    • The very stuff of religion Mr Creampuff.
      And a very good afternoon to you too!
      Trust the old darkness lifts from time to time.

      • Afternoon CS – in the words of Bob Dylan, “It’s not dark yet, but it’s getting there.”

      • Yes RTC, I am familiar with that particular mindset.
        Fuck him off, Dylan really was crap in the same way that Argent or post-Barrett Floyd was.
        And it has even less to say forty years on.
        Let it go, take some Mandies, and have a good rest.
        I feel your pain, RTC

      • I assure you CS that without Dylan (up to and including ‘Time Out Of Mind’) and post Barrett Pink Floyd, life for me would be a hell of a lot more painful.

        Grant you, Argent were crap…

        Any Mandies to spare?

      • Terrible you are Mr Creampuff. I’m not the resident dealer.
        (though I can pm you some numbers which are not the Speaking Clock…)

    • Has it taken effect yet, RTC?

      That 100 ml syringe was quite a whopper,eh? Hope the large gauge needle didn’t leave too much bruising….

      • You don’t know the half of it Chunky! By the way, am still unconscious if Miles or caughtspedding are asking…

    • From your post RT ‘the Spirit…is the creator of all existence’. Sounds pretty religious to me.

  14. A Priest, Minister, & Rabbi, compete to find Who’s Best At Their Job.
    Each finds a bear to convert.
    The Priest says, “I read it the catechism, sprinkled holy water,& the bear is now having first Holy Communion next week!”
    Minister says,”I preached it Gods Holy Word, and now next week the bear wants to be baptised!”
    Looking down, they find the Rabbi lying on a gurney, encased in a body cast.
    “Looking back,” he says, “maybe I shouldn’t have started with the circumcision.”

  15. Atheists do not exist in my analysis, Mr K. Only agnostics of the mostvunopinionated type too!

    The idea of “God the Creator” was always transcended for me by the relatively simple mathematics.

    I’ve never met Penrose, and apologise for my “name-dropping”. I prefer the type of “analysis” which avoids such folly. This does come with the cost of occasionally going to conferences, and considerably more in log-in fees.

    Much is on the usual sites, however, as I know you’re aware. The really interesting stuff is still on the paper/in your mind, as I know you’ll agree.

    Surprised you have any true opinion, tbh.

      • Are you actually one of Craig Murray’s many trolls, Komodo?
        Or do you struggle with the calculus (like the rest) and form conclusions without foundation?
        Your antipathy is amusiming and bemusing simultaneously. Did you feel usurped in some wanky kind of way?F?
        What’s your beef? You perhaps think I’m as fake as your craigmurray chums?

        Hey ho, Mister Komodo, but seriously what’s your beef? Are you published in FLRW calculus papers?

        Are you in fact a Craigmurray troll, or do you believe I’m full of shit?

        I suspect you are the kind of clever-dick who will invoke both positions! A right card you are Pollyanna!

        Bit daft to spoil for a fight in any event!

      • I’ve been remarkably restrained, CS/James. And will continue to be. Troll is as troll does, and let others be the judge of that. ‘Troll’s’ an interesting word – a near homophone for ‘trawl’…don’t know what it is, but I think you’re fishing for something.

        No, I have no connection with CM other than Blair Miles. Not a pack animal.

      • Rapier riposte there!
        I’m unclear of the hidden meaning in “troll is as troll does”.
        Your continued restraint is a good idea; you do appear to have a beef, and I’ll collate the examples of your own handful of infractions (quite fast) over the last six weeks I’ve been on ISAC .

        I must say, to counteract other opinions, I don’t give a toss.. Though I am curious why you seem to now needle me?
        I apologise for any incursion into your position on here as the (non-pack) member of an intelligentsia.
        Let’s leave it there, perhaps?

      • When you have collated my, er infractions, I hope you will publish them in a learned journal.
        The International Journal of Mass Spectroscopy, perhaps? Journal of Mathematical Physics? ‘Diplomacy and Statecraft’? ‘Computer Networks’?

        I expect to see a long list of citations, due acknowledgement of co-workers and conclusions of an original nature.


      • I was in fact referring to your relatively few rebarbative rejoinders, which you have just entertainingly increased by around 5%.
        Keep ’em coming, Flora…
        Yours is no disgrace, but quite why the foolishness of a tussle with me is such a pull for you is a proper mystery.
        Go well, and in good faith, my dear lizard!

        I stupidly thought you an “ally” of kinds until this morning (but do not any longer)!
        Shall we actually leave it here, or do you need to have “the last word”?

      • Ally? Bad call, James. I support opinions I agree with and criticise opinions I do not agree with. That seems to be the accepted convention on ISAC. I do not agree with all your opinions or indeed all the opinions of any other cunter. Perhaps you’d care to Google, if you are not already acquainted with, the word ‘granfaloon’.

    • Hello CS. I’m worried now because I’m an atheist and I can’t enter your analysis. Just like Father O’Toole said as an atheist I couldn’t enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Unless I sucked his dick. Then he’d put in a good word. Does this mean your analysis and the Kingdom of Heaven have the same membership rules?

      • Read Roger Penrose’s “Road to Reality” Fimb.
        When the going gets tough, after the first half-dozen chapters, seek additional clarity from a local mathematician.
        If that doesn’t work, smoke strong weed (as do I) and watch “Not the Nine O’clock News” (as should Komodo).

        Penrose was not messing about with his magnum opus, however, and the later chapters about tensors are brilliantly lucid and informative.

      • James, if you are serious about ending the above exchange, it might be a good idea not to invoke the lizard (by his nom or any passive-aggressive other) in the course of an unrelated conversation. That is simply to invite further unpleasantness. Up to you.

        Sorry, Fimbriations. You were saying?

      • Sorry Komodo. WordPress keep bouncing my replies. I was going to say that a homophone is a pink mobile for gays. What you mean with troll and trawl is called an egg roll. Or was it an eggnog.According to CS it’s an egg something or other. And fuck Penrose. The reality is it’s fucking hot and humid and I hope to get out of here without contracting dengue. Like a good atheist I have just sprayed. 10 of the little bastards dead on the floor. And the meek (proper meaning) shall inherit the Earth.?

      • Unpleasantness Mr K? I come on here for a laugh, and that’s about it. Not quite the venue for FLRW metrics, eh?

        I can see your experience and fluency in the dark arts of trolling greatly exceeds any mathematical ability, unsurprisingly, I suppose, this being a “fun blog”. Seemed pretty friendly till now, but I can see that trolling is (perhaps a small) part of what you enjoy in these dark recesses you “inhabit”.

        Although I do indeed have a lot more understanding than most (which, although fat-headed sounding is actually true, and there is little uglier than false modesty) of some things which are supposedly “conceptually difficult”, I have absolutely no idea about the wanky gratification that you obtain by shouting into thin air. Now that was an ugly sentence!

        I have read your comments of this afternoon, Komodo, but I have no idea why you made them, and paradoxically even less idea why I’m telling you this, except to say that I am genuinely mystified by the gratification derived from this process. Ebenfalls!

        Slightly bonkers, I suppose, but still no clue as to why you keep pushing your own buttons.

        Please feel free to have the last word once again, but I shall not be reading it. That is said in all honesty as well… I cannot be arsed with this trolling. It is proper weird and a little bit tedious. But you really are a master, and we’re in safe hands of great sure-footed ness. Dear life!

        As it says on the windows of my local turf accountant, “when the fun stops, stop!”.

        Go well, and go steady, one and all!

      • That’d just be local in the sense of nearby, Fimbriations.

        Far better to have a two-way, full-duplex chat sometimes, though Dr Butterfield regularly disagrees with me on that one (and he’s not even a mathematician.)

    • Surely from the starting point of agnosticism, the only intellectually honest thing to do is to withhold belief thus resulting in atheism.

      Unless you are of the Neil DeGrasse-Tyson school of thought wherein belief or non-belief are irrational concepts (he is only concerned with what can be known and what can be proven)

      But then again, Neil DeGrasse Tyson likes to engage in mental gymnastics and word salad rather than just answering a simple question.

  16. I have no idea whether God exists or he doesn’t, however,if he does exist,then he must be a copper-bottomed Cunt. (might be she not he,of course. That would explain a lot.)

    Fuck Off.

  17. As Ruff Tuff says – what has this nom to do with atheists? Everyone knows that in the beginning was the word, and the word was Cunt. Or God. Or Yahweh. Or Allah or even Dog. Get to fuck. Anyone with a brane knows the Creator is the Jolly Green Giant.

  18. If there was a god, a creator, whatever he wouldn’t have allowed me to waste my limited time reading this pointless load of bollocks.
    Stick your god up your arse and leave the cunt there.

  19. I don’t think God exists because he (supposedly) created the Earth with Earthquakes when he could have chosen not to do that. Simple as that really.

    • Yes my liege, but what if God is a cunt? Maybe he has a moniker on ISAC. Earthquakes – sounds like a certain regular contributor to these pages.

      • Ah I just got the my liege reference lol. Never thought of it like that! I use Richard1 because when I was on that nutter SPiveys site there was already a Richard there. Incidentally I see he has once again been found to be hopelessly hopelessly wrong. This time over the Shoreham air crash. Anybody read his ‘investigation’ which appeared shortly after it happened? Everything he wrote was proved to be wrong at the recent trial of the pilot. And yet he still has some demented followers.

      • Read it because I came across it on a general search and wish the fuck I hadn’t ! What a prick !

      • I’m at a loss your Majesty. Never heard of SPivey and when I googled I got some crap headers about an American law professor. Remember the Shoreham business. Was it pilot error? ?

      • Yeh pilot error. Never heard of SPivey? Go to You are in for a treat! His old bollocks about Shoreham is probably still on there.

  20. The fairy in the sky explains everything and also gives great moral teaching on women, child abuse, homosexuality, poverty and Brexit. Where would we be without priests, preachers and imams?

  21. there isn’t any way to actually prove any of this, believe or don’t believe it doesn’t matter.
    in the words of the prophet….
    you are born, you go through life and if you are lucky you die

    may your god go with you.

  22. Atheists? I have no issue with them. They don’t believe in God because they see no proof of existence. Seems perfectly understandable to me. Frankly, I respect that opinion more than someone who stands on a street corner telling me I am going to hell if I don’t believe in the existence of God/Jesus or whatever. Says them and who the hell are THEY to shout that in my face?

    Beliefs are an OPINION, nothing more. Faith involves believing regardless of proof. Good for them. I prefer healthy scepticism.

    As far as the creation of the earth goes, who knows what the hell happened there? Just because something must have come from something doesn’t dictate who or what it derived from. If you go down that path you then have to query what created the creator and then what created the creator of the creator and on and on.

    What is the fucking point?

    If there is a creator/God/whatever, I am sure he/she or it would not appreciate us wasting our lives debating something that is pretty fruitless as it is based on individual opinion so there is no ‘correct’ answer, at least not until someone does a Neville Chamberlain and waves proof in his hand (and that worked out well, didn’t it?)

    I’ve got better things to do, like get some heat (preferably generated by a nuclear reactor) on my very bad back that is seriously giving me the shits right now.

  23. In response to that argy – bargy down in the Southern Hemisphere. It’s now Holland’s turn to be culturally enriched.
    Oh what wonderful multi cultured times we live in.

  24. Fuckin hell, reading this lengthy treatise I do believe Stephen Hawking has been reincarnated. I think I’ve had a road to Damascus moment – I’m converting from atheism! Local mosque here I come.

  25. 3 dead now. Turkish immigrant responsible. Photo of him on tram posted. Obvious nut case.

  26. It’s all getting a bit fractious. I seem to have touched a raw nerve. Maybe time for some calming music that we can all join in with-

    ‘Edelweiss edelweiss
    Every morning you greet me
    Small and white
    Clean and bright
    You look happy to see me’

    Come on Mr Fiddler, everyone,

    ‘Blossom of snow
    May you bloom and grow
    Bloom and grow forever
    Edelweiss edelweiss
    Bless our homeland forever’.

      • And so say all of us!

        Certainly had me brushing up on my Maxwell/Heaviside equations this avvo. (Never overlook the simple stuff, and always keep sharp.)

    • Aww, ‘The Sound of Music’.

      ‘I am sixteen, going on seventeen’……..I fucking wish.

      My Dad has managed to go 50 years without ever seeing the film, or ‘that putrid shite’ as he calls it.

      Do you think I should call ‘The Guiness Book of Records’?

  27. The fact that Brian May is alive and Tottenham even exists proves it for me.

    I’m not the kind you have to wind up on Sundays

  28. I belive I might be an atheist.

    I think therefore I am.

    I’m pink therefore I’m gammon.

    Goodbye for now.

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