Another cunting for Andy Murray in quick succession….who has now decided that should he feel tip top after his surgery he might not retire after all!
He could have just had his surgery, stated his return was indeterminate and then made his decision whether to retire or not, once he had a better idea of his fitness.
But no. This soppy bollocked twat decided to blab like a schoolgirl for all the country to see and make a big song and dance, knowing full well he might pull a U-turn not long after.
Reeks of a pathetic PR stunt to keep his name in the public domain while he continues to avoid winning a tournament of any real significance.
Probably all engineered by his rancid, attention seeking mother. They should both be parachuted straight into a warzone with only a kids tennis racquet as a weapon. See how much they enjoy being in the spotlight then, the pair of cunts.
Nominated by The Ghost of Glauber Berti
I still would, though…
As for his mother: nova chalk the bitch.
You still would what krav, go on what you want to get fucked in the arse doggystyle by Andy Murray?
New balls please!
Andy murray used to be cunted on the regular good to see people still hate him tho hes probably less of a cunt compared to some of these other tennis superstars tossers like williams siisters and Roger Federer Tennis is a sport for the super rich type of cunts I can’t be bothered
Certainly a lot less of a cunt than the fucking remaniac MPs who pollute the airwaves with their pompous posturing.
only memorable thing for me about tennis is looking up the skirt of a young and fresh Sue Barker back in the late 70s.
She was crap, but she had a nice arse!
I think the mother had a bit to do with it. Attention-seeking old lush.
Tennis is a sport for our corrupt political-media and corporate classes.
The only good thing I have ever seen about tennis is Chris Evert’s arse…
Murray is a fucking cunt and his revolting mater is just as bad….
Prominent senior Tory ‘Brexiteer’ Nigel Evans is a cunt.
Previously firmly in the No Deal camp, he is currently doing the MSM rounds, saying he will vote for May’s treacherous EU dictated ‘Agreement’ if May agrees to stand down once the worst deal in UK history has been passed by Parliament.
Evans believes Mavis would then be able to leave office with her dignity intact and her legacy of delivering Brexit assured. ?
So not just a turncoat, but a deluded turncoat, willing to sell his country down the river just to rearrange the deckchairs on the Tory Titanic.
Shirt lifting cunt of the highest order.
The shit EU deal is still a shit EU deal regardless of who is Prime Minister.
What is the matter with these pathetic illogical cunts?
Amber Dudd is fully behind the deal… Philip Hammond described it (on the Marr Show) as “a very good deal for the UK”, not once but TWICE, a week ago.
Tusk, Druncker & Verhofstadt all think the sun shines out of the Deal’s backside.
What does that tell you?
Slightly out is better than still in. A move in the right direction, and given a single testicle shared between the EUsceptics, something which can and must be taken further. I don’t think the no-deal faction (of which I am one) is robust enough to defeat the lying, conniving, corporate interests on both sides of the Channel and actually get out on WTO rules, whether or not April 12th arrives with no movement.
I don’t think it’s May OR WTO. I think it’s May OR the project runs the rest of the way into quicksand: cue much laughter from Brussels. Still, hope is the last thing to die.
Best to throw in the towel and become a vassal state? Hoping something will turn up?
Am pretty sure the EU would prefer we go with May’s Deal than Remain. They get the money (£39 billion is just a down payment) and the control, we get to be rule takers not rule makers, trapped in the Customs Union, unable to make our own trade deals for as long as it suits the EU 27.
And anyone who believes our self serving political establishment will control immigration in the interests of ordinary people would be severely deluded imo.
Better to live on our knees than risk dying on our feet?
The option I had in mind was living on our feet, but our headless chickens will even co-operate, to scupper that. Not saying the knees are better, but it appears inevitable.
I can only imagine the vastly increased respect we will get from the EU if we just fold and apologise, can’t you? What are your predictions for the success of anti-EU candidates when we (having folded) vote in May? Remember, it’s all UKIP’s fault really for wanting the apocalypse (all media).
Have a look at the graph. Around £9Bn in 2017 net contribution. Note the upward trend since 2005. Wonder, as I do, if a maximum 5 years’ worth of contributions and then fuck-all, isn’t, while still a bad deal, better than staying in.
It won’t end at £39 billion. When the transition period inevitably extends into 2022 we’ll be liable for another £18 billion. We’ll be left with all the disadvantages of EU membership and none of the advantages. And on and on it will go.
If we hold our nerve and leave on WTO, the EU 27 would quickly come to their senses and commence proper negotiations, any damage would hit them just as hard as it would hit us.
And if we’re not going to leave in any meaningful sense, what’s the fucking point? The only people who will benefit are the mega wealthy and the Remain establishment, with what little democracy we have left further eroded.
I’ll leave it there.
Totally agree Komodo. We have to have something for the sake of dignity. I would hate to see that great grinning ape Dame Kier Starmer, David Miliband, crappy “Lord”Adonis, Hammy Lammy and Chucka Umunna , not to mention Anthony Blair, Nick Boles and the Soubry and Miller tarts rewarded with the capitulation of a rescinding on Article 50 or a 2nd referendum (which would be fixed for Remain to win this time). Wouldn’t they just gloat. Talk about arseholes wreathed in smiles.
Anything is better than nothing at this stage, and nothing else is on offer. Rees Mogg , Cash and Johnson need to get a grip on that fact.
Tying your own arms behind your back and biting a leg off is hardly dignified Mr Boggs. ?
I take your point RFC, but, bad as it is, the “deal” is the only one there will be, because to turn it down is all that fucking Hilary Benn and Sugartits needs to ensure we stay in the EU, wither by renouncing Article 50 or the 2nd referendum.
It’s not good, I admit, but getting one leg out of the EU bus means we live to fight another day, and a more Brexiteer future PM could well use it as the basis to remove us altogether.
I would have preferred something more robust, but it was clear with the weak willed fuckers in parliament we would never get anything better.
Politics is the art of the possible. (A. Politician)
Hearing nancy Nigel talking about dignity is as bizarre a thought as hearing Chuka Umunna talk about modesty
Murray should announce that he now identifies as a woman. Think of the benefits…
1) Might occasionally win a game.
2) Could get fucked by his Mother with her strap-on and there wouldn’t be anything weird about it.
3) Gets access to Simona Halep’s sweaty knickers carelessly peeled off and discarded after a game.
4) Makes a new friend in Serena Williams ( they can compare cock size).
5) Can moan and complain to his heart’s content and due to him now being a woman,nobody will think it unusual.
6) Gets the chance to give Anna Kornikova a right good fisting in the showers.
7) As a woman,he will avoid the attentions of our resident rampant Rear-Gunner, Krav,…probably a blessing for the pair of them, Murray’s got a bad hip,and I can’t imagine that getting pounded by a beetroot-faced,frilly-dress wearing, Les Dawson lookalike would be good for either of them.
Fuck Off.
Knowing that Krav is a Les Dawson lookalike is rather unsettling.
Krav and Mince Pie Guy on holiday at Brighton….
Murray wants Scottish independence but that didn’t stop the cunt accepting his knighthood.
Hate the dull sour looking cunt and to boot he is a fucking cry baby…….
Get fecked ye cunt
Even the Terminator learned to crack a spastic smile on occassion. This mother muff diving cunt can’t even be bothered after winning a trophy, the emotionless cretin. Probably to do with his mother no doubt, she’d make more sense as an overly bothered asian stereotype than a wee mother hen.
There was an old chap called Murray,
Because of his hip, he did worry,
Into surgery he went,
His best years he had spent,
But nobody gave a fuck.
Goodbye for now.
I like the last line, but because I am a poetry nazi –
…Now he’s running the ScotNats from Surrey?
Anybody have Scott Walker in the Pool? Sad news.
The Sun Ain’t Gonna Shine Anymore
I wouldn’t have bought any of their records, but that bloke could fucking sing.
FUCK sake. Heseltine has been exhumed for the 142nd time and wheeled to a phonebox to call into LBC yet again. He was on yesterday or the day before.
Talking about the 350m bus, again.
Fuck off and rot down you blathering corpse shitheap!
The only bus he needs is the sort with whited-out windows, one way to Germany, only stop at the “special” loony bin.
Murray has always been a cunt and always will be.
Had my breakfast ruined this morning, fucking Will Young on the box, what a complete cunt, fuck off and mince down Riyadh high street.
Can we please cunt the missuse of the term “Right Wing”?
I am Right Wing, I love the Queen as if she was my own Granny, in fact I’ll probably love Charlie, William and George, if I ever get to see them don a Crown. It’s one of the things that makes us British! (+ having the balls to stick 2 fingers up at Europe every hundred years or so).
But our shitty press and the MSM band of knobheads, don’t seem to understand that the Left and Right Wings come from the sides of the house during the French Revolution, Right in support of the Monarchy and Left against. It does not mean you’re an ‘ist and in support of any ‘isms, it purely means you’re in favour of the Monarchy.
And for the record, the nazis were National Socialists (like the SNP) and certainly not in favour of the Monarchy, as they fucked theirs off, so were most definitely Left Wing. Hitler himself hated the Communists so much, because they practiced the wrong form of socialism, not because he wasn’t a socialist.
It pisses me off that anything anti Islam, or anything else they don’t like is branded Right Wing, it’s not, look at fucking China.
What gets me about this cunt is that he as won Sports Personality of the Year at least twice!
How the fuck do that work for a person who has absolutely fuck up personality, character or charisma?? A good-ish tennis player perhaps, but ffs how people can vote for a morose cunt like him is beyond my thinking!
fucking auto-correct.
shame there’s no edit function with these posts.
I hear Serena Williams is now identifying as a woman.
The most mind numbing boring experience anyone could have is being shut in a room with Andy Murray listening to Coldplay
If Murray’s playing days are indeed over he could always try for a part of one of the giraffes in ‘The Lion King’.
Compared to any of the snivelling, talentless, overpaid, moaning, thin skinned “celebs,” he ranks high in my books any day & I quite like him. Getting to the top in any sport must take years of focused dedication, and hard work. Alright he’s weepy, and flat, but he happily joins in when the mickey is frequently taken out of him. He’s made his millions in a sport with grotesque winnings, but he ploughs plenty back helping the underprivileged kids in this country, and abroad gain access to sporting activities. Neither does he play the PDS, victim card, despite him and his brother almost being killed in the Dunblane shooting. He can make as many come backs as he wants, though I doubt he will ever be at the top again. I’d rather watch him, Djokovic, Federer, and even Nadel battling OCD on the courts any day, than I did the boring Henman, who likes to throw the snide remarks Andy’s way, or any of the grunting, tantrum throwing women. Claire Balding is intolerable, and I expect she’ll hang on in there, until she can cheer the first transgender onto the courts.
PTS!! ..not PDS!!… though there is plenty of dramatics, thrown in with the traumatics afflicted.