Who is this cunt you may ask?
A peaceful who has filed a case against Easy Jet for Religious Profiling. This cunt was on a plane from Morocco to Birmingham.
After 15 solid minutes the steward of Easy Jet gave up knocking and being told “Yeah Ill be out in a minute hang on” he opened the shitter door on the cunt. Of course he was having a monster crap, and not of course planning to take the plane out so the steward is now up on a charge for profiling the cunt because he is muslim.
What a CUNT. Steward should be given an award for bravery. If the blast didn’t kill him, Imagine the smell.
Nominated by King Cunt
Staff member was following policy.
He is one fucking ugly cunt.
One dark tunnel best steered clear of Krav?
very best case of a peacefull locked in the bog is he s wiping his arse with his fucking bare hands[ and these cunts concider pork dirty], worst case senario of a peacefull locked in the shitter – well what would you think, I would be thinking I wanna get off this fucking plane ASAP, I would rather 10 feet to the ground as opposed to 10,000…..
That must have been some fucking curry the cunt had the night before. I’d have hated to be in the queue to get in that bog and no mistake.
A pissed bloke was filmed on The Tube yesterday ranting on about “fucking Muslims” and saying he was glad those NZ cunts were dead etc etc. It’s on the Mirror website.
Now the trouble is the bloke was black. That doesn’t fit in with the libtard narrative so it’s all very awkward.
However, he was very light skinned and about the same age that Black & White Cunt says he is. Unfortunately I couldn’t see which stop he got off.
I wonder…….(strokes chin)…….?
Come on ya cunt! We know it was you! Own up you fucking Nazi!!!
I know naffink abaaaaaht it.
He’s bald but darker than me and not as handsome as Black and White cunt…couldn’t hear half of what the cunt was saying need to check the uncensored version somewhere. He’s another fed up Black and White cunt and I am proud of the cunt.
Surprised The Mirror didn’t white the cunt up using a little CGI magic before releasing that clip.
Evening RTCP
Tune in to Mavis TV at 20.15
Should be funny but for all the wrong reasons
A late snippet from Guido on that one Quislings – you couldnt make this shit up.
Thanks for that cunto…
Watched the whole video and the cunt lives in Notting Hill!!!! and is talking abaaaaht his Great grandfather fought in the war…Someone is framing me…what the fuck is going on. Its cause I voted Brexit.
I knew it was you! I’m grassing you up. I’ll be all over the BBC tomorrow.
A fucking snowflake hero!
Love not hate. Don’t look back in anger. ????
Probably less radicalisation in Morocco than Birmingham! The cunt should fuck off to Pakistan if he does not like it here.
And once again: He is one UGLY cunt.
And Katie Yomans , listen up sweetheart:
You are a fucking pig ugly transbendering freak. So someone called you Sir instead of Madam and you think this gives you the right to get stroppy? Who the FUCK do you think you are? You may think you are a woman but you can not change your chromosomes.
Live and let live, do what you like but stop using your cut and shunt job as an excuse to be a bolshy cunt.
Did anyone die? No. Was anyone injured? No.
You are doing your lot no favours with this constant whining. Personally I do not agree with trans surgery, but each to their own but please SHUT THE FUCK UP AND PUT ON A BURKAH as you is one ugly transbendering.
That Yeomans mutant looks like a brickie in a dress.
Couldn’t you just say: “Yo! Man!”
I had no idea who he was, so I looked him up. When he had the tit and cunt job did he get Desperate Dan’s chin transplanted too!
Fuck me there’s no way you could mistake that for being remotely womanly! Less “Crying Game” and more “Crying Shame”!
As a minor protest to these mental nut-jobs I am refusing to refer to blokes as women and vice versa when they were actually born male or female.
By calling them what they want to be denies the very real science of biology.
If you *think* you’re a woman then good for you, just don’t *demand* that I think the same because I rudely fucking don’t!
You can imagine the conversation:
The Steward: Knock knock.
Kayani: Who’s there?
The Steward: You –
Kayani: You hoo! Ha ha.
The Steward: No, you…smell of shit.
Christ, even the photo stinks of faeces. Cunt.
As Jim Royle might say : Islam My Arse!
15 minutes for a shit….
I wouldn’t be surprised if he planned it to try to get compo
Morocco to Brum?
Out of the frying pan…
I’d have to be paid a lot of money to get on that flight. Imagine the passenger profile.
Not wrong there, I bet the aircrew cant wait for that flight every week. Multiple security checks of walking binbags, beardy smelly carpet kissers, boarding cards with about twenty variations of Mohammed all the while walking on eggshells trying not to offend the cunts.
L.L., it must smell like Hell’s sewers have burst open. Arriving in that shithole, an outdated airport stained with African fecal matter, everybody walking around in Halloween ghost costumes, surrounded by an incoherent language and mass kiddy-grooming.
The passengers must’ve been relieved on the plane back to Morocco
And the flight down there would be fucking empty
Yeah, but why would you want to go to Morocco in the first place? You’d have to be fucking crazy.
Maybe if you lived in Birmingham you would be so desperate you would go anywhere.
Apparently it caters to a certain trade. Michael Jackson would’ve been filling his boots….
You’re right. And at least in Morocco it’s not your country you’re watching being fucked up.
Back in the mid 90’s mates of mine used to go on regular “bullet” runs to Morocco for the gorgeous hash. If you bought a cellophane-wrapped elongated egg that smelled of shit then you knew it was kosher. Happy days.
You’d be better off going to the ‘dam these days for that sort of “shit”. Malana Cream also recommended.
#bring back#
A Morocco to Birmingham flight simply should not be such a service available. Birmingham to Morocco sure, but not the other way.
And as the plane was heading to Blighty surely the entire passenger manifest were peaceful gimmes, so no profiling possible.
FIfteen minutes locked in a plane’s toilet whilst having a mammoth dump?
That is just fucking selfish, in my humble opinion. Bad enough when you have to wait a fucking millennium for your own family member to get their arse off of the bog while you are waiting for a simple piss, but when toilets are limited and there are hundreds of passengers, not only is hogging the bog selfish, but you will be subjecting every other fucker to your rancid, honking turds (and I just bet that curry-shovelling fucker has rancid, honking turds as well)
No wonder they can drop oxygen masks from above each seat. They should fucking drop them more often with cunts like this on board.
I personally try to fully dump all shite whilst still on the ground. Gives me a chance to disappear into the departure lounge whilst leaving the scene of the crime.
Oxygen masks? They should make that fucking gas masks.
Incidentally, why do all of these fuckers appear to look the same?
That is one cunt who should don a bag on his head at all times. If the vomit bag on board had been big enough, that would’ve done the job.
Come on Nurse, why do you suppose it’d stink, a three-day old, greasy, oily goat’s head curry eaten with the same hand with which he wipes? Look, he’s still got some flicks of last Monday’s excrement under his fingernails. The flock of starlings impression in the pan would resemble a toilet wall in Baghdad post explosion.
These cunts’ bowels must be titanium strength, like the bog seat at Nando’s after a Flabbotasaurus visit.
Adil Kayani…
“From” Birmingham…
I am genuinely stupified that you can get a plane to Morocco from Brum.
To me that sounds like a plane that should be shot down every time it takes off.
No wonder the cunts laugh at us.
Some cunt in Italy hijacked a schoolbus and set fire to it with 51 kids on board. Thankfully nobody hurt.
The hijacker was an “Italian citizen” born in Senegal.
I would avoid public transport and crowded places for a while if I were you.
Gino D’Hussain.
Mohammed Campesi.
Allah Capone.
That’s my last one.
He looks a typical Peaceful, always using stealth and cunningness .
Bit late in the day but by all accounts this photo has been causing a bit orf a furore orn Oz telly. Networks take it down, up it goes again, all doine apparently to the type of comment it attracts. Can’t think what I’m sure but I’ll leave it with you.
Filly by the name orf Tayla Harris if you can believe that.
Dont know what the fuck that is but my pc wont have it.
Damn. Sorry old heart. Try this: https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/vp/c9f5f1c3701f5cd2fdb6019d1652700e/5D2BD48B/t51.2885-15/e35/s480x480/53970498_633230233795955_3959793868992297063_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com
And by way orf amends another shot orf the sporting life in OZ. Some transgender cunt playing with the fillies:
Until now I’d been completely bemused with women’s Aussie rules. But with more photos like that I’d be done in two or three strokes!
The Taylah photo not the Mounsey one (Obviously)
That thing would snap it off
That thing hasn’t really got a cunt
Made my day that did, Sir Limply.
I’ve always said ( and fuck the complications ). Why not just have Muslim only flights?. Then the rest of the world doesn’t have to go through all the fucking security because of one fucking cunt in every 20 people. Hang on if it’s europe, one in every 3 people.
Could also make use of all those 737 – 8s
If it looks like a cunt, and smells like a cunt, you can be pretty sure it’s a cunt. I’d be embarrassed if I was caught out on a plane bog, the last thing I would do would be to draw attention to myself. Get fucked.
Typical victimhood cunt.
By all means enjoy and savour taking a shit. For some of us it’s the only peace we can get, but on a plane! …. ?
And why not try eating some proper English food before you fly like Yorkshire pudding or bangers n mash and maybe you won’t be having dirty vindaloo shits, stinking out the fucking plane and pissing every one off when you fly.
Cunt always gotta be droppin those bombs. One way or another
I kind of empathise with the guy because it’s not uncommon for me to spend ages on the lav due to my wonky colon.
However I am not an ugly, potato nosed Snackbar.
You just know the dar quay was texting or similar on the aircraft. Should charge him with endangering an aircraft.
It’s a very confusing era that we are in…what a cunt.