An emergency nomination for Tulip Siddiq, just seen on Sky news whingeing about how ‘humiliated’ she felt when she came to parliament in a wheelchair, and how ‘family unfriendly’ parliament is, because of the long anti-social hours and the recesses don’t always coincide with school holidays.
So, remind us again, who chose to be an MP and to drop a sprog?
Also a nomination for the interviewer who didn’t challenger her bullshit.
Eff off.
Nominated by Mystic Maven
(It feels great having the old editor back)
Silly bint put her child at very serious risk by delaying the birth,as I recall.
If she lived on a council estate I bet social services would have put the kid in care.
Utter double standards…
It’s Parliament, not a fucking crèche!
Stupid cunt.
Would she have preferred that they dragged her by her hair into parliament, so she didn’t have to walk for fear of the overdue sprog dropping out of her snatch? Holy shit, how absolutely horrendous for her to suffer the indignation of a wheelchair.
Family friendly? Oh fuck off. You and your enormous ego chose to become an MP. If you don’t like the conditions or huge salary, go and get fucked.
It’s Parliament you silly cunt. It’s designed to carry on the business of government not provide childcare facilities for people who didn’t have the foresight to work out that being an MP is not particularly conducive to raising children and it involves long hours. The problem with cunts like you is that you expect everyone else to adapt and cater to your personal needs when you bear sole responsibility for having put yourself in the *humiliating” situation. It’s sel-inflicted you cunt. Do you really expect government to close down for the school holidays so you can be at home with diddums or to finish business at 5pm everyday so you can get home and tuck diddums into bed? I’m glad I”m not one of your constituents. They must be really pleased that you put your personal welfare above theirs. Cunt.
Brilliant comment!
As I noted on a previous cunting “long hours” is the go-to excuse for every no-mark MP that does fuck-all on a daily basis.
Early starts and late evenings only occur when some lobbyist or interest group is prepared to fork out for an eggs-benedict with caviar breakfast at The Dorchester, or Michelin starred evening meal at Le Gavroche, etc.
The core hours for parliament is essentially 10-4 and unless there’s a bill to be heard/voted on outside of those hours then there’s fuck all else for the cunts to be doing apart from attempting to make our lives just that little bit better from their pampered perch of privilege!
A task which they fail at continually. But hey, they’re alright Jack!
So please forgive me when I take MP’s “long hours” with a pinch of Michelin starred maple flavoured sea salt!
As someone once noted: those people who desperately crave to be in power are usually least appropriate to wield it!
Fucking cunts to a one!
We need to rid ourselves of these perennial fuck-ups in both of the main parties and go for a fresh start.
Labour and the Tories are two peas in the same pod nowadays and neither has the interest of the ordinary, working, indigenous UK citizen in mind. In fact they hate us all, and only tolerate us because we pay fucking taxes.
Taxes which then pays for this shower of shit!
Great comment Rebel. Goes right to the core of the problem – the UK citizen you describe, the majority of the electorate, are unrepresented by these cunts.
She’s welcome to join the rest of us in the real world. You know, the one where we all work 9 to 5 for £80k a year salary, get expenses paid for 2 houses, food, energy, in fact pretty much everything, get private health care for nothing and where we can take time off during the holidays, paid of course, to look after our privately-educated sprogs, for which we also get Child Benefit despite earning lots of dough.
?too fucking true moggie.
Well obviously we should just stop all national and international incidents from happening whenever Miss Snowflake needs a recess, its nowhere as important then her needs obviously.
Who would have thought that a building constructed 100s of years before the invention of the wheelchair would not be suited to wheelchairs .
The silly cow risked her child’s health and then tried to blame everyone else . Sounds about right.
Why are these silly cunts given so much airtime now ?
Because concentrating on real issues is too hard for the cunts, so they make a fuss over non-issues in order to deflect attention away from them being completely useless cunts when it comes to tackling real problems.
You’ve seen them, as soon as they wander away from their “on message” script they are invariably lost.
Draw Abbott away from her (non-existent) “waycism” diatribe and the cunt is more lost than Will Robinson!
Draw Caroline Lucas away from wind turbines and into a discussion along the lines of: “Well if not fossil fuel then it has to be nuclear power right?” And just watch the cunt go: “LA! LA! LA! I’M NOT LISTENING!”
What we need is ordinary folk, blessed with common sense, who don’t have some elicit agenda, or social chip on their shoulder the size of Ayres’ Rock!
Neither of the lamestream parties offer this type of parliamentarian. We’d be better off scrapping party politics altogether and just have a house of independents.
Everything is a free vote based on the interests of their constituents, rather than themselves (are you listening Sourberries??), and whatever wins – even if by one vote – it is carried.
That’s a truer representation of democracy than the shameful faux democracy we have now.
Cabinet positions should filled by the people best suited to fulfill them, rather than to thick-heads bribed to vow allegiance to their party leader, or cunts who just happen to tick a few PC boxes!
The people vote for *their* prime minister, parliament votes/decides who should be in the cabinet, so long as the nominees are relevant to that cabinet role.
Fuck party politics! Party politics and the inability for either side to agree on any proposal – just because *they* didn’t think of it – has held this country back for decades.
It’s time for a change, or a revolution, or summat! This continual miasma of nothingness coming from Cuntminster it starting to wear anorexically thin!
We need better.
We deserve better!
Have you seen Owen Jones, the little schmuk has been rattling the Remoaners cages about old Denis Skinner. According to those demented fuckwits he is a Tory! 🙂
If that nauseating little cunt Jones went anywhere near Skinner, the old bovver boy would probably tear his head off.
Although I am diametrically opposed to their politics, I had far more time for the likes of Dennis Skinner and Dave Nellist (who Noo Liebour shit on – even though his Coventry constituents loved him – now there’s democracy for you) than I do for any cunt in parliament right now – with the possible exception of Kate Hoey.
I think Kate and Dennis are probably the last honest (to their principles at least) MPs that are in there. The rest would sell their souls to Miles Plastic’s devil for a seat at the main trough!
They are a complete shower of shite, either so far removed from the reality of the working man, or worse, whose sole goal is one of self reward.
Cunts to a one, not worth pissing on if they were burning alive!
But hey, I’m quite moderate in my opinion of the current crop of MPs, some folk really don’t like them…
I wonder if she can imagine how “humiliated” the country feels having a pug ugly, child endangering, feminazi #MeToo slag like her anywhere near the seat of Government?
“Tulip Siddiq told Politics Live presenter Jo Coburn her Hampstead and Kilburn seat had 22,000 EU nationals and she wanted to vote for them in a series of votes on Tuesday night.”
Says it fucking all.
I liked the “heroic” wheelchair entrance.
Her “honourable colleague” for Peterborough, by the way, in chokey for perverting the course of justice is still taking her £77,000 salary while a guest of HM because “it;s the only money I have”. Liar should be chucked out of parliament
You can’t get a job cleaning the toilets at McShite’s Burger outlets with a criminal conviction. It is outrageous that a deeply tanned lying cunt can retain her place at the seat of power of the country especially as the offence for which she was convicted was perverting justice. Had she been locked up for 12 months or more she would have rendered herself disqualified to be an MP. But like many of the English (and Scottish) snowflake weak as Tesco’s lager laws the Representation of the People Act lets her get away with it. So now we cunts are not only paying her salary but her board and lodging too. Sorry Lord Hewart CJ but justice has not been done. Ammend the law you cunts to disqualify an MP convicted and sentenced to prison irrespective of the length of sentence. What a fucking nightmare this country has become. Oh I nearly forgot – Home Secretary, if the cunt is a naturaliised British citizen revoke it and send her to join her ancestors in Nigeria. She’ll feel right at home there.
Never heard of benefits then? Have to admit that doing a politician for an offence involving dishonesty does make me chuckle.
A person serving in the military would be administratively discharged if convicted of an offence warranting a prison sentence.
How about the saps who pay your salary you effing cunt?
Why would she feel humiliated by using a wheelchair? Isn’t every cunt who is different be disabled, sexual deviant or raghead to Rasta supposed to be celebrated and empowered?
Spot on.
Her medieval attitude decidedly insulting to spacks who appear in Malteser ads.
But I’d still do the blonde mute whose deaf aid got swallowed by the dog…
What the fuck is the silly bitch on about? Since when has being in a wheelchair humiliating? What is humiliating is the number of fuckwit arsewipes that have managed to gain power over us
She’s lucky it was a wheelchair. Left to me it would have been a fucking wheelbarrow, then dumped on the floor like a sack of spuds.
If the job is too much for you dear get your arse down the local Tesco you entitled cunt.
I’ve yet to see an election where there is any shortage of candidates for your job you lazy fucking moaning bitch.
I think it’s disgusting, they should have closed parliament until she was ready to take part again. What’s more important, her and her family or the rest of us cunts?
I see that she’s followed her family tradition by giving her kids stupid names – Azalea Joy and Raphael Mujib.
I fucking hate all these new age cunts, new PC, where will it end……
If your not a feminist, tranny, liberal peaceful loving cunt, arse bandit, rug muncher, non binary, gender fluid, knife throwing architect, snowflake cunt you are fucked because no one will care if you exist.
White man go home!!!
There’s a touch of Klingon about her appearance. Just sayin’.
Yes, let’s get out the Fisher-price garage, the stickle-bricks and the Big Yellow Teapot while PMQs is going on.
Yet another thick as shit, entitled female labour MP
As for wheelchair. Do what i did when i had chemo.. pretend to be Charles Xavier.
In Numerology her name means trouble making cunt.