Trimmed Bushes (no, not those ones you cunts)

Trimmed bushes

Whenever you trim your bush, you tidy your mess up after you have finished cutting your hedge .
But there are a certain bunch of cunts out there called farmers who are a law to themselves.
Bent Dennis and I live in the country side . We have a lovely garden, which we look after.
We have bushes,hedges, plants, etc. And all the cuttings are tidied up and put on the compost heap. The spillage of hedge cuttings that fall on the pavement are also cleared up .
What gets on our tits is Farmer Giles cutting his hedges and leaving all his shit all over the road, causing a puncture hazard, which has happened to me on one occasion. What thoughtless cunts they all are. If Joe Bloggs had made this mess outside of his own house, he’d be reported to the council and told to clean it up or be fined. But Mr Farmer cuntface gets away with it all the time.
The slurry they leave on the roads when the smelly bastards are muck spreading in their fields is another story.

Nominated by Mince Pie Guy

51 thoughts on “Trimmed Bushes (no, not those ones you cunts)

  1. These filthy farmers who only change their encrusted underwear once a month make me sick .
    If I was driving my car and lobbed a tiny piece of cat shit out of the window I’d be prosecuted yet these cunts can drive their tractors at 10 mph and deposit a mile long trail of bovine diarrhoea in their wake with absolute impunity.
    Cunts the lot of them.

  2. it’s EU agricultural policy Mince Pie. Mr Farmer is paid huge subsidies for not growing anything on his land. He is paid huge subsidies for trimming the hedges and beautifying the environment. You and Bent Dennis are in breach of EU Regulations. You compost heap emits methane contributing to global warming. Mr Farmer scatters his crap all over the road where it doesn’t rot and produce methane. He is paid huge subsidies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and a huge bonus for every car tyre he punctures, temporarily reducing carbon emissions. As shit produces methane Mr Farmer collects all his animals shit and his own, puts it in bin liners, and sends it to a nice lady in London as transplant material. He receives two huge subsidies for this, one from the EU agricultural budget and one from the medical research budget. Mr Farmer receives huge subsidies for mechanical equipment employed to increase production. It’s called Range Rover. EU citizens breathe cleaner air and eat less fattening food because of Mr Farmer’s subsidies which they err ………..are paying for. All Farmers are remoaning cunts. Fuck off and milk your cows not me you cunts.

  3. Get mr Fiddler to bring his tractor down. He’ll get it sorted, He has a darkie apprentice helping him now. Make sure he hasn’t been on the Guiness before though otherwise you may end up with a tractor in the living room.

    • Last time I saw Mr Fiddler he was feeding Kevin Maguire (the lefty hack cunt with the whinging, droning voice and smug, rolling eyes) into his super customised Greenmech wood-chipper. He’s the man!

      • Good to hear Mr Fiddler has expanded his operations, last time I saw him he had a darkie apprentice… I’ve now heard he has mysteriously vanished whilst on a job with Mr Fiddler…The darkie was last seen around the Greenmech Wood-chipper and Mr Fiddler was heard shouting ‘Fuck off’ and a loud crunching sound soon followed. That was all I heard.

      • Did you not hear any agonised screams B&WC? Maybe he was just shredding his Christmas tree?

        Maguire was fed in extremely slowly, inch by inch, it were ace… believe Dick posted a video of the proceedings on FaceFuck. Or was it Pornhub?

      • I heard Mr Fiddler gave him some fried chicken beforehand so that may have prevented any protests.

      • Love trimmed bushes but can’t fucking stand that sarcastic rolling eyed wanker McGuire.

  4. The ISIS harlot went to Syria on her sisters passport. Thus, question is, did she ever have a UK passport or is she even entitled to one under UK law?

    Point of order.

    ISIS supporting terrorist bitch.

    • Excellent point KD …..
      For all the rhetoric my money is firmly on a government capitulation and little miss Isis will be allowed back into the country..?
      Unfortunately never lived in the countryside so my only interaction with farmers is when I get stuck behind a tractor or worse still combine harvester
      On a Sunday afternoon bimble around the downs…..
      o/p ….
      This morning sky unearthed a real nugget of a cunt in cyber security expert John tsopanis who was able to Blame all fake news firmly at the door of leave , Brexit was decided entirely by fake news? At no point did tsopanis mention anything negative about the remain side? Absolutely nothing?
      Remain 100% honest
      Leave 100% dishonest
      Okay got that ?

      • She and her child will return maybe couple of months in nick but unlikely. Nice housing association house plus benefits for life. This fellow cunters is the reality of returning traitors. I really cannot understand what all the hot air and bollocks is about as the above is what will happen only question is when.

  5. Geet ter fack you whinging fanny.

    you would be the first to fucking complain when you cant see fuck all because the hedge is way too overgrown and you cant see fuck all around a corner.

  6. Apologies for being off topic but see why James O’brien is probably the man I hate the most. I’ve heard this interview but actually watching the alcoholic looking cunt try his bully boy tactics (Which usually work on his ‘selected’ general public calls) on Jacob Rees Mogg. JRM totally schools James and poor old James is out of his depth and he tries to divert the conversation to petty arguments.
    Totally out of his depth against a more knowledgeable man regarding Brexit. Its like the Head Master putting a public schoolboy in his place… Probably reminds James of his public schooldays and the cunt that is James O’brien shows all his deep down insecurities. I don’t think there is a bigger cunt in the media. What an unbelievable cunt. Piss off.

    • Did you notice what o shithead says at the end BW? He gives a completely wrong time check to his audience ?

      • I could watch that video all day long Quislings, I didn’t notice that. I’ll have to watch it again. ?

      • It’s not on that clip….
        At the end shithead thanks the audience and tells them it’s one minute past three not three minutes past one
        Obviously JRM really annoyed him and definitely ruffled his feathers…..

  7. Used to be bad round our way, but hedge trimmings seem to get cleared off the road these days. Probably worth a word to the council. Blackthorn bits are a particular cunt and can very easily cause a puncture. As a biker, my primary cunting is of half-mile longskidpans deposited by farm machinery leaving muddy fields after doing whatever it is they do to sugar beet. Lethal on bends.

    • Morning, K.

      Blackthorn really are Cunts. I did a job cutting hedges to allow access to the electic pylons. Cut and chip. The hawthorn were bad enough,but the fucking blackthorn were something else. Straight through the gloves,would hardly go through the chipper….utter Cunts. Still got little black spots up my arms and on my hands from where the bastards pronged me.

      • Those Pyracantha are nasty fucking things too.

        My wife’s Aunt has one of those and it makes mowing the adjacent lawn without being turned into a pin-cushion a challenge to say the least.

      • Morning Dick,
        Have had blackthorn through the sole of a wellie before now. But a quickset hedge of it will keep out the most determined immigrant, so perhaps add sea buckthorn and line our coasts with it?

  8. Are you sure that the puncture wasn’t caused by a Farmer putting down something to try and stop you trespassing on his land? I can see you now….you and Bent Dennis cruising along in your shocking-pink, hairdresser Jeep,The Communards Greatest Hits blasting out,the soft-top down allowing the wind to ruffle your beehive wigs,your sparkly lipstick glinting in the sun.your five o’clock shadow poking through the mascara,screaming with Gay abandon at each other “Oh Get Her,the Bitch” as you make your way to the local Gay Dogging Site…in fact,the puncture was probably caused by you driving over some discarded Vaseline pot when you parked up ready for an evening of moral corruption.

    Unfortunately,hedges have to be cut and middens have to be spread,it’s not some devious plan to deliberately upset people. I must admit that,if possible,at the end of the day I like to put a bale of straw on the front-end loader and try and make an attempt to “sweep” the road. Doesn’t do any good,but at least I’ve tried.

    Have you and Bent Dennis considered getting a tandem bike? Easier to change a puncture and you could glue dildos to the seats to get you in the mood for a touch of man-lovin’ later on.

    Glad to help.

  9. A tandem bike with 3 seats would be the ISAC Gold Star. Mince Pie Guy, Bent Dennis and a guest seat for our Krav.

    A bit like a gay version of the Goodies.

  10. Today Alien headed freak umunna is expected make an announcement he is leaving the Labour Party ?
    Brexit crybaby throwing out his toys….

  11. I see JOB is having a week off with various ‘celebs’ doing a day each. Today David Lammy ! What joy !

    • To be followed over the next 4 days by:

      Tom Watson, Emily Thornberry, Anna Sourbry, and Jess Phillips.

      According to O’Shithead “all people of irreproachable integrity whose opinions are based on factual analysis of the issues…”


      • Morning chief RTCP
        Oh I really hope your right
        I’m praying umunna puts himself up as leader!! The guys a spineless career politician of the highest order, he’s good on set piece debate but absolutely useless if it goes slightly off script!!

      • Morning Q… don’t worry, am right about the cunts sitting in for O’Shithead, if that’s what you mean.

        The ABBC are saying Chukka Remoana and the other nonentity Liebour cunts have taken a “momentous decision.”

        “Bullshit on stilts” I’d say.

  12. Could be worse, like living the jungle called Londonistan.

    There is shit everywhere

    Breaking news….. Labour snowflakes jumping ship Corbycunt is too far left, antisemitic, and are not giving the poor little shits a peoples vote.

    Chuka Cunt…. telling the audience that he is of mixed heritage, fuck!!! I never new that!

    They have a catchy new name …. The Independent Group

    Bunch of cunts

  13. Yeah, 7 of the Blairite fuckers have resigned led by Chucky. They are crying that it’s about anti semitism. Yeah, like MPs give a fuck about Jews, or anyother cunt for that matter.

  14. I wonder if these demanders of a ‘ People’s Vote ‘ will immediately resign their seats and let the people of their constituencies have a vote in the subsequent by – elections, where they would stand as true independent candidates ?
    No, thought not.
    Wouldn’t want to jump off the Gravy Train.
    Get to fuck.

    • Can’t see the Berger woman getting back in. She was parachuted in in the first place: “During the selection process, Berger lived for a period at the home of Jane Kennedy, then the sitting MP, whose partner was Labour official Peter Dowling, who ran the selection process. The completed ballot papers were returned to Kennedy’s home address.” (Wikipedia)…on an all-wimminz shortlist via an obscure ballot – the details now having disappeared even from Waybackmachine. Her constituency party has disliked her from the word go.

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