May I respectfully suggest a special throw-away colour supplement cunting column for that ragbag of eleven masturbatory self-serving, rictus grinning arseholes currently going by the name “The Independent Group” (a branch of Gavin Shuker Enterprises/Gemini A Ltd). A more suitable name could be either The Chuka Umunna Vanity Project or The Blair Memorial Group.
Soubry and the other two Tory tarts who defected yesterday sounded like a group of giggly actresses. Soubry referred to “my good friend, my *very* good friend Chuka” (watch out Mrs. Umunna, his beard, er, sorry, wife), I have a feeling the frustrated old cow is after your old man (will you fuck me, Chukaboy, will you take my knickers down, down a dark alley where nobody goes?). Could lust be in the air.
This stupid group of malcontents is going nowhere, probably forgotten in a few weeks time, but while it is on life support, courtesy of our soap obsessed press, the question is, who will next to jump ship? (probably on Saturday to maximise the Sunday press and TV shows).
My guess is Dominic Grieve, the raddled looking old woman, who is pissing his knickers at the thought of a no deal Brexit.
Come to think of it perhaps they should call the group “The Old Women’s Club”
Fuck them.
Nominated by W. C. Boggs
Am I right in thinking that this is a group of people who held opposing political views last week who have now become friends to derail a process voted for by the public?
Which makes me then think should they not have to re stand for local election as their appointments seem to have been a false flag operation.
Broadly speaking, Lord B, yes and yes.
I think Anna Soubry has the hots for Chuckaduckie. Not only did she describe him as “my friend – my *very* good friend” she would also like him to lead the Nancy Blair Appreciation Society.
Perhaps mummy told her something about the size of black men’s dicks. Anyway, she would be quite happy to work under him.
I’d give it four months before all the egos clash
Very soon it’ll be:
Crack open a cold Red Stripe, roll one up, and enjoy.
Dominic Grieve looks like Squidward from Sponge Bob !
Is the woman at the front with her mouth open holding her hands up to signal “insert knob here”?
She’s just seen Dick Fiddler waving his enormous whanger. Disgraceful.
In the above picture… Chukka (the dirty cunt) has slipped his finger up Heidi Allen’s bum. What a dirty slaaaag.
She’s the only one in the group worth a good fucking All these traitors need to resign and do the right thing and seek re-election to parliament
The Blair Switch Project.
Most will be consigned to the dustbin of history after their initial self gratification.
Like Cunts just grasping at anchors thrown to save them from drowning.
But hopefully their sacrifice will eventually result in the final obliteration of Davros and his cult of ubercunts.
Ian Austin has quit Labour with his majority of 22. That’s one seat that will go elsewhere then.
Looks like an advert for cat food.
As in lion-house…
“We’re all going on a
Summer recess.”
Never to be seen again, I pray.
What a bunch of self serving cunts, left their Parties yet won’t give their cuntstituents a ‘People’s vote’ in a Bi election. So typical of the current MPs, not surprising seeing as they have had Blair and Cameron as influences, saw one of these cunts on Question ‘A cunt’ Time and he was saying a bi election was not the right thing to do as we are near Brexit. What a lying wankunt, nothing to do with the cushy job and expenses etc etc. Politics has reached a new low and we need a revolution (French style) to sort these cunts out. Labour need to move back to traditional Labour to ever get my vote again (and obviously get rid of the Flabbot etc). What a pile of cunt with a grinning Chukka on top. The cunts.
You know Blair cunt is the background in some capacity… This is the new Labour Party, and when they get bigger (which they will as this country is mostly centre) Blair cunt will step into the leaders role at their party conference… Walking out to the song ‘Things can only get better’ with Campbellend smirking. Piss off.
B&WC – Apparently TIG have set themselves up as a limited company rather than a political party so they don’t have to declare where the funding is coming from.
So I would not be at all surprised to discover that Soros and Blair and Branson et al were in the background pulling the strings and bankrolling the whole thing.
Yes It is a private limited company called “Gemini A” set up by Gavin Shuker last year.
If any of these eleven motherfucking cunts were genuine they would have joined the LibDems. To give Austin his due, he hasn’t joined them because he is not anti-Brexit, nor did Frank Field who is also pro-Brexit.
My guess is, if this ramshackle organisation flies, they will try to temp back David Miliband, back to lead them, the true heir to Blair, which might explain why the original seven Blairites sudden worry about anti-semitism.
It wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest Mecha-Rigsby.
Blair cunt managed to buy a flat in Bristol right by the top University.
Quite a while ago now but the price it sold for was let’s say way below the fair price.
It’s The B liar Witch Project
As hinted at by B&W Cunt above, there is an increasing risk of the concomitant by-elections returning parliamentarians on the spectrum.
As noted elsewhere, the choice of venue for registered office, abutting The Unicorn in Alty (know it well), seems spookily apposite.
This will not end well, I’m afraid. It’s either time to take a leaf out of Mr Fawke’s recipe book, or emigrate. Matsu Island seems a good choice, if your Mandarin is up to it.
As Tom Hardy in “Bronson” (2008) averred:
“Hold on to your feelings because it’s going to get hairy in here.”
? What do we want?
– Less Democracy!
When do we want it?
Is the BBC writing department scripting this? It has all the hallmarks of one their terrible and pathetic saturday night drama shows.
‘Independent’. Makes me want to vomit my gizzards right in to the gutter. More like ‘In Dependent’ and hoping for an EU gravy train position.
Or ‘In Depends’. Adult diaper fudging cunts.
Ian Austin is not joining the remoaners, but perhaps he will as an ERG wing of the new ‘middle of the roaders’ to try to give some legitimacy to the group, all they need now is a leader, cant wait for the infighting, could come down to who has the biggest cock…… Soubry for sure!
Sorry to see he hasn’t joined TIT (The Independent Tossers), because I predicted he’d be the next to join a couple of days ago. There may still be time for him to change his mind and join the ranks of those whose constituency parties don’t like them.
Remarkable lack of support from the usual suspect, though (in Florida blairing at extremely rich people yesterday). Maybe the TITs have told him to stfu because he’s toxic?
Just look at that photo. What a bunch of smug, we know best fucking cunts. You are going to vote again on the EU but you won’t get a chance to vote again on us.
Now stop moaning. We know what’s best for you. It’s for your own good. Who wants to be milk monitor?
Freddie you’re a fucking genius. I was looking at the photo and trying to think what they reminded me of and you got it in one. Nanny primary school teachers.
I had a flashback to my own primary school days. Yes, I was a cynical cunt even back in those days. Needless to say I never made it to milk monitor.
The cunts.
Didn’t we get enough of the New Labour shite from 1997 till 2010? Just because Corbyn and co are a shower of marxists and even worse is no reason to big up any of them.
There’s only Heidi hi that could maybe talk me into giving her one if she asked nicely. Soubry, Woolaston bleeeuurrg!!
Berger is the only one who has legitimate reason to be there.
That Berger bitch is one ugly looking bird, looks like a fucking tranny.
Could it be Mandelson in drag?. Together with Alistair Campbell similarily attired, they could be the new Hinge & Brackett
Hinge & Bracket were considerably better looking, and I is straight.
They are more Mrs. Shufflewick, at Ken Clarke’s slippery end of the (last-chance) saloony bar
7 out of 11 are women, too fucking sensitive….
Berger, mmmmm , i cant defend this woman , yes she has had abuse but she was parachuted into the wavertree seat. I cant see her surviving as an independent.
The problem with Jewish people is Israel, dammed if they do and dammed if they don’t
Rub a dub dub eleven cunts in a tub without a party name
All united in the erroneous belief that Brexit was to blame
We, the bald-headed one said, shall be Independent I think
Bollocks said the other cunts we’re all about to sink
So dear deserting cunts before you put to sea
Make sure you’re not eleven cunts in a tub designed for three.
Fimbo for Poet Laureate
Tiggers. The wonderful thing about Anna….
She can certainly bounce around. She bounced out of the Liberal Party into the SDP. Then bounced into The Conservative Party. Now bounced into The Independece Group.
In television she bounced around Central (bouncing from studio to studio). Then bounced over to Grampion. Bounced out of the there landing at Granada. ‘This Morning’.
She was called to the to the ‘bar’ at so bounced over. Became a barrister bouncing round the courts.
What we need is a Bouncer to go into Westminster and grab her by the scruff of the neck ‘youre fucking bouncing days are over you fucking careerist’ and bounce her out of there.
Bobby Vee springs to mind:
[nota bene:To save all you utter cunts the effort, forget DeadPool; he died in October 2016]
Who is the bald fat cunt on the right? He looks very pleased with himself……like Billy Bunter after he’s just found the keys to the tuck shop. ???
That’s Mike Gapes – The Gapeing Arsehole, I guest that is why they are begging for donations? god knows how much he costs to feed on chips and bargain buckets each day.
Remember the gang of three? the gang of four? The SDLP ? No ? Thought not. Fuck the lot of them.
With the face Soubry has, a dark alley would be a primary consideration and I would still cover the bitch with an opaque plastic bag, tied round the throat of course.
The saddest thing about this bunch of cock munchers, is that they’re all possessed of the delusion that they’re far more powerful, important and influential than they actually are. The fact is, the parties they’ve stabbed in the back with their rubber daggers won’t notice their defections one bit. They now sit in the House of Commons under false pretences, having being elected to the house as either Labour or Conservative MP’s. They are no longer that. They also claimed, falsely, that they respected democracy, but have spent the past two and a half trying to reverse the democratic will of the British people. Now they have a chance to prove that they at least have some idea of what democracy is, by resigning their seats and standing in by-elections. They won’t do that though, because they’re trough feeding cowards. And Soubrey knows that, having spent two and a half years ignoring the majority of her constituents, they would kick her right out on her fat arse.
Another independent “Tony had no idea..” cunting please for this gaggle of self-serving bastards, who it seems, are running scared of their current constituents they are pretending to “serve” while being part of a private limited company (but they are not too proud to take public money for doing it:-
It seems that Chuckaduckie has his eyes set on a nice second home in Richmond, Surrey (so much “naicer” than grotty old Streatham). God knows where female impersonator Anna Soubry will chance her arm? (Manchester, Brighton or some other very gay friendly place), and how about the winner of Weightwatchers Biggest Failure award, chubby bottomed Mike Gapes.
Meanwhile this group, which relies on lies and spin are still appealing for donatio ns, claiming they have no big donors, even though a millionaire former Labour backer has given them a few pence?. We will have to take their word for it, as not being registered as a political party such information is private.
I am sure this “project” will appeal to the ponces and mincers of “New Labour” simply because Chuckaducks likes to throw in the word “new” so often,
This is just Umunna’s vanity project, the man is motivated by money and power, and the old Tory tarts and the ex-Labour hags just dream of being Blair Babes Mk 2. The men of the group, especially Chris Leslie and Slubberguts Gapes are raddled old has-beens. The whole concept stinks more than Cyril Smith’s jockstrap, and anyone taen in by these charlatan cunts need their heads examined.