The Gang of Seven

The Gang of Seven

So seven one time (if ever) Labour MPs have jacked in their memberships orf the PLP for reasons rather murky. Big press launch, lots orf spindoctors in attendance but little orf substance said, just a general venting orf spleen and bile. Old slap head ex-wunderkind Chaka Umunna floats to the top like the regulation turd he is. These are they:
Chuka Umunna, MP for Streatham and former shadow business secretary.
Luciana Berger, MP for Liverpool Wavertree and former shadow minister for mental health.
Gavin Shuker, MP for Luton South and former shadow international development minister.
Angela Smith, MP for Penistone and Stocksbridge and former shadow deputy leader of the House of Commons.
Chris Leslie, MP Nottingham East and former shadow chancellor.
Mike Gapes, MP for Ilford South and former chair of the foreign affairs select committee.
Ann Coffey, MP for Stockport and former parliamentary private secretary to Alistair Darling when he was chancellor of the exchequer.

Are they going to resign their seats? How dare you suggest that. No People’s Vote for them. They will honourably form an independent group within Parliament and vote accordingly ie against Brexit and against Semitism and anything proposed or endorsed by Corbyn. They promise and threaten a new alignment in politics. They have funding and other backers and naturally Blair is in there too.

Reminiscent orf the Gang orf Four split with Woy Jenkins + ect ect ect and who remembers that earth shaking episode? Well just the speech impediment (left your mark on history Woy boi). Remember the SDP? Precisely. Only Uncle Wanker Vince Cable who remains as the sole floater in the toilet bowl.

Why go nuclear at this precise moment? They despise Corbyn and Momentum more than they do the Tories. Destabilise Brexit naturally in the final weeks before Fuckxit. In mythology seven is the heroic number but does not apply to these bunch orf cunts.

Nominated by Sir Limply Stoke

95 thoughts on “The Gang of Seven

    • Joan Ryan, as accurately predicted by Mystic Komodo yesterday. Current chair of Labour Friends of Israel.

      Looks like Israeli Friends of Labour are pulling out…

  1. Opportunity for a Red (or pale pink) Pool here: which craven Blairite globalist sellout cunt will be next?

    • Sourberries? Nah, I can’t believe that the arrogant, self important bitch is that dumb.
      Of course I could be wrong and let’s hope so. ???

  2. I can’t say I have really heard of these plebs. Forming some independent ‘party’ stance does not make them exempt from the rope that is waiting for them for what they have done to this land.

  3. The best thing about the New remoaner group will surly be watching that spineless cantaloupe headed cunt umunna unravel in public, he’s definitely a vince cable kind of politician, okay taking pot shots from the sidelines but under spotlight of scrutiny that will no doubt come watch this lily livered sack of remain shite melt , let’s not forget the wanker ran away from the labour leadership race a few years ago, once a quitter?
    When the going gets tough chukka gets going….. ?

    • Berger will become fuehrer, on current form. Umunna hasn’t a chance against that little bundle of pushy whinge. That’s if Berger can find a seat next time.

      I’m enjoying the popcorn:
      1. Corbyn’s been wanting to deselect these cunts since he got in, and now they’ve deselected themselves!
      2. These principled pleaders for Labour’s (ie Blair’s) old values are inviting Tories to join them!

      Hilarious cunts.

      • Strictly between you and me Komodo I see the Israeli Government has insulted the whole Polish nation again. Indeed Lithuania and Croatia as well. On the eve of when they were all supposed to meet. Something like -‘they imbibed antisemitism with their mother’s milk’. When they of course imbibe hostility to all non Jews from same. Oh well, same as it ever was.
        I will be particularly interested where The Independent Group gets its funding from. I expect its headquarters will be Tel Aviv. I am looking to you to keep us informed.
        Funny all these ‘ friends of Israel ‘ are staunch Remainers. At least, to a certain extent, the Corbynistas respect the vote.
        Yes, if they are so friendly to Israel why don’t they fuck off over there for a while- shack up with Dame Shirley. They could make a daily pilgrimage to Captain Bob’s tomb on the Mount of Olives. Then hurry back just in time to scupper the Brexit vote.

      • I would be much more cautious in speculating where this lot’s funding comes from, if it has any. No-one yet knows, and as it is not yet registered as a party, it is not obliged to tell. Much more likely than Israel for seed funding and general facilitation would be the Tony Blair Institute for Global Tony Blair. I imagine ‘Lord’ Cashpoint Levy has been approached too, or will be shortly.

        Though it is true that Berger, Gapes and Ryan hold or have all held high office in LFoI, their defection would seem to be ill-considered from Israel’s point of view. LFoI is now down 5 members in all, with a consequent reduction in influence.

      • In other news I see there Sir Philip Green has been accused of ‘groping’ his fitness instructor at that resort in America. So while Sky news are running after him in connection with BHS he hops in his golfing buggy…
        In other news I see Junker has called Orban’s new political campaign against Soros and the hidden agenda to spread immigrants around Europe- a ‘ludicrous conspiracy theory’. Yes, we can see the ludicrous conspiracy theory every day on our streets.
        In other jews..

      • Oh dear. There are two kinds of people who make that kind of post, sorry. One wears the tinfoil hat. The other is a provocateur.

  4. Allied with Jewish ideas it is anti-Christianity first which is destroying Europe. Orban can see that. We are destroying ourselves.

  5. If Heidi Allen wants me to tick her box and is asking for a vote, I would certainly consider giving her one.

    By the way, what is she standing for and why is she associating with a bunch of cunts?

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