The Free Bleeding Movement (what the fuck?!)

Free Bleeding Movement
This is the practice of having the painters in and not wearing sanitary protection in public so everyone can see your massive blood stains through your clothes. Load of feminazi bollox though there is a female to male wannabe that did this free bleeding to show that boys can have periods too.

Boys can’t and never can have periods so fuck off and come back when you get a womb and some ovaries. The only reason the tranny can menstruate is because it is female.

There is only two genders. Hermaphroditism is a mix of the two in whatever proportion, not a third.

Nominated by Cuntologist

60 thoughts on “The Free Bleeding Movement (what the fuck?!)

  1. More look at me shit from air head cunts, who have nothing of any value to offer. If only Clive was about, with his great big hobnail boots on……

  2. This certainly is not a choice subject to be reading over one’s Sunday morning bacon butty.

  3. I don’t mind if women want to publicly display their bleed stains. It’ll save me wasting my money getting some tart steaming drunk and whisking her back to Fiddler Towers only to discover that my face is covered in blood the following morning and my Egyptian cotton sheets are stained beyond repair….in fact,I’d make them wear a badge saying that they’re on the rag before allowing them out.

    Get Fucked.

      • Krav has been a bit quiet recently. The last post of his that I saw seemed to involve him getting barred from Twitter for abusing some Darkie who’d offended his sensibilities.

        I hope that he’s back soon. There hasn’t been a decent “Handbags at Dawn” set-to for long enough.

      • Morning Mr F.
        What about Opinionated Cunt and George Bamboo? That was getting moderately spiteful.

      • Morning, Mr Cunt-Engine.

        True enough,but I fear that Mr.Bamboo and Opinionated Cunt lack the pig-headnesses necessary to continue belabouring some moot point long after anyone else gives a Flying Fuck…..not so, Krav and I.

      • Tame beyond endurance compared to references to Stephen Lawrence, Anne Frank and cockroaches…

  4. The Rad fems and transqueers are at each others throats and jam rags are part of the spectacle.

    The big old battleaxes and lesbians from the 70s and 80s are telling the trans they cant be women and are misogynists. The transqueers are saying they identify as women so they are women and the TERFs (Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists) are transphobic. There have been fights and squabbling within Labour’s ranks over it.
    Filthy acts like free bleeding is all part of the identitarian lunatics destroying themselves and any sympathy thinking adults once had for their movement.

    I once knew a male feminist who said he’d gladly go down on a woman during her monthly issue.


  5. Hermaphrodites are creatures with both sets of genitals that have evolved (yes, it happened) to be able to fertilise each other. There arent any human hermaphrodites. There are intersex people but that is down to genetic defects where neither female or male sex organs develop so it’s not a functioning sexual identity.

    Ive had to research this as i see a lot of ideological crap being pushed by cultists in the media and online. It’s the new Lysenkoism.

      • Intersex describes a cunt unfortunate enough to have been born with both male and female genitals. However one sex organ is invariably dominant, so their birth certificate will record them as either male or female depending on whether their cunt or knob is most pronounced, developed or functional.

    • Sorry to be pedantic but there are a few human cases of true hermaphrodites, that is an individual with a functional testicle AND an ovary, who are technically capable of self fertilisation. Good job I’m not one or there would be a few more fucked up inbreds inthe village. Could you resist fucking yourself if you could?
      As well as developmental and hormonal abnormalities around one in a thousand people have a sex chromosome abnormality, X0, XXY, XXX, XYY. Many in the above categories could reasonably be described as intersex, unlike the large majority of those undergoing gender reassignment, who exhibit a combination of various mental pathologies, often with extreme attention whoring syndrome.
      I Think that clarifies matters a little.

  6. Not the best thing to read when having my morning crumpets with jam….
    I feel sick.
    What is it with these demented cunts? Attention seeking repulsive twats with no dignity or shame…
    And you’re right cuntologist, there are only 2 genders. Anyone that claims to be anything else is just attention seeking.

    • Watch the splendid BBC three short film ‘what not to say to a non-binary person’ (via youtube). Stark-raving madness, narcissism and flakery. They’ve done quite a few ‘What not to say’ videos, giving the overall impression we shouldnt really talk to anyone under the age of thirty for fear of offending them, and reinforcing the stereotype of millennials being self-absorbed, fragile wankers.

      Good job, BBC fuckheads.

      • Straight from the gash Captain.

        My (incredibly hot) girlfriend at the time (1978) was strangely ultra-sexed when on the rag. And me being up for anything pervy, it was a marriage made in Heaven…

      • It’s the raised hormones, RTC. Happens to us all.

        Mind you, not that I can recall. There are cobwebs around my nether regions…..

      • Dear God, RTC.
        You must’ve looked like a cross betwixt The Cure’s lipstick-smattered Robert Smith and a vampire post neck suck relaxing with a pomegranate bloody Mary.

      • Uncanny Capt… that wasn’t you hiding in the wardrobe was it?

        And thanks for the explanatory tit-bit Nurse Cunty, commiserations re: your nether regions.

        What you need is a Lovehoney Magic Bullet 10 Function Silver Bullet Vibrator, £12.99 from Tesco.

      • Ooo thanks for the info RTC….

        …AND I have a £2 off voucher for Tesco as we speak!

        Hallelujah! (wonder if they do lube as well)

      • Lady Creampuff swears by her’s… along with other unmentionable animal noises, of course…

  7. Mother of adopted fuck. Nothing surprises me these days. These free-bleeders should be given a bloody nose to match the globules of stinking blackberry jam, sloshing around in their confused undercarriage. Fucking cunt blue-hairers and their space cadet bullshittery progressive bollocks can all get to fuck their unicorns.

    These schools who promote putting tampon bins in boys toilets are damaging these kids beyond repair. They must sit there at these twat Head of Department meetings and pat each other on the back over how forward and cutting edge their thinking must be? Fucks sakes. Gender neutral toilets are a fucking bad idea. “Yes, we subliminally teach our children to be chesters when they are older, because a person’s bad actions are never their own fault”.

    Tampons in male toilets? A boy can have periods too? Fuck far away and off back to cloud cuckoo land, you hipster Narnia dwellers. A normal male doesn’t want to see a stinking vampire’s teabag, festering away in the bottom of a bin.
    Fucking attention seeking fucks the lot of them. Bullshit on that.

    • Of course boys can have periods. Under the new regime, a transboy is a ‘real’ boy.
      Gepetto would be proud.

  8. I hope these attention seeking twats stick to their guns in old age and turn their noses up at whatever incontinence aids may be available. They can shit and piss themselves to their hearts’ content, safe in the knowledge that everyone else is thinking how brave they are. Sadly I’ll be too dead to laugh at them. Damn.

  9. “There is only two genders.”

    I hate to be *that* cunt about this, but I think the problem is too many people confuse gender and sex.

    There are only two sexes – male or female. It’s basic biology, and is determined by chromosomes. XX and you’re a female; XY and you’re male. Bolting on, or stripping away, bits like a cock or tits does not alter that basic fact.

    Gender is a social construct. It is what society determines is manly or feminine by choosing to act in a certain way, or not. In different cultures, at different times, people were either free to go against those societal conventions or not. Currently, here in the West, this is entirely possible. However, this doesn’t mean these people have the right to force it down anyone’s throat. It doesn’t affect me personally, and I don’t really give a shit so shut the fuck up. Feminazis are the worst attention-seeking whores in most cases – “hey, look at me! Aren’t I daring! Aren’t I special! Aren’t I unique!”

    I agree that the trans-wotsit trying to make out males can have periods too is just a cunt too far, though.

      • Yeah who needs those cancer wards when we need to blow n-million on smear tests for men and prostrate gland tests for women…


        “Mr Vet, Mr Vet! My dog is dying!”

        “Well, Mr Thickas-Pigshit, I’m afraid it’s already dead.”

        “Oh noooo! What caused it?”

        “Well, Mr Thickas-Pigshit, I’m afraid it’s a goldfish!”

    • There still is only two genders, the social construct theory is rubbish. Think about it.

      • Easy way to get them re-thinking, is to kick one of these man-women in the bollocks. If they hit the ground folded in pain, screaming “my balls….arrghhh!”, just offer up “well, you swear blind that you’re a woman, you shouldn’t have any bollocks to kick, should you?” These pricks change gender whenever it suits them.

    • I absolutely love the LGBTQIA’P’ brigade’s sex Vs gender argument because it’s win-win for norms if you follow these steps…

      “You are confusing ‘sex’ with ‘gender’!”

      “I see. So how does a veterinarian know if a horse is masculine or feminine? Or indeed, if it identifies as a dog?”

      “Well that would be stupid because a horse isn’t sentient!”

      “And sentience is the awareness of one’s own being, and therefore is a mental construct?”

      “Yes, exactly!”

      “Ok, so women/men who identify as either masculine or feminine – or somewhere in between – against their natural sex assignment, do so because of their sentience?”

      “Yes, exactly!!!!”

      “Ok, so basically these people are mental nut-cases who’s sentience is in conflict with their natural biology?”




      Fucking deluded, attention seeking CUNTS!

    • While women can be butch and men can be effeminate, being some non-binary unicorn is make-believe nonsense unless the person is truly intersex (essentially without either gender). There are 2 genders; masculine and feminine. Gender is bi-modal. Any ‘third’ gender (trans advocates put forth loads of them found in non european cultures) is in reality either more feminine than masculine or vice-versa.
      The problem with this gender snowflakery is down to hormonal imbalances. men have on average lower testosterone levels than their grandfathers. The men with the lowest testosterone don’t present the physical characteristics of masculinity as well as the normal male population. They cant grow facial hair, they have strange fay voices, man tits without being fat and poor muscle definition. They are also prone to moodiness, as that is a characteristic of low testosterone. This all leads to a change of self-image in terms of where they are on the scale of masculine and feminine.
      They are still men but try to fit in by calling themselves ‘non-binary’.

  10. Even an attractive woman’s pussy is kinda gross when all said and done, especially after age 35ish and a couple of kids.
    The sort of wimminz who’d be practicioners of this disgusting act…well, one can only imagine how horrendous their fannies look.
    Not even the most bestial recently-released rapist’d have a go on that.

    • Ive known a few strange men who are in the thrall of any vagina, bleeding or not, hairy or not. They put women on a pedestal. I think they want a high heel on their ball sack.

      Fey, pasty creatures with bumfluff facial hair and hair in a bun

      Male feminists.

  11. Oh, and if you ever want to annoy a wimminz, refer to tampons as “Dracula’s teabags”!

  12. No surprise that male feminists are saying they can have sympathy periods. Is there even one single male feminist on the surface of the earth who doesn’t deserve to get his worthless pansy head kicked in?

    • I am a feminist TTCE… For about 5 minutes before I’m balls deep, and maybe a little while after.
      On that note why is it women want to cuddle and hug after sex? I want to get as far away from the lady as possible after… Unless I sense another load needs delivering.

    • If you kick them in the balls hard enough then no sympathy is required (or even forthcoming), the fuckers will bleed, and probably squeak a lot.

    • I know of one such twat. He is an idiotic embarrasment to mankind. He thinks Tesco aren’t capitalist because the sell cheap sandwiches. He also has a degree…
      In theatre studies.

  13. Oh dear, what a pile of bloody cunt. It’s on show for us all to see don’t these bleeding cunts think abaaaaht the poor Indian or whatever people in the sweatshops who made these jeans which they have ruined. They truly are bloodclaats. Piss off.

  14. I agree with the OP: we are a binary sex species, male or female.

    Just as in binary numbers there is only 0 and 1. And even when both states exist concurrently (as in quantum computing) there is no 2!

    I’m fed up of cunts promoting micro first-world issues like they should take precedence over real issues such as the degradation of society, a disappearing middle class and resources being stretched to fuck due to mass immigration!

    And the sad thing is that the powers that be fall all over themselves to appease these mentally unstable fuckwits because dealing with the real issues – as opposed to these non-issues – is a bit hard!

    Go fuck yourselves you whining retards! Worry about there being no fat free soy milk for your skinny lattes you CUNTS!

  15. Dirty, disgusting, degenerate perverts. But that’s enough about RTCP and Mr Fiddler ? Why bother wearing the jeans you cunt? Just let it drip down your cellulite-pocked thighs and give the pubic lice a bit of fresh air. You’ll have the bus and swimming pool all to yourself and you could call round to Ron Knee’s. Your stinking minge should scare off any remaining rodents he had a problem with. Me. Well I’m in favour of locking you in a darkened room and throwing away the key. Absolute bloody cunts – literally.

  16. I have read some bizzare nonsense in my time,but this is completely beyond any rational,logical or normal thinking.

    I am not t joking when I say that when millions of people died in the Holocaust, those who survived (and I have met a good few) cried when they were able,after liberation ,to use a clean towel,a piece of soap,a comb,a hair brush. Sanitary protection was also a matter of dignity stripped from the victims of persecution.

    This story makes me really worry about the future.

  17. PUKE.

    What is wrong with these hairy bitches? Why the hell would anyone want to air and share their menstruation? What point are they trying to make?

    It is fucking vile and something no mother would want to explain to little Johnny on the bus back from nursery, when faced with someone’s bloody snatch. Does this occur to those feminazi twats?

    Today’s dinner in the Nurse Cunty household is meatballs in a tomato goo and rice. The ‘tomato goo’ will doubtless give me flashbacks of this story, but hey ho.


  18. The light fitting in our bathroom has stopped working so I’ve put some party poppers in the wife’s box of tampons….

  19. Oh My Fucking Gord. The next time i want to vacate my bowels i will do it in Tescos . A great big Type 4 on the Bristol Stool Chart hammoked in my Y-Fronts right next to one of these attention Bleeders.

  20. Back in the Middle Ages, where the peacefuls still live, bitches like this would have been burned at the stake. I wonder if these snowflake slags have taken any advice from their local friendly Imam?

  21. Apparently it was a prank trend started by 4chan but idiot feminists thought it would get them attention and went with it.
    It’s a common practice in Asian countries but sanitary products are seen as unhygenic or not readily available so women have time off at home to menstruate in privacy.
    So if a free bleeding femicunt says it’s just western male oppression, tell them the free refers to unobstructed issue, not public display. Now get off the streets and stop upsetting the children, you moronic, deranged attention whore.

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