Street Speak. Apparently Rod Liddle has annoyed the Black Communidy by expressing a known fact about this element of our society. Naturally, there is a tsunami of outrage, but my cunting does not refer to Rod and his column. As I type, I’m listening to Radio 4’s Broadcasting House and some “offended” black teenagers have been invited to speak. What is worthy of a cunting is how unintelligible these cunts are, each one speaking in that street slang.
When the “Windrush Generation” arrived, they were keen to integrate. They took care to speak good English and did shit jobs without complaint. The future generations have somehow devolved into an unintelligible, feckless species; their inability to speak good English another reason why they are unemployable and separate from mainstream society.
To remove bias from this cunting, whiggers who adopt this way of speaking are cunts. And white millennial cunts who, like, you know, have adopted their own annoying version of the Queen’s Engliiiiiiiiiiiish????
Nominated by Sgt Maj Cunt
Yo, you is well rrrrraaaaaacccccciiiiiiissssssssttttt. I have got beef with you. Swear down, cuz.
Bit unfair, Sgt.Maj.
When you consider that it was only a few generations ago that they were happily swinging about on vines up the Congo communicating only with grunts and whistles,their progress has been a miracle…a miracle enabled by a benevolent god….the white man.
Dark Kies don’t need the same vocabulary as white men. A few key words are all yer average Rastus needs….chiggun,gimme, ‘uman rights,benefits…and,of course, their chief desire…”Where da white wimmin?”.
My hounds understand more commands than most Uppities,and there’s a lot less risk of the hounds robbing and stabbing people. This is why people should get rid of their kitchen-kaffir and get a dog instead.
Fuck them.
Trevor McDonald is one of the very few genuinely civilised Tarry-toots,and I still wouldn’t trust him around a bucket of KFC or an unconscious white Lady. He’d probably eat the chiggun and use the grease off the skins as a lubricant before Mandingoing the poor innocent milky-skinned female.
It’s a fucking disgrace. He should be stripped of his knighthood,the filthy old Cunt.
Fuck Off.
That had me laughing Mr Fiddler, Trevah is a gentleman. I quite like the way Chwith Eubanks articulates himself.
Morning Dick, morning B&WC.
Trevor Phillips talks a lot of sense, imo.
I’ll get my coat… taxi imminent… flight booked.
Morning, RTC.
Did anyone hear Spike Lee and his down home tone of voice when accepting his Oscar? (or his Nigel or Rupert), a cry from the heart for the fucking Democrats. He sounded like Uncle Remus, and I see that cunt “Independent” MP who got slung out of the Labour Party for Peterborough for perverting the course of justic has been let out of chokey today after only 3 weeks. Cunts the lot of them.
Morning RTCP, how many coffees have you had already?
Zero caffeine! I’m free!!!!
It’s Kenco decaff all the way now B&WC… means I’ve made room for more worthy toxic substances…
I’ve always liked Eubank. He plays the eccentric English swell to a tee. It’s all a put on – he’s a total Peckham boy through and through.
Trevor McDonald cleared of calling Bernard Manning “A fat WHITE bastard” in 2007.
Wonder if we would get away with calling Flabbottopotomus “A fat “A fat BLACK bitch” in 2019, or would that be considered raaaaaaciiiiiisyt?
Lets try calling David Lammy a fat BLACK cunt. Because he is.
Aaaah, the Blamby…
What a disgrace these uneducated fools are Mr Fiddler, I am glad I have half whitey genetics…I used to hear tales from my darkie ancestors about how to out wit the monkeys in the trees etc. As a hybrid of blackie and whitey I am like a super human…all the athleticism, Physique, intelligence of a superior blackie and the intelligence, eccentricity, and guile of a whitey. I am the master race…soon to be taking over country towns and villages near everyone.
My friend Nyabinghi bloodclaat johnson has asked if he can get a bit of work…cash in hand ideally as he has to avoid any problems with the benefits.
There’s one small corner of Northumberland that will never surrender. Fired up on a diet of “The Four Feathers”, “Zulu” and anything with Kenneth More in it,plus Bushmills and belly-pork, I’ll be waiting for the rhythmic sound of the Bongos in the air carrying the traditional Dark Key chant of “Communidee”. Hopefully the signs that I’ve erected of
“Workers needed” and “No chiggun here” will slow their rush until the hounds and I can see the whites of their eyes and deploy our shock troops…inspectors from the Child Support Agency. I feel sure that a small detachment of CSA officers backed up by benefit-cheat busybodies should be enough to repulse the dark horde.
I’m afraid that I have no work available for Mr. Johnson. I have quite enough redundant farm machinery without adding him to my collection.
Morning, B+WC
🙂 .
Morning Mr Fiddler, Sounds like a formidable force but we have a bigger force as my lot dont work you see and you lot will be working when the attack comes. We have radicalised the whiteys down south and our secret weapon is the Islington regiment. You will be bombarded by organic tofu and falafel home made bombs. We have already sent undercover whiteys to infiltrate you stubborn bastards who will not yield (beware of any recently opened deli’s and independent coffee shops). If that fails then we will bring in the Tranny brigade…there speciality is to charge at the enemy with no pants on bollocks and bellends swinging from left to right…that’ll get you lot surrendering in no time.
Ive recently learned that this patois has a real name, innit blud.
London Multi Ethnic.
You can hear it used in all the best grime tracks and the films of Noel Clarke; Kidulthood, kidulthood 2, Anuthahood and various channel 4 social dramas.
Being a child of the eiighties i miss the times when fellas used to have Jheri curls and ghetto blasters and walked up to you outside McDonalds (on a high street) and ask ‘what’s up, my man?’
You forgot that other urban movie masterpiece Shank.
There is little I could add to this cunting, partly because I don’t understand a word the cunts say.
FOMO thats actually a word people use? bunch of cunts and wagwan thats another cunty word too
Its actually ‘Wah Gwan’ Titslapper… it means whats going on.
Wah gwan Titslapper by the way aint seen you abaaaaht on here for a while.
I knew it was some kind of lazy jamaican word some cunts use wah gwan doesn’t make it any less cunty tho.
Marvin Gaye could of called his song wah gwan the twat. I’m fine B&WC, I’m always around but sometimes I just don’t comment
Glad to hear it Titslapper.
The word I struggle with the most is ARKS. As in ‘I Arks you a question’. It’s ASK! It’s that fucking simple. An MP used it in Parliament last week. I grind my teeth and find myself clenching my fists when I hear it. On the plus side my kids don’t use it so they are more likely to be successful in a job interview.
Can I axe you a question? No.
Whenever I hear ‘ask’ pronounced like this I begin dumbing down my language, taking it down the gears, speaking slowwly and only in monosyllables.
Axe is a better spelling than Arks. Which funnily enough is what they are likely hiding under their Kappa Jacket.
Im Aksing you to read this…
Thank you BAWC, that is actually quite interesting.
‘Asked’ is devilishly hard to pronounce, really have to slow down to pronounce it properly
These yoots sound embarrassing and as yoots I can ‘allow dem’ as they are young and foolish and blatantly put it on. Its the grown ups who still think they are i n the hood and talk like this that really piss me off, total embarrassment and have never grown up. Piss off…ya get me.
“Yo fam, me is finking baat it, riight? Ya feel me?”
“Man no give me no ‘spec, riight?”
“Fo sho”
C u n t s
Good stuff captain!!
My personal pet hates
Let’s me ARCS you?
Dis n dat ?
Even writing that has made me grind my teeth..,,
Off point….
sky have got their favourite leftie libertard lecturer on this morning
Adam Elliot- cooper from KCL
Sky have done another of their dodgy polls and found the brits are a divided nation with lots waycism and islamaphobia ….
Cue mr Elliot-cooper who unsurprisingly has laid most of this at Brexits door, according to him the referendum and subsequent election campaigns were run on nationalism/ racism front and centre, With the kind of imagery and rhetoric used and the policy making people were proposing? CUNT!!!
He stopped short of comparing Brexit to 1930,s nazi Germany! That was left for dispicable cunt hezeltine who yesterday was given a full 5 mins to rant on prime time SKY TV
Morning Q
Brexit is the Remainiacs’ scapegoating black hole into which everything and anything can be blamed. Nothing surprises me anymore.
Wind blew the tree over? Brexit madness.
Beatles broke up? Brexit madness.
Dinosaurs died out? Brexit madness.
Hezelteenie? Chaa. Man don liike no Baaamba clerk, ya feeel me? Right?
Morning captain ..
Brexit is the panacea for all the uks problems, both real and imaginary…..
Any politician gets caught on a tricky subject?” Errr Brexit?”
Umunna and his band of cunts shouldn’t have fucked around With the ridiculous independent group shite!!
How about
Que’ ?…………
…and on Radio 4 as well, turgid old motherfucker. And if cunts like him think that reversing the democratic referendum result will ease racial tensions he is even more decrepit than I would have given the old cunt credit for.
Rather than a second referendum I would like to see a general election so Grieve, Cooper (Sugartits), Lammy, Umunna, Dame Keir and all the other little remainer arsewipes kicked out. Especially the pooftahs like Boles, Bradshaw etc
In fairness – the translation’s not much better – “a argument” for fuck’s sake ?
‘Feds’. That one always irritated me. Works in the US, not relevant at all here.
Then again none of this noxious tongue wank is.
Allow it, fam…. You get me?
Geordie types are the original White black people here in Blighty. They always say ‘man’ and I had a geordie Driving instructor when I was learning to drive and he smoked… The cunt said to me once can I drive to shops as he wanted to pick up some ‘weed’.
Either he was a druggie cunt or he was being racist…I want my money back.
Fuck me, B&WC, a brother picking up drugs for a cracker?! I’ve heard it all, now!
Shocking MR, no wonder I failed that test. The geordie cunt.
Be fair guys, water will always find it’s own level and it’s the same with intellect. It starts with the Queens English and it runs down hill to find it’s own level. You have to remember that language takes quite a bit of brain processing and they have found the level at which the language centre of their brain can process English. Show some compassion, a brain that is not up to evolutionary speed is what it is and with a little selective breeding they may have enough active synapses co-operating to no longer be ‘Jungle Bunnies’. Thick Cunts!
The essence of this well-merited cunting is to be found in the unoccupied space between the ears of hypercunt Tim Westwood. Who promoted the pidgin-English of his day on major broadcasters to the extent that the gullible thought him an aufen’ic streetwise dark person. He isn’t; he’s a white British cunt, the son of the former Anglican Bishop of Peterborough, and cannot get stabbed by his homies fast enough for me.
Tim Westwood… what a wanker. Your right Komodo he has a massive role in all this cuntery.
Shaggabutty Umunah! Tonkdonk draggallot.
Pussyoles! Dem suck dem mum innit?
I always knew you were a Yardie Freddie.
OT: did anyone have Mark Hollis from the band Talk Talk in the pool?
Loved that band, up there with Depeche and New Order in God tier 80’s synth music.
Life’s what you make it.
? Mirror Man ?
Recently caught one of these cunts with his malodorous dick stuck in a bowl of blancmange. Asking what the fuck he was doing he said, “stop lookin’ at me I is fuckin’ dis custard!”
Oop deepest north west. We don’t have them funny,” walking with a limp”, talking West Indian types.
Closest we get is the odd black sheep out in the fields around our cottage.
Do they count as windrush….
Out walking the dog with mrs Q a few days ago we unfortunately bumped into two very white boys smoking ganga on hove beach, both were attempting to do some patois? Ponda dis BO ponda dat ?
I have the ability of listening to rubbish and not laugh mrs Q on the other hand doesn’t possess that indifference to cunts and actually LOL …. ?
Which actually made me chuckle…….
Cunts like them are two a penny in Brighton………
Just realized my favourite isn’t up there. ‘Bredrin’. Or is it ‘Breadbin’? Or ‘Brer’?
‘Bredda’ was the word the aspirant architects used in Lewisham, back in the day
Basic-ally at de enda da day innit ah brill bit oh canting Sgt Bro. Innit.
Whigger cunts who do this, accompanied by those ridiculously exaggerated hand gestures and rolling walk, are total twats, but hilarious with it. They just don’t get how utterly ridiculous they look. They’re one of the reasons that I’m hooked on my guilty pleasure, The Jeremy Kyle Show; a great place to see some of these cunts making total arseholes of themselves.
And there’s no shortage of utter clueless wankers queueing up to have the piss taken out of them, too fucking stupid or doped up to realise that they aren’t the geniuses they actually think they are. The advert must read, WANTED for Jeremy Kyle Show: If you are an inarticulate, swaggering chav with an IQ roughly at platyhelminthe level, if female must be obese with arms the size of a tree, a gut that hangs out, multiple tattoos,, greasy coloured hair, arse you could park a bus in and the now standard snot-hanger nose-ring, fame and ridicule awaits. If ostensibly male, ideal candidates must look like a badly shaved weasel, backwards hat, pierced eyebrow & neck tattoos and a complexion resembling a freshly dig up corpse, this could be our, errr, your lucky day to be a cretinous cunt on TV, for the world to see. Bonus qualification points, for women, must have no idea whose kids you’ve had, males must have been prepared to fuck a month dead warthog be side you’d sleep with absofuckinglutely anything, even sober. Roll up, roll up to the Carnival of Cunts, on a TV screen near you.
BTW. A platyhelminthe is a tapeworm or flatwom., not to be confused with nematodes the round worms. Often found in the colons and intestines living as parasites.
Personally I won’t employ anyone to work on my house unless they can speak the Queen’s. This of course includes Cockneys who sound so Cockney it hurts and invariably sound very fucking stupid.
Now that I have adopted this policy, the quality of work is far superior.
If you don’t know it already Cunto, google Viz comic’s ‘Cockney Wanker’. Great stuff.
Cheers. Used to love Viz… Fat Slags, Black Bag etc
They’ve got a new one now; ‘Bad Bob the Randy Wonder Dog’. Great stuff. Love ‘The Brown Bottle’ as well.
With Jamie Fucking Oliver as their inspiration. Now there’s a cockney wanker of the first division.
An’ ‘ere is dah Sheikh, tellin’ it ‘ow it izz.
Eevin wuhss dan deez uhnnuyin’ swagg’rin’ cunts wid dehr jahfehkaan aksent ‘oo’ve nevahh bin closuh t de Cahrribiin dan Tesco’s in Streatham, ar doze fuhhkin’ whaat kiddzz oo trahh tag tark in de saeyumm stoopid ahksent,, wiv evree uvvuh word bein”, laahk (like) na’ah’mean, wiv dere trahzzuhzz ‘laahk, angin’ arff dehr arses, ahll werrin’ dem fuckin’ ‘oodiezz ter mek dem look mahrr street an’ gangstah, laahk, ahma laahk wettin’ fahr dey to tripp ahn fahll flahhtt ahn dere stoopid faces. Ah ‘azz to arks you, whaht a bunch a’cunts, laahk ya na’ah’mean bro?
An’ do’hn farget day wide dear adahhpshun of did ahksent an’ attichhood, dey is shit at school, cuz it’s reeellee laahk, in your faces, to der man, der Feds an’ der whaaaht manzz guvmint of ohhpreshhhunn.
Yer man Sheikh am ah bruvver…
And there’s no shortage of utter clueless wankers queueing up to have the piss taken out of them, too fucking stupid or doped up to realise that they aren’t the geniuses they actually think they are. The advert must read, WANTED for Jeremy Kyle Show: If you are an inarticulate, swaggering chav with an IQ roughly at platyhelminthe level, if female must be obese with arms the size of a tree, a gut that hangs out, multiple tattoos,, greasy coloured hair, arse you could park a bus in and the now standard snot-hanger nose-ring, fame and ridicule awaits. If ostensibly male, ideal candidates must look like a badly shaved weasel, backwards hat, pierced eyebrow & neck tattoos and a complexion resembling a freshly dig up corpse, this could be our, errr, your lucky day to be a cretinous cunt on TV, for the world to see. Bonus qualification points, for women, must have no idea whose kids you’ve had, males must have been prepared to fuck a month dead warthog be side you’d sleep with absofuckinglutely anything, even sober. Roll up, roll up to the Carnival of Cunts, on a TV screen near you.
Ah tink laahk, ya cudd laahk be a faykh. Yahzz laahk spellt Bruvvuh wrahhng. Jus’ laahk sayin’ laahk an’ jus’ traahhing yah kip da piss. Piss bro’.
You are suspiciously good at this. Lose the blade before you get stopped and searched. 🙂
Aah sumptahmzz ahv ter deal wid deez tahhp of swaaggrin’ wahnnkuhhzz. Dey tinks deyzz so clevvahh, yhet ‘ave de IQ ahva dee-ed ‘ampstahh.
De probluhm is dat dey izz fukkin’ dangeruhhss cuz dey got no moralzz, no rispeck an’ troot bee told, none fahh demsell eider which izz wa’ meks dem so fukkin’ dangeruhhss