Cunting required for Shamima Begum, one of the three schoolgirls who aged 15 left London to join IS. Well this cunt of cunts has resurfaced in a refugee camp in Syria telling Al-Beeb that she has no regrets, but wants to return home for the sake of her unborn baby and the knowledge that they’ll both be looked after health wise…
No doubt of course there will be the usual array of activist cunts latching on to this plea, who’ll now move heaven and earth to repatriate this piece of filth into the UK. 15 years from now wouldn’t be surprised if the unborn child committed an act of terrorism in the name of her supressed father who was apparently tortured whilst in prison in Syria.
Apparently poor Shamima was surprised about the amount of suppression she encountered whilst living in the caliphate and had also already lost two babies by the age of 19. About sums up the role of any women in this barbaric, prehistoric shit hole that she chose to leave for.
Does she really think for a minute if things had gone well and she was living in her IS paradise that she’d be clamouring to ‘come home’?. That she wouldn’t be lapping up the murders of numerous westerners under the banner of IS and shouting to all us non believers that we were next?
Apparently at least one of the other three schoolgirls is dead, the other whereabouts unknown. You made your bed love, fuck off, lap it up and I sincerely hope somebody in Govt grows enough balls to tell you to do the same and leave you to rot in your IS hellhole you treacherous little cunt.
Nominated by Bellendiousmaximus
Massive counting for Shamima Begum. Are you fucking kidding!
‘I want to come home knowing me and my baby will be looked after”
Fuck off you cunt! You made your bed now fucking die in it.
Now, I’m not racist, and if Shamima BigCunt were to die in that fucking shithole I wouldn’t mind if the do-gooders managed to bring an orphan baby back to be given to a childless couple (not the family of BigCunt) who wished to bring up the baby as British. I could just about live with that.
But to bring back an ISIS murderer loving cunt face who has no regrets (yep – daft cunt actually said that) and wasn’t fazed by beheaded heads in bins (said that too) would be the biggest fucking travesty I have ever heard of in my life.
If anyone manages to get mother and unborn back to this country, guaranteed in 20 years time that baby will be getting a cunting on here of some description.
The best thing for you Shamima is to have your baby in your lovely refugee camp (hope your enjoying it by the way) and then immediately go and join your murdering fucking ISIS cunt husband, (oh yeah, sorry he’ll be too busy working his way through all those virgins to bother with you now you ugly fucking dirty souled ISIS fuckpig),and your baby, which is currently untainted by your stupid medieval religious beliefs might, just might, if it’s lucky get picked up by some western charity worker and have a chance at some sort of life.
‘No regrets” – you utter Cunt!
When I win the lottery, I’m gonna fund all the food in the Syrian camps but only supply bacon sandwiches without the bread. Fuck off ISIS. Cunts!
Nominated by CuntiBollox
Just heard on the radio that the little whore Cunt Bollox and Bellendiousmaximus mentions is expecting her THIRD child (the other two are dead), and she is still only 19. No doubt we are so fucking soft we will allow the little cunt to come home and open her legs for all and sundry in the Jihadi movement and whoever else will bung her 50pence for a fuck and a trip to the VD clinic.
Nominated by W C Boggs
Shamima Begum
Every now and then a cunt appears who stands out above all other cunts. This cunt is standing on the shoulders of cunts.
After fucking off to Syria to join IS, this whore, who is currently captured and living in a camp, now wants to return to the UK, ostensibly because of her whore induced bastard of a child yet to be born.
Any excuse to try for an easy life because the British are a bunch of easily manipulated fools. Well as far as I’m concerned, we should administer some good old fashioned English justice. Any cunt even acknowledging that this piece of pig shit may have a legitimate case should be hanged with the same piece of rope as the bitch, drawn, disemboweled whilst still alive, and bits of them dropped all over the Middle East.
Nominated by Duke of Cuntshire
I would like to nominate a major cunting for Shamima Begaum,who you might ask, this is the silly raghead cunt who has left the country that has to help ISIS,i the country that she has lived in with her immigrant family since birth,all probably milking the benefit system for all its worth.
This cunt married another terrorist and now wants to come back to the UK so the baby can be looked after better here than the fly blown shit hole she ,s in now.
WTF I hope and pray they don’t let this cunt back into the country, I reckon now that she has attracted the spot light the best thing for the Brit public to see is all her relatives rounded up and sent to the same shit hole to be with their fucktard daughter…..
Don’t let this cunt back in, or if you do 20 years inside for aiding and abetting terrorists,.
She deserves the cunt of the week .
Nominated by fuglyucker
Boomerang snackbars.
The latest tart has been picked up in some middle eastern shithole after going there to to contribute towards the ISIS effort. Got caught. Too bad. Bit more to that though – she was ‘caught’ by a BBC journo so it looks more like a plan to rehabilitate her and bring her back into the fold.
Even now, as she prepares to pop out her third little jihadist, she says she was unfazed by watching wheelie bins full of decapitated heads. That’s where we are now. Third worlders that don’t even pretend to be otherwise setting the agenda. This tart will be back in Tower Hamlets before the clocks change again. Along with her terrorist spawn.
Nominated by Mecha-rigsby
What you see is what you get
You’ve made your bed, you better lie in it
You choose your leaders and place your trust
As their lies wash you down and their promises rust
You’ll see kidney machines replaced by rockets and guns
‘Going Underground’ – The Jam (1980)
Shame that so far as left wing artists go we’ve gone from them to Lily Mong and Stormcunt. What happened?
Only five nominations for this piece of Human detritus think there must have been more by the admins didn’t want to post them otherwise we would have been replying to ourselves.
Everything that has been says is spot on. At my work young and old have all said the same, no way should she be allowed back even the women agreed.
As soon as she said ” I saw heads in bins and it didn’t faze me”. Any possible sympathy vanished, at the least she’s brainwashed and therefore dangerous at the worst she actively enjoyed it and that’s even more dangerous.
I’m sure you ex service guys have seen normal men turn a bit psycho and when they come back to the UK our shit system let’s them down and they commit crime or suicide.
Well this cunt doesn’t deserve our help so as has been said. You’ve made your bed now lay in it bitch.
Sorry my reply is a bit rambling but I’m fuming with the thought of this cunt coming back to the UK.
The biggest ever mistake, was letting the bastards into the country in the first place.
You would be rightly fuming if you hard Any Questions? last night (it’s repeated today at 1.10 on R4). Virtually every shitstain member of the panel, including Ken Clarke, the demented old Remainer felt sorry for her and thinks she should heave the “right” to return to Britain. Then no doubt if the little cunt teams up with another Jihadi who goes on to do to another innocent party what previous Jihadis did to Lee Rigby and the 7/7 bus and tube victims Cunty Clarke will trot out the politicians cliche’ “lessons will be learned”. Of course the soft as shit audience loved all the “humanity”
They won’t because politicians prove each day they know fuck all about anything.
This little trollop should be sent to Bangladesh to work in a brothel, which seems to be where her talents lay.
But she’ll probably take over from the Tie-Man at Ch4 News.
Most of the traitors are already home; some doing a few years in nick the rest living the benefits good life again. She will be allowed back most likely government will charter a plane for her. Quick debrief maybe year in nick as she was a child when she left then housing association house/flat and benefits for eternity. This could be the reason I no longer have any respect for our poxed government and even less for our cuntish law.
As the wise D Fiddler so rightly states. Fuck them.
What about he uuuuuman rights, when the fuckin snowflakes and wiminz groups get her back in watch this happen.
1 free house benefits etc as she is afraid to go out because she is percicuted by the right wing .
2 the kid can’t go to school so free private teachers for life as kid will be bullied yip by the right wing .
3 police and MI5 will spend millions monitoring her free phone and internet.
Fuckin win win
Fuck the rag headed cunt
Words can’t express how I feel about this massive sand shithole, medieval belief and goat loving cunt. Also, stop giving this fucking cunt and her family air time. Enough is enough, she’s a traitor to her country and her fucking family should be fucking deported too. I’m sorry, it’s not about online radicalisation – her environment would have contributed to it. The majority of Muslims do not want to integrate and keep closed societies – this breeds contempt and hatred… and we fucking allow it because we’re too soft and pander to these lefty / liberal cunts.
Hope she gets a bullet through the fucking head – I’d not by IS by MI6… dirty cunt.
A young Arab boy asks his father “What is that strange hat you are wearing?
The father said: “Why, my son, it is a ‘chechia.’
In the desert it protects our heads from the intense heat of the sun.”
“And what is the long flowing robe you are wearing?” asked the boy.
“Oh, my son!” exclaimed the father “It is very simple. This is a ‘djbellah.’ As I have told you, in the desert it is not only very hot, but the sand is always blowing. My djbellah protects the entire body,”
The son then asked: “But Father, what about those ugly shoes you have on your feet?”
“These are ‘babouches’ my son,” the father replied. You must understand that although the desert sands are very beautiful, they are also extremely hot. These babouches’ keep us from burning our feet.”
“So tell me then,” added the boy.
“Yes, my son.”
“Why are we still wearing all this shit, when we live in Bradford!!
Best ever !!!!
We talk and talk until my head explodes
I turn on the news and my body froze
The braying sheep on my TV screen
Make this boy shout, make this boy scream!
How very apt CMC.
Ahh bless her. She only wants the evil UK taxpayer to fund her with money/house/benefits etc so she can teach her little baby lovely nursery rymes about beheading filthy infidel western scum.
Seems reasonable to me.
I listened to a very valid interview on the radio.
The chap had fought for the Kurds against islamic state.
he said “The things he had seen on TV made him want to fight them, she saw the same things and wanted to join them” , She should never be allowed back in to the UK.
To further this, should she be allowed to re enter the country, what about the father of her child? would it not be reasonable that he also be allowed to join his family after all he is facing persecution and captivity in Siria..
I think he’s brown bread m’lud.
That’s what the cunts want all to think. No one has said he is. He is probably already made it in.
What boils my piss is that we all know what will happen:
Human Rights Lawyers and SJWs will ensure she is repatriated.
She will be given a new identity and state protection.
She will get million pound film, media and book deals yet still sponge off the state.
She will later be implicated in some crime.
It will all cost the tax payer millions. Another brown face taking a slice out of my Army pension.
Newspapers like the Guardian will defend her to the hilt but not show the reality of ISAC because snowflakes need sheltering from real life.
She will be the cunt of the year, if not the millenium.
As I understand it we can’t stop her coming here ; she’s a British citizen, even without a passport, so if she turns up at Heathrow there’s fuck all anyone can do about it.
No doubt Libtards are crowdfunding on the net at this moment to help this poor misunderstood murdering bitch.
She will need diplomatic help to get her on the plane but can you see this government resisting the snowflake crying and weeping?
They will soon be breaking out the bunting in Bethnal Green to welcome home one of our own. Mark my words.
I never saw a bullet yet that didn’t stop someone .
Every month I am pushed further and further to the right. I am now only a shadow of what I used to be. But I feel better! Ive woken up !!!
She can only get back with the help of the British Consulate.
As we don’t have on in Syria we are for now, safe.
The problem will occur when and if the piece of dog diahorea gets into Lebanon.
I believe the U.K. government pursues a policy of taking out so called U.K. citizens in the field of battle to stop them coming home.
Let’s hope the SAS have eyes on this cunt.
Allan’s Snackbar. Boom
Richard Churchill , the last survivor of the Great Escape, died this week aged 99. He was recaptured but the EU……er…….I mean the Nazis, didn’t shoot him because they thought he might be related to Winnie.
I wonder what he made of this country in his last few years?
I rather feel he was glad to “leave” having seen his sacrifices ( and those of his comrades ) trashed on the alter of “cultural enrichment “. R.I.P brave man.
She does have beautiful big brown eyes and such a pretty little smile, I think she’s quite sexy.
Oops, ?
She’s currently suffering from Vulval Goatitis
so do goats
She’ll whip her knife out and have your Infidel cock in a pickle jar before you can blink.
Allah Akhbar!!!
I’d forseen that as a potential hurdle to any meaningful relationship of trust and confidence, amongst other things.
The consular conundrum she poses is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma. This kind of blowback is to be expected when your foreign policy has been in the wilderness for so long.
The more I read of you Mr C the more I want to read. Do you “blog” or write outside of ISAC?
I would sign it like the crim in “Manhunter” but I am just a cunt.
Avid fan 😉
No, cunto, and sorry to disappoint, but I am a “novice boatman” (Varsity expression) to all this blogging malarkey. Apart from a brief spell on as a result of a broken clavicle last autumn (and a few reviews on TripAdvisor™ four years ago, if that counts?) I’m a proper newbie, I’m a fresher, or “novichok” to the whole sorry business.
From small acorns great oaks grow, however, so… errm… what? Glad you share my peculiarly warped idea of what may construe itself as “wit”, though, if indeed that was your meaning? Sorry, bit the “worse for wear” after assailing myself with various agents of narcosis. Bloody shoulder playing up again..
Beauty may well be in the eye of the beholder but a beholder who sees any beauty in this repugnant cunt could probably benefit from a few solid sessions of electro-convulsive shock therapy. What exactly is it that you find sexy about it? Is it those bombed out graveyard teeth? That overblown top lip and dirty, uneven complexion that makes it look like a shit coated Thunderbird puppet? The fat cheeks? Those cow-like eyes, dead of any intelligence, compassion or humanity?
Fuck’s sake, man, buy a sex doll if that’s what you’re into, one that looks as bad as that and with a clopper as baggy as a vintage golf-bag (three kids and counting, I bet her pelvic floor’s still in Raqqa) would be a cheap factory reject. It won’t hate you, it won’t stop you enjoying bacon, you can lock it in a cupboard when you’re not fucking it so your friends won’t know and judge you and it won’t spontaneously explode if it gets near an Ariana Grande concert.
The parents deserve a cunting for allowing a child to just sort of wander off into a warzone. The fuck?
Heard on radio this morning her father accompanied her to listen to radical preachers. If true the whole family needs to be novichocked.
If true it will be silenced faster than Bolt’s 100 metre record.
I seriously advise her not to return to UK for her safety. She will be anything but safe if she’s recognised. If she’s allowed to return it will be with police protection, new name, new identity, secure housing etc. All at the taxpayer’s expense. What a bunch of self- destructive morons the British are. Give me Singapore’s Lee Kwan Yue when faced with an influx of Vietnamese boat people. We grow callouses on our hearts or we sink. And Singapore did sink a few of the rapacious cunts as an example to the rest for which he incurred the opprobrium of the UK. What a bunch of limp-wristed cunts the UK authorities are.
I seem recall that Lee was extremely pro-corporal punishment. He certainly did rapidly bring Singapore to glory, and was a wise and great leader. A great lawyer too, I think Cambridge was his alma mater. There’s no one close to his calibre in Westminster, sadly.
Good evening C. Totally agree. Not sure about Cambridge.?✌️
Yes F, according to Wikipedia he got a starred first at Fitz. Apparently a perfect score in his Part II law.
We need someone with his uncompromising clarity of vision right now, but the nearest we have is Rees-Mogg.
I think we may have backed ourself into a corner, a total strategic vacuum. The result: poor diplomatic relations with much-needed post Brexit allies (including the EU).
Pretty Ms Begum is the least of our worries, though not unconnected with the mischief behind their causation.
Shortsighted cunts.
All the fucking snowflake cunts and female right-on Islams immediately assume this cunt was groomed to go to syria to join IS and then have the nerve to compare her to the children who were groomed by the peacefuls in the North.
So she was fed alcohol and drugs and then when so far out of it driven to syria in a taxi….. what a load of cunts these people are.
No regrets about going there even after losing two children, has no feelings for people who have been murdered by IS. Only wants UK healthcare (we could send her a second hand first aid kit)
The media keep calling her Begum, surely she must have a married name, allegedly some dutch cunt fighting with IS, so what is her name.
British passport should have been cancelled 3 years ago when she went to IS, she could have got an IS passport
If an individual sends aid or cash to a Daesh supporter in the Middle East, then a prosecution under anti terrorist laws may result.
So why should our Government want to provide support to this specimen?
Because we have cunts at the Home Office. In a few weeks time, I expect the Home Office to be cunted having explained that they couldn’t avoid allowing her back.
Brilliant cuntings and brilliant comments. I can physically feel the anger. This is where ISAC comes into its own. Every time there is something like this, something so abhorent its almost beyond belief, theres a fucking muslim at the bottom.
And who will pay for this sandfilth and her disgusting offspring?
Joe Taxpayer, that’s who…. Jumping some NHS and housing queue while some pensioner or army veteran gets fuck all… Fuck the camelshagging little slag…
This stupid breed like a Rabbit cunt is a danger to society. Using her unborn child of a jihadi cunt as an excuse to come back home. This is the problem with these cunts… They will always be peaceful first and whatever allegiance to the country unfortunate enough to have them as a citizen comes way way way down the pecking order. The sheer cheek of this piece of cunt to suggest she wants to come home shows how brazen they are.
Caught a bit on TV this morning about it and obviously we had some deluded cunt saying they can help her and de-radicalise, her and blah blah. Fuck off. She is a savage, brainwashed cunt and I wish she’d stay where she is.
I guarantee you she’ll be back within a year and her child will be in care (massive cost), she will be monitored and have security (massive cost), and mugs like us will pay the bill.
I don’t think the Americunts would be so accommodating.
We have become a sad laughing stock and it’s an embarrassment.
Cant stand these cunts and they are here to stay and out breed everyone else. Rats. Piss off.
Why do we have to deradicalise her here?
If she goes through a programme of deradicalisation, then perhaps she can be allowed back after a suitable probation period of, say 150 years. After all, we are a compassionate society.
@CT, I think its a good idea to stop her or any of her offspring from coming here for at least a thousand years.
I could deradicalise her.
Just chop her fugly head right off. Simples.
I like the style HBH!
You know it makes sense, ASA !!
novitext the cow
The cunts who are calling for her to be allowed to return, saying that as a teenager she didn’t know what she was doing, are the same cunts who want teenagers to be allowed to vote, saying they are old and wise enough to make an informed decision. Which is it cunts?
She made the fucking decision to go, end of. Its not like she was accompanied by adults. And it took some planning and deceit. having to go via Turkey. She knew exactly what she was doing.
Good point GJ ……
Agree with all posts! Im so fucking angry that I really can’t write about this absolute fucking filth!?
Indeed, forgivable mistakes at her age would be being fingered in a bus stop after a bottle of Lidl cider, not planning and preparing to cross half a fucking continent to join a terrorist organisation. And, the fucking thing wasn’t fazed by the beheadings and other assorted cruelty, because as non muzzers, it was what they could expect. And, she only wants to return because the have been defeated, not because she has had a change of heart. As for the father pleading to be reunited with his daughter, make that wish come true by sending the cunt over there to join her. It’s probably him taking her to flag burning demos that started it.
High treason is defined as “levying war against the sovereign and adhering to the sovereign’s enemies, giving them aid and comfort.” This piece of dirt threw in her lot with the demented IS scum and should be afforded the same justice and mercy that they show to their many victims. The fact that there are shitforbrains advocating her repatriation because she’s a ‘British citizen’ tells you all you need to know about what’s wrong with this country.
I’m going into hospital for heart surgery so I hope to be back with you cunters in a while. If not please sue the NHS on my behalf.
Sue them in advance, just in case. Good luck with the surgery.
All the best Allan, always enjoy your posts.
Best of luck mate for the op, look forward to a return of your comments.
I hope the sprog-to-be will be stillborn. The mother is a cunt, the father is a cunt and the spawn of Satan will also be a cunt. Keep these fucking peacefuls out of Europe.
I see this morning that the Justice Secretary has said something along the lines of ‘the UK cannot allow her to be made stateless’.
Rejoice my friends; we’re being prepared for her return; she’ll be ‘home’ soon, and we’ll be nursing another little viper in our bosom.
This country’s fucked, thanks to fifty years of multicultural shit being foisted on us, without anyone ever asking us if that’s what the fuck we wanted.
We can’t keep her out because she’s a citizen. What about all the foreign cunts here that we, apparently, can’t send home because their countries don’t want the fuckers back? We get shafted both ways, and the clueless ‘elite’ are happy for it to be this way.
Some dumb cunt on the radio has just said she should be allowed back and quizzed by intelligence agencies.
What will they learn.? How to get spunk stains out of a burka.?
Hardly an IS commander….
Spunk stains off the burka, thats about it with this piece of shit.
You compare the mental stress and harassment of our troops by compensation chasing parasitic lawyers over so-called ‘historical war crimes’ in Iraq or Afghanistan and the lionising and blame shifting gymnastics of towelhead extremists like this piece of dogshit by the usual cunts.
Once a psychopath always a psychopath. There is NO cure. And all these wooly liberal bleeding heart apologists bleating on about “grooming” and “radicalisation” need to fuck right off!
Psychopaths don’t need to be groomed or radicalised, it’s in their genes. And if they’re brought up in the Religion of Peace, ISIS are a tailor made godsend for them to get their rocks off.
There can be no excuse for doing what she did, she was an intelligent, well educated 15 year old when she plotted to steal the money for her air fare and join an organisation who she knew was a murderous death cult.
As a British citizen by law she must be allowed to return. But not welcomed. And not until she’s been put on trial, banged up, and subsequently released by the Syrian authorities and whoever else wants a piece of her.
If she does return her kid needs to be taken into care and fostered out to a decent, non religious UKIP family. As for herself, she should be thrown in the Tower and left to rot. Or, better still, taken out by the likes of Liam Neeson.
Fuck me, you talk of radicalisation and then say the sprog needs to be given to a UKIP family? Psychopaths indeed. She might even be forced to agree with leaving the EU!
Be fair Moggie – being FAR RIGHT doesn’t necessarily make you a psychopath. ?
I would say that nowadays far right and psychopath are synonymous.
A minimum of 17.4 million psychopaths in this country… fuck me, the mind boggles…
RTCP for prime minister.
I fucking hate her .
This country is totally fucked.
Immigration should have been stopped in the 70s, I say this being half English and half Jamaican.
Things were simpler when I was growing up, you were either a white cunt, a black cunt, a black and white cunt or some type of asian cunt.
Since Blair cunt allowed all kinds of trash here it’s all become a mess and what identity Britain had (Ska, Football etc) post earlier immigration (from commonwealth countries) has gone and now its a mess. I don’t particularly like the swathes of Africunts here (way more of them than Carribeans) and all these london Muslims talking like they are Jamaicans, the endless hoardes of Eastern European trash, and all the other cunts has led me to accept that immigration (in these numbers) does not work. It’s a sad thing for me to admit as I love this country deeply and I feel sad at the way things have worked out.
It’s gone way to far and will never be the same.
Although part immigrant myself I honestly wish these fuckers were not here. I honestly believe things would have been a lot better if we stopped immigration ages ago.
Very fair analysis B&WC, though I would suggest ‘controlled’ immigration, rather than ‘stopped’.
An honest post BW, very nice
Agree b&wc, I can’t believe B.liar hasn’t been put on trial for the mess he’s made of this country.
When the comonwealth citizens came over here they integrated and became part of our society. The cunts that B.liar brought in have no fucking interest in integrating at all, hence the mess we’re in now.
It’d be bad enough with those cunts but our current crop of traitorous politicians are no fucking better.
What’s immigration now?
About 600k I think…..
Fuckin mad.
Very good post BWC. I share your sentiments and am sad that the country I love is becoming a shithole because we took our eyes off the ball and the cunts took over.
Agree whole heartedly BAWC used to go to London as a young lad late 70’s early 80’s firstly with mates from school and then when I worked on the railway.Loved the place the food,the music the place was buzzing and that was when you had that great mix of punk, ska, reggae. Used to visit Peckham, Lewisham, Brixton for work after midnight (no trains to run us over when we worked on the track) and never felt apprehensive walking around to get to the job.
Now I go there with the missus to see a show, the opera, or a concert and it’s very edgy looking over my shoulder all the time. Maybe it’s age and responsibility of my wife being with me but all the ragheads, and Easterns, has defo changed the vibe. If you know of some areas that are still like I remember, I would love to visit just to feel like there is some hope left for London. All the best.