Ken Livingstone
Just watched the Brillo destroy old Ken on “This Week.” (31/1/19). Poor old cunt was totally out of his depth, all he could say, “well the Venezuelan ambassador told me….,.”
Give it up Ken. Go back to your garden and your newts and appearing on BBC or C4 “comedy” programmes sneering at the working classes you pretend to love so much.
You’re a cunt, a hypocrite and an anti-Semite. Just fuck off.
Nominated by Freddie the Frog
Saw it live – breathtaking stuff!
For your pleasure Cunters:
Perfect cunting Freddie… a more worthy recipient I’d be hard pressed to think of right now!
Fucks fucking sake.
Genuinely I’m struggling for words.
He must be being paid by them.
I can’t rationally think of any other reason.
Whilst I’m glad he was on very late and at the hands of Brillo I can’t help but think lesser interviewers would just allow him to spout his bile unchallenged.
There’s a part of me that really would like to see this cunt silenced but ultimately it’s better that this type of bile is out there so we know what these cunts really stand for.
I wish him a nasty anti biotic resistant death all the same.
Fuck me RTC. That was the most cringeworthy appearance yet of the old red watch ! The man must be a complete and utter fucking moron to come out with drivel like that ! And fancy coming on that show unprepared !
Quite so Asim. But when you’re that severely deluded, preparation and facts become irrelevant.
Amazed however that he thought he could get away with spouting such drivel in front of Brillo, Portillo & Johnson and get away with it.
Orwell’s concept of ‘doublethink’ barely scratches the surface in Ken’s case….
Although in all fairness, he did admit to being a Guardian reader, so probably can’t help a lot of it.
Simon and Garfunkel. Goody two Jews. ‘Fifty ways to leave your lover’. With all these ‘definitions’ of antisemitism it should have been ‘fifty ways to hate a Jew’. Many people don’t like black people but there is only one way to hate them; how they look. Still grasping.
Moderate myself. Komodo on Cherie Blair and the obscene amounts of money she earns. Rees -Mogg’s millions. Catholics are more grasping than Jews.
Not just how they look Miles. Many people also hate blacks for their backward culture and primitive beliefs. Reckon I could come up with at least 50 reasons why many people hate them.
Regards to Mrs Plastic.
Not denying he’s a wanker. He’d go to the cross for any tinpot socialist republic. He was the first to fund sexual deviancy at the GLC. But. I have always thought him honest. And I genuinely think he wasn’t being antisemitic with his thoughts on Nazi Germany. Also, he said in all his time in the Labour Party he never heard an antisemitic remark. And I belive him. Yes when Corbyn got in people who feel strongly about Palestine/Israel were more free to speak. And every utterance has been jumped on. More I could say but I have to get back to planting my lettuce seeds.
I get the impression that as the current government becomes rabid and is likely to implode, we will see renewed accusations of antisemitism applied to Old Labour prominenti. It is the ultimate sin, shameful beyond belief, far worse than paedophilia, knife crime or Strictly Come Dancing. Only the vilest of the vile question the absolute right of Zion to be uncriticised for any reason. Obviously these do not deserve a place in the democratic process.
Most but not all of the 4X2’s I’ve met are cunts. So shoot me. Or tell me your opinion of Muslims for balance, eh?
My agreement with that, MP, is either dead or in the mod queue. I hope that we are still allowed free speech on ALL religions and ethnicities.
Your big chief’s’s in UAE atm, isn’t he? They gave him a hell of a welcome, I believe.
Good to see Komodo. Bringing peoples together.
Fuck me I’ve just had a rumble in the jungle with Rebel. Now a another rough up with Ruff Tuff.
I don’t believe Ken has a hatred for the Jews. Nor Corbyn.
It’s to do of course with Israel and we all know criticism of Israel=Antisemitic.
I don’t like Aisans. But I don’t don’t like them in eleven different ways.
Has the new Holocaust Memorial been opened?
We’ve just marked Holocaust Memorial Day.
They don’t extract money any longer but Pity.
We are the victims they want us to believe. But it’s the Palestinians that are oppressed. The victims of the victims.
And he has been very stong in his critisim of the war in Yemen. He could have avoided mentioning it but he didn’t.
@Miles –
At risk of cunting the cunter, I think I should point out that RTC is a prosemite. Ooo-er.
And that it is virtually certain that there are as many antisemites -and prosemites – in any mainstream political party as there are in Labour. That’s public prejudice for you.
This antisemitism hysteria is manufactured, and with the very clear aim of delegitimising the Corbynites: the Blairites are enthusiastic contributors to this particular shitstorm, which boils up whenever it looks as if Corbyn might have a chance at government.
A word to prosemites: I for one am fucking sick of having the holocaust shoved in my face at any available opportunity. I didn’t do it, I couldn’t have stopped it, I’m not planning to repeat it, and as a nominally Christian (but now irreligious) Briton, it’s nothing to do with me and I refuse to feel guilty about it.
Lets see if that gets through the censors.
The Corbynites are doing a perfectly good job of delegitimising themselves thank you very much.
Btw K, does “prosemite” translate as ‘admirer of the Jews’? If so, I am indeed.
And for the record, I have NEVER shoved the Holocaust in anybody’s face! God you’re such a snowflake sometimes K…
Sorry RTC. This whole antisemitism bollocks has been done to death. Indeed, it’s reached the point where it’s counterproductive for its intended beneficiary, Israel. If you don’t like the Left, let’s have your objections to its policies, not the incessant, largely proof-free, smearing. Which bears all the hallmarks of Likud, (and see Mike’s Place)
I really don’t give a fuck about the historical problems of the Jews, any more than those of Siberian squirrel-worshippers. And I consider it the right of every free-born Englishman, regardless of political direction, to express his opinion of Jews as much as of Muslims as much as United Exclusive Free Presbyterians. Even Corbyn. Even Livingstone, whether they did or not.
I will leave it there, (in the certain knowledge that you won’t) because this is a very boring topic.
My comment re. the holocaust was a general one. It’s on the same hymnsheet as the Labour =antisemitic (but not Tony, who would be Jewish if his wife let him, at least for a week or two) meme. Krav wheeled it in last week, as I recall, but it wasn’t aimed at him, either.
And wot abaht the 10 million Russians who died fighting Hitler, eh?
“its intended beneficiary, Israel.”
Absolute antisemitic bollocks.
It’s intended beneficiary is the good of humanity and the Jewish people worldwide in particular.
“Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.” (Winston Churchill 1948)
Be seeing you.
“absolute antisemitic bollocks”
Absolute prosemitic bollocks.
And fully expected.
You just wouldn’t let it lie, would you K?
If Ken is not dishonest, he’s dangerously self deluded, and certainly antisemitic by any definition that I am aware of.
Socialism has brought nothing but disaster to every country unfortunate enough to have been caught in it’s pernicious grip… and no wonder with cunts like Ken and Corbyn getting into positions of absolute power.
Ken’s ability to blandly justify in his mind the clearly unjustifiable, rather than entertain the notion he may be wrong, speaks volumes as to why states fail so badly when cunts of the hard left or extreme right get their crooked hands on the reins of power.
Absolutey nailed it there RTC?
Ironic then that the anti-semites prostrate themselves before the architect of socialism – Marx, a jew.
No mention of the millions of deaths of the Christians in Russian at the hands of the Jewish communists.
The jews run around waving Willy Wonka’s golden ticket with absolute impunity. They’re top of the Premier League of victimhood.
Fuck ’em.
Never heard of the anti-Jewish Russian pogroms my Lord?
It’s all one hears about; how tough the Jews have had it.
My heart bleeds for your aggrieved sensibilities… ?
Don’t worry, you’ll get over it.
Oi vey! Oi vey!
oy vey should I say. We would have had an edit button if Hitler had his way!
Touché M’Lud!
Letter from Ken Livingstone to The Guardian: ‘I was surprised to see, in your editorial about antisemitism a reference to Jeremy Corbyn being ”tardy in dealing with” my “crass Nazi comments”. The simple fact is I never said Hitler was a Zionist and it was only when a Labour MP went on television making this allegation that thus untruth became global in just minutes and is still being repeated today. Far from being tardy the general secretary of the Labour Party had me suspended within two hours of these comments being made on television so the fact is that it wasn’t tardy and I never made crass comments. I merely referred to the agreement reached between the Nazi government and German Zionists in 1933’.
Trust Ken to rewrite history!
Sleep well Miles… you know I love you really. ?
“its intended beneficiary, Israel.”
Absolute antisemitic bollocks.
It’s intended beneficiary is the good of humanity and the Jewish people worldwide in particular.
“Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.” (Winston Churchill 1948)
Be seeing you.
You’ve hit the nail on the head, Freddie. Cunts like him, Corbyn and Owen Jones think they know how ‘the workers’ think. Absolute delusional far far lefty twats the lot of them. Mind you you won’t see Corbyn being interviewed by Brillo especially about Venuzuela, he sticks to friendlies like that other lefty cunt Marr.
Catweazle won’t say anything wrong about Venezuela He was best mates with Hugo Rafael Chavez along with His best mate Red Ken.Didn’t Chavez send London Transport a load of knock off deisel while Ken was mayor of Shitsville? These Stalinist loving lefties should be put up against a wall and shot because they are communist cunts of the highest order.Owen Jones is a trumped up little slag another prick with too much to say go and get a proper job you little wanker
A particularly objectionable, nasally, communist little shagnasty cuntbox who allegedly copulates with his own semi-aquatic amphibians.
I recall the cunt in his GLC days with his brown suit and moustache. Probably thought he was Tom fucking Selleck. Oh how the mighty have now fallen.
A superb cunting for a Tuesday. I feel this one could have posts running into treble figures.
This cunt is a true parasite. He fools his hosts into believing that he is a beneficial organism by exploiting their grievances, real or imagined, and pandering to their prejudices. When elected he grows fat and prosperous at everybody’s expense. Could be said of any politician and speaks volumes about the gullibility of people who believe what prospective power seekers tell them. But his case is special. He is a loathsome, cynical, hypocritical communist jew-hating cunt of the worst kind. Fuck off. Do the universe a favour and expire Livingstone.
Your post reminds me on what I saw on TV last night. Tony Blair vigorously shaking hands with many impoverished residents of a scummy flat block in London, back in June 1997.
Good old Tone, the plucky, caring hero of the day. Boldly announcing that poverty must be eliminated. A big fucking act just to get his slimy digits on the magic levers of power and earn himself untold riches and power. Shaking hands with hoi polloi would be beneath that evil cunt nowadays.
He had an Abbott moment… brain freeze, what a silly old cunt, I don’t understand the BBC wankers, don’t they fucking do research before have duck heads on the TV.
Fucking more shit today about antisemitism….. I don’t give a shit, those fuckers are all self obsessed anyway….
Every fucking minority has a axe to grind these days…
Ken Livingston a true advert for shit floats This turd just won’t flush He said of The London Evening Standard when their reporters were camped outside His house They are like Death Camp Prison Guards Eh? I wonder if He ever read Mein Kampf a proper uneducated Labour prick with tunnel vision.
Your post reminds me on what I saw on TV last night. Tony Blair vigorously shaking hands with many impoverished residents of a crumbling flat block in London, back in June 1997.
Good old Tone, the plucky, caring hero of the day. Boldly announcing that poverty must be eliminated. A big fucking act just to get his filthy digits on the magic levers of power and earn himself untold riches and power. Shaking hands with hoi polloi would be beneath that cunt nowadays.
Good reply Paul That wanker Anthony Linton Blair what a Cunt
Does he still cottage ,I wonder ?
It’s written all over his rictus grinning dial.
What is it about London and the absolute cunts they vote for? This cunt as former mayor, now the slimy cunt Khan and not forgetting MP Corbyn. Left to Londoners we would be Venezuela by now being bailed out by the EU.
A disgraceful litany of chancers and divisive cunts. Livingstone, Khunt and Abbott. All in the top ten most repulsive creatures that ever walked this earth.
It must be the diesel fumes fucking with their minds…
He needs to be novitexed.
Novichalk+ Semtex.
Seeing Brillo eviscerate someone is always a delight. If all BBC journalists were like him the organisation would be a hell of a lot better.
Ken looked like a turkey on 23rd December.
He was demolished as efficiently as a Brazilian dam in a rainstorm.
Hats off to Brillo for exposing our Ken for the political charlatan that he is.
I wonder why the piece was commissioned? There must be something deeper other than simply squashing a single outcast.
I think we should be told…..
Brillo needs to be careful, mind. He’ll be off to a gulag when Corbynski gets in power….
KL is like the rest of his nutty co-party members. As soon as they’re pinpointed on one of their nutty beliefs, the edifice starts to crumble. See also, Abbott, Steptoe, etc.
I’m not saying the tories have anything better waiting in the wings. Mr WC Boggs put it far more eruditely than I ever could earlier on another post, you’ve got two versions of a labour party and two versions of a tory party and neither of them are Labour as we remember it or Tory as we remember it, and neither are worth voting for because you can bet your life savings that they do not have your interests at heart.
Bring back the likes of Maggie, Churchill, John Smith and Tony Benn I say!
I found his anti-semitism to be his one redeeming quality.
Your honesty, and the fact you recognise Ken for what he is, does you great credit M’Lud.