Kate Hudson

Kate Hudson the latest to nail her colours to the genderless narrative deserves a cunting.
Quoted as stating this about her newborn baby with boyfriend Danny Fujikawa, that she doesn’t Know which gender her newborn daughter will identify as, so she and her boyfriend are taking a ‘genderless’ approach to raising her.
She’s a girl you cunt, she’ll know she’s a girl, like practically every other little girl in the world. She’ll only get confused about her gender when you weird cunts start messing with her mind and introducing this third fictitious sex. Fuck me this baby should have every privilege in the world being born to you, yet you decide to leap on the gender express and ruin any chance she has of a normal stable life you total cunt.
A sub cunting to the boyfriend who chose to blow his beans up this fuckers chuff and not having the balls to tell her she’s a fucked up, media craving sorry excuse for a mother.
Incidentally Hudson now has 3 kids by 3 different fathers and no doubt we’ll see all of them in some sort of therapy before they hit adulthood. God help any other kids this cunt manages to produce.

Nominated by Bellendiousmaximus

32 thoughts on “Kate Hudson

    • According to Wikipedia, this “spawn of Hawn” was, appropriately enough, raised in Snowmass, CA. A sure-footed cunting, Bellendious, and a worthy recipient.

  1. Yawnnnnnnnnn. There should be an open season on these cunts. Distinguishable from normal women by having a sticky-out left ear, no nipples and a prunt between the legs.

  2. Suggest she… does Kate identify as female? I wouldn’t want to offend anyone… suggest she /he brings it up gender-fluid… just to be on the safe side.

    Btw, are those tits real? Not that I give a fuck, prefer them on the smaller side me.

    • Yep, definitely real RTC. They are too small and ‘flat looking’ to be fake.

      Makes a change that a celbricunt still has their own small titties actually, even if they do resemble a couple of fried eggs.

      • You’re not exactly selling him /her to me Nurse Cunty. Even if I liked the tits (I don’t), there’s still the boat race to get past. She looks like an unconvincing tranny. Bet it has an whopping Adam’s apple!

      • Yep, there seems to be a lot of these fitness obsessed celbricunt actresses who are so skinny and ‘toned’ that they resemble prepubescent boys. I’m no expert, but I reckon most men don’t find that look appealing at all.

      • Kerira Knightley being another, for all her common and ignorant musings Jade Goody called it right with her “Two aspirins on an ironing board” zinger.

      • I am partial to slim birds, but have zero interest in celebricunts regardless of their physiognomy.

  3. Awesome cunting.
    She’s a cunt and no doubt her kids will grow up to be cunts too. That’s if they haven’t committed suicide or been locked in a padded cell before then…..

    • OK Deploy, she will never give a bloke a tit wank with those little titties.
      But like Michael Caine said in Alfie.

  4. Speaking of identity confusion…

    What’s the difference between a snowflake and a Dolphin?

    A Dolphin doesn’t have snowflake tattoos. ?

  5. I watched as a famous American actress, attempted, and finally managed to give up smoking.

    On the Monday, outside her hotel, I spotted her smoking a thin Panatella.
    Tuesday morning I saw her again, smoking a Hamlet.

    Following day she was there again, but had obviously managed to quit, Glenn Close, but no cigar….

  6. These poor kids, bought up with every privilege known to man and a one way ticket to therapy, rehab, hospitalization, alcohol and drug abuse, not knowing how to dress and who to shag. It should be illegal…

  7. Its just fucking attention seeking, why the fuck would anyone want to know or care and why would she want to announce this sort of bullshit.

    What the fuck is a “genderless approach” and what the kid identifies as, what a load of shite…

    The world has gone fucking crazy, the elitists are just so far away from reallity they have to compensate by indulging in snowflake crap, why dontbthey just take drugs like the good old days.


  8. Silly bloody cow.

    My issue with celebricunts like this is that they are not doing it because they have some kind of personal passion re. this ‘genderless’ shite, they are just simply jumping on this ludicrous gender-free bandwagon to look ‘open-minded’ and accepting to all of their fucking celebricunt mates and the wider world/media.

    It is another ‘look at me’, attention seeking act.

    These people screw with their kids heads. Children require some kind of direction in life, whether they like to believe that or not. Raising your child according to her gender…and like it or not, SHE DOES have a gender, does not mean you are pushing her to be something she may not feel she is, or turn out to be. If that happens, it will happen anyway, whether she is raised ‘knowing’ she has a fanny so therefore her gender is female, or not.

    I agree with my fellow cunters here. This kid will doubtless get foisted on nannies anyway, will grow up with zero boundaries or sense of an identity and in 18 years time be taking up a bed in rehab…….then Hudson and yet another babydaddy will be telling Oprah about her poor, fucked up kid whilst wailing like a banshee.


    • Another Kate, Winslet, has the same problem with Hudson having shat out three children from different fathers. English Rose? Psh. Your legs certainly rose, Winslet.

      You must’ve seen some dodgy cervixes in your time Nurse, but Kate Winslet must have a Titanic cunt.

      • Yep Captain, I bet her vaginal passage is somewhat reminiscent of the Blackwall Tunnel by now.

        By the time you have had that many sprogs (not to mention MEN up your snatch) all labour must take is one fucking big cough, and out the kid flies.

      • Hello Sir Ron! Nice to see you!

        I know, it is terrible to be that cynical and have no filter whatsoever. I swear I’m getting worse as I get older, lol.

      • I get worse with age too…
        Haven’t really got a stop button for anything these days.
        Come to think of it, the start button seems to have disappeared somewhere…

  9. This is what happens when you go a couple of generations without a fucking good war.
    Get to fuck.

  10. What a fucking slag, addicted to spunk and anyone’s will do, take the child off her to save it from the freak show it would be living in.!

  11. Someone needs to have a chat with this silly attention seeking bitch about the birds and the bees.
    People are either born with a dick or a Pussy.
    You are either a bloke or a bird.
    Biology dictates it you stupid cow.

  12. I wonder which toilet she will take the kid to when it’s dying for a pee?

    I’ve recently been gender reassigned and now identify as a Sunday Roast dinner. Might change again next week.

    Goodbye for now.

    • Slebs only go to places where they have their own private toilet reserved specially for them.
      You can’t expect them to mix with scum like us.

  13. Kate Hudson needs to learn that if a baby is born with a willy, it’s a boy. If it’s born with a fanny it’s a girl. Stupid women like her and that evil bitch Shamima Begum need to have their cunts filled with quick-drying cement.

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