Kasim Khuram

Kasim Khuram

Well this is a special kind of cunt. Possibly a disciple of Jimmy Savile, this cunt broke into a funeral home and had sex with a corpse.

Now we cunt some cunts on here but Kasim you cunt, a corpse is dead, you ain’t gonna Kurham or her.

I don’t know what sort of fucked up life you’ve lived but there ain’t no redemption for you!

Nominated by Sixdog Vomit

39 thoughts on “Kasim Khuram

  1. How very culturally enriching. Still, I suppose that it would save him having to taxi his “date” to school the following morning.

  2. Goats, sheep, monkeys, infants, corpses…

    Anything is fair game for some of a certain culture.

    • You look into those dead eyes (his…) and there’s just NOTHING there.

      He’s got less to offer society than a rotting corpse or Anna Sourbry.

      Am surprised he hasn’t joined the “Cottage Seven”, or whatever they call themselves.

  3. There was a programme on about Fred West the other night. I would be a tad upset if merely because I was a member of the same culture as him I was accused of enjoying doing the same disgusting things as he did. Don’t get me wrong ISlam is a load of old bollocks and it’s founder was a war mongering peadophile and the Quran is full of hilarious errors but that doesn’t mean that all of its followers are of a similar ilk as the character featured here.

  4. What a specimen, its almost as vomit formimg as watching the fucking news reports on the Oscars.
    This cunt looks like he easily get a part in the walking dead, sick sick sick.

  5. I see that he’s been ‘caged’ (as the tabloids put it) for six yrs. Papers say he was high on drink and drugs at the time, but he just sounds like one sick, enriching cunt, of which we now have umpteen. Thanks to all the politicians who have made this ‘enrichment’ possible down the years.
    Great bit of cunting, Sixdog, for a cunt who deserves to burn in hell. Bet they’re proud of him down at his local mosque.

    • I’ve been “high on drink and drugs” on numerous occasions but the most depraved thing I managed was either eating a whole large doner kebab or banging some tattooed biker lass who was still very much alive…?

  6. Kasim is a great role model – if all Peacefuls were necrophiliacs they’d be extinct before the Century’s end!

  7. I used to be into necrophilia, said masochism and bestiality. But I have it all up as I felt like I was just flogging a dead horse.

    I’m here all night, boys….try the veal…

  8. I read about this cunt in December. The ALBBC didn’t make much of an effort to report on this ‘bad peacefull story.

  9. Hopefully after he has finished his sentence and not been deported his battered sphincter will be like a clowns sleeve, at least he would has the dignity of being ram-raided while breathing.

  10. If he was fucking the corpse outside parliament ALBBC would still gloss over it, or have a counter story straight after about how cuntural enrichment is making our lives better. Just not if you’re dead, apparently.

  11. “I said we should practice all scenarios regarding fucking BREXIT… fucking BREXIT…NOT FUCKING DEADXIT”

  12. O’Shithead no longer listens to the Smiths… cos Morrissey came out in support of Brexit ?

      • Is he back from his holibobs RT? I bet he’s got a trip in his step. A new Zing about him. See he’s had time to think., perfect the cuntishnesness we all expect.


        The cunt went to Morocco… and he’s fully behind Steptoe’s demand for a ‘Loser’s Vote’…

        Quelle Surprise.

      • Hang the DJ, hang the DJ, Hang the DJ
        James O’Brien is a puppet cunt someones hand is firmly planted in his arse the thick cunt

  13. Surprised he didn’t blame his lack of judgement due to Brexit!

    Which is kind of ironic because that’s a fucking dead loss now as well

  14. Blimey I’ve been moderated for fuck knows what!

    I wonder if the corpse will sue? Might even get a phone call from some cunt asking “Have you had an accident? Have you been indecently fucked? Call us on….”

  15. Two tramps on a park bench, one said
    “I got lucky the other week, I found a £20 note in the street. I had a Big Mac and chips and spent the rest on cider, fucking brilliant.”
    The other one said, “well the other night I was down on the railway line and I saw this tasty bird tied to the tracks. So I untied her, she was so grateful I had all sorts of sex with her all night long.”
    The other one says, “you lucky cunt, did you get a blowjob?”
    He says “no , I couldn’t find the head.”

  16. This was rumoured to be one of Savile’s peccadillos, back in the day when nobody knew about his perversions, except the populations of Yorkshire and Lancashire, the whole of the BBC and half the NHS. Perhaps he should get a knighthood?

    • ………..and my old Mum, she knew about it. Every time “Jim’ll Fix it” came on she said “ I wouldn’t let that bloke within a mile of any child of mine.”
      Funny that my Mum could see it but his good friend, and tireless child campaigner, Esther Rantzen, couldn’t see it.

      • Too right Fred. Even just watching the cunt on the box, you knew that there was something nasty and unsavoury about him. A ‘vibe’ for want of a better word.

    • Or the Charlemagne medal for cuntural enrichment.

      It must’ve been like doing Cheroot B Liar…

  17. I’m sure Allah sees nothing wrong with this activity.

    Just like cutting off heads.

    Stoning women.



  18. My final comment on this filthy, evil, deviant, slime cuuuunt…

    Walked past a couple of “Islamic Relief” (sic) shops in Cardiff today. I wonder how many corpses they’ve got out at the back for the delight & delectation of these vile, unspeakable bastards.

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