Evolution. ‘Religion is a fairy tale’ I have heard it said. But religion doesn’t believe animals can change into other animals. In fact fairy-tales are more realistic than Evolution. In Pinocchio a wooden toy becomes a human boy. Well at least it corresponds. In Evolution a zebra can turn into a giraffe. It’s utter bollocks. Bear with me-this blob of fleshy fish gunge crawls out of the primeval soup, somehow crawls into the interior, somehow crawls up a tree and millions of years later become a bald eagle. What do you think fellow cunters? He must have been a funny looking fella this pre-eagle creature with only half his wings evolved. Literally reaching for the skies.
‘The swan evolved from the duck’ we are told on Wikipedia. So a duck is an incomplete swan. Why are there any ducks at all then? There are so many things wrong with the theory. ‘Flightless birds evolved from flying creatures’ it says on Wikipedia. But I thought the fact they flew was THE supreme feature. So the cassowary, penguin, the ostrich, the emu are still an EVOLUTION of the bird. At least their feet are on the ground. Unlike Darwinian Fundamentalists whose speculations know no bounds.
It’s all bollocks. The claw. How did that evolve on the earth floor? Come to think-it is like a claw; evolution has hardened into a law. It has us in a vice like grip. The Darwinian Fundamentalist (his feathers ruffled) if you try to challenge it. Dawkins is a daft cunt like this. I remember once he said ‘apes are altruistic’. Chimp-like sniggers from the audience.
It is a very dangerous idea. I was arguing with someone on here about how many people have been killed by Communism. I would say that Social Darwinism will be the biggest killer of humanity in the long run. That’s for another cunting. Save to say-Evolution is like Marxism cunters. In Marxism all human thought, activity is governed by economics. In Evolution all human thought, activity governed by biology. Both have a dangerous determinism at their core.
Nominated by Miles Plastic
There’s plenty of proof for evolution, take a walk down any high street and you can see cunts fighting evolution everyday.
I tend to somewhat agree. The evolutionists and physicist’s are the new high priests. To challenge them is to invite ridicule and scorn. Dark matter? Really?
I can’t stomach these new atheists like the sneering Dawkins and self righteous Harris. The only one I liked was Hitchens and God saw fit to claim him.
Didn’t agree with Hitchen’s philosophy but I did appreciate his bluntness in the absolute right to question everything.
The high priests of science get blinded by their own fanaticism and really need to take time to question themselves more often. Dark matter? Pssh. More like the maths didn’t balance and they can’t concede the entire paradigm of modern relativity based astrophysics is built on sand. They can’t, won’t admit they are wrong.
Nothing high priestly about understanding how evolution works. It’s been repeatedly documented and accepted as a fact beyond reasonable doubt for decades.
Physics is in a new era as it’s now trying to create ever more fundamental theories of how everything exists in the first place and the underpinning of classic and quantum physics.
Some physicists say the Large Hadron Collider can uncover evidence for these theories (string and M), some say it’s not verifiable and we need a new approach.
No it isn’t. There is actually not a scrap of scientific evidence to support evolution. Nothing.
I say that the Large Hadron Colander can strain vegetables at close to the speed of light.
Can I have a Nobel prize?
The results at the LHC have actually undermined string theory as the expected evidence for super symmetry has not materialised. Loop quantum gravity is the new kid on the block.
Wow – so many angry, jumbled pieces of fuzzy logic in one nomination, one doesn’t know where to begin. Yet isn’t that the problem: Who’s to say where the beginning and ending is.
Miles, what you see now is not the end result. Life is a continuum.
What is the alternative argument? A rewarding/punishing diety created everything? The book of life minus dinosaurs/kangaroos etc? Noah’s Ark?
Creationists, refusing to accept evolution until they see some proof, yet believe in God and his divine creation….
Good nom though Miles….
I once had two Mormons knock on my door where I used to live. They said they didn’t believe in evolution. I asked them if the Noah’s ark story was true and they said yes it was. Two of each sort of animal went on the ark. I said well if there were only two dogs to start with, how come today we have alsatians, corgis, pekingese, St Bernards, chihuahuas, rottweilers, boxers, spaniels, sausage dogs etc. They said well that’s because dogs’ appearance changes over time. I said well that’s evolution isn’t it? Boy were they pissed off. They went and never came back.
Is the right answer!
I had a very similar exchange with Jehova Witnesses. This is how it went:
JW: Hello, would you like a copy of the Watchtower?
RC: Before I answer maybe you could settle a dispute for me? Do you believe in creation?
JW: Yes.
RC: Ok. Then tell me which of Adam and Eve was black?
No answer.
RC: …. and which was Chinese?
No answer.
RC: So what was it you came here to tell me?
Religion is responsible for most of the troubles in the world but the brainwashed can’t see this.
Goodbye for now.
Right you are, RC.
If people derive some comfort and guidance from having faith, then that’s fine I suppose. Organised religion, on the other hand, is a business. A mega rich and manipulative one. It’s funny how its followers choose to overlook this and instead focus on their souls being saved for an eternal afterlife. Deranged fools.
Different breeds of dog is not evolution. It’s adaptation. Still dogs. Evolutionists are so thick that they believe that a single celled organism (the origin of which they cannot begin to explain) turned into human beings.
Because a clot of blood or a rib, after seven days of knocking up the earth is more plausible?
Really enjoyed this read. My question I always have for all physicists is, that they use mathematics to prove theories regarding the universe, but they invented mathematics, it isn’t some god like language we discovered etched on the earth’s surface. What’s more, when something can’t be explained, they create new mathematical symbols with new meanings to fit.
Not being funny, but I could create some bullshit language that explains my theory on why Uranus smells.
It would be bullshit language, but those equations are proven right or wrong years later by things such as lasers and omputers being able to function. Einstein’s General Relativity has been demonstrated again recently thanks to detection of gravity waves.
It’s all there in books.
Einstein was truly a genius !!
He helped solve one of the 70s greatest mysteries, that of the Travellers’ Fare sandwich.
I believe that, acc. to Einstein, things age faster when being transported rapidly.
This is very obviously why “fresh” TF sarnies loaded onto a buffet car at Euston were dry and curling by the time you were served at Watford Junction.
But maybe I’ve misunderstood Einstein.
Maybe the sarnies were just stale-as-fuck to start with ?
The only difference being that there is empirical evidence to back up evolution. Firstly through the study of natural selection, then genetics and finally the unlocking of the DNA code itself.
Pray heaven, what evidence do we have with regards to the existence of a supreme being?
At least the Scientologists have the decency to theorise that we’re here due to vastly intelligent alien lifeforms – which is far more plausible than some beardy bloke living in the clouds, a golden egg, a many armed nasty cunt, or a cheerful elephant looking cunt!
Modern religions sneer at ancient religions based around worshipping the sun, moon and the stars, or deifying animal spirits. But here’s the thing, at least they exist!
And it is not my burden to prove that your God exists, no, the burden of proof lies with the proponents who claim their intangible God exists.
This is eloquently explained by Bertrand Russell (one of those natsy mathematical logician scientist types) by means of his “teapot” analogy (I added the WankiPedia link here but helpfully my post was rejected as being “spam” – cheers mods!!!).
Oh and animals don’t changed from one animal to another (like vampires into bats and wolves), they evolve over millions of years and branch out into further specialisations, some which are successful and survive, and some which are unsuccessful and become extinct.
It must have been a real blow to staunch religious types (like Christian Fundamentalist idiots) when the DNA sequence (aka nasty science) of many species of animal were decoded showing a distinct commonality of genetic make-up between species irrespective of group or classification.
Let me tell you now, nothing good has ever come from religion, and while science may be responsible for such cuntitude as the atom bomb, it has also been responsible for incredible good such as curing disease. In fact, on balance, science is probably well in the black when it comes to good it has done Vs the bad. Religion: firmly in the red. Especially the modern Abrahamic religions whose cuntitude knows no bounds!
Where was your God when hundreds of thousands suffered with leprosy? Now easily cured by medical SCIENCE.
Where was your God when a 3rd of the planet’s population was wiped out by the “Black Death” (the plague)? Now easily cured (both bubonic and pneumonic) by medical SCIENCE.
Oh, that’s right, I forgot he/she/vey was too busy rushing around planting those dinosaur bones everywhere just to test our faith weren’t they!?!
Miles you faith is your own, but it is yours only. Please don’t spout utter bullshit (for which there is no tangible evidence to back it up) and expect not to be called out on it.
Just saying.
To be fair though, all the people killed by leprosy and the black death were probably cunts. We save too many cunts now due to science, maybe we should have been blissfully ignorant, worshipping some made up cunt in the sky and died at 40, at least we wouldn’t have had to work until 65 just to pay off an inflated house and feed inflated kids crispy pancakes just so when we retire we can live in a care prison shitting our pants and trying to find the best 9 letter words on crap time TV. Science has given us knowledge and yet made us live too long, it’s also made loads of Arab cunts filthy rich from black gold and they still worship some elephant bastard with too many arms, let’s go back to dying early and stoning folk who might be witches.
It’s going to be ok, thanks to evolution. Some disease is going to evolve, and wipe out two thirds of the population. Yet there will be some silly cunts that think god did it….
“…. what evidence do we have with regards to the existence of a supreme being?”
There was a skit on tv where Bonio was agonising over what word could be used as a collective term for all the world’s deities and…he came to the same conclusion!
Dave Evans just sat there looking gormless and nodding in agreement.
Bertie’s Big Yellow Teapot, from bluebird.
An obvious pisstake. No-one can be this thick in 2019.
“In Evolution, a zebra can turn into a giraffe.” The battle cry of the moron.
Religion. Because Science is hard.
Fuck off.
Is this a joke?…….
To criticise mainstream science does not immediately put one on the side of religion. Scientists are not noble selfless individuals who hope to further humanity from the sweat off their backs. They have egos and careers to protect and defend their positions dogmatically. There is enough infighting within the scientific community in terms of evolution without needing to even mention religion, but if you don’t toe the line you can be ostracised.
In terms of mathematics, if the mathematics does not support a theory then concepts like dark matter are injected into tye theory rather than questioning the presented model as a whole.
The HIV retro virus theory became announced and excepted as the probably cause of AIDS without any peer review.
It makes for some fascinating reading.
HIV denialism is so 2008.
No mention of denialism in anything I stated, but it was not peer reviewed before being thrust forward as the probably cause of AIDS. Whether it is or not is irrelevant in this context as it was offered as an example to Cuntflap to meet his question.
I accept evolution on the micro scale but don’t believe the current theory adequately explains macro scale changes;
Flying creatures. Are we really supposed to believe this came about by adaptation? The process of going from stubs to wings.. what advantage does that offer, besides making you a half finished product that is now easier to prey on? Never mind learning to fly. Did they all just ‘fall with style’ like buzz lightyear out of the nest until like magic one of them flew without committing gravity suicide?
It’s a theory which does explain some things but there’s big gaps in it. Fundamentalist academic dweebs like Dawkins are so blinded by their own egos they can’t see the magic 2 inches from their own face. They’re as annoying as any creationist ever was.
It’s a theory. It explains some ‘hows’ but not the whys. Why should organic matter tend toward complexity when physics says the opposite is true? Why would matter form a desire for survival from nothing, or a desire to replicate? A molecular code, from nothing?
If you have a logical answer to any of those questions, you’re half dead in my opinion.
No no no, things adapted to fly because the Ryanair add-ons became too expensive!
I can’t recall where I saw it but an old dinosaur fossil was discovered which had proto wings which had small feather-like structures along the surface.
It’s been said that this mutation would have been of good use at first for wrapping the proto wings around eggs to keep them warm (so a survival and reproductive adaptation) which over millions of years evolved and adapted into larger wings used for flying.
The distinction between micro and macro is a false one invented by creationist. The only distinction is time.
Yes and don’t forget it only took 7 days…
I thought it was six. Didn’t the Big Man put his feet up for a rest on the seventh day?
Lazy cunt!
Or if you are the divine deity Tone Miranda, 45 minutes.
Anything is possible when you are Tony.
And lots of death
I find it incredible in the 21st century that anyone believes in a creator. Obviously too thick to comprehend the opposite. What balloonheads can’t understand is that evolution requires millions of years to happen, and their silly religious books state empirically that the earth is less than ten thousand years old. It doesn’t require much science to thoroughly disprove this ridiculous nonsense, so why believe in any of it? It’s why I think faith schools should be banned. Why screw your children’s minds with these backward concepts? If you reach adulthood and still want to believe in fairy stories then crack on, but do it with a wider perspective than the tripe that gets pumped into these developing minds. Science is based on facts, and theories based on the best evidence available, and can change when more or different data are discovered. Faith is just the blind following of some claptrap written up by some old conmen, in the days when people could barely speak, let alone read. I heard recently that Vatican scientists (now there’s an oxymoron!) were close to proving that wizened old hag mother Teresa was a saint. Look it up, it’s fucking hilarious.
I believe in De-Evolution.
Are we not men?
That explains the Scots and the Welsh then…
And The Proclaimers
Profound cunting Miles, thank you. You are obviously a very dangerous person, being able to think independently. Clear evidence of evolution from snowflake to far right. Nice point from elboobio about mathematicians. They all deserve a separate cunting. They just ignore problems and invent things like imaginary numbers and the concept of the limit as ways around them.
If X=3.999 10x=39.99 then 9x=36 so X=4. Well which is it Einstein, 3.999 or 4? Oh well that’s the dichotomy of decimals I hear you say. Well cunt I am the limit and imagine how many fingers I am holding up.
Neither of those equations prove or disprove one or the other as they are adjunct to one another.
Do not confuse or conflate actual mathematics with the computational representation of numbers.
If you’d like a real example of pure mathematics have a look at √-1 (square root of minus one).
I think you’ll like it. ?
Thanks Rebel. My maths teacher eventually had a breakdown after trying to explain why division by zero was undefined and not allowed. Any cunt knows that if you divide 2 by 0 you get nothing. Fucking maths. As for pure maths I’m with those tribes in Papua New Guinea that don’t count above 4. Hey brother how many tigers are coming our way? Err 1, 2, 3, 4 ….. fucking run mate! As for 0 + i and 0 – i that’s much too complex for me.
Actually anything divided by 0 is infinity.
Mathematicians don’t mind infinity. Physicists hate infinity.
In fact this comes into play with Elboobio’s observation of “making something up” when “the shit don’t fit”.
Einstein’s theory of universal relativity works well, really well in the observable universe – from astral bodies to a pin head – but… It breaks down at the very small sub-atomic level.
In fact if you apply Einstein’s equations to the very small it results in infinity. In fact it’s far worse than that, it results in an infinity of infinities.
Mathematics doesn’t mind this outcome but this “singularity” (as it is known in physics) is an aberration and – back in Einstein’s time – couldn’t possibly exist as the laws of physics would break down. As Einstein coined it a “Black Hole”.
He struggled with this knowledge for years and tried to explain it using classical calculations but could not ratify it.
Niels Bohr on the other hand simply choose to define a new set of principles – quantum mechanics – to explain the very small.
Although good friends with Bohr, Einstein could never ratify this theory with his own sensibilities.
In fact it was 16yrs after Einstein’s death that the first “Black Hole” (at the centre of our own galaxy) was discovered.
Many of Bohr’s theories were also ratified decades after he postulated them, so less “made up” and more “educated guess”.
When science does get things wrong (like the notion of the 4 humors in medicine – which existed from the time of the ancient Greeks until the late 18th century) and are proven to be wrong, they are updated and revised with the new thinking until that is updated and revised, and so on.
With religion it has always been: do as we say, believe what we say, or we’ll kill you and put your soul into purgatory! No wiggle room. Nothing!
Ok, as our western civilization has grown, *WE* don’t kill folk for no longer believing or blaspheming, but in the “peaceful” east they still fucking do! Barbaric, ill-informed and pointless.
Give me science any day of the week compared to some stories some blokes made up purely to keep law and order.
Fuck that!
Very informative Rebel, thanks. Have always struggled to understand maths and physics. Could it be the way my brain has evolved or am I, as Mrs Fim claims, a dense cunt?
Rebel I know this is ISAC and not Khan’s maths Academy but genuinely can you help me out here because I really am a thick cunt when it comes to maths. A few years ago I decided to do a college maths course for dummies. I remember the teacher telling us division by 0 is impossible. If you assume it is possible then you get the answer 1 or 0 (when dividing 1 by 0) which he described as undefined, presumably because you can’t have 2 correct answers? I never understood the example he gave (1÷ 0 = 1 or 0). Needless to say I didn’t complete the course. Now you say it is infinity and I accept you are correct. I understand infinity to mean numbers that go on forever. But now I’m really confused. Can you briefly explain in terms for dummies? I am not taking the piss and I respect your obvious maths ability. Cheers.
If the “everything” or “nothing” postulation was intimated in a mathematics for dummies class then you had the wrong teacher!
However it is generally accepted in mathematics that:
n ÷ 0 = ∞
But is that a positive (everything) or negative (nothing) infinity?
Yes, I gave up at that point too!
My mathematical acumen is little greater than that of ordinary level mathematics but I have had to use it as a tool several times in my working career that required me to delve deeper down the rabbit hole in very specific areas of mathematics (which I would not have dreamt of when I was at school).
I like logic, which is why I often quote Bertrand Russell in my theological put downs. His “Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy” book is a bit dry but it is enlightening.
Divide by zero is a modern (in terms of civilization) problem as neither the Egyptians, Greeks or Romans had any notion of zero back in the day.
Thanks Rebel. Will find a copy of Russell’s book. Thanks again.?
Thanks for the heads-up about tigers in PNG!
How do you go from 10x =39.99 to 9x =36?
Take the No. 45 bus!
Looking at some of the scum on the streets today, you might think to yourself, is that the result of 500,000,000 years of evolution ?
LHC found the God particle.
Evolution and mutation.
God is a product of man, man is a product of the universe.
How it all works…. Science
Suffering….. Religion
Suffering leads to pain.
And pain leads to the dark side!
It’s in all the science manuals, honest guv’!
Can only think this is a pisstake.
Evolution is shit. Genetic generational adaptation to the environment is obviously bollocks.
The earth is 6000 years old, Noah’s flood drowned the dinosaurs and the earth and all things in it was created by fairies. Now that we can all believe. And I expect the subjugation of women, death to unbelievers and gays figures in there somewhere. Why ever not?
No Cunstable, Raquel Welch killed the dinosaurs!
Or was it Doug McClure?
It was in one of those documentaries anyway.
It was Homer Simpson.
Off topic but has anyone else seen the footage of the security guards dragging a stupid african ticket dodging cunt off an underground train in Sweden?
They claim she had a ticket but they only showed the back of something which COULD’VE been a ticket. If she actually had a ticket, surely she’d want to prove it.
They claim that the security guards upset her 5 year old daughter but I’m sure what did it was the fact that she was screaming and creating a right carry on to draw as much attention as possible.
They escorted her off the train and she went: “aaaaarrrghhh… aaaarrfgggh… aaaaarrrggghhhh….”
Apparently she’s had to go to the hospital twice and in the interview the cunt was in a wheelchair.
A fucking wheelchair. For being taken off a train!
I wonder if she’s after compensation? For fare dodging, not complying with ticket inspectors, not leaving the train when asked and fighting against staff when they removed her from the train.
These African cunts must be laughing their heads off at us!
Back to science….
It’s in their fucking DNA, lying cheating cunts.
There you go, evolution at work!
The latest incarnation of man: the victim.
Attempts to buck the system and automatically has a hand reach out to be crossed with silver as soon as their nefarious activity gets rumbled.
This only seems to work in civilised western nations.
Again evolution at work as this only seems to work with individuals with a very high level of melanin.
Those with low melanin trying to pull the same stunt usually find they get one upside the head for their trouble.
Was it this fat cunt?
Ha ha. I knew Dianne Abbott would be caught out eventually!
“A Lady Of Traditional Values”
Could be the entry exam for All Souls Oxford…
I thought evolution was all about survival of the fittest ? that’s why we’ve survived this long through natural selection, but maybe not for long when Mong’s, window lickers and other assorted spasmo’s including Jeremy Kyle Sub Humans are encouraged to breed at alarming rates and fuck up the gene pool what hope have we got ?
So say after me Cunters.. EUGENICS.
Good afternoon all .
Yes we truly are se Idiocracy in action.
*seeing, not se
I prefer her to Princess Beatrice.
Come on Miles. I twigged it in a single afternoon, with the assistance of some magic mushrooms – it’s really obvious when you think about it:
The way I see it, existence centres around the Spirit. The Spirit cannot be pinned down – it knows no bounds, physical or moral, and is the creator of everything known and unknown, beautiful and ugly, with infinite in-betweens and endless potentialities, where all the wonders of the macrocosm and beyond are firmly embodied in the simple intricacy of *Edie’s tiny teeth, which are equal only to Melania’s trumped up gash and everything else through which the Spirit elects to manifest itself in physical form.
I could go on, but the nurse is beckoning me back to bed.
* our cat.
Think you should cook us all a ceremonial magic curry, RuffTuff. It’s getting a bit heated in here and we could do with a little perspective shift.
Would be my pleasure Chunky, but it’s bin over 30 years since last I partook of the sacred mushroom…
Miles is right. It was that evolution shit that got me kicked out of Sunday School.
Look at me now……a complete cunt!
It is a puzzle isn’t it? How can inanimate ‘stuff’ become ‘stuff’ capable of writing the slow movement of Bruch’s violin concerto no.1? The only answer I can come up with is TIME. The Earth was around for 4 billion years before even the basic rudimentary ‘life’ appeared. Then by a complete fuckin fluke an accidental combination of chemicals somehow, fuck knows how came together and hey presto LIfe! Seems more likely than God Created this enormous gigantic Universe ( out of nothing btw) then waited 4 billion years before he decided a bit of Life might spice things up a bit. But the truth is no fucker has a clue.
Evolutiin is really not that hard to understand.
It’s what happened to the grey wolf into most breeds of dog you see today, although that was driven by humans.
Replace the humans with environmental/nature as the selecting agent and run time for billions rather than thousands of years.
Besides, speciation has been observed within the lifetimes of humans. In the colouring of moths, the genetics of geckoes and now in elephants having shorter tusks.
If the cunting had been of String theory which the ‘high preisthood’ is in doubt over, there would be a case. Evolution has been observed and is now established beyond all reasonable doubt.
If evolution isn’t real, to what do we attribute the flu virus’s ability to change its characteristics such that last year’s ‘flu shot is no longer effective?
Maybe god did it? If so, which one and why?
I’ll say one thing about creationists and the Godly; In my experience they can have a debate and disagree without blocking, doxxing or reporting you to the police, unlike SJW freaks.
I almost miss the days of Ken Ham, Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron and earnest young earth creationists. There was dishonesty, but a weird civility. Perhaps it’s because the media and identity activists hadnt gone completely nuts back then.
Interesting that SJW attention-seeking, victimhood and accusations of harrassment started amongst the New atheist movement.
Anyone remember Rebecca Watson and her skepchicks?
I remember her. Met her once – well I say met – I was at the same dinner table as her on a James Randi cruise to Alaska several years ago. Obnoxious, full of itself cow. Loud too. Uncouth name dropping mong. Yeah, nothing remotely positive to say about the woman.
That JR set loves its cliques. Met Phil Plait too. Wow! Put it this way, if he ever comes on during a programme about the universe or whatever, I change the channel. I also nodded and smiled at Michael Shermer as we passed each other in a corridor. He looked through me like I was shit on his shoe. Cunt.
Sorry – that turned into a bit of a rant.
James Randi closed down his’ Million dollar challenge ‘ when no cunt was able to come up with evidence of supernatural happenings especially not that colossal fraud Uri Geller.
That is true, R1. It was fun while it lasted. Trouble is, when challengers failed, the JR crew would rip the piss. Thus putting off future challengers. Strange approach in some ways.
JREF is all but done now. I think it’s turned into some scholarship awarding BS now. No more ‘Amazing Adventures’ or ‘Amazing Meetings’. Pity. It lost its way when JR had to give up running it day-to-day due to his age and health.
And Uri Geller is a massive cunt. How can he have had a career based upon a lie? You couldn’t make it up.
Met him a few times walking his Dobermans by the Thames, dog lover so that mitigates his cuntiness somewhat.
The problem with that arrangement is it demands proof in a test tube, proof according to material standards to satisfy a material science. Which is fair enough, but it presupposes material standards and laws first rather than acknowledge magic may not operate to those standards – science has no business investigating the subtle or occult, and vica versa.
Magic and miracles don’t happen on demand. Something to do with ontology and the ego. Ask RuffTuff, he can fill you in on that ?
Chesterton; ‘But if you will call up the Darwinian vision, of thousands of intermediary creatures with webbed feet that are not yet wings, their survival will seem incredible. A mouse can run, and survive: and a flitter-mouse can fly, and survive. But a creature that cannot yet fly, and can no longer run, ought obviously to have perished, by the very Darwinian doctrine which has to assume that he survived’.
The evolution of the eagle’s eyes. When did that take place? Before they took to the skies? There was no reason for the evolution on the ground with prey nearby.
How could the wings evolve if the pre-eagle prototype couldn’t get off the ground? They couldn’t make a test flight and evolve them overnight.
‘The swan ebolved from the duck,’. So a pre-duck creature evolved into the duck and stuck. While another line went on and evolved into the swan. Is that? But how do we know if this other line ever became a duck at all? It might have mutated at the pre-duck stage and never achieved duckess. Might have ducked out.
I can believe at a stretch that the giraffe’s neck stretched to reach the higher leaves. Or that the anteaters nose stretched to root out the ants in ant holes. But they adapted in that environment. But the pre-bird creature couldn’t ADAPT to the sky. When It’s ENIVIRONMENT was the ground.
It will be said in years to come he was slow and dull of wit. The Darwinian Fundamentalist. Like the ostrich with his head in the sand. Digging down for the fossil record. That isn’t there.
Talking of eyes, if a god type thing was responsible, and he deems us the chosen species, why the fuck did he (her?) give us crap ones, and give members of the animal kingdom far better? They wear out quite quickly too, as do knees and hips. For a supreme being, his design and manufacturing skills are comparable with the Chinese. Intelligent design? Okay……
Sure as the EU hates democracy, God hates facts.
God is a sadistic old pre-vert who gets his rocks off watching humanity suffer.
Just sticking my finger in the air here, but maybe the pre-bird creature didn’t learn to fly to find food, maybe, just maybe, it learned to fly because some nasty cunt on the ground was trying eat it??
Then over time, the pre-birds that could evade their predators by the furthest distance – thus maximizing their chance of survival – passed their fledgling flight traits onto future generations until et voila! Flighted birds.
But they need to eat too, and so some evolved to become predators. And successful predators were ones that could spot potential prey – without being spotted themselves – from the greatest distance. But – in order to do this – they need fucking good eyesight! A few generations later et voila! Avian predator eyesight 20x more powerful than our own.
Who’d have thunk it!?!
Also the observation about penguins growing claws that are useless on land is also completely wrong too.
Penguins didn’t evolve to be flightless because they couldn’t be arsed to fly. Just like whales and seals aren’t mammals that couldn’t be arsed to get out of the water. Penguins evolved from flighted birds that simply became more successful flying underwater.
Whales and seals evolved from land mammals who simply had more success from an oceanic existence.
All it takes is time. And the seven day model, or even the 6,000 year model of creation/being, simply isn’t long enough. A couple of billion years or so however and – hey presto – we are where we are.
Sorry if that pisses on your chips mate. Not intended to be nasty, just informative.
But if he was always scarpering away from some ‘nasty cunt’ on the ground wouldn’t it be his legs and feet that would be adapting to get the fuck away why would the ‘evolutionary process’ waste so much time evolving wings and it does occur that it was really very benevolent of these pre- bird creatures to carry round such appendages (not yet wings) for future generations such great sacrifice for future birds and Evolutionists say they were tiny incremental changes or sometimes tiny imperceptible changes (maybe they were so tiny they never occurred at all) but anyway remember these tiny changes had to happen in EACH INDIVIDUAL creature at EXACTLY the same time over million and millions of years to keep them compatible it seem to me almost laughable I sometimes wonder how this species of thinking took hold of the mind of man at all (I was going to say specious thinking) is Evolution still going on? I’ve looked and looked since childhood and it hasn’t changed notthe slightest smidgeon the common pigeon but wait maybe it is evolving (like we’re evolving into the Superman) maybe they are still evolving and in time there will come the Uber Pigeon you know The Theory of Evolution took flight in the 19th Century far too quickly in the ascendency throughout the 20th in high academia it soared above all but I believe it’s starting to fall it’s losing height and soon it will be dead as the Dodo.
“I’ve looked since childhood, and nothing has changed…” I think there is your problem. There is a massive difference between 40 – 50 years and 100 million. I’d love to hear what you think happened instead of evolution, but please, not the answer that flat earth twats and chemtrail bellends use, which is “I don’t know, but it definitely isn’t the official story”
I believe the universe is 14 odd billion years old the figure arrived at by Father Georges Lemaitre thick religious cunt that he was. And that the earth is about 4 billion odd years old. I haven’t a clue what happened. But neither do the Evolutionists. It’s all perhaps this or maybe that happened. It’s the turning it into a Law that I object to. As I said earlier it blandly states on Wikipedia- ‘The swan evolved from the duck’. It’s really that assumption I am attacking. It is stated as though it is some scientific fact.
Ok then, explain flying fish?
Did they evolve before or after reptilian, avian or mammalian flight?
It’s called “adaption to environment” where the more successful traits for that environment persist Vs less successful.
No doubt flying fish were God’s little “that’ll make the fuckers think” jape at humans’ expense.
He did flying fish shortly after planting all of those dinosaur bones.
Everyone knows they’re just the leftovers from Fred Flintstone’s dinner…
We’ve had a bit of a barney Rebel (see what I did there?)
Flying fish. Why is there such Variation in nature? If it’s all down to the successful adaption to the environment.
I don’t know why you keep implying I don’t believe the dinosaurs existed.
There is very little in the Fossil Record. There should be thousands nay millions of fossils bearing the outline of intermediary creatures. And there isn’t.
Of course what we now have is evolution in reverse. Walk down any high street and you will see clear evidence not of “survival of the fittest” but the new, improved SJW application “survival of the thickest”. I honestly believe that we are witnessing the long slow decline of Homo Sapiens into “Homo Bloody Stupidus”. If I had a time machine I would go back to the fish etc leaving the Oceans for the Land and showing them what they are going to end up as with the firm advise to “Give up and go back now because it is all downhill from here”.
I couldn’t agree more.
Who knows maybe in 1,500-2,000 years time we will have devolved to all believe in God again…
15-20 years given the explosion of islime. Those of us who atheists will all have been executed for apostasy.
If I think it’s coming to that then I vow to take a couple of the cunts at least with me!
Enjoy *those* virgins, you “peaceful” cunts!
Not funny. It’s true.
The Determinism point. In the great film Inherit the Wind Drummond leans over to Brady in the witness box -‘Can a sponge think?’ He whispers at him. Then more forcefully-‘CAN A SPONGE THINK?’ But really the question should be-‘Can a MAN think?’ In this Evolutionary universe. If all we are is biological matter (gunge ) CAN A MAN THINK?
‘The mind cannot move’. Round and round in the same groove- I got up this morning because I am only an ape evolved to eat because my first instinct is to survive and then I tore at the toast with my teeth because I am only an ape evolved then I took a shower for quarter of an hour to keep my hairy body clean then I put on my clothes to keep myself warm not for any other reason and then I walked out the door like 1000 times before because it’s all determined I am only an ape evolved.
The mind set is a hopeless Determinism. Like Marxism.
Well – like I said to the religious cunt who was miffed at me parking in his assumed parking space outside his church – if you think I’m in the wrong, then you’ll forgive me.