A downhome cotton pickin’ cunting please, with full complement of banjos for this racially prejudiced bigot:
Mr Lammy who “knows of 50” Windrush “victims”, just as you will recall he knew a Grenfell fire victim, was at it again yesterday in parliament, agitating in that fervent voice, breaking with faux emotion, accusing the government of “criminal” behaviour. Ironically many of the deported were deported because of criminal convictions, and I am sure we are not talking about stealing a bike or knocking of a bucket of KFC
There is a place for Hammy Lammy in the theatre – even if only cleaning out the urinals. What a pompous little tosspot he is – just like Brother Umunna
Nominated by W C Boggs
This guy is a belter. He see wacizm in everything. Fuck knows who votes for him but they must be thick as pigshit.
You look at the quality of some MPs it is beyond belief that they get voted in.
Dennis Skinner. Who the fuck votes for this ageing idiot.
Caroline Lucas, as a Brightonian I am ashamed.
Abbott and McDonald, these cunts are actually dangerous
I know there are loads of examples
Gargantuan race-card-playing cunt, only an MP because
1- The fucking lefties made us accept this sort of moron as an MP, and
2- Any cunt who voted for him is also a gargantuan race-card-playing cunt.
Thoroughly deserving of being horse-whipped in the street, then hobbled.
Suck my fuckin’ dick.
Lammy went apeshit over Stacey Dooley yesterday.
“Africa doesn’t need white saviours”
I gues the frustrated racist cunt wants to fuck her.
She replied ,” is it because I am white”
Lammy, “its not personal”
What a cunt! …. Then word White before Saviour says it all
Racist Cunt.
? ha ha – great retort – I hadn’t seen that!
Africa doesnt need white saviours? Happily accepted 50yrs worth of it though, the cap in hand feckless tapping cunts!
That’s fine by me, Mr. Blamby….
Not a penny of mine will ever go near Africunts, just in case the little bwabwas feel patronised.
Sod them.
Still want all the fucking money though.
I loved this.
This fat cunt is having a go at Stacy Dooley for being a “white saviour”in this year’s Comic Relief.
I bet this fat hypocritical cunt has no objection to white taxpayers’ money being flushed down the African shithole from the foreign aid budget.
Also, why is this virtue-signalling campaign known as Comic Relief when it has been fronted by the unfunny cunt Lenny Henry for so many years? LH has a better connection with hand relief.
I’m thinking the biggest cunts in England are the electorate. Idiotness must be rife.
The stupid and peacefuls are outbreeding the intelligent and sensible CnR… it’s the price we pay for having an NHS and a bloated benefits system. The road to Hell is paved…
Dr Kehinde um bongo Andrews, professor of black studies is on LBC.
He is saying that Africa must sort itself out. Indeed, naughty white people must not go there to help or give money.
At last, some sense.
Was he on his way to the e airport so he could save the continent?
Fucking stupid cunt.
Maybe tell your friends, Krav…
Kenya proved a useful place to land planes during the Entebbe crisis. Strange bedfellows can often prove useful…
Degenerate …….
Love the words degenerate and deviant my mate who goes on Faecesbook to torment SJW and cunts in general, was accused and reported for “being transphobic”. As he’s young he told me and asked for a suitable repost. So I suggested he reply with ” I can’t be transphobic as loads of my friends are deviants and degenerates”.
He told me he’s been banned and the page almost exploded.
It made us all laugh.
Fuck them all deviant degenerate supporting cunts.
“There is a place for Hammy Lammy in the theatre.”
Perhaps selling ice creams and tea in the interval:
“Yes, two white magnums, please.”
“White? That’s racist.”
“Well, two dark magnums, please.”
“Are you commenting on me?”
“Erm, alright two milky magnums and a black coffee, please.”
“Black? Can’t you just say without milk. Typical whitey.”
“Could I have two magnums of your choosing.”
“Don’t patronise me! You white people are are bringing up colour.”
I prefer tomato ketchup over Daddies brown sauce (Daddies, the personification of male patriarchy in the condiment world) surely the very definition of honkey institutional waysism.
I think Mr Lammy is an HP Sauce man, all the way.
Daddies sauce is gender phobic and colour-specific and offensive to non-crackers.
Personally I’m offended by the lack of apostrophe.
Lammy ….. Its all too white.
He wont be happy until all the residents of London are chucking spears and sratching their arses, as long as he is still picking up his fat MP salary and expenses.
Laura Towler video – the problem with david lammy
Lammy is a racist cunt
Abbotpotumus is a racist cunt
The end …..
Afternoon Q, he is such a narrow minded, single issue headbanger, I bet he has got a wind-up key in his back , primed by Flabbott before he goes in the House of Commons and starts his imaginary racist blarney.
Afternoon LL ,
He’s such a cunt I can’t actually be bothered to cunt him ?
In my experience I’ve generally found people that constantly shout racist at all and sundry are infact themselves hugely racist….. cunts
As a serving British Labour MP, Mr Lammy is nolens volens a colossal chump and bellend. He is, however, unique in enjoying the distinction of being the first politician ever to be found guilty of initiating nuisance calls, and quite a few of them, as I recall.
On the other hand, Ms Dooley annoys me far more than is entirely reasonable. She pops up with the regularity of an unloved season, and in the most extraordinary places. An example of such was celebrity Mastermind, or some similar cock, a year or two back. Not only is this vapid, jejune bint a total mockney faker, she is also spectacularly stupid. As I remember, she was unaware of the capital of France (ovno), and her score was quite woeful. Feeble-minded and cretinous dolt that she is, her pursuit of self-promotion is seemingly limitless.
“Award-winning documentary maker”? Only in 2019 Britain, FFS.
Get to fuck
She is a bit of an dumb ass, but it is a tight little dumb ass, would love to ……..
She is a product of the media and good luck to her, on the other hand Lammy is a product of Lammy, racist, bigot and fraud but he did have friend (yes right you cunt) who died at the battle of Grenfell.
No comparison, I think Lammy the cunt wins hands down.
Fair play, and very hard indeed to disagree with your opening shot, Mr sick, she is quite pretty.
Unsure that any subsequent relationship would not prove particularly durable, however.
Time to lose SwiftKey ™
Lol, I’m not thinking past that nice little ass, I Dont know if it was luck or just the right face at the right time but she is rags to riches story. Seemingly little talent but she has made a whole lot more than i guess was ever expected.
All you say is true, Mr s. She does have a certain “charm” beyond her raggable little punanee, I suppose.
See what a pipeful of strong does for one? More shouted up, ciders are chilled, and a couple if mates on their way over, so all is forgiven… for now.
Another comment awaiting moderation and not a ¶€ð°¶h¡|e (etc) in sight. Wtf is going on here??
In short:
Lammy’s a cunt, Dooley’s a cunt.
Dooley may be a cunt, with an extremely irritating voice, but it must have taken some balls to do this report:
Choice stuff Ruff, and thanks!
Not sure about the “balls” bit though; she was very near the back where the Police were, plus there will have been a sizeable entourage of cameramen and assorted gophers just out of shot.
I seriously can’t stand the sanctimonious, obsequious self-promoting chick, sorry.
She’s pretty enough, but all that hideous Lorraine Chase Luton Airport shit is sych a crock of unimaginative old hat. Ms Dooley trades almost exclusively on the current pandemic of PC knob-jockery, and she gets on my wick quite badly.
The ABBC & Sky wouldn’t have gone near it… but if they had you can imagine the very different spin they’d have put on it…
Give the bitch a break CS, Luton is her home town after all. But agree in general, I’ve only ever watched one of her documentaries, and that was one too many, the voice alone makes them unwatchable, but too much snowflakery anyway.
But that Luton clip – surprised she hasn’t been done for hate crime…
Now posted cs.
I think the filter may have been defeated by the use of Latin, and slung the post into ‘mod’ just in case!
Haha, I’ll try a bit more Mandarin Chinese or Turkish, then. Or German, perhaps?
(I know the English equivalent would certainly cause problems)
fyi, nolens volens is here used in the sense of “like it or not”, “unavoidably” etc.
Bit too recondite, perhaps, that one!
Don’t be surprised if posts sometimes go into ‘mod’. This happens quite frequently, on what appears to be a seemingly random basis. Don’t know why.
73 de J
André Prevun, anyone?
(Taken his last bow)
David Lammy
I think you are believe it or not the ultimate cunt. Other cunts boil my piss, Blair and May, Comrade Corbyn, admittedly there are many cunts who get me angry.
You though David, your King Cunt, top banana.
It ain’t cos you is black
It ain’t cos you is a Socialist blud
It ain’t cos even cos you is MP for them cunts at Spurs and big up dem cunts sometimes
It’s purely because you are a massive cunt, all being black means to you is you have a captive electorate who will vote for you cos you is one of them innit. But you ain’t one of them is you Dafid? You just use them, you despise the black cunts as much as you despise us white cunts.
You Lammy are a fucking wasted vote, them Spursey cunts are as welcome as dry spunk on a nun but even them cunts deserve better representation than you.
One day you’ll be exposed as the nasty little fraud you are and I will turn up personally at your door to fucking laugh at you.
Mmmmmmm David Lammy is a first rate cunt.Its ok for us to send shitloads of money via foreign aid to Africa that’s ok but soon as it’s done via so called “White Saviours” that’s racist This stupid twat needs to wake up and smell the coffee what difference does it make who fronts BBC Children in need in Africa?Is it ok for Lenny Henry to be on everything from Africa then because he’s black according to Lammy more black people send money to Africa than white people but it gets no publicity give yourselves a pat on the back then we can stop foreign aid to Africa and save ourselves some dosh.
In case anyone missed his Grenfell meltdown with Brillo:
I did miss it RTC, unsurprisingly. My mum never misses it, and I never watch it. But yes, Lammy is indeed a chump, like it or not.
Mr Neil went up in my estimation
Love the comment below the clip describing him as “ animated sewage”
Top drawer!
I’ve just remembered I must put bananas on the shopping list.
He has just been on LBC. I can now justify why I do not give to comic relief
Fuck giving to any charity in which people who donate or actively support are rated according to their colour. Urge everyone you know to avoid donating on the grounds, according to an elected politician, that to do so is racist.
I do not wish to be labelled as a ‘white’ saviour and offend anyone especially David Lammy MP. I therefore will not donate even the steam of my shite let alone cash.
I hereby bestow upon Lammy the highest award that the House of Knee can offer, that of National Cunt. Pity his dad didn’t just have a wank instead.
Lammy Snr should indeed have pulled out and splurged on the curtains. I’m not sure he is too keen on collecting awards after the Grand Duchy of Fiddler kicked him in the bollocks and then told to ‘Fuck off’.
Blamby Sr.’s curtains were probably too arse-wiped to jizz over…
Can’t the cunt be done for “cultural misappropriation” ? He looks most ill-at-ease in a suit. Maybe the suit was made from the above-mentioned curtains.
Is the material fire-retardant ? Couldn’t risk another Grenfell…
Lammy in a suit is akin to putting lipstick on a pig.
He has done a lot for his constituency. I read he has installed open sewers at his end of Seven Sisters Road. As the average IQ of the Tottypoo wankers i.s mid 70s, they are bound to elect a massive massive cunt.
Did he make this statement from the nearest Nandos?
David Lammy? Love his voice.
Most definitely a whopper of a cunt, Lammy and Flabbot are an embarrassment. Jumping on any racism bandwagon. Move ya bloodclaat.
Lammy likes a bit if white cunt though…married to a whitey the hypocritical cunt. By the look of him he likes the white man food too… Bet he eats 20 Yorkshire puddings on a Sunday.
Regarding his white wife, I bet he sticks his tongue up her ass every night… The dirty cunt.
Andre Previn died
Anyone got Andre Previn in their Dead Pool?
Is there an echo? Or a Ekco?
I thought they made radios…
They used to, Mr P.
Previn anyone……
Did I mention that the “flamboyant” conductor, composer and pianist André Previn has died? “His music knew no bounds”.
He was once on the Morecambe and Wise show, you know.
The Morcambe and Wise sketch was just genius.
An absolute classic.
The corpulent cunt Lammy is a dead ringer for Idi Amin in his picture above.
Someone just needs to knit him an oversized Tam o’ shanter for his bulbous great fooking heeed. He looks like he is suffering encephalitis.
The cunt.
It all went wrong when we gave them shoes.
Dem cats got shoooos ???????
Well I’ll go to the foot of our Liana.
Good evening Gentlemen.
Ditto Ladies.
Yeh, dem cats gots da shoos.
Gibs muh dat shoos. Cos dem beez good shoos n sheeit. Nomesayin?
Dem shooos are made for stabbin’
An’ dats what ahm a gonna doo !
But how can they afford the latest Blahniks ??
He really is the most obnoxious, egregious cunt. His whole schtick is race and identity politics. See also: the flabapottamus. Literally has nothing to say on any subject other than on those subjects.
Didn’t he score one of the lowest scores ever in the general knowledge round of celebrity mastermind a few years back? Or was that another gobby no nothing in the political world?
I think that might have been Stacey Dooley M-r.
(Sighs and contacts dealer)
Speaking of thick cunts, I think Clegg takes the wooden spoon, some years back when he leader of the libs an interviewer asked him what was the current old age pension, the dumb ass said “about thirty quid a week” (it was actually around 3 times that amount)
Fucking dip shit….so much for being in touch with ordinary people.
Dooley treads down the well worn path of Louis Theroux, disarming his victims by pretending to be a naive, credulous, know nothing idiot.
Except Stacey isn’t pretending. She really is thick as two short planks.
Is this the first time Lammy’s been cunted?!
I’m astonished.
For once in my life I actually agree with him, white people shouldn’t be helping Africa.
Fuck em.
Why is it down to us to save the African continent?
For once the self appointed emperor of black people is right, though I suggest that we agree for different reasons.
Mine being that if you need something get off your arse and get it, and his being racism towards whitey….
I saw a sky news report earlier saying that Africa wants our help but not out pity.
Well how does that fucking work? If I don’t have pity for you I’m not gonna fucking help you am I you dumb cunt!
We have enough of our own in this country that need help.
If Lammy had any conscience he would be back in Africa with his white education to help build the continent, he is well qualified to work in Africa with his experience of fiddling his expenses and milking the system
Sausage for Foriegn Minister!!!
I’ll divert the entire foreign aid budget to Columbia.
….We’d have one hell of a year!
This isn’t his first nom, Deploy, I gave hm a cunting a few months back just for beng Lammy.
The overweight, daft, racist cunt-monkey.
It’s actually his 5th Cunting… only another 5 to go and he’ll be on The Wall… ?
…when we can say, “Welcome to the Jungle!”
Lammy: That’s waycist!