Carol Vorderman (3)

I would like to nominate Carol Vorderman for a full weight cunting, for putting her name to the legalised mugging of old people that is Sun Life equity release. (other equity release companies are available).
“Give us your house and we will let you continue to live in it if you pay us interest”.
Thanks Carol, sounds fucking great, I can’t count because I am thick as fuck but you are good at maths and I trust you, so it’s got to be a good deal right?
At least Dick Turpin had the decency to wear a mask when he relieved idiots of their hard earned.
Hang your heads in shame you thieving twats.


Nominated by The Cunt of Monte Cristo

78 thoughts on “Carol Vorderman (3)

  1. Our Carol is certainly not a one man woman. Her demeanour certainly suggests she is partial to large volumes of cock.

    I suppose she is getting as much as she can now as the southwards decline started several years ago. She knows that she isn’t too far away from taking the mantle from cunt Parky on those life insurance ads, designed for the simple minded who have never seen a pen.

    • “Her demeanour certainly suggests she is partial to large volumes of cock”
      So she is a cockmonger in other words That life equity thing just sounds like a big scam what yyou pay a shitload of money into it for 10 or 20 years and you get a small profit depending on how much you invest. I ‘m not sure exactly how it works but it sounds shady, these life insurance schemes just makes no sense to me might as well be written in latin

      • Equity release is defined:

        The use of financial arrangements that provide the owner of a house or other property with funds derived from the value of the property while enabling them to continue using it.

        The cunts “give” you money and in return get your house at a substantially below market price.

        Legalised theft/shafting used on the gullible and the desperate.

      • Most actually do use full market value but I recall reading about another factor which isn’t often made clear. Someone borrowed an amount which turned out to be a %, so £50k of a £200k house was 25% (I don’t remember the figures, it was a few years ago). Later down the line, and whilst paying interest to keep the loan amount static, they decided to downsize and move, so they put the house on the market and it was valued at a lot more, but the greedy lender cunts didn’t want the original £50k loan amount, they wanted 25% of the new value of the house, for doing absolutely fuck all. I wouldn’t go near these bastards, even if I owned a house and was up to my ears in shit.

    • Like many women who were plain Jane goody goody types in their youth it does appear Vorderman found the joys of both cock and cock teasing later in life.
      Would have thought she’d be quite open to a suggestion of some bum also.

  2. She’s never been shy of making a quick buck in dubious circumstances .
    Obnoxious and mercenary, she reminds me very much of a cousin of mine, who herself is a nasty piece of work.
    Good morning.

  3. Sunlife and their ilk are like the business equivalent of some Thai or Philipino gold digger who worms her way into the old git’s affections and systematically fritters away the adult children’s inheritance.

    Dirty bastards.

  4. Vorderman’s got form, she’s the celebricunt who went overboard spreading crooked Dr Andrew Wakefield’s MMR scare, which claimed, on non-existent  evidence, there was a link between MMR and autism. Parents believed her cos she’d hyped herself up as the most intelligent woman in the world. No, she’s a cunt.

    • Morning Ruff Tuff,
      Why don’t we invite Vorderman round for a jolly good spit roast ? I’m sure she would be up for it. We can lure her with the promise of taking out an equity release policy.

      • I’d happily turn the spit if you want to roast her Fenton.

        To be honest, she makes me fucking nauseous.

        Good morning.

  5. She should be ashamed of herself however suspect money is all she really gives a toss about.

    Used to drive the most powerful top of the range Jaguar.

    Botox and teeth job.

    All not cheap.

    Nasty self centred Bitch.

  6. Vordeman is another like Joanna Lumley, deluded old trouts who imagine that they are still attractive. Stuffed full of plastic and continually under the surgeon’s knife, they just look ridiculous…like rubber dolls left too near to the fire.
    Once women are over the age of forty, it’s all over for them in the looks department and they should accept the fact. Nothing worse than some decrepit biddy who thinks that their mutton dressed up as lamb act is fooling anyone. Bad enough having to see them in everyday life,but putting the deluded bags on telly is just insulting to the viewers and embarrassing for the geriatrics concerned. I’d ban auld gannies from dressing inappropriately, there’s no need for it…it’s blatant false advertising. Imagine having your beer-goggles on one night and being tricked into taking Vordeman home..floppy tits down to her knees,arse like a burst couch,wrinkly rolls of liver-spotted fat and a grey,powdery fanny that can no longer hold her piss back,never mind give a bit of grip to your cock plus a gummy gob stuffed full of Wether’s Originals.
    Not for me, I’m afraid. Even though I’m knocking on, I,of course,still have the body of a Greek God…some men are lucky that way…no women are. They should accept this fact and Fuck Off once things start to droop. The only men who find them attractive are sexual weirdos who enjoy Granny Porn.

    Fuck Off.

  7. In days gone by celebrities used to try and flog simple things, Linda Bellingham was always full of fake Bon Ami as she flogged the public oxo, Sharon Maugham sexily sold us not only nestcafe but a whole load of wank fantasies about shagging your saucy neighbour, neither buying oxo or the aforementioned instant coffee would threaten your financial stability unless you had earning capacity of a church mouse, but the new breed of celebrity endorsements are far more reaching, there’s loads of shit where gullible cunts can get absolutely fleeced, Vordermans one is a fine example another would be we buy any car with annoying fopdoddle cunt philip scofield, when my dad died a few years ago I decided to give these fucking charlatans a chance?
    “Mr Q we value your car at £ 475 ??? funny that you utter cunts as I sold it privately for £1200 !!!
    Stay away from celeb endorsements the cunts are only used to make you feel safe! “ good old carol she would never scam me” wrong!! She is a 24 carat thieving cunt …..,,,

    • Morning Q….. ?

      REMAIN – another dodgy product the Celebricunts have fallen over themselves trying to sell us…

      • Morning squire!! ?
        Just watching fat cunt sky chief remoaner adam boulton interviewing
        Best for Britain favourite pollsters YOU GOV represented by peter Keller who as you can imagine doesn’t like Brexit and has just announced leave labour voters have deserted leave on mass and virtually all now want to stay in the EU?
        So It’s only fair to have another referendum?? Of course it is ……….. CUNTS ……

      • Utter fucking twaddle – Remoaner Keller has been fixing his polls from way back, totally discredited now imo.

        Professor John Curtice is a far more consistently reliable source:

        “There have been about 10 or so polls conducted on how people would vote in a second EU referendum since 15 November, when May’s Brexit deal was published. On average, 83 per cent of those who voted to leave say they would vote to leave again. This is only slightly lower than the 87 per cent of Remain voters who say they would vote the same way a second time. But the difference doesn’t mean Leave voters are switching to Remain. It is that Leave voters are saying they wouldn’t bother to vote again.”

      • Referendum 2 is total bollocks but leave have plenty of ammunition to fire at remain….
        new piss pot countries ready to join inc crime ridden Albania……
        member states must adopt euro according to drunkers 5 point plan
        Of course the EU will try and fudge it over but they all having vote changing potential……

      • I stopped doing YouGov surveys when I realised the answers were geared towards the ‘desired’ result. Like politicians and the left wing, they have no interest in your opinion unless it corresponds with theirs.

      • Morning Mr C. An interesting take, and being largely apolitical I hadn’t heard of Prof Curtis’s musings (nor indeed of the man himself).
        Despite the immanence of “Brexit burn-out”, I think it unlikely that “voter apathy” would –in reality– be any kind of issue. I expect turnout would approach the low 90s%.

      • Morning CS.

        90% in a General Election or Referendum? Unlikely imo. Voter turnout for GE in 2017 was 68%, in Referendum it was 72%. A lot of voters, several here on ISAC, have said they will never vote again if a proper Brexit is not enacted. And if there is to be a second referendum, and it’s a choice between a ‘Good Deal for the EU / Bad Deal for the UK’ or ‘Remain’, there would be nothing for Leavers to vote for, best they could do is spoil their ballot papers.

        No-one in their right mind would vote for Mrs May’s deal. Unless ‘No Deal’ is on the ballot paper it’s just a stitch-up, like the entire process has been since the word go.

        Btw, John Curtice regularly appears on MSM, especially during Elections.

      • Well put RTC, if there is a second referendum when anything other than a choice of a bad deal or no deal ie one where remain is an option then voting and me is finished. Having a government makes no difference to the real day to day running of my life just some years more tax less free cash to spend other years it’s reversed.
        Democracy is at stake and as any sane person can see they are desperate to remove both our freedom of speech see Tommy Robinson and others and freedom of choice see the EU referendum and that’s a very dangerous thing.

      • Responding to the Prof’s quote in your comment, I was thus referring to a referendum turnout, RTC.
        What people say on here (as elsewhere) and where/if they put the “X” in the ballot box on the day are frequently two different things. Hence the notorious unreliability of “opinion polls”.
        I do think the turnout would be higher now if only due to blanket coverage over three years. “Approaching low 90s%”, ie high 80s (at least), would be my guess.
        Politics not my bag, Ruff, but I’ll certainly be voting!

      • Depending on the “badness of the deal”, my vote would be revoke Art 50/remain. Obviously. What mystifies me still is this “once in a generation/lifetime” BS. Even the much-maligned £9mio pro-Remain flyer was peddling this piffle, rather bizarrely.
        It is once in a lifetime if we leave, that is for sure, but we can have as many referenda as we like whilst remaining in.

      • It has not, however, escaped my attention that we’ve already had two referenda, and the most recent one was “non, merci”!

      • Not necessarily – there’s nothing to stop the Government holding another referendum to join again after we’ve left (if there’s any public appetite that is).

        And “once in a generation” does make sense when you consider the first In /Out referendum took place in 1975, 44 years ago…

      • The paradox of leaving on Mrs May’s “deal” is also not lost on me. The only net change of significance in that case would be precisely a loss of sovereignty. We would lose our powerful veto, and our place at the “top table”, while still being bound by the ECJ, liable for “associate membership fees” &c.
        In consideration that a fair few voted out on grounds of sovereignty, the irony would indeed be high, the ne plus ultra of all ironies in fact!

      • Rejoining the Union once out, although theoretically possible, is less likely than Tony Blair’s ultimate rehabilitation. 100% certain is the terms would be far less favourable, and no one would want it. The wheels will fall off the EU in any case (though not yet awhile).

      • Agree – if it’s May’s Deal or Remain, I would have to vote Remain. Unless the backstop and £39billion ransom were dropped.

        As I said, it’s been a stitch-up all along.

      • That’s what our £39billion = 4 years net membership payments is for: to keep them rolling until the wheels fall off. I give them 5 years max. Maybe 2 years without our money.

      • The trick is, and the problem is timing, RTC.
        Mr Cameron in his infinite arrogance and detachtchment from the Zeitgeist, got it wrong. There was no real pressing reason for voting leave on 2016, it was largely balony.The result was clearly, in large part, two fingers up to The Establishment, ( or one finger in the case of the contemporaneous election of Trump.)
        I believe the EU will in fact unravel, possibly in my lifetime, at which point we – and Eire– would justifiably, smoothly and advantageously leave.
        Right now, a favourable basis for cutting out does not actually exist, hence the chaos in Parliament. Some things are actually impossible, and leaving the EU on any economically favourable managed basis is one of those things.

      • There certainly will be a price to pay if Britain’s exit is perceived (rightly or wrongly) to have catalysed any such collapse. We would plainly then become a bogey man for Europe, with its putative problems, which seems unlikely to end well.
        I genuinely think the problem is timing.
        Enough… politics bores the arse off me.
        Evening all!

      • Too late CS… we’re already the bogey man of Europe, always have been, except worse now. If it wasn’t for the fact that we’re the second highest net contributor…

        PS: Agree, the timing was up the spout and the Ref. held for all the wrong reasons. Total fuck up.

  8. Is she a brexiteer? What is her stance on anti semitism in the Labour party?

    Come on! These are the real issues of the day….

    • Covered continuously and ad nauseam on Radio 4. Recommended for anyone still interested in either. In fact the constant elevation of disliking Israel, as I prefer to call it, to a major topic of concern, has recently started making me just the tiniest bit antisemitic too. Sorry.

    • A rare example of correct usage of the word “struthious”, Lord B, and thanks for that.
      The thought of Vorderman, resplendent in her nitid beauty and coruscating intellect, suffering a similar indignity before leering and love-hungry gringos, mutatis mutandis pissing her gussets raised a smile.

      A chipmunk-cheeked cunt, Monsieur Le Comte, and a patent Mariah Carey wannabee.

    • I did reply, KB, but this comment awaiting moderation business is becoming a
      Liked you Kunt vids, highly appropriate! I’ve never heard of him before, nice one.

  9. The old slapper was dating that toyboy RAF officer for a while until she achieved her pilot’s licence and she then fucked him off quicker than you can say “off you fuck!”

    Complete user.

  10. Caveat emptor. If you’re sucker bait, you’ll get suckered by equity release. If you bought a house in the first place, you got suckered by the banks, in all probability. If you rent, you’ll be suckered by the letting agent and/or your landlord. There is actually no way of existing in this system which does not involve parting with large amounts of your money to someone who does as little as possible in return for it.

    All that’s different about ER is its blatancy

  11. This old trollop has form for advertising blatant crooks, she was involved with First Plus who took thousands of simple minded gimps to the cleaners…promising them tat like holidays in Spain and second hand cars in exchange for a security on their homes.

    Some people were pursued for years until (I think) the courts put a stop to this legalised theft.

    I wouldn’t trust this old growler as far as I could spit a rat and I would purposely steer clear of any thing with her name attached.

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