Ze Krauts [2]

As if we don’t have enough meddling bastards in our country keeping on remoaning the fucking Germans are at it now:


One of the letter writers to The Times in the picture that accompanies that article looks like a lezzie and the other a poof.

Why don’t they keep their meddlng snouts out of our affairs. Germany just wants another mug – us – to share the bills and the immigrants they don’t give a fuck about us.

Nominated by W. C. Boggs

102 thoughts on “Ze Krauts [2]

  1. If they are getting obscure retired Arsenal goalkeepers to tell us how much they love our quirky ways maybe we can get David Seaman to write back that we like busty wenches at Oktoberfest and speeding on the Autobahn but ultimately we don’t fucking care and still want to leave.

  2. That’s the hun snowflakes shitting it because ordinary decent Germans are now looking to the AFD for their future rather than one that’s sees them being under Shariah law in a few generations’ time (much like we find ourselves).

    It’s no secret that if the UK leaves the EU with a (preferred) “No Deal” then our pound and stock index will take an initial shock hit, but once all the project fear lies evaporate it will recover quickly and show the rest of Europe what contemptible cunts the EU grupenfuhrers are.

    That is why the UK elites and EU elites want “No Deal” off the table because that would be the death nell of the entire Ponzi scheme.

    So it’s not really Germans who deserve a cunting but their flake contingent who require a global cunting for being week minded, digital sheep imbeciles!

    And cunts!

      • Making sure that every single one of the European leaders and close associates who wil undoubtedly have caused it.

        Juncker, Merkel, Blair, Macron, May, Barnier, Selmayr, Robbins, Miller, Soros and all of the faceless left of Pro Europe left of centre cunts both in the House of Parliament and EU Parliament.

        Instead of getting others to do their dirty work these useless self important fuckers should not be allowed to escape the responsibilities for the fucking shit and misery they have imposed on others and forced to the front of the line.

  3. Every time i’m In Germany and see a really old Kraut I think….” I wonder what you were doing during the War? Strutting around in the Hitler Youth? Flying over London dropping bombs on my mum and dad”?

    Never forgive, never forget.

    • I bet those old kraut kunts would still love to have a go….
      I met a kraut in Holland few years ago who after a few beers told me it took him longer to drive his bmw thru Holland than it took his grandfather in a panzer? probably fucking true ?

  4. Picking an ex-Arsenal goalie is really going to resonate well with a lot of people haha.

    And, who fucking cares? I wish this belief that vacuous celebrities, and especially sportsmen (women have nought relevance), have anything useful to impart would just fuck the cunt off and die!

  5. I’m not bothered if there is another European war as long as it is Europeans fighting it.

  6. Do the stupid cunts really think we’ll stop going for a few jars after work just coz we’re leaving their shitty little club? What sort of fucked-up logic is that?

  7. The only thing the Krauts are going to miss is our money. Though not for a few years, if Mrs May gets her way and hands over that £39billion downpayment.

    Presumably they’ll also miss their profligate political 4th Reich Project when it falls apart without us mugs bankrolling it when we leave with No Deal.

    • Anyone else notice the growing support for “No Deal” outside of Cuntminster?

      For all of the project fear propaganda espoused by Sly and ABBC (fake) news, the general public is slowly realising that “No Deal” really puts the Willie’s up the EU and therefore – by proxy – the cunts in Cuntminster, and are keen for it.

      May’s deal is horrific and a betrayal, Corbyn wants an even more EU centric BRINO and so the UK public are thinking: “Fuck it! Leave on WTO rules and let’s watch those EU fuckers blink!”

      And blink they will!


      • I’ve noticed it – even a significant portion of the audience on Cuntsion Time seemed up for it!

        Not holding my breath though, virtually no-one in Wetminster wants it, and with cunts like Bercow making up the rules as he goes along I still can’t see it happening, even though it’s currently written into law if they can’t agree on anything else.

      • No fucker mentions this when they talk about leaving the EU with no deal apparently all the members of THE EFTA and the EEA and I’ve copied this from their site “All the EFTA states have engaged in bilateral dialogue with the UK with the aim to maintain close economic and trade relations with the UK after the country leaves the EU”
        Seems like they can’t be without us after all.

  8. I can’t help but think this is just another pathetic attempt by Al-Beeb to try to convince anyone who they think may be a wavering voter, you know, just in case they get their way with a ‘people’s vote’.

    I actually couldn’t read the whole article as my piss started to boil when I read ‘31 important people have written a letter…’

    Really. Who says. Just fuck off you cunts.

    There’s really nothing to like about the metro elites however if I dig deep enough I have to say I do enjoy the absolute belief they all share that A) they are all right and B) they know they are all right because everybody and I mean everybody they know and mix with feels exactly as they do.

    My best mate lives in Germany and has done for almost 30
    Years. He’s well assimilated and works with ‘real Germans’.

    He’s the most level headed person I know and really doesn’t get excited about political shit but he tells me all the people he knows and works with are all just as fucked off as us, if not more with the EU and the German ruling class, especially after the cunt Merkell allowed over a million undocumented free access to everything the German people have worked so hard for.

    Interestingly there’s little coverage of the discontentment in the German media, instead all you get is how positive the recent immigration is.

    Meanwhile, daughters are being raped, vehicles rammed into crowds, violent crime is massively up and the hard working populous are being asked to pay more.

    In the absence of any reporting, real people have seen through the bullshit and now we have the AfD.

    Fuck me this would have been unthinkable in Germany less than even 10 years ago.

    You can kid some of the people some of the time but you can never kid all of the people all of the time.

  9. The trouble with those fuckers is that they have never gotten over their desire to conquer and run the entire world. As far as they are concerned they remain ‘the Master race’ and nobody can do things better than they can, so they are well within their rights to tell other countries exactly where they are going wrong and what to do.

    No, actually, you Kraut cunts. You are not.

    Of all nations, I have no shame in saying that I detest the Krauts more than any. They remain arrogant beyond belief. You only have to take a trip to Spain to see their ignorance in all of its glory, with their ‘EIN BIER’ bellowing at bartenders without any manners or gratitudes in sight. The vast majority of them are prize cunts.

    They need to get over themselves and mind their own fucking business.


  10. Achtung. Achtung.

    ‘It’s not war we should fear, but what the Germans do in peace.”

    An excellent and timely cunting. Very nearly as good as the one on ISAC on 19th October 2018.

    Seriously,Germany/Ze Germans severely unrepresentative on these hallowed pages considering how they have totally disrespected and fucked with this once great country over the past hundred years.

    Fucking arrogant Kraut Kuntz.

    • My Grandad was told by a German guard after being liberated from a POW camp in WW2 , “one day we will be in control of Europe again and it wont be by force”.

  11. Off point….
    according to early reports isac favourite Dominic grieve is plotting to put forward an amendment to seize control of Brexit, handing power to parliament backbenchers to thwart no deal Brexit / delay / revoke article 50 ? Take your pick!!
    Obviously Bercow will allow this amendment ???

    • Surprise COTY 2019 contender? He’s certainly putting his name forward as an early frontrunner.

    • This is where Diane Abbott could come in handy. She could get her monstrous jugs out, put Grieve’s head between them and suffocate the old bleeder. What a way to go!

      On another point: even the BBC had to admit today that the Remain camp (and they don’t come much camper than those fairies) have spent in the last month three times as much on advertising than the Leave groups – no doubt much of that has gone on Anthony Blair’s expenses and a piss up for Campbellend..

  12. Merkel and her followers have really put the ‘Germ’ into Germany. Congratulations Krauts for starting three World Wars (albeit the third not yet started, but will, sooner than later regrettably). If we survive the latter, the Teutons can NEVER EVER be left to their own devices again, for the good of ALL mankind.

  13. I don´t go along with this outdated Dad´s Army view of the German as bloodsthirsty Huns dreaming of the Third Reich. I have been to Germany many times, speak the language and never met a single German who is nostalgic for the Nazis. The race of small-minded nationalists dreaming of reconquering the world are actually the English.

    • Doctor, their national hobby has always been trying to rule Europe. The Nazis were just one manifestation of it. Now they’re trying another. As for us “small-minded nationalists”; well, the British empire might have been a bit of a cunt, but it was the biggest and most benign empire the world has seen. House rules on cunting cunters prevents further comment, but I’m sure you can fill in the gap yourself.

    • I have no problem with the current Germany or the German people of today.

      What I (and millions of others) have a problem with is European leaders led by Mental Merkel (and including Granny shagger Macron and Strong and Stable May) totally misrepresenting and failing the very people they supposed to represent hand in hand with the the totally bonkers pro German anti British bully boy mates on the EU gravy train imposing their crazy policies on the UK and neighbouring countries despite the increased opposition and evidence supporting failed and disastrous thinking.

      • Don´t forget that the English are the descendants of the Germans – the Anglo-Saxons – and have the same pushy attitude. As for the “most benign empire”, don´t make me laugh. Empires result from stronger peoples enforcing themselves on others. The English are now feeling what it is like to be ruled by outsiders – this time from bureaucrats in Brussels.

      • Precisely Francis. Besides, the British didn’t set out to build an empire, it just evolved, about as different from the Roman Empire, for instance, as you could get. Not saying it was perfect, but my missus who is of Indian descent considers the British did more good on balance in India than harm, as do her parents.

        That’s British btw Dr Cameron, not just English, that includes Scotland, in case you weren’t aware.

      • Spot on WS
        While some misguided fools see the EU as some benevolent organisation I see it as sinister, completely unable to reform , unable to take any form of rejection be it a lost referendum or challenge to the financial straight jacket that strangles the very life from Southern Europe , an organisation that sent a banking troika in and removed a democratically elected government!
        Yeh real fucking benevolent!
        Its time the people of Europe woke up!
        The EU isn’t about you!! It’s all about a political elite sucking the very blood from real democracy….. FUEU ?

    • Dr Cameron, you are missing the point. I’ve been to Germany a number of times, many krauts are fucking great, forcing free schnapps down you, definitely not Nazis, tho found German bikers fucking arrogant if you weren’t on a BM. A guy in Kaiserslautern told me about the upsurge in immigrants being killed accidentally on purpose by the s bahn. Point being, your average Herman and Gerta are just trying to get on like the rest of us, but Merkel is still a cunt. It ain’t the people, it’s the rancid politicians, twas ever thus.

    • Dr, they may not be ‘nostalgic for the Nazis or dreaming of the Third Reich’, but they are just not nice people, in my humble opinion. For the past 20 years I have visited Spain twice a year for a month each time and I have mixed with a ton of nationalities…..overwhelmingly the Germans are the most bombastic, arrogant and rudest of them all. Manners cost nothing, yet they appear to have NONE. There may well be some nice’uns, but I have yet to encounter them.

      Personally for me, I judge them not solely on history (though it is hard to overlook) but how they are as human beings in my own experiences of being around them……and sorry, but I do not like them.

      • I have met very few Germans in my lifetime however thinking about it my experiences have not been disimilar to yours NC.

        I cannot imagine however that those I have met are truly representative of the entire German polulation. Can they?

      • Mind you nurse cunty and I’m not casting aspersions on you or you fellow family or friends abroad.
        But a large quantity of brits do go to the med countries and act appallingly and I’m sure you wouldn’t want them cunts to be thought of as a representative sample of our fine nation.
        All nations have cunts and the most irritating ones are the Chinese fucking hell they descend like locusts have NO manners then leave as quick as they arrive. I’ve seen brits at buffets East like cunts but this is biblical locust time.
        Oh and on another I see Greek Phil is back driving surely if you are 97 and caused a major accident it would be a minimum of careless driving and at his age an automatic extended retest.

  14. Sorry but off topic as I’ve just done 15 hours in a poxy kitchen, the BBC littlepool post that I’ve just spotted………. Fuck littlepool, fuck the BBC, I remember the 80’s and all the cheating they did and getting us band from Europe for 5 years, but it was Chelsea as they say!!!!!!! Chelsea is another club that can fuck off!!! Gobby cunts that done fuck all untill the soviet saved them. All my mates and English side of the family went on about them being great after beating united but shut up the next game when they lost to fucking Derby or Halifax or some bollox club! Sorry but I work with shit EU cunts and had to let it go before I get home.
    With love
    Some sort of cockney red cunt

    • Man Utd have been the big players financially in the market for decades, and along with endorsements, investors and off pitch earnings no other club comes close.
      So another club gets a couple quid and that’s not cricket..?

      Forbes have Man Utd as the world’s richest club, above Real Madrid and Barcelona so a couple of quid from the Russian is a piss in the ocean in the grand scheme….

      • Fucking hate Forbes JRC.

        To them NOTHING is more important than money and who’s got how much of it.

        Shallow cunts.

      • I’m not as into football as i used to be (i was a ‘Statto’) but I read the Big two of Spain have caught up with United in the past few years and spot for richest club seems to swap around the three, with Bayern Munich and Arsenal a little way back.
        Juventus seem to be doing well but English clubs make up a big proportion of the top 12-15.

  15. Had amateur radio licence a while, and certainly years ago retired ex military types would yak away on the nets. One guy described a hit and run straffing by a couple of me 109s on somewhere like Bournemouth ( don’t quote me). Point being, that the concensus seemed to be that they happily went to the schwarzwald on their hols, but hated the fucking frogs. Just anecdote.

  16. I spent some time in the kitchen this evening, making the wife a Caesar salad.

    She seemed to enjoy it, although the dog was pissed off because it was the last tin….

  17. I was in the pub last night telling my mate the joke about, “What would you do if an epileptic was having a fit in the bath….throw the washing in.

    However, the bloke on the next table said, “My brother who is epileptic had a fit in the bath and died.”

    Fuck me. If the ground could have swallowed me up I’d of been happy.

    I said, “Sorry to hear that, mate. Did he drown?”
    He said, “No; he choked on a sock.

    • That reminds me of a few years back when my mates and I were sat in a pub telling jokes and one said, “Why did Hitler kill himself?”
      “Don’t know” we replied.
      “Because” he said, “he received the gas bill.”

      While we were laughing this feller leans in angrily and said, “Excuse me, my grandfather died in Auszwitz.”
      We were ready for the full admonishment when he continued, “yeah, he fell off the Sniper’s Tower.”

    • A bit like the German man who talked about his old man dying in a concentration camp during the war.
      People tried to look very sorry for him, assuming perhaps that he was a gay, a jew, a communist…or perhaps all three, in which case his luck would not so much have run out, as leapt on the back of a BMW motorbike.

      He waited, and said, when a suitably reverential hush had fallen upon the listeners –
      “There was a power failure, the lights went out, and sadly he fell from the watchtower where he was on duty, and broke his neck.”

      Who said they lacked a sense of humour?
      Or maybe it was just a true story…

      • The late Phillip Kerr did the first part of that joke, about the motorbike, in one of his Berlin Noir novels. Possibly he nicked it from someone else and it’s well known in German?

      • I admit (hande hoch !!) –

        I got it from PK, he possibly got it from someone else…

        A bit like the Tom Lehrer song, “I got it from Agnes…”

  18. You must have forgotten the good doctor. He was on here before trying to provoke a row and get some abuse. He failed then and he will fail now.
    Does he really think that Germans are going to come up to him and discuss their “Nazi Nostalgia”? Besides anything else that would get them arrested. I’m sure this fluent German speaker has been round the working class areas of big cities and read the graffiti……
    “If the foreigners stay the Nazis will march.”
    “Give the Nazis another chance.”
    Plenty of “Auslander Raus” and even the occasional “Juden Raus.”
    This bloke is a troll, a fucking wind up merchant. Simple as that.

  19. Cunters:
    Do you want Dr Cameron to be booted, or do you all want to keep him around to laugh at him?

    • My personal feeling is that everyone is entitled to their own opinion (however warped or misguided) and should be able to post on the illustrious ISAC but must always respect fellow counters and conform to house rules.

    • Why would anyone want to boot him? I remember the Good Doctor and even if he is just trying to provoke a reaction….well..so what? If nothing contentious was ever posted,it would be a fucking dull affair.

      • I was once on here late one night and someone posted. And the gist of it was a facetious comment about why are you all so angry on here …how sad you sad fucks are…then a nasty…can’t remember..sign off. That is a troll. A troll is a crank. A troll doesn’t go to the effort writing something…anyway even if he is one he made me think…I don’t mind being tricked….doesn’t bother me…

    • Personally, I believe in free speech, however ridiculous. The Doctor is welcome to stay until hell freezes over for all I care.
      I’m sure he’ll get bored long before then.
      Good evening.

    • I think he’s on a wind-up trying to provoke a reaction with his anti-English jibes. He’s quite subtle about it but it’s a consistent theme (if I remember he actually put up a nom on the English a while ago). If he doesn’t get a reaction I think he’ll shove off anyway. I’d say keep him around for novelty value unless he gets less snidey and more pointed and direct with his comments towards other posters.

    • No no no. Don’t boot him/her/it?

      Bring on the debate.

      You can’t shut cunts down just ‘cus they spew bile or shite that you don’t agree with.

      Do that and we’re no better than Al-Beeb and the rest of the cunts.

      ISAC is the bear pit of debate, if you don’t like it, fuck ya. You’re going to be offended.

      • Normally I would agree but I’ve had a tiring week and when I’m in this kind of mood my tolerance levels go right down. Hence why I posted this.

      • OC. You do a top job on here.

        You don’t need to explain yourself.

        The Dr would appear to be a bit more than just a cunt. As Ron pointed out, his posts do seem to be subtly provocative.

        Hopefully the Dr may have some friends and we should welcome them to the fray.

      • No, I do. I jumped the gun and overreacted with this comment and its only right I should own up to that.

    • I say let the good Doctor be for now… so long as he doesn’t try and tell me the Scotch Nazi Party is the best thing since sliced bread…

      (Why does it always have to be sliced bread?)

  20. Let him stay but I doubt if he will want to if he can’t get the responses he wants.
    The internet is full of wa…….(oops nearly abused a fellow poster) like him.

  21. It would seem to be a fair assumption that posters here are firm believers in free speech. I enjoy someone telling me I’m a cunt when they have a good point and I respect their view and I learn something or they’re humorous. What narks me is troll language, just sayin, maybe when you grow up, if you educated yourself, that snide needling, transparent and poisonous.

  22. I suppose it’s variation of the old joke

    “Ja, und mein son master race”

    “Vell Ve’ll zoon cure him of zat!”

    Broadsword calling danny boy, broadsword calling danny boy – got to report that the krauts financial panzer scheme looks like its about to tank. Maybe they’ll need to organise a jackboot sale, cheeky cunts aren’t getting any more of our money.

    Who wants German cars anyway, overrated crap. I had one once, lousy mileage and the tracks made such a fucking mess of my drive.

  23. Good to see that some people welcome me here even though they don´t agree with my views. I don´t agree with many of the opinions expressed here but I like the fact that this site provides an alternative to today´s politically correct agenda and is amusing and often well written.

    I am not a troll and not here to wind you up. so before you tell me to fuck off I would ask you to regard me as one of your pals in the pub who just doesn´t see eye to eye with you on everything whether it´s politics or football.

  24. The Germans ( The So Called Master Race) There favorate saying Ah for you the war is over! They don’t like us really and to be honest we never liked them either did we? Fuck them a bunch of Cunts with attitude Frau Merkel ( Pat Butcher) of Germany stick all your German cars up your backside We are leaving the EU that’s democracy in action

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