Will Young has declared that ‘The Grand Tour’ is “pathetic and repulsive” for referring to a Jeep being driven by Jeremy Clarkson as a vehicle used by the homosexual community. Which is, of course, correct. It’s by far the gayest vehicle for men ready to leap fabulously from the closet, followed very closely by the Toyota Hilux (for northern men in denial).
He’s now threatened Amazon with being reported to Ofcom, those bunch of toothless twats. No doubt Amazon are quaking in their boots, being squared up to (online, of course) by a certified bumlord.
He ought to keep his nose out of motoring matters anyhow, as last year he was handed a driving ban for crashing into a car in Porridgeland, almost wiping out a pedestrian who had to leap out of the way. Quite how he lost control, we’ll never know…
Will Young – keep your nose out of mens’ business and stop going squealing onto social media when an innocent joke offends your poofy spinelessness.
Nominated by Thomas the Cunt Engine
I am a poof and JEEPs are way too gay for me. I have a butch manly Defender.
When was the last time you heard about this mincer? Just a soshul meeja publicity stunt.
I suppose it makes a change from crying over refugees, shitting yourself about Brexit and griping about Trump.
This self appointed spokesman for the gay members of society should remember a few years back when he won cuntfactor or some such shite. He did not exit the closet until after his win. David Walliam and his mate even made a joke about how brave he had been to come out after he had won. Wind your fucking neck in you cunt
Yet years ago he was on Top Gear being all pally with Clarkson….who like him or loathe him (I quite like him) hasn’t changed much over the years, he’s always been a loudmouth shit stirrer with hilariously un-PC comments. But seeing as Will probably feels a bit left out of all the virtue signalling that celebricunts tend to indulge in these days….I suppose it’s time to trade in his old personality for a new snowflake edition one.
Take your annoying lisp and FUCK OFF
Exactly. Hypocrit. Another example of the headlong charge to be offended and publicly outraged. Fuck off Willy, no-one cares.
He even walked away from Strictly Cum on me a while ago as a judge critisised his mince/dance. ‘Oooh, i’ve NEVER been so insulted and offended’! Cunt.
I bet he has
I’ve always hated that simian faggot. Arrogant, insipid cunt!
Fucks Sake.
Made the mistake of stopping for fuel in North Shields on my way to discuss the Hilux matter further with you, Mr. Cunt-Engine…..
To save you the bother……
You’d need a shit ton of fuel to get down to my neck of the woods, Mr F. Perhaps you ought to drive your other Toyota…the extra-butch Prius?
Is the Prius a gay car? I’m glad I traded mine in then. I’ve now got an extra-masculine Civic.
Odd…the tongue isn’t lolling out.
Pooty Tang – twinned with Shitbottle ?
Just a reminder, pl. think about use of language and terminology when posting.
My bad. Was it the “bumlord” reference?!
Or the connection betwitxt manlove and Totota pickups?
Thomas I edited your ‘nom’ slightly re. the statement about what might have been going on when a car was wrecked. Just being mindful of implications or accusations against someone which can’t be substantiated. The same applies to comments in ‘replies’ of course. Just trying to be careful that someone doesn’t say something that might be actionable eg saying or implying that somebody was a thief, a sex offender whatever if they’ve not been convicted. It’s going on the principle of ‘better to be safe’ as far as the site’s concerned.
Aah, right.
Ho ho, yes that was rather libellous, was it not?!
I like the way you changed the wording…just right for an allusion…
For me, I quite liked ‘bumlord’.
He is an attention seeker. His career is over. I bet he has a single in the background ready to launch.
As a young boy, I had a Mini Moke jeep.
Would you recommend I go for counselling Mr Cunt Engine? Good evening.
Evening RTC.
Not in the slightest – Mini Mokes are fucking sweet!
When I move closer to work, I’m planning on getting a Mini (round about 1980ish) to pootle around in.
So I’m not gay then? Phew! Yow done put ma sweet little homophobic mind at rest. Gawd bless you moy son.
Good luck with the Mini! (I prefer the early ’60s models myself.)
Early 60’s models are up near 20 grand now, RTC. Ridiculous!
And I wouldn’t care less if you were a knob jockey…got nowt fundamentally against gaylords; in fact, they’re a source of regular amusement.
It’s only when they (like any privileged “oppressed” minority group) start banging on about their rights, over and above anyone else’s that they get in my tits.
Like Will Young, the bumder.
#MeToo the same Mr CE, I hope you didn’t think my mention of the H phobic word was aimed at your good self… irony can be such a tricky cove… unless you’re Jeremy Corbyn of course… but that’s another story.
Feeling a bit lightheaded tonight. Think I’ll go see what’s in the medicine cupboard.
A white Mini-Moke with a canopy and a penny farthing badge RTC?
I was expecting a Lotus 7…
Oh, please Mr B! Everything with you has got to be perfect!
Did you get it orf Naaarge market, bor ?
This is why Clarkson and co went with Amazon; to escape PC cunt-whining they had when on the beebistan.
(I know clarkson was fired but the other two couldve stayed).
Will Young is trying to remain in the public eye, as the young(er) pretender in the gay singing sensation market Sam Smith encroaches on his patch.
A mince-off is needed. Is Graham Norton up for commentating?
Sam Smith has a fairly good but not exceptional voice. He requires a songwriting team of over a dozen to produce material. Makes you wonder what it was exactly that he got signed on the basis of? Hmmmm…..music business,,,,,,I wonder…..
Hmm, he seems particularly selective about what offends him. If somebody had said that hômos like, “Disco” or “Friends” or “shaving their chests” would Young have become similarly upset? Perhaps he hasn’t had a hit since 2004.
Additionally Jeremy Clarkson is a cunt, and a contrived, beer-bellied Remain-voter cunt t’boot. When the fat cunt manages to finally exit a car he resembles a puffing, sweating Mr.Greedy in a chequered shirt.
This cunting needs to do a 270 degree turn. Anyone who watches the Grand Tour needs a lobotomy followed by a colonoscopy followed by a sex change.
In mitigation m’lud, I did at least download it and not pay for it…
Every time The Grand Tour is mentioned I get a flashback to the shameful incident with the MK 10 Jag.
Destructive overpaid cunts…
That rat-faced little prick Hammond piloted that Jag Mk10 over that ramp. The little cunt deserved to have the steering column of the big cat fire like a rocket, into his weedy torso.
In a perfect world, the old Jag would go all “Christine” on the smug little twat…
Clarkson and May I can just about stand, but Hammond sets my teeth on edge.
He needs a rematch with that jet dragster…
This Gaylord needs to get a grip it’s fact poofs do drive jeeps usually big pink ones or those horrible green things Clarkson is a loud mouth and an Opinionated cunt at times but I’d sooner listen to Him than that poof Will Young
He should “man up” and stop being such a fucking poofter! !
If that’s his biggest worry he can fuck off!
The Jeep is the car of choice for those light on their feet. So what? Get over it, girlfriend.
By whining about the connection between sphincter penetration and the Jeep brand, Mr Young has just made himself look like an uptight, ageing poove.
Now if he had agreed and posed in a Jeep with pink paintwork and pink leather seats, complete with fluffy tassels, everyone would have had a laugh – with him and not at him. He would have shown himself to be a poove with a sense of humour and not one to take himself too seriously.
Bang on PM. Anyone can have a laugh with someone who’s prepared to make a bit of a cunt of himself and make his point with some irony and humour. As it is, he just comes across as a bit prissy and priggish.
Another cunt who makes my skin crawl, the pansy fuckwit.
What is this ‘coming out’ nonsense?
No normal person who wins a competition suddenly declares they’re ‘straight’ and thinks the world might like to know.
If certain people want to spend their time licking their own shit off another blokes helmet that’s their choice, but keep it to yourselves….
I’ve never heard what these people get up to put quite so romantically…….
As for will young? Career is clearly on the slide as there are younger and better looking pooves flogging garbage for Simon Cowell. I couldn’t even name one of his ‘songs’.
Hopefully an overdose of barbiturates in a cheap, lonely hotel room after having his wallet grafted by some equally deviant drugstore cowboy will be the last we’ll hear of him.
He gets on my wick.
Always some gay drama and moaning from him.
The End.
(Brevity required on this one as I it is my turn to cook tonight…..off to make some Michelin Star breaded chicken and chips. Cuntie Oliver has nothing on me.)
Will Young does share something with the afformentioned Jamie Oliver, don’t you think, Nurse?
In that they both have quite “Trisomy” mouth areas and would most likely dribble into your breaded chicken and chips.
‘Macroglossia’ (fat of tongue), i believe it’s called.
Chortle, chortle! You know Thomas, I hadn’t thought of that but you are bang on. They definitely do both have that certain ‘disordered’ look about them. Perhaps this is why they try to compensate for that by being humongous pains in the rectum.
You should have done a two course meal: chips & sauce!
Ooh, I dunno about that, Rebel. Might be stretching my culinary skills just a wee bit.
What a raving powder puff, stomped off Strictly, probably because darling Craig Revell and screaming queen Tonioli didn’t fancy using him in a gay sandwich. I hope Clarkson (also a cunt) knocks his massive jaw around the back of his ugly head.!
On the News a short while ago…
Can you guess what Germany is blaming for its poor economic performance?
Yes, it’s… (drum roll)… B R E X I T !!!
And that hasn’t even happened yet!
Presumably Brexit is also responsible for the UK’s relatively strong economy….
In other news, Trump is responsible for all Venezuela’s woes. Obviously. Couldn’t possibly have anything to do with their totalitarian Socialist Government.
Fuck everyone and everything.
I’d like us to leave on WTO rules and really fuck their economy up!
Play nice you cunts! Play nice!
Trade deficit!
“Yes I’m deeply offended by this, as I was discussing with the producer of my new album – which is out next week.”
“And you are gay – which you announced AFTER winning Pop Factor – so what do you drive?”
“Well… I did have a Jeep but now I’m more socially conscious and…”
“Don’t tell me, a Prius, right?”
“Er… Er…”
“It is! Isn’t it!”
“I think I bettah leave right now!”
“Oi cunt! Stop plugging your shit songs you CUNT!
So there you have it. Will Young upset by the stereotyping of Jeeps, does an ‘Owen’ and is now fucking off, in arseless leather chaps and a cock ring in tow…
In fairness I did say I’d mention his new album and so ‘Remember Me? Probably Not.’ is available in the shops at 9am on Monday, or free of charge from any bit-torrent site as of 9.05am – if you’re really that pushed for summat to listen to.
Next up: the Loose Women charity single ‘Screaming Cats’ in aid of helping single women find their long lost sense of humour. Back in 3!”
I must say that I’m very wary of chaps who drive Audi TT’s.
Fuck off with your Vorsprung Durch Technic, you bent cunts.
Good evening gentlemen.
My mate had a TT a few years back and I took much pleasure in reminding him it was a hairdressers car and he looked like a right dickhead in it.
New Minis as well….any self respecting bloke would know it’s only for the wimminz.
No man….no real man…has ever driven an Audi TT. It’s a car for hairdressers and Deptford crack dealers.
A Nissan Micra for Hollyoaks actresses and Nuts/Zoo boob models.
Sorry to go off piste…
According to some news sites, some berk in the Reich claims that even if there’s No Deal, the UK will STILL have to pay the Anti-democratic gangsters the massive bill! For fuck all!!
BAAAAAAAAAA HA ha hahaha. Crazy Eurotrash money junkies.
Feck orf to that !
If the Romanians are in the chair, NO-ONE will want to give any money…
Perhaps Jeep should capitalise on this little, gay skirmish and bring out a special edition Jeep.
It could be called the RoughRider. Finished in a high gloss metallic pink with mini starlet motifs festooned around the bodywork.
It would come with a 12″ ribbed, black knobbly gearshift, complete with a large, helmet shaped knob atop for that luxury feel when changing gear. The 4wd transfer shift would have a similarly styled shift but smaller for those who like a less dramatic feel.
The upholstery would be finished in finest black rubber complete with vibrating seat pack and chrome studded seams.
A sure fire winner in the Gaylord community. ” Hey, Stefan, fancy a ride in the RoughRider?”.
A leather bar on wheels.
Paul, your knowledge of gay’s taste is extraordinary. Has this description been verified by the three self-confessed poofs of ISAC?
Why thank you, kind Sir.
I await the Pink ISAC Grand Tour review by Son of Krav, Mince Pie Guy and Iwouldnot.
Hopefully they would enthusiastically endorse my Limited Edition proposal. I think the custom gear lever might clinch it?
You can Paul Maskinback anytime.
The only time the Jeep ever looked even vaguely heterosexual was when they were painted Olive Drab and had Germans shooting at them.
And even then, they arrived fashionably late…
Will Young is not a cunt because he is gay. Being gay Is not relevant. He is a cunt because he is a utter cunt. The fact he is gay makes him only an utter gay cunt.
Richard .E. Grant… What a cunt… Publicly (what else?) blubbing over a ‘reply’ he got from Barbara Streisand very recently… Only thing is he sent his fan letter fucking years ago when he was a kid… So, it took her 47 years to open it and reply to it, eh? Fucking bollocks… Does anyone with a half a brain actually believe she’d give a fuck if it wasn’t the famous actor, Richard .E. Grant? Fuck off you backscratching celebrity cunts….
He was on TV recently wittering on about his Oscar nomination, nominated, not won but you wouldn’t have guessed by his gushing self-congratulatory luvvie diarrhea.
Our kid (when he was 8) sent a letter to George Best in 1969… Five days later he got a reply, autograph, and a photo… Our kid was made up… Streisand is a cunt (47 years?! Fuck off!) but Grant is a bigger cunt for being such a luvvie arselicker… I f he was even half a man he’d have told Concorde Conk to stick it….
I’m guessing he has an album or book to promote and Graham Norton isn’t returning his calls.
Yeah Will’s no chicken anymore. Prolly got a sphincter like a welly-top nowadays and our Graeme prolly likes ’em tighter than the wallet of a Jewish Yorkshireman called McTavish!
Driving towards the largely Jewish area of Alwoodley in Leeds a road sign said “Alwoodley in 4 miles” and some beautiful upstart had elequently spray painted underneath “but to you 3 and a half”.
Most of my “Old Testament Allies” mates live round there & Moor Allerton.
Fucking mint forra game of golf that 10 mile radius!
The self-important prick got the arse when G g g Gareth Gates beat him on some gay singing programme. Poor little Gareth didn’t get to enjoy his success though, he was abducted by that slag Jordan and kept as a sex slave until someone with a bigger cock came along. Which wasn’t very long, I assume everyone here is familiar with the Dane Bowers porno tape which was leaked online by a hacker. A hacker with big plastic tits whose attention whoring knows no bounds. Mind you, her pussy was surprisingly unmangled considering what it’s had to put up with.
I am ashamed to know this but Madam Young actually won that show. Beggers believe I know.
Fuck me, my senility is getting worse! Who voted for the cunt?
Cunts is the short answer.