The Financial Times

A savage cunting need for that unreadable arsewipe The Financial Times for making George Fucking Soros their personality of the year. What the fuck? It’s more insane than a Sainthood for Jimmy Savile. Sorts and his supporting hacks should fuck off and die NOW. The cunts


Nominated by Sir Cuntalot

19 thoughts on “The Financial Times

  1. Odd that the Japanese-owned Financial Times trumpets Soros as its person of the year considering that Japan is a xenophobic country that only allows foreign immigrants if they have Japanese ancestry. That´s why there are lots of Brazilians and Peruvians there who are descendants of Japanese immigrants to Brazil and Peru.

    It is a large readership and is very profitable but almost no individuals buy it. If it had not rely on people digging into their own pockets rather than companies paying for it, it would go bust.

  2. Re; Rebel, Ruff Tuff. Now this cunt is a secular zealot . A Secular Atheist Materialist, Capitalist, ruiner of National Identity, Destroyer of National Cultures CUNT.

      • It his core belief RT. Most of his donstions ho to anti Christian outfits. As a secular Jew (so knowing the importance of religion) he knows instinctively that religion specifically Christianity must be undermined if the NWO is to be established. Secularism purports to only want the separation of church and state. But what it really wants is the destruction of religion /tradition to be replaced by a secular Internationalism ‘hands across the sea, all peoples are the same, Melting Pot melting into one monoculture no culture. I am a voice crying in the wilderness.

      • Atheist Jew? Is that like a catholic satanist? As for removing religion, thanks to his policies, he’s just helping replace it with another, more draconian religion, seeing as many of the refugees that his NGO fronts are helping to flood Europe belong to it.

      • You’re wasting your time with me Miles. I’d rumbled religion for the mind controlling shite it is by the age of 12, though didn’t fully appreciate how dangerous it could be until my 20s. But each to his own.

        Not a great fan of conspiracy theories either, though enjoyed the ones about Freemasons being behind Jack the Ripper murders, & Lee Harvey Oswald was a patsy, & the 1969 moon landings never took place…

      • He doesn’t care if he fucks up countries Gutstick. Like any other fanatic he has a blind faith.

      • That’s very naughty of you RT to represent me as swivel-eyed conspiracy theorist. Especially as there is strong sense Conspiracy in many of your Brexit posts.

  3. Perhaps this is the Yank edition as they’ve spelt “honoured” the childish American way.

    I would be honoured if Soros came to my house for supper. I’d sprinkle anthrax on his pasta, the tyrannical, anti-human cunt.

    • He’s Hungarian, better off sprinkling anthrax on the cabbage then you would be sure to get him.

  4. What’s up with that dudes eye region looking like droopy ball bag skin? And the reddish area around his eyes that makes him look like a Sith lord?

    Can’t imagine ever being bored enough to read that particular newspaper.

  5. Nice new header Admin – but shouldn’t there be 12 gold stars on that award Mavis is proudly holding?


  6. The world will be done a favour once that auld interfering cunt casts off his mortal coil!

    The new nationalist Brazilian leader is looking for a closer relationship between the 3 largest Christian populations: Brazil, US and Russia.

    Gets my vote if nothing more than to piss off the EU! Hah!

    Fuck you Soros you cunt!

  7. So the FT have their own version of ‘cunt of the year’ for their cerebral readers.

    Who would have thought that.

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