Terry Chivers

Terry Chivers is a cunt. Who, I hear you ask? Well, he’s a cunt who, without fail, writes into almost every issue of the town paper the Melksham News and frequently writes into the Wiltshire Times as well (although he doesn’t do that as often now after being heavily criticised by other readers), in order to complain about things. Now, that in of itself is irritating but nothing more – what really makes him a cunt is that when he was eventually elected as a councillor, he continued his usual habit of moaning more than Jose Mourinho whilst doing FUCK ALL to adequately address even one of the vast myriad of issues he was complaining about. He’s an all bark, no bite cunt who expects others to take action on his behalf rather than getting out there and actually doing something about it himself. Needless to say, he was voted out as a councillor in the end due to being disliked for exactly this kind of crap, the fucking cunt. Then again, given his Facebook page suggests he’s one of those eco-warrior Remoaner types I suppose it’s no surprise that he’s like this.

Nominated by OpinionatedCunt

98 thoughts on “Terry Chivers

  1. He would make an ideal back-bench MP – bald, obese, with a self-satisfied smirk on his face, and a ridiculous self-belief that makes him think he knows whats best for everybody. In reality, he is all full of piss and wind. He’d be an ideal mate for Dominic Grieve.

    • Was thinking along the same lines W.C, after a career of mouthing platitudes, shifting from department to department then collecting a peerage and pocketing 300 notes a day with a slap-up lunch and fine wine thrown in.

    • From there this fat bald oaf would definitely roll into the house of turds!!
      I can already see him asleep with a puddle of piss at his feet, snoring away as some doddery old cunt rambles on and on and on about absolutely nothing……

  2. Fat cunt looks like he has been eating too much Chivers (jam), hence why his neck has disappeared.

    • Chiver’s Marmalade for me Paul. I was addicted to it. So much so my nickname became-‘Marmalade (insert my first name). Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da always on the radio as well. Marmalade again. There was a lot of marmalade in my childhood. Funny word marmalade.

  3. It sounds like you are well shut of this guy, Terry Chivers, the sort of name you might associate with a doggy used car salesman.

    Off topic but on the news just now and following on from a previous post by RTCp, HRH comments, musy be really pissing off Mr Corbyn

    • What can you be referring to SOI?

      Mr Corbyn is more than happy to “seek common ground” with the IRA, Hamas, Hezbollah and anyone else who hates Britain, Israel, and the West in general.

      • Corbyn, The republican, cannot be happy with the queens veilled interference in Brexit (well I hope it is annoying him)

      • I doubt Catweasel even noticed her platitudinous intervention TBH.

        Anyway, the unelected monarchist cunt should keep her snout out of the affairs of democracy.

  4. O’Shithead panicking earlier this morning, realised he was losing his grip on the Brexit argument… maybe the penny’s beginning to drop? Ha ha!

    Some spunky woman (Nurse Cunty?) really showed him up a few minutes ago.

    Sad cunt doesn’t know the difference between fact and opinion. Apparently anyone who disagrees with his point of view is “telling lies.”

    He “Believes” Brexit is a “disaster”, despite the fact it hasn’t happened yet.

    • I can’t listen to him RTCP, everything about him just annoys me, and as for his “ fact” checking? Oh please!!
      He’s far too cunty ………..

      FTM… good afternoon…. ??

      • Afternoon Q….. it’s all water off a cunt’s back to me, I’ve ceased bothering about Brexit now, the whole thing’s been a charade designed to keep us IN one way or another, has been all along… unless by some miracle the law is allowed to take it’s course and we leave with No Deal on March 29th…

        As a Doctor of Psychotic Enlightenment I find O’Shithead a fascinating (if maddening) subject for study. Besides, as I’ve said many times, I like to keep abreast of my enemy’s crooked thought processes…

    • I too listened to JoB this morning. This is someone who cannot look forward and constantly harps on about how wrong people who voted leave are. He loves the sound of his own voice, constantly cuts people off when they are making their point and just won’t listen.

      If only he realised that his radio show is actually crystallising the support for leave due to his arrogance.

      The bloke in the picture above looks like he has swallowed one of those caricature blimps.

      Goodbye for now.

      • What little faith I have left in Brexit, JOB renews it on a daily basis.

        Did you hear him tell the story of the two policemen who stopped him in the park and asked him for a selfie?

        He just had to tell the world! Narcissistic fuck.

      • Biggest cunt on radio, and that even includes Steve Wright. Every Brexit leaver is a liar, a racist, a fascist and a Tottenham supporter.

        Why LBC give him a platform is beyond me. I wish he would debate with JRM or BJ. But he won’t, he just has his lefty love in with Khan.

      • Thanks RC, I heard it live. JOB uses every crooked trick in the book to BEAT JR-M and fails, revealing in the process what an utter cunt he is.

        Goes without saying that ordinary inarticulate callers rarely stand a chance.

      • Cunting JoB is a life long JoB in itself RTC.

        If I could ask the piece of shit one question it would be ‘what are you going to say / do to all the people you’ve insulted when Brexit turns out just fine.

        Oh and one other thing, given that you’re on a six figure contract at LBC why do you and your skank of a wife feel the need to make £40k Directors loans to your company which means you aren’t paying any tax on that ‘income’.

        Mind you, houses on Whitehall Park Rd in Chiswick aren’t cheap, last time I looked they’re about £1.5m.

    • ‘Believes’ is a revealing tell. Blair uses it a lot – faith trumps rationality in the user’s tiny mind. It’s only a short step from ‘I believe’ to I believe, therefore you should too’ – the conman’s tool. Worth remembering that the believer is absolutely sincere in his belief, as he has conned himself by excluding all other beliefs. Gets complicated after that…

      • But we all live in a bubble of belief. ‘I don’t believe in God’ is EXACTLY the same as saying- ‘I believe in God’. It’s a belief.

      • That’s why I don’t say it. I say I have no religion, which can be falsifiable* provided you specify your definition of religion. Over to you.
        * see Karl Popper

      • (And I CERTAINLY don’t say God does not exist because and only because I believe it doesn’t…or ‘only believe’…)

      • Is it fuck MP. “I do not believe in fairies” is not QUITE the same as “I believe in fairies”. The rules of the site forbid me from saying you’re a wanker, so I won’t call you a wanker. You w*****.

      • To Mrs Plastic- ‘Someone just called me a wanker, I’m going to have to hit back’ ‘You are a wanker’

        ‘I trust in Reason’ is a statement of belief.

      • I may have slipped up there K. “Believes” is a word JOB uses all the time in association with so called Brexiteers, because he is yet to hear them offer any “facts” that support the notion that Brexit can be anything other than a disaster.

        I Should have written:

        He “knows” Brexit is a “disaster”, despite the fact it hasn’t happened yet.

        That said, despite what he likes to imagine is his razor sharp intellectual ability, he’s as guilty as the poor cunts he likes to belittle of his own faith trumping his alleged rationality…

      • slight exception to ‘faith trumps rationality’ that’s all..I interjected too quickly…

      • A tragic case of premature interjection Miles.

        I’ll have a quiet word on your behalf in Mrs Plastic’s shell-like.

        Lady Creampuff sends her regards.

      • It’s my irrationality RT. Makes me act impulsively.

        I bet the Lady Creampuff doesn’t call you a wanker.

      • She most certainly doesn’t Miles.

        Quite apart from being a bitch of refinement, Lady Creampuff had a very sheltered upbringing. She does however occasionally call me “dear”, like those cunts in 1940s/50s romantic movies do, which I find far more distressing than if she called me a wanker. You should count your blessings.

        Regards to Mrs Plastic.

  5. I can’t remember who has the smallest gene pool in Wiltshire, Melksham or Trowbridge?

  6. It looks like he has farted a beauty, proud of it and having a good sniff. He is one of those cunts that farts on the tube and stinks out a carriage and stays on an extra stop to reep his rewards.

  7. O/T: where did the Flabbopotamus cunting go?
    On T: I spend a lot of time and creative input here bitching about stuff I do nothing about. Far be it from me to criticise the good councillor. Maybe he posts here too?

    • You’re right K – we’re a Flabbopottomus cunting down! There were two, separated by less than 48 hours I think, the second one is missing…

      Spooky ?

      • I was very proud of my contribution to that:

        Line supplied by cunter for completion:
        “Andwoo, Andwoo, I have nothing more to say”
        Line supplied by Komodokuntwerke:
        “But that never stopped me yet – I’ll bang on anyway.”

      • I heard that interview and it was more “Handwoo, haaaandwoo…”. Almost like “handjob”. Surprisingly it failed to arouse.

        Now had the same words been uttered softly by JHB or Isobel then I could have easily taken out one of their eyes with rampant wood if they stood right next to me.

      • I’ve checked the bin and the moderation queue and can’t find anything. I’ll send an email out to the other admins now.

      • It’s still there. You lot probably can’t find it because the post is spelt wrong.

      • Thanks for clearing that up OC.

        Actually, the one below is the one I thought was missing (also spelt different), posted on the 19th, just 2 days before the one Komodo thought was missing:


        Dog knows how many more Flabbott noms there are waddling about out there with strange spellings…

    • His bitching has no point though Komodo. Plus he didn’t do anything when he actually had the chance to.

  8. Fucking hell if i was him I’d track down every copy of that picture and destroy it. It makes him look like the cunt that he undoubtedly is.

  9. Bagpuss in a shirt. I see the far right have stopped a libtard meeting in Fleetwood. Mmm the police have taken a step back and said it was cancelled by the Labour remoaner. Would like to call her out on the details of who she is worried about. Project fear

  10. I can’t stand professional moaners. Sounds like this lump of lard is a classic example.

    They always end up shooting themselves in the foot. At the start, most people probably agree with them and whatever complaints they have, particularly community based ones I imagine, but then they end up drioning on and on for so damned long, that everyone winds up fucking hating the annoying cunt.

    If you are gonna moan, you have got to show some semblance of balance, otherwise you just end up looking like a psychotic twat.

    He probably wanted to be a counsellor to ‘change things’ and tackle his bugbears.

    That worked well then……

  11. Fuck me He’s the spitting image of that fat faced shop keeper from the National Lottery Roll Over advert Sure He’s not moonlighting?

  12. Cllr. Habib Rhaman from Newcastle would give this Cunt a run for his money….

    “EDL ‘should be banned’ from staging ‘racist’ protest marches through Newcastle
    Leading figures on Newcastle City Council are calling on Northumbria Police to ban far-right marches in the city”.

    No mention of banning any other “extremist” groups…just the “far-right”.

    Fuck the Cunt.

    • I assume Cllr Rhaman is a practiser of the religion of peace so in theory would have a problem with any Pride march’s in the city if he follows Big Mo’s teachings.

      • Here’s a quote from the Cunt, LL….

        “I am eager to wear my new hat and get on with the job that is in hand, which is to make Newcastle a peaceful city for all – regardless of gender, race, or religion.”

        Heavy influence on the “peaceful”, no doubt.

  13. Just find out something about Neil Basu the copper cunt who was cunted on here the other day. Remember the Tia Sharp case in 2012? She was a 12 year old girl murdered by her grandmothers chav boyfriend and her body was hidden in the house along with a load of child pornography. The coppers searched the house and found nothing. It was more than a week later that somebody noticed the smell of the decomposing corpse.
    Guess who was in charge of that case? Your fucking EU intelligence didn’t do you much good then did it Neil?
    You cunt.

    • Fuck me! How shite can you get?

      Basu, Strap-On & Khunt – the Dream Team!

      No wonder so many young cunts in the capital have resorted to performing assisted suicide on each other.

      • Indeed Mr Puff. He can pontificate about crime, security and his beloved EU, none of which is part of his job description, but he can’t find a body in a two up, two down fucking council house! Bring back Inspector Clouseau I say.
        Would it surprise you to know that the Police report concluded “no individual officer was to blame?”
        Yes, the fucker in charge was to blame. The buck stops with the top brass. So what do they do?………promote the cunt and chain him to a desk…….get the cunt out of the way until we need him as a mouthpiece for EU propaganda.
        You won’t be forgotten either Basu you wanker.

      • Reminds me of another shite deputy commissioner, yellow streak of piss Sir Craig Mackey, who locked himself in his car while a peaceful cunt set about stabbing fellow officer Pc Keith Palmer to death outside the Houses of Parliament.

        No surprise that following the inquest Cressida Strap-on said there had been an “extraordinary amount of confused, unpleasant, personalised and ignorant commentary by some on the actions of the deputy commissioner”. Oh yeah?

        Strap-on’s cunty comments were echoed by Neil Basu, then Britain’s senior counter-terror officer (fuck me sideways!) who said criticism of his cowardly colleague was “abhorrent”.

        Ah, poor love.

        Basu went on to say: “I had the advantage of overseeing this inquiry, and both I and the investigators know there is nothing that Sir Craig could have done.” Apart from go to the aid of a fellow officer in distress, of course.

        Basu added that if Sir Craig had got out of the car, he would have put himself in the police line of fire, thus preventing the shot that killed peaceful terrorist Khalid Masood. (!)

        In other words Neil Basu thinks we were all born fucking yesterday.


      • I’ve clicked on the “views” RTC but want to add that this is a fucking great comment thankyou. Mackey is a coward and that day proved it.

    • That’s news to me FtF. I am genuinely shocked. That’s worse than Cressida Dick and the Brazilian boy. Not to search the fucking house properly. And the body simply in the attic. And come to think there never really was any uproar about incompetence at the time. Women and Aisan officers are LITERALLY beyond reproach.

      • Send her right over Willie.

        No need for formalities. As it happens I’m feeling quite frisky tonight.

        We can bury her under the patio once I’m finished.


      • Whenever some cunt says to me, he/she/they are ‘Asian’ I now say ‘which part of Asia are they from, it’s a huge continent’.

        Funnily enough almost to a man Pakifuckingstan is usually their last guess.

        I can’t help but think it was really their first.

        Isn’t it funny how people unintentionally fall Into the traps set by the Liberal bastards that have ruined our once great country.

      • Oh, you mean he was from Fiji, no? Bali? Perhaps Thailand? Burma? Singapore, Taiwan etc., etc., ad infinitum.

        The fucking cunt.

      • I think I can tell you why there wasn’t an “uproar.” This was a bunch of uneducated chavs and Basu threatened and intimidated them. The grandmother was charged with conspiracy to murder, later dropped. The mother’s boyfriend was also charged with conspiracy, later changed to “wasting police time”, and got 5 months.
        Commissioner Sir Bernard Hogan Whorebag ( now Baron Whorebag ) said :
        “we must understand what processes and management decisions were made that led to that failure.”
        Translation…….lessons will be learned.
        Well, here’s the lesson. If you are a box ticking arse licker you get promoted up the greasy pole until you are ready for your knighthood. The more incompetent you are the quicker the promotion.
        Rotten to the fucking core!

  14. Typical Councillor material.

    Fat useless cunt with a face like Frank Sidebottom.

    I bet he used to refer to himself as Councillor Chivers in all his corrspondence and meetings, regardless of whether in a council capacity.

    It’s a shame you can’t contact him anonymously and tell him he’s the subject of a live cunting on these hallowed pages.

    Oh how I’d love to see Franks face deflate as it sank in he’s gained national notoriety as a complete and utter cunt.

    Great cunting OC.

      • It’s a difficult balancing act guys. Right now there are 60 noms in the queue, so at five a day that’s an average of twelve days waiting, without ’emergency’ or more topical cuntings coming in all the time. There’s the further problem that some in the queue will lose topicality during the wait.
        I agree with what you say about fewer posts per day, but of course that means the waiting time grows longer!
        Short of selective pruning of the noms to cut down eg turf a few strong repeaters such as the BBC or Flabbott, I can’t think of a way out.

      • Crank them out, not all are of any interest to me, and probably others as well, and some I don’t even understand as I’m not familiar with the topic or person involved. It’s not as if there’s a time limit to read them in, they’re there for all to see whenever.

      • Cunt overload ….
        Who’d have thunk it ?
        It’s like Isandlwana …..
        Pick your targets Cunters !
        Make every round count.
        Good evening.

      • ……and if you come up with a result I don’t like we’ll do it again.
        To be honest I don’t think proles should be allowed to vote. Leave decisions to our betters I say.

      • Good, persuasive point from moggie. Once the noms ARE up, they’re there for all to see without time limit. Just a matter of checking.

      • As a newbie I think it is great to see such a wealth of ‘creative talent’ in support of a site, and good to see the admin being undertaken so diligently, but agree that some of the noms speed past and disappear without a fair time on stage..

        Other forums I frequent (all legit; motorbikes and boats; no ‘gentleman’s fiction’!) seem to manage it by having the equivalent of three ‘channels’ on the homepage.

        Channel 1 (Fast Lane) for Current Affairs.
        Channel 2 (MIddle Lane) for Random Cuntingness.
        Channel 3 (Slow Lane) for Repeat or Persistent Offenders (eg Brexit and the Flabbot).

        Just saying. I imagine it would ease the admins’ job; they would only need to be speedy with the current affairs channel. The random cuntings could be sorted and posted at a more leisurely pace and the ‘Old Faithfuls’ would pretty much remain available throughout their natural.

        Easy or simple to do? No idea, I’m not an IT sort of cunt.

        PS if the missus asks, I’m watching porn.

      • Not sure how to put this without offence, but a rather high proportion of recent cuntings are by Opinionated Cunt. Who works very hard to keep this site running, and is certainly an asset, and I’m grateful, but…

        Quite apart from that, how about a moratorium on recuntings of subjects within, say, three months of their previous appearance? In spite of the obvious attraction of Flabbott, I can’t think of anything much new to say about her when she floats to the top of the toilet bowl having resisted a recent flushing, and variety is the spice of something or other.

  15. Watching the footie, the Arse are getting spanked. I notice “Visit Rwanda” on the players shirts and perimeter advertising.

    So glad to see the millions we give them in Foreign Aid used to support a poverty stricken Premier League football club.

    I’ll watch until the end to see if Social Justice Warrior Gary Taxdodger has something to say about that.

  16. Actress Tina Malone is facing contempt of court proceedings and a potential jail sentence over a social media post allegedly showing images of James Bulger killer Jon Venables.

    Ms Malone revealed she had received a High Court summons in a series of Facebook posts on Thursday.

    There is a global ban on publishing anything revealing the identities of Jon Venables and Robert Thompson.
    The Attorney General’s Office (AGO) confirmed it had summonsed the actress to appear at the High Court.
    Venables and Thompson were convicted of murdering two-year-old James in 1993.

    They have been living under new identities since they were released in 2001.

    Millions of pounds of taxpayers money has already been wasted on new identities for Jon Venables, despite him being a fucking evil cunt who has shown little remorse for the terrible crime he committed against James Bulger.

    Bizarrely he continues to be given chance after chance to reform and make amends for his hideous act and each time predictably he reoffends and is sent back to prison, probably in solitary and in relatively comfortable surroundings.

    How much longer is this pathetic lowlife going to be protected by the soft as shite liberal and frankly laughable “justice system” and why in God’s name should others be penalised and face the prospect of going to jail for a relatively minor offence.

    Venables is an evil cunt who did not deserve a second chance, who should have been locked up and should have never again seen the light of day.

  17. Watching “Great Guitar Riffs at the BBC” on BBC 4.
    Ok, the first half hour is Hendrix, Shadows, Kinks, Stones, Cream, Steppenwolf etc.
    Then it descends into a load of old bollocks that has nothing to do with guitar riffs. Right now there’s some rap cunt invading my pissed up brain. Fuck you BB fucking C i’m switching off you lying cunts.

    • I know what you mean Freddie. Just watched a Fleetwood Mac programme I recorded and they had Toya Fucking Wilcox commenting. How does a talentless fucking tosser have anything to say about musicians?

      • I recall when almost all BBC music programmes had either that fat cunt Danny Baker on them or that other fat cunt Phil Jupitus on them talking shite… Anyway the BBC just constantly shows the TOTP and Whistle Test footage they didn’t wipe… Out of about 20 odd Stones appearances on Top Of The Pops in the 60s about three and a half survive… All Beatles TOTP footage was also scrubbed… The BBC are fucking cunts…

  18. Just looked it up. We paid 64 million to Rwanda last year and they are giving 10 million a year, for the next 3 years to Arsenal Football Club.
    It makes me feel all warm inside to know I am paying towards the wages of that Turkish/ German cunt ( he can’t make up his mind ) on 350 grand a week.

    • I will raise you. Here is a proper pair of cunts appealing for perverts and refugees (preferably pervert refugees) to join the Green Party. I only went along to join the LCGB (Lambretta Club of Great Britain); guess I must have been confused by all these abbreviations.


      The one on the left – Aimee Challinor – was kicked out of the Green Party for appointing his/her/its father as her election agent, even after he had been charged with sexual offenses against a child. Also got London Transport in trouble for using the offensive phrase “Ladies and Gentlemen”. Good to see the important issues aren’t being ignored.

      • Fucking great. There must be hundreds of trannie refugees from Iran and Iraq queuing up to join the fucking Green Party. Well done Aimee!

      • JC on a feckin monocycle – it would have to be Camden, wouldn’t it ?

        Listening to that thing on the right , my ears wanted to commit suicide, so boring and droning he was. Are there really not enough pervs in the Green Party already ?

        And, on the left, it’s Trigglypuff…again

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