
Soy boys deserve a good cunting. These emasculated beta male wimps are a total abomination. For any ISAC members not familiar with these creeps, there’s plenty on youtube to turn you purple with apoplexy. Enjoy…..

Nominated by Mystic Maven

33 thoughts on “Soyboys

  1. What pisses me off is that a lot of these fucking so called “You Tube sensations” get to appear on radio or TV. Last week during luncheon Mrs Boggs and myself were partaking of You and Yours and both of us nearly choked on the cream of celery soup when they introduced a 19 year old of the male sex, but clearly of the Nick Boles/Alan Carr/Mangledbum tendency, waffling on about MAKE-UP for men for gods sake. Like Owen Jones, this little shirtlifter should, as Cuntflap suggests, should be subject to strict military discipline. The poofterisation of men seemed to begin with Anthony Miranada Blair and his fancy ways and some of his cronies – remember the cottaging Ron Davies, and the ex vicar Bryant

    • Morning Mr Boggs.

      Putin is behind it all – you can wank on it. Must be laughing his black kleptocratic socks off!

      Top-Tip: Don’t drink bottled water, it’s bin spiked.

      And have a nice fucking weekend for fuck’s sake! I won’t.

  2. Either that or the first couple of inches of the fearsome Lubbock 3 have just been inserted.
    Morning Cuntflap.

    • I can’t lie in bed once I’m awake , plus the dog needs her walk, the birds need feeding and then there’s the porridge craving …………

  3. I work with some of these limp wristed, doughnut punching motherfuckers,(or should that be father fuckers)! Bent as fuck carrying a man bag and constantly reapplying lip balm as it’s a bit cold FUCK OFF! To the powers that be, please bring on the Nuclear Assault and end all this shit. It’s painful to see the country I once loved going through its death throes!

  4. I saw two of these cunts on Grand Designs last night – 2 brothers who were mincing identikit hipsters with cunty beards. What was annoying is that they had decent girlfriends. Females used to select males on the basis that they could kill a mammoth and light a fire. Now it’s how groomed the beard is and can they cook quinoa. We’re fucked when WW3 kicks off.

    I know we take the piss out of The Gays on this site, but most I know are positively butch compared to these poor excuses for males.

    • When it comes to the under 35s i agree; the faeriefolk are generally the more manly nowadays. Short hair, flat stomach and ironed shirts. Brighton is a good place to observe the distress of the straight man, who has kept his beard but declares himself ‘beyond gender’ and wears a tutu. The gays are the only ones holding down jobs.

  5. My theory is that the feminisation of many younger men has come about as a result of the overconsumption of soy products. These contain phytoestrogens, which lower testosterone levels.

    Lower testosterone levels in males leads to more feminine behaviour traits and massive manboobs. What these weedy tears need is a revised diet with more dairy and red meat. The non stop generation of pussy males needs to stop if we are to stand any chance of survival.

    • I’ve recently been diagnosed with Coeliac Disease so have had to switch to an insanely overpriced gluten free diet.

      Problem with this is that thanks to millennial, hipster pricks (many of whom have gentrified the food of people with an actual autoimmune disease) much of the gluten free stuff is also vegan so contains a lot of soy.

      Because it’s trendy now to be vegan, it’s also trendy to be gluten free so I am forced to either have an even more selective and limited diet or grow tits……… That being said……. I might see if I can give myself a titwank.

      Either way, a bunch of trendoid, virtue signalling cunts.

      • I might come round and tit you off Two in the stink. Are they big enough to give an old gentleman a tit wank ? ?

  6. Sort of related:-
    I see an interview yesterday with one of the advertising execs responsible for the new Gillette advert that has caused something of a stir.

    All I will say is, I don’t think he was an iron, but definitely not a fella that will ever be accused of having a ‘toxic masculinity’……

    God help us if there’s a war.

    • The best thing about the gillette advert is the comments and down votes.
      They’ve been removing comments and dislikes but they still couldn’t keep the down votes below 1million….
      I’ve left a few comments myself. Very therapeutic….

      How wet can a man get.

  7. Sorry cunters have been busy with work.
    Right, let’s sort this out:

    1) Corbyn is a traitor and needs hanging.

    2)Owen Jones is a pathetic mincing little faggot who needs to shut the fuck up.

    3) We had a people’s vote and the result was clear.

    4) Tulip Siddiqui is a pug ugly daughter of a punkah Wallah who should be investigated for putting her unborn child at risk


    • And God Bless Phil the Greek; a right diamond geezer of an old cunt, in the best way possible.

      I’m waiting for him to go off on an anti-kraut rant… Please !!

  8. However, I would fuck Owen Jones just to see his angry come face……

    Have some fascist Zionist dick you pathetic Israel hating Socialist spunk bucket.

    • And would you have the common decency Krav to give the boy Jones a hand around while giving him a bum full ?

  9. The funniest thing is when these soy boys, in their desperation to be real men and to look like heroes, don balacavas and call themselves antifa…
    Antifa all think that they’re tough but every last one of them is a faggy little soy boy cunt.
    Strange how we’ve never seen these “anti-fascists” turn over an nf pub or go after real nazi’s…
    They just go after normal folks yelling “nazis off our streets” and “who’s streets? Our streets”…

    Ha ha ha ha what poofs…

    I think one day the police should step aside and let them actually get their hands on some of the “far right” ….. oh the tears they would shed!

    • Its quite sad, I used to know quite a few Fascists in the paramilitary HOS (Croatia) although we didn’t see eye to eye on a few things but they were bloody good soldiers.
      Here in blighty every so often there seems to be a meeting of the local white pride squad in the local pub, a bunch of tattooed, crew cut skinny halfwits with their Girlfriends (all of whom seem to have 3 times the body mass of their partners).
      I look across at them and I think where is the pride? christ look what you are fucking.
      Gone are the days of the clean cut educated nazi.

      • Yea I remember in my younger years seeing some of those twats about.
        There was the odd big skinhead in combat jackets but the vast majority were skinny, weedy, spotty little fuckers with stupid rolled up jeans and idiotic braces and boots.
        We used to laugh at them. The twats.

      • yes there were “Skin heads” and “red skins” (for the uninitiated jimmy sumervile was a red skin so you get the idea)

    • Something of a fantasy of mine has always been for a bunch of these antifa zeta males to bump into a crew of milwall at closing time when they’ve just lost at home……

  10. Sometimes read the blind date thing in Graun, the psychology fascinates me. Two Gaylord’s meet, Justin, 24, Corbyn policy adviser; Jonty, 25, digital marketing executive. So Justin, what did you talk about? Well Jonty absolutely adored my cologne. (True one). Did you go on anywhere? Oh god no, it was a school night, it was already half ten and I had to get back to prepare my overnight oats and my 5k at six before work. For fucks sake, when I was that age it would not be unknown to go to work still pissed, not unusual a 70 hr fucking week not like these wusses that are just like so exhausted all the time, cos you know I have such a full on hectic lifestyle. I’m nowt special, but I’d hate to think I was ever such a wimp.

    • To be fair, Tony perhaps they were both at that time of the month.

      By the way, these men of the people pick such working class names for their advisers (Steptoe picks Justin) and for their offspring -worst of the lot Anthony (call me Tony) Wedgewood-Benn chose Hilary – he was never going to work on a building site was he?. A name like that he was bound to mince round Westminster.

  11. Sinitta’s missing a trick here with a recycled remake of one of her old ‘hits’ staring her in the face.

    Having grown up in the era where The Sun’s ‘Eastbenders’ and whatnot was still the ‘socially accepted norm’, I never dreamt that we would reach a phase 30 years later where the worm has turned and now normal acting, right-thinking gays outrank heterosexual but ‘feminist’ soyboys and their ilk in terms of masculinity. I often think of them as I make my way to work in the mornings after it’s been raining, and see lots of sole-troden half-crushed worms on the pavement writhing to cling pathetically onto existence.

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