National institute for health and care excellence.
No, I’d never heard of them either until a news report pushed my piss temperature past boiling point.
NICE for short, here’s a quote lifted from their own website;
‘ New and upgraded roads should prioritise pedestrians, cyclists and public transport over motorised vehicles’
Yeah, that’s right, let’s slow down all the motorised traffic to the point where they end up burning off twice as much fossil fuel to travel the same distance. The exhaust fumes should be very healthy in that area.
More to the point, I don’t recall pedestrians, cyclists or bus passengers paying anything in the way of road tax.
Up their own arse cunts.
Nominated by Duke of Cuntshire
I’m expected to trust an institution that purposefully abbreviated their own name incorrectly to create a more pleasant sounding acronym?
Guess the ‘H’ is the silent asthmatic donkey cough then. Cunts.
21st century society evolved around motor vehicles. Until I get a flying car or teleporter, quit trying to make my life more miserable and expensive by forcing shite public transport on me. I don’t live walking distance from work becausr my office is located in the centre of an urban shitpile!
Yeah, they should have called themselves National Institute for Care and Health Excellence, at least the acronym NICHE is appropriate for their level of thought.
Off road briefly…
Police are refusing to release CCTV images of the cunts who vandalised the Bomber Command War Memorial. Why? Don’t they want to bring these scumbags to justice? I smell a cover up. Who would want to do such a thing? Who would be stupid enough not to notice the CCTV cameras? Who are the Establishment trying to protect?
I reckon the vandals were either:
(1) The Labour Shadow Cabinet
(2) Peacefuls
Yow decide…
Perhaps it was the ghost of the 14 year old moped owner coming back to haunt London now his promising career as a boxer/doctor/architect/rapper (delete as appropriate) is over?
Someone must be able to leak the footage. Surely they’re not all total cunts. Anyone who dares to disrespect our armed forces need a named, shamed and appropriately dealt with.
My money is on some mob of unwashed peacefuls
Probably a joint effort
The 20 mph speed limit is annoying. My car labour’s in 4th gear at 20 so I have to drive in third, using more revs and so, more pollution. Multiply that by all the cars and thats a lot of emmisions.
The irony was that in Brighton, the Greens were in power when the 20 was introduced. Hypocritical cunts
The 20 mph speed limit is annoying. My car labour’s in 4th gear at 20 so I have to drive in third, using more revs and so, more pollution. Multiply that by all the cars and thats a lot of emmisions.
The irony was that in Brighton, the Greens were in power when the 20 was introduced. Hypocritical cunts
Agree wholeheartedly with your comment. My manual car would have to be in 2nd to hold 20mph without problems. I try very hard to avoid areas with 20mph limits but if forced to proceed at 20 mph I am sure the local population appreciate the noise and fumes as I trundle past
Salmond arrested!!
The cunt may have been laughing all the way to the bank when he won in court the other day but it seems like the long arm of Plod is finally catching up with him on the harassment charge(s).
Rejoice-and let’s hope that the cunt gets successfully prosecuted at long, long last. Only Tony Blair is a greater cunt to humanity and wouldn’t it be great if he had his collar felt too.
As for NICE…..another of those quango cunts who don’t do enough to stop the poor old taxpayer getting fleeced.
I really do wonder who’s being employed in these administrative bodies and quangos. They clearly need to grow up and start living in the real world.
What a great day it’s turning out to be. Reading that Salmond has been arrested has put a smile on my face.
The lard arsed, self important, anti democratic windbag deserves all he gets, this and the fact that the SNP are tearing themselves apart will hopefully consign them to the political wasteland at the next election.
Happy days !
Get to fuck.
NICE came about – you’ve probably guessed it – in the time of the first term of the dissembling motherfucker Anthony Blair. Lionel’s brother as you will recall, liked to save money so he could spend it on sensible things like the Iraq war and mass immigration
Every time I get some Corbynista banging on at me about the NHS I just tell them to look up Virgin Health Care, and all the mi££ions they’ve made, and which government awarded them those contracts……it certainly wasn’t the Tories.
Of course, as you’d expect, I just get called “scum” after that!!
At least it seems you’re not a fascist.
Every time I get some Corbynista banging on at me about the NHS I just tell them to look up Virgin Health Care, and the millions they’ve made, and which government awarded them those contracts… certainly wasn’t the Tories.
Ok, sorry about this but JOB again. This morning he was asking what do Brexiteers know that the heads of companies like Airbus, Panasonic and Sony don’t know.? I am a leaver but am struggling to come up with a convincing answer maybe someone here can help me?
That’s easy Richard.
These people know that globalisation is good. Thick Leave voters don’t realise this unassailable fact.
Stupid, thickie, racist Leave voters don’t understand anything about cheap labour. If we halt Free Movement how will these conglomerate giants secure all their £7 an hour Eurocunts?
Good point Capt.
It’s not so much WHAT they know, it’s WHO they know.
Merkel, Juncker, Soros, Bliar, May – cunts who have no doubt agreed to make Airbus and Co’s life easier if they join in with Project Fear.
Fact is, Brexit or no Brexit makes fuck all difference to these cunts… but if they’d just be so good as to go along with Project Fear, help us keep the EU gravy train rolling, we’ll see you alright…
Spot on RTCP
The EU strangely reminds me of a swan
Above the water line the swan looks all fucking serene, bimbling around looking as it hasn’t got a care in the world, showing indifference to many things , BUT under the water it’s a whole different story, it’s legs are flapping like a fucking paddle ship , furiously working away to reach its destination….. ?
It’s a shame we have so many treacherous politicians because if we showed real solidarity the EU would come under huge pressure from continental businesses which would drive them in a much more positive direction, as it stands they have quislings ready to do their dirty work, it’s far too easy to undermine the UK …..
More like a bloated Flabbott sized U-Boat than a swan Q, but excellent metaphor all the same.
Guten Morgen!
Afternoon my good man RTCP
All of this EU unity bullshit they keep telling us about is a joke, when I was younger I worked in sales, if a punter told me they “weren’t buying today” it was a green light , translation I buy all the fucking time, please leave me alone or I’m going to buy something ?
The point I’m making is when you have to keep saying something over and over generally you are trying to convince yourself as much as the people listening, the whole EU solidarity is a house of cards which if pulled in the right direction would fall over, unfortunately the quisling cunts have undermined the negotiation from the outset, they are now trying to finish the job by taking NO DEAL off the table!!
When infact it’s mays only real card in the negotiation……
For all the bluster neither side want a NO DEAL Situation…..
I’m afraid as usual the hunchback will blink because that’s what she wants to do, the drum beats louder everyday for Referendum 2 …….. hope I’m wrong
She had several strong cards to play Q… still has… the money for one, and the massive trade deficit for another, not least with Germany.
And No Deal of course.
The EU never concedes anything until the 11th hour of the last day. They’re sitting tight believing we’ll tear ourselves apart and cave into their shitty deal if they keep piling on the pressure with Project Fear turned up to 12. They’re probably right…
And the idea that all 27 countries are solidly united – what a fucking farce! Germany and France are calling the shots and the rest had better rubber stamp the deal or it’ll be lampshade time!
And Wagner wrote an opera with swans in it.
Need more be said?
Except that Elsan Bog is probably writing one with gerbils in it.
A very good thing would be for the people named above by RTC to just…disappear.
Without any warnings, threats &c.
Imagine that some great cuntfest such as Davros, Blair Foundation AGM, cunty conference is due to start, but…
“Where’s Miranda and Cherie ?”
And the assembled “great & good” have to wait…and wait…and….
But the cunts never turn up, and the last living things to see them alive were some hungry wild boars at the bottom of a very deep hole in the middle of sodding nowhere…
And we never hear any more from them ever again.
Oh, bliss.
There is a proposal to cut the speed limit on the M1 through Sheffield/Rotherham to cut pollution. This from the council that is cutting down healthy trees. This stretch of the M1 is often congested and slow or stationary so what cutting speed will achieve, even if it did reduce pollution (which it doesn’t) is anyfucker’s guess.
NICE are not alone in their fuckwitted cuntitude.
A bit like Saddick Kunt, Mayor of London, who announced his new extended low emission zones the day before he let off 8 tons of fireworks for his New Years Eve two finger gesture to Brexit. As dim as a 2 watt light bulb the fuckwit is
I saw an advert on the back of a bus yesterday, some fare hopper thing he came up with. Instead of it saying ‘Initiative by the Mayor of London’, it actually had his name in there! Like anyone gives a fuck! Pretentious cunt. Blatantly his advisors work too.
Fucking hell!! So NICE now stick their beaks into road safety??? Bloody hell, that is new to me!
These interfering snotrags have been sticking their beak in to the heath service for years now and it doesn’t surprise me at all that that shitbag Blair’s government were in power when it reared its ugly head.
Every fucking clinical decision is guided by NICE. If I had a pound for every time some doctor (or jobsworth nurse) had bleated ‘Well according to NICE guidelines, this is how we will go forward’ (PUKE) I would be sitting on a beach in Barbados by now, next to a bought and paid for Antonio Banderas.
Instead of looking at what is best for each patient on an individual basis, based on their particular needs, they have this evidence based shite that dictates how to proceed with treatment, and it is also a lottery as to whether the drugs they recommend will be funded by the NHS or not. The fuckers who drew up this stuff are not on the shop floor or able to see a patient, so how they can have this across-the-board recommendation when every sick person is different is beyond me…..and of course it also has a shitload to do with SAVING MONEY.
It is just another wet nursing tactic brought in by that bunch of lefty, snowflake cunts known as ‘Labour’. Same shit we put up with today, just spewed out in a different decade.
NICE? More like CUNT.
It doesn’t really save any money, it just means it can be directed elsewhere. After all, every £1000 they don’t spend on cancer drugs for a sick child means they can inflate the tits of some vacuous 18-year old slapper.