London Fashion Week

A nomination for London Fashion week. A load of vacuous, po-faced ‘models’ strutting down the catwalk, wearing piles of shite which no one with even a single brain cell would ever consider wearing. Worse still are the so called designers who create this shite.
Worse than all of this, is Men’s Fashion week. There was an item about it on the news earlier this evening, featuring that washed out old hag Katharine Hamnett, wittering on about how Brexit will affect the fashion industry (well boo f*cking hoo). Then there was some ugly mare called Bella Freud spouting the same sort of bollox.
The clip of ‘mens’ fashion week featured a collection of pouting, feminised, emasculated soy boys, wearing womens clothing. One of these deviants had pink hair, a pink beard and was wearing a pink sequined dress. Another freak wore something resembling a potato sack with a bin liner on his head. That’s the future of this country. Someone shoot me now.


Nominated by Mystic Maven

47 thoughts on “London Fashion Week

  1. My missus bought a designer jacket made entirely from hamster fur, which she wore for the first time, on a trip to a fairground.
    Big mistake.
    Took nearly three hours to get her off the Ferris wheel….

  2. Self confessed anti fashion cunt since about the age of 20.

    Once remember as a teenager my mates coming to pick me up from my parents house before going to the pub. Had got myself ready beforehand. Bastards made me change.

    Regarding fashion shows- purely for elitist, shallow, self obsessed insecure twats who think it is the thing to attend or to be in. Often with more money than sense. The Emperors clothes- shitty garments that cost thousands (or tens of thousands), look ridiculous and of course can only be worn the once.Try to show off and impress others by thinking people judge them by what they wear instead of what they are like as a person.

    Funny looking garbage modelled by strange walking stick insects and worn by whales. Mutton dressed as lamb. Wear this stuff in Ipswich and you will not last 10 minutes.

    And where are the feminists who usually kick up such a fuss about women being exploited? Or is that only at events mainly attended by men? Thought so.

    And who gives anyone the fucking right to say that grey (or blue, or black) is the in colour this year? Cunts.

    As someone is an individual and as non conformist as I can be- fashion in general- proud to say I have always hated it, always will.

    • Ha ha – bet you wore flares in the ’70s… probably platforms too!


      Evening Willie…

      • Flares. With channels. And platforms from Shelley’s in London. And cowboy boots. And black Ben Sherman shirts from Mr Byrite’s. And lofas. And cheesecloth shirts. And kipper ties at work.

        What the fuck was I thinking.

        Evening Ruff Tuff.

  3. I don’t think that I’ll be ordering my new Spring Wardrobe from this particular designer.

    • A pink ruffled mini skirt with ‘I love choc’ on the top might get a few funny looks down the local Mr Fiddler.

      • More than just a few funny looks, LL. I fear that rural Northumberland isn’t yet quite ready for such a bold fashion statement….and neither am I.
        I expect that MincePieGuy’ll be along soon to tell us that “Bent Dennis” has this outfit in Extra Large.

        🙂 .

  4. Style never goes out of fashion.

    My professional dress of choice is Harris Tweed jacket (black grey with black buttons), black trousers, tie and a pair of buffed Loakes.

    I may not be fashionable, but I do look stylishly retro if I may say so myself!

    • Agree with you Paul, sounds smart and stylish. Decent jacket / suit with shirt and tie, nothing exceeds that when it comes to good dress sense, perhaps with a trilby or fedora, tilted, naturally.
      To add to my original rant, also can’t stand seeing twats wearing smart jackets with football shirts, or jacket and jeans (Status Quo excepted, as they are Gods)

  5. If there was ever an industry that would deserve to suffer from a no deal Brexit

    Fucking fashion industry… what a pointless fucking waste of space.

    A fit bird looks just as good in tight fitting jeans and t-shirt as any of this designer shit

    Can’t beat a nice arse in jeans. (Girls arse…. just be absolutely clear)

  6. Surely it’s just fashion that’s kept the Beckham scum in the public eye since both of them gave up their ‘day’ jobs? For that alone, everyone involved in this wankfest laughingly called an industry should be shot. Replace the word fashion with lookacunt and we are half way there. Cunts.

  7. The fashion shows have always puzzled me.
    I thought the word ‘fashion’ referred to something that was aligned to a certain trend characterised by many people availing themselves of it.

    no-one in their right frame of mind would wear any of this ridiculous crap, and that includes Madonna and Lady Gaga.
    I wouldn’t put these rags out for a charity collection.

  8. Slight thread divvy, but read this.

    The ginger cunt has the fucking cheek of the devil, but hats off to the US Police, the cunt surrendered after an armed robot was sent in to kick his scrawny arse. Bail has been set at £26K. I suspect the little shit will go down for a long time in a US jail.

    Imagine how our justice system would treat this? The little prick would likely plead discrimination and bullying took place due to his gingerness, be given a suspended sentence and then would launch a civil claim for hurt feelings.

  9. Hello and welcome to London Fashion week.

    Next coming down the aisle is Ann Soubry wearing her own styling. This year Soubry is wearing tall, black boots which click down the catwalk. She has gone with the swishing riding crop which is so daring. Note the severity of the uniform and its harsh, grey pattern which juxtaposes with sharp contrast to the red of her lapel swastika. Such panache.

    Oh, and she’s now receiving a standing ovation now which she acknowledges… with a Hitler salute.

    • Contrast her upset with that of Rees Mogg. Arguably more frightening. With the police there he did turn and ask them to make an arrest. Just ‘the rough and tumble of politics’. But she said ‘the police haven’t acted properly’. She wants arrests.

    • She would have made a great side kick for Heir Flick in Allo Allo, ‘ve have vays to stop ze brexit’

      With a fucking ugly grill like hers I felt sorry for the protesters.

      So Soubry isn’t just an ordinary cunt, she is a Nazi cunt, allegedly

      • Grandstanding. The term was made for her. She always stands erect. ‘My constituents’ ‘the people in my constituency’. Standing erect. Yes that’s it-she literally stands up with ‘I am standing up for the people and businesses in my constituency’. It goes without saying I can’t stand her.

      • She’s got that permanent look on her face like an ‘Allo ‘Allo ham actress anyway. There’s always something a bit wrong-looking with her, a little bit “When Plastic Surgery Goes Wrong.”

      • It’s as though she’s hyperventilating when she stands up to speak. All sharp inhalations/exhalations in a supposed effort to control her anger. She’s not angry at all.

  10. I was out shopping with the wife the other day and I suddenly had the creeping realisation that everything I was wearing came from the clothing department of ASDA.

    • I am up market…..
      The designers at Tesco… F F or something like that….
      They even make the clothing departments in the Tesco ‘Extra’ look like a Next store.
      Top Fashion!!!! CUNTS

  11. Nailed it MM.
    Spilled tea down my front and just about fell off my chair laughing when I saw that cunt in the picture. Is it a wind up? What a fucking fanny! As if anybody in their right mind would actually go outside in that shit.

    • You’ll notice that “his” waistband reads ‘ILOVECHOC’, Ron…
      An extra ‘H’ in that statement, methinks.

      • Nice of Krav to let us see this pic of his partner, but I had the idea he fancied twinks like Justin Bieber.

      • You’re truly a mine of information, Mr. C-E.
        You never fail to educate both myself and, I suspect (and hope), most other Punters on here. I’m only surprised that you didn’t provide a photo or two to illustrate your latest grim revelation.
        I wonder if hamsters like ginger?
        🙂 .

      • Here’s another snippet of interest…what with the current crop of #metoo bullshit, men at work are having to be very careful what they say around the wimminz at work…but not me!
        Despite being an engineer, I’m responsible for hiring & firing and am as cose to ‘HR’ as we can be arsed to be, so can pretty much say what I like with no repercussions.
        Like today, when a young lady asked me why I have so many pockets in my trousers.
        “Well,” said I, “in this one here, for instance, is my rape alarm.”
        “What on earth would YOU need a rape alarm for?” she enquired, eyeing my middle-aged hideous visage.
        “I toot in triumph whilst I’m raping someone.”
        That didn’t go down well.
        Some birds can’t take a joke. Maybe there are some skeletons in her closet…or some ginger roots.

  12. The BBC keep referring to Bolsonaro the new Brazilian President as being on the ‘far’ right. Well I saw some of his inauguration and there were no people standing round in black shirts or any uniformed people at all. They ought to be done for slander.

  13. So Treason May has lost another vote.
    Apparently she didn’t even need to allow a vote but did anyway, thinking she could bring more cunts round to her side.
    I don’t know much about it …. I do know that she’s a prize cunt though.
    That fucking stupid woman truly deserves COTY.

    Nicely cunted by the way….. that cunt in the picture deserves a right fucking kicking.

  14. I’ve often viewed this fashion nonsense like modern art, most of it appears to be utter bollocks but nobody’s got the bollocks to call it out!! Instead they all play along ……
    Although I’m not a Ben stiller or will Ferrell fan but the film zoolander was spot on!! The designers are cunts but by far the bigger cunts are those who pay extortionate prices for this utter crap!
    What an earth does that cunt look like?

  15. Londonn is now a bit too far along the road of decadence and debauchery to return to civilisation. This crap going on in the richer circles while everyone else stabs and burns each other. Soon the Islingtonistas will be marrying their pets while trannies leap around screaming and wearing EU flags as capes.

  16. Some mistake, surely? That is not a catwalk snap at all. It is the proposed new British Army uniform.

    ” I wanna see my FACE in those Jimmy Choos, you ‘orrible little….er….

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