Julius Makina warrants a good cunting.
His recently departed sister Katrina Makunova made the headlines, being a 17 year old ‘victim’ of knife crime. The Evening Standard reports that the girl went to meet her estranged boyfriend having hidden a knife in her own handbag. A struggle ensued, she fell and stabbed herself with her own knife.
This cunt Julius declares that the Met Police are not doing enough to bring knife crime under control! How the fuck were they supposed to have prevented this ‘crime’?
How about your family instilling some sense into your sister and telling her carrying a knife probably isn’t the right idea. Let’s face it if she hadn’t managed to kill herself, what do you think she might have done with the knife?
And fuck me, immediately the dear old Met suggest increased stop and search might be the way to go, every ethnic activist leaps up and down proclaiming this racist action is completely unacceptable.
Here’s an idea you ignorant fuckwits. Start taking a bit of responsibility for your own actions instead of blaming everybody else. Unfortunately seems unlikely in today’s society.
Nominated by Bellendiousmaximus
Daft bint.
Well, man it’s just that we’re victims innit?. That Corbyn dude gets it, sista Butler gets it, get with the programme man, innit?
They are helping themselves: it’s called ‘assisted suicide’.
But was she an aspiring architect, footballer or grade 8 pianist?
Africans. Shouldn’t be here. Don’t care.
Quite agree, and I could extend that sentiment to others of the suntanned genre.
its rather questionable as to why you would want to meet someone who has a history of violence towards you.
next I would question teen combat techniques, chances are this young lovey had a nice pair of stilettos, probably the most formidable weapon of a street girl.
in situ a nice downward stamp on boyfriends foot will fuck him up, and when removed ready to leg it, they make a very handy weapon similar to a small pick axe and just as deadly.
Yours Truly has been pulled up orn suss numerous occasions in me life. Fair play YT is a very large old cunt (but very white, okay bit orf red at the end orf me conk and somewhat florid orf boat race but it’s me circulation innit) and may be found to frequent some very dubious places (professionally you understand) but Old Bill has now gorn all holistic. Must not diss de yoot. Fuck that. Fine now to “not see” twelve inch martial arts blades if a poor soldier lad like Lee Rigby has had his head sawed orf or crews orf de yoot are oit en masse sticking knives and blasting shooters at each other (so long as they keep it in hoise do not mind so much, fewer cunts orn the streets by the day).
Nothing as effective as aggressive – and I mean aggressive – stop and search or suss as it was known in my day facilitated by CS gas, Tazers and extended length truncheons. Get one orf those around the ear ‘ol or in the balls and compliance miraculously follows. You know it makes sense.
Obviously missed the obligatory running with safety scissors lesson in primary school.
Some folks you just can’t reach.
Well cunted. You’re right on the money. Cunts.
Didn’t know Darwin had an African sister.
It’s ironic, if she hadn’t insisted on carrying around the latest fashion accessory she’d still be with us. In my day a sensible young girl would have lube and condoms in her handbag. How times have changed.
they certainly have.
1600 sobs for that? Bugger me get four very nice sawn off shooters for that, no questions.
Surprisingly both the victim and her brother are not fergals.
They more look like korva korva dushka dushka types from their photos.
Paul, you’re remarkably fluent in my local town’s lingo although a few more “Korrr-va”s might suffice. Don’t forget to emphasise the first syllable and roll the “r” like a proper profligate cunt.
Korrva Korrrva Eenglish nay dobjay dooshka disshka korrrrva.
Just nipping out for a minute, mom. Handbag check – wallet, lipstick, oystercard, tissues, tampons, 12 inch carving knife. OK, good to go. I really don’t fucking care any more. I’m sick of hearing about these cunts. What sane woman carries a knife in her handbag!? Then brother blames the police. He would be the first to scream discrimination if stopped and searched. Fucking good riddance to all of them. As long as they are stabbing each other who gives a shit? Only thing is they should have to pay before any required A&E treatment. Why should it be free for these aspiring cunts?
As a footnote I see that 5 police officers are now under investigation in regards to 5 separate allegations of assault made by the ‘victim’ against her boyfriend.
If this is the case then why the fuck would she choose to voluntarily meet him again? That of course will be completely irrelevant and cue next black rights activist and lawyer willing to push forward the case and secure a massive pay out from the Met citing the usual ‘institutional racism’ pap.
My missus was shouting at me when she suddenly grabbed a knife from the drawer, started waving it in my face and said, “I know how to use this, you know.”
I said “Well peel some spuds then”….
I’m so glad you didn’t ask her to chop some nuts Mr. Cuntley.
Good afternoon.
Afternoon Jack….
She went to a fight with a knife and stabbed HERSELF to death?!….
Sorry feminists ….
Until there’s a massive change in black culture I find it very hard to feel sorry for the cunts.
Its a win win. ( innit )
An early nomination for the 2019 Darwin Awards.
I also noted the “Fergal” reference. As Obi-Wan Kenobi would say: “Now there’s a name I’ve not heard in many years…”
This girl has a czech name, dark skinned, either mum is “of colour” or she is from a family of gypos.
Yep I am sure she was a great girl, just one mistake….. going out with a knife in her bag.
Had a fair rack on her as well by the pics I can see. Bit of a waste
Katrina is a pretty all-round E European name.
I usually suspect southern slav types – Albanians, ex-Jugs, Bulgarians (the very worst aspects of Russian and Turkunt combined).
Czechos not usually so bad (unless they are just sending the duds over here…)
Looks like the boyfriend is around a shade 8017 on the RAL colour carousel.
A trainee Astronaut at the Ookinerversity of East Londonstan or a similar ne’er do well with a simian bloodline.
Stop and search? The dindus would bees ups in arms n sheeit.
Zero sympathy for anyone carrying a knife.
One word Twat
Silly girl, a small axe is a much better choice for a handbag. Not a fucking clue these youngsters today.