Jeremy Clarkson (3)

Jeremy fucking Clarkson. For branding us Leave voters ‘coffin-dodging idiots.’

I can’t believe I used to like this arrogant, mates with Pigfucker Cameron, part of the Chipping Norton Sect cunt. Fuck off you pompous tosser – if you knew anything about motoring you would know that the job losses were caused largely by a slowdown in Asia (they’re owned by Indians remember). I certainly won’t be watching the new series of your show now you fucking cunt – or if I do I’ll be watching it for free via Putlocker instead.

Nominated by OpinionatedCunt

(He was right about Will Young though!)

55 thoughts on “Jeremy Clarkson (3)

  1. A contrived, occasionally funny, beer-bellied bigot.. When the fat cunt manages to finally alight his vehicle he’s like turd exiting a constipated arse.
    A huffing, puffing, sweating Mr.Greedy in a chequered shirt and badly-chosen Grandad jeans.

  2. His show has got a bit tired and boring now, mind you so has the original Top Gear. I’m sick of seeing their grinning faces which imply ‘ look at us! We’re actually getting paid for enjoying ourselves’.

  3. Feel like a right cunt now as I always used to like him. Was one of very few people (especially these days) who would say un-PC things without giving one single fuck who it offended. Whether you liked him or not….he was a fucking godsend compared to the soft centred, box ticking freaks that infest our TV sets at the moment. But after the Brexit stuff it’s impossible not to hate him now. Repent you cunt…..REPENT!!!

  4. Morning OC
    Clarkson yes Hes got a lot to say for himself a bit of a loadmouth bigot Has an opinion on just about everything I thought He was quite intelligent till I saw Him on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire answering contestants questions think He got one right on the PG Tips monkeys lol I’m a lot younger than Clarkson and I voted to leave the EU I’m no coffin-dodging idiot People like Him and His mate call me Dave Cameron think they are better than the likes of us lower classes and shouldn’t have any opinion on politics because they think they know better than us clearly not the case.Clarkson is a Cunt

    • Same. Voted leave. Prone to occasional idiocy in believing Mrs Fim when she goes off shopping saying “I won’t be long”. Have had some close encounters of the unwelcome kind but nobody ever dodges the coffin if it’s time. So Clarkson, you clinically obese cunt, you can fuck right off. Cunt.

  5. Anyone who counts David Cameron as a friend is by default, a Cunt.
    If he’s also a friend of Gideon then he’s a turbocharged cunt.
    Get to fuck.

  6. As a colonial and brought up as a Jacobite ( though intensely anti papist) I was indifferent to Brexit however the bitter vehemence of the continental functionaries, the monied classes(not so much old landed families which only care to secure their line) and the assorted psuedo socialist social climbers hoping to become the monied classes, have led me to believe beyond any other reasoning that independence from Adolf’s plan B, with no deal is the best and only option for the Mother country. With this you may find your rightful place in the world again. Because we’re going to need you in the future.

  7. He’s a bit of a dick but I’m not sure if he’s in the hallowed company among the flabattomus, Bono, Owen Jones, Sadiq Khunt et al……..

  8. Never bothered with Top Gear, etc, but he did a pretty good job of winding up the libtards, feminazis and the PC brigade in his Sunday Times column about 10 years ago, and has occasionally made me laugh, so not all bad.

    Any thoughts on his daughter Dick?….

    • My “thoughts” would be dribbling down her face and dripping off her chin, RTC. I still don’t believe that Clarkson sired her. However, I would be prepared to let Clarkson watch as I showed her that not all paunchy,opinionated Gobshites have small dicks, a misapprehension that she’s bound to have after growing up with Clarkson.

      The man is a Cunt and I can’t wait for the day that he does a Donald Campbell.

      Fuck him.

      • Quite agree, although can’t see why people think Emily Clarkson is so horny. Very average, I would say. Probably filthy though.

  9. He ia a complete wanker, he fitted in well with the top gear format other than that he has nothing to offer.

    Just off topic, I was watching bbc, and they are running the ‘askthis’ bollocks today inviting brexit questions, some of the shit people were asking was laughable so I thought I would ask a stupid question as follows

    “Dear BBC , after we leave the EU will I still have to pay my TV license”


  10. I watched that and thought the questions were reasonable. The answers did make me think if the whole fuckin thing is worthwhile. Am I a victim of project fear?

    • It may depend on how old you are and if you would be happy living in a federal Europe or you have more of a sense of nationalism, virtually all the negative arguemants are economic, this isnt completely dependent on being in or out of the EU (as we saw from the global fianancial crash) Being outside the EU does give the UK more flexibility to react to global changes.
      Before 2004 there wasnt an issue with EU immigration and you only have to look at what happened when the eastern europe countries joined and we had mass migration.
      Polish is now the second most spoken language in the UK.
      You may think that was a good thing, personally I have mixed views, we had some good and some bad but the problem is and has been out of our control.

      There are positive reasons for staying in the EU and postive reasons for leaving but I believe the on balance an independent UK with a good trade deal with the EU is the best option.

      On the questions, yes some questions were reasonable but if people are actually watching the news, debates and public information they wouldnt need to ask these questions.

      • thanks for that very thoughtful response. i did actually vote leave but now find myself wondering if it wa the correct decision . there is an element of project fear but there is also an element of life will be a lot more complicated if we leave with no deal. just a small example, atm you can just get in your car and drive in Europe, who wants to have fill in endless forms to do that in the future?

      • It is true that No Deal is more challenging but not the end of the world, we travell to non EU countries with varying degrees of ease and difficulty.

        Mexico, no problem, USA, need to register on their website but not that difficult and so on.
        EU countries will put in place a reciprical travel area, visa free, so I predict the changes will be around travel insurance unless there is a deal with the EU that continues reciprocal health care although travel insurance may be for some people a choice in or out of the EU.
        All EU citizens in the UK will want to travel to and from their home countries so why would the EU want to make travel more difficult.

      • Surprised you didn’t think of that as a likely possibility Richard.

        Until recently I sold a lot of CDs & records to cunts in EU countries and was well aware that if we left Customs forms would have to be filled out when sending parcels, etc, instead of now where everything is treated the same as if you were posting to an address in this country.

      • However, business and the economy usually beats politics.

        EU cuntries have stuff to sell, ergo it is NOT in their best interests to fuck about. However, I am NOT naive – I know that the cunts in Berlaymont will go on some punishment bender; they have to, after all the bolleaux they’ve been spouting. But there have been voices over there telling them to be realistic, to go easy. Everybody knows that vindictiveness will escalate into pointless tit-for-tat (Verminhofstadt, Druncker and Sleazemayr are complete tits, and the EU is a load of old tat…), and, eventually, necks will be wound in.
        Merkel is on her own slippery slope, and Macron-con’s popularity is down to 30%.

        The EU will never admit this PUBLICLY, but behind closed doors, I’ll wager that they will be considering change.
        Stable door, horse, and bolted are words that spring to mind.

    • Short term pain is inevitable – voted Leave with that firmly in mind. Long term gain could be immense, given the commitment and application we have not seen so far. When I voted, I thought we could perhaps still run a pissup in a brewery: the evidence is sadly against me now.

  11. Clarkson’s idea of coffin dodger is obviously different everyone else’s. I voted to leave the EU and I’m 36.

  12. The only fucking idiot in all of this is the fat, sweaty, wheezy, lantern-jawed old cunt’s mate – David Camoron.

    Camoron shouldn’t have let the referendum as it was clear from the outset that the Tory party would have been completely incompetent in their ability to broker a hard deal with the EU. What did Camoron do after the shock referendum result? He shat his Calvin Kleins, resigned and left it for some other cunt to inherit the ensuing shitstorm.

    So Clarkson, you fat cunt, don’t blame the electorate. Blame your pig-fucking chum instead.

    By the way, Top Gear had run its course. You now have three, childish, overweight middle-aged old men trotting out the same old format. Smash up a classic car in the name of ‘entertainment’. If you could put Clarkson, May and Hammond on one of Branson’s imminent space missions then that would be one episode I would tune into.

    [Jeremy Clarkson Voice On] “Just to see the cunt’s ship malfunction. And then watch them drift into deep space for all eternity whilst breathing in Clarkson’s rancid farts. FACT! “[/Jeremy Clarkson Voice Off]

    • I reluctantly voted remain for the reasons you outlined above Paul. I had zero confidence in the political pygmies that supposedly run this country (80% Remainers) to make anything but a complete pig-fucker’s ear out of independence, even if they’d wanted to carry out the will of the people, which they clearly didn’t.

  13. I am a big fan of Jeremy Clarkson.

    Having said that did not bother watching Top Gear after the trio left the BBC.

    Top Gear itself probably should have finished when he departed as the main reason most watched was for the interaction between Clarkson, Hammond and May. I also felt the programmes were running out of steam before Clarkson left and I felt they were struggling to come up with new and fresh ideas.

    Clarksons books/newspaper articles are highly informative, amusing and extremely well written, and I like to read them when I have the time to do so.

    He is/was one of the very few people who can make me laugh out loud with the things he writes, says and does.

    I do happen to think however his comments regarding coffin dodgers and Leavers are totally misguided and plain wrong howeve.

    He is of course entitled to his opinion and I (and many others) will agree to disagree with him on this particular issue.

  14. Clarkson is a cunt. But there are much worse cunts out there. He winds up all the right people, so he can’t be that bad.
    Sorry I take all that back what I’ve just written.
    He is a mega cunt, who should be sent to live in Argentina. he looks like desperate Dan out of the Beano or was it the dandy.

  15. Delayed adulthood, playing very profitably into petrolhead fantasies. Anyone shouty and opinionated could have been Clarkson, and I have to admit that while I would find another pub to drink in if he was in mine, he severely irritated the sort of people who need irritating . Cunt? Not in the same league as, say, Anna Soubry or any given rapper – didn’t even do PPE at Oxford. (expelled from Repton* for all the right reasons).

    * Immortalised in the following verse:
    “Pray take my place in the lifeboat,
    Tis a gesture I willingly make,
    Since I fagged for your nephew at Repton,
    It’s the least I might do for his sake”

    JB Morton (‘Beachcomber’)

  16. I cannot abide this public school fuck.

    Every time he opens his enormous gob, shite comes out of it. Usually rude shite, obnoxious shite or just plain ‘I’m a privileged cunt who makes a living out of slurring the little people’ shite. He is over opinionated, arrogant and thinks he is far funnier than he actually is.

    He is also deluded enough to think that he is a ‘man’s man’ and that everyone born with testicles loves him because of his lad talk, doesn’t give a fuck attitude and his neanderthal joliity.

    Newsflash Brillo Pad hair: THEY DON’T. They see right through you for the pathetic, upper middle-class, grandad-in-bad-jeans that you are. How he has the nerve to talk about ‘coffin dodgers’ when he himself looks like a physical wreck with one foot in the grave is beyond me.

    My Dad loved Top Gear with him and his two pandering cronies on it. He liked the car talk/reviews, but he always thought Clarkson was a prize cunt regardless and I would hasten a wild guess that he is not alone in that.


  17. Will the lorries carrying lettuce be able to get through? Mrs Plastic is frantic. Can anyone reassure her?

    • The cloggies, who stand to lose 15% of their vegetable export trade, are even now preparing a fast-track system to get their flavour-free, hydroponically-grown surplus lettuces across the sea with minimum delay. Mrs Plastic will see little or no interruption to her saladmunching. (There must be someone who understands how to run a business over there – we need to headhunt him sharpish.)

      • You see the lettuces or lettuce coming over from Spain will be disrupted she believes. WE MUST HAVE LETTUCE IN OUR SALAD WHEN WE HAVE LASAGNA. I believe it incumbent on the government to ensure supply that the army is brought in and the lettuce-lorries are accompanied in an armed convoy. That’s the only thing that can calm her nerves.

      • On this topic, whatever the fuck happened to chicory? I haven’t seen it on sale in years, and I can’t even get the seed to grow my own. Which would be the answer to your lettuce problem – dig for victory, etc. But chicory’s much better in salads, and more appropriate to your apparently EU-centric diet. The Frogs love it, anyway.

        I do grow my own garlic.

      • I’ve heard of Chicory Tip… but what the fuck is chicory?

        ? Son of my father
        Molded, I was folded, I was preform-packed
        Son of my father
        Commanded, I was branded in a plastic vac’
        Surrounded and confounded by statistic facts ?

      • Used to be an apparently revolting coffee substitute in one of the world wars, can’t be arsed to look up which one.

      • It’s a crisp, compact, rather bitter (hence its use in ersatz coffee) salad leaf. Its advantage over lettuce is that it tastes of something. Can be grown almost anywhere, harvest the tight conical head in second year, preferably blanched by covering it from the sun. Great for simple salads with vinaigrette. A McDonalds fan would probably consider it poisonous…it contains no sugar.

  18. “mates with Cameron”

    Now there’s a mental image I didn’t need….

    “Brace yourself David, I’m about to pull up to your bumper baby and drive it in between”.

  19. Clarkson was always both a Remainer and a bit of a cunt. I like his political incorrectness but his brrrm brrrm obsession with pathetic status symbols is his real cuntitude.
    They have to fit windscreen wipers to the inside of the cars he drives.
    The cunt.

  20. James May isn’t fooling anyone either. A fruit if ever I saw one. That Hammond Cunt looks like he should be in the Boy Scouts. I bet he’s often wished that he was.


  21. Clarkson, a remainiac? Fuck me!

    He thinks of Cameron as a mate? I’m sure Cameron sees him as some grubby oik with whom it’s necessary to mix to demonstrate some plebian cred. Not that Cameron has to soil himself with such things any more.

    • All part of the Chipping Norton Set, if you remember. Very profitable for several careers:

      Including Rebeckah Wade/Brooks, flint-faced harridan who had nothing whatever to do with hacking phones etc, nothing I tell you, she was acquitted… and covered her bets completely by also being chums with Blair.

  22. Yet another posh, rich cunt telling us how to think, what to do, what to say. We all need to unite says Her Maj. Never going to happen now after they have invested so much time and energy ridiculing and insulting us.
    Incidentally, a society which demonises and has nothing but contempt for its elderly is well and truly fucked.

  23. Anyone who thinks that a genuine passion for motor vehicles (either with four wheels or two) depends entirely on engine size or the overrrated badge on the front, is a total cunt.
    I’ll take my ancient Volvo, an old Triumph Spit or Vitesse, or my elderly Honda bike over some self-destructing piece of expensive exotica any day.
    Top Gear was fun in it’s own way, but The Grand Tour is bloated, over budgeted and annoying, like the presenters in fact.
    And I will NEVER forgive what they did to that vintage Jag. The cunts…

  24. I’m with Willie on this one, a last standing dinosaur and probably the last stand on saying non-PC stuff on the BBC, and getting away with it.

    The restaurant-gate event was exactly what the PC brigade needed to sack him.

    Top Gear had run its course by then and the current ones that I have only seen the trailers for, seem to be box ticking affairs with token colours, and stilted laughs trying to falsely foster a chemistry that doesn’t exist.

    I still watch the Grand Tour but the insults are definitely toned down, and you always have a sense of what’s going to happen next. Too predictable now and the lol moments are fewer and further between.
    Sure all 3 can ride off into the sunset, count their cash and call it a day.

  25. Might nominate him in dead pool as he has reached that age when the likes of his mob, ie,piss head, unfit, fat fucker clutches his barrel chest and soils him self, either that or he rolls some wank motor he’s endorsing and it bursts into flames turning I’m into Niki Lauda’s ear.!

  26. I can only assume that the lily white flabby fuck is worried that he won’t receive complementary Mercedes cars to wank over.What a crap marque.Audis are even worse because their steering so light and lacking in feedback that you feel as if you’re driving a dodgem. The only mainstream that drive properly German cars are BMWs.I dread to think what the new FWD 1 series will be like.

  27. I’ve always said to people he’s a cunt who likes to pretend to be one of the boys and they all looked at me like I was some left wing vegetarian.

    I just told them to go on Youtube and look at his early appearances on Top Gear and listen to his voice, he’s a privately educated plonker who spent most of his school life getting beaten up(he admits this himself) who at some point decided to be all edgy and controversial in an effort to appeal to the common man and people lapped it up. He’s possibly one of the most fake personalities on TV.

  28. Retire, spend your millions, fuck off. That easy Clarkey old boy, surely one does not wish to be remembered as a total fucktard cunt. Could you take Chris ‘family man’ Evans with you as well.

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