Held under the Mental Health Act

A cunting for “held under the Mental Health Act….”

Yes my friends 2019 has started as 2018 ended , with more piss boiling cunty actions of the establishment.
Want to suppress the public’s concerns that another “peaceful” has attacked the very country he was born in/immigrated to ? Tell them he was mentally ill.

Shouting “ally snackbar” is irrelevant , it’s not another attack , the poor sod is a basket case, his family has said there were issues years ago blah blah blah.

Same with the Paris one . Supposedly the cunt was telling other Muslim looking ones “don’t worry, you’re ok” as he walked about shooting cunts with a hand gun , but he was mentally ill as well right enough…….

Our betters fucking know the scale of the sickening disdain we are held in by a minority in this country who have a disproportionate effect on the rest , but choose to do fuck all except tie our coppers’ hands when they need them most

I will probably receive a visit and be held under the Mental Health Act for posting this no doubt.


Nominated by Squint Cuntwood

36 thoughts on “Held under the Mental Health Act

  1. Its the same scapegoating by the Establishment every time we are culturally enriched with some more backward Islamic diversity. Every cunt is a mental health victim, on drugs, vulnerable to online grooming and radicalisation yet arrests seen in Right-wing groups, its always part of a bigger problem in society, no doubt funded by Brexit voters with Sir Nigel of Farage sitting atop of Mount Doom sinisterly rubbing his hands.

  2. Psychologists, Psychiatrists, spineless idiots all of them. So you believe this guy was crucified, died, then magically alive again. Yep. Lock him up. So you believe this Mohammed guy got messages from Allah, then flew to heaven on a winged horse. Yep. Lock him up. If I walk into A&E claiming to be the reincarnation of Napoleon. Well. Archbishop of Canterbury stands in front of thousands wearing a silly hat and a frock, claims to have chatted to God, yep, all fine. Madness I tell ya!

  3. I genuinely belive that if we banned all meat except pork from these shores then these certifiable types may not prolificate our land.

    Goodbye for now.

  4. Believe in one almighty sky god? Yes.
    Believe in flying horses? Of course.
    Believe that girls who are nine are of a marriageable age? I do.
    Believe that women shouldn’t be able to touch your Harry Potter Köran whilst on their period? Naturally.
    Believe in magic? Sure.
    Believe everybody accidentally born before the 8th century will not go to Paradise? Yes.
    Believe you must starve yourself in daylight hours fir a month? Yes, definitely.
    Believe that there will be 72 virgin girls waiting in a fluffy, cloud-like Paradise? Yes, I do.

    You’re either mental or a fucking arsehole.

  5. The problem with Islam is that for 100s of years it’s been a self re- enforcing doctrine. People only mixed with those with the same belief, you had to be truly exceptional to even begin to question it’s validity but now there is hope! The internet is showing Muslims another viewpoint. On another website I have been part of a debate that has been going on for years and 2 Muslims have actually left Islam after the absolute bollocks that it is was forensically explained to them. It will be a slow process but Islam will eventually wither away . Sooner the better.

  6. I can see where this Government /Police speak is going. Soon now they won’t be talking of the terrorist threat going to critical, it will be termed Looney level. Their won’t be any more acts of terrorism their will be only acts of madness. The fact that the only cunts doing it are swivel eyed swarthy beardy types shouting Allah Akbar is besides the point. Mental health will increase but acts of terrorism will be over.

  7. Darren “fucking” Osborne was a pot head.


    Darren “fucking” Osborne was a lone wolf.


    Darren “fucking” Osborne was misunderstood.


    Darren “fucking” Osborne had mental issues.


    Some “peaceful” terrorist goes on a rapage to wipe out as many infidels as possible…


    Double standards? Surely not.

    The Muslim Council of Britain’s propaganda machine out in full force again.


  8. There are something like a billion Muslims on earth. Chuck in Jews, Jehovah’s, Catholics, protestant,LSD, Methodists, Baptist’s, Anabaptists, Buddhists, Zoroastrians, black witches, white witches, warlocks, tree worshippers, astrologists, chakra benders, homeopaths, iridologists, reflexologists, eye movement desensetizers, Freudians, Jungians, primal therapy wallahs, flat earthers, victim feminists, gender benders and snowflakes. Dare I suggest, that ISAC is the only island of sanity in a sea of total lunacy!

    • What about atheists? They’ve got a lot to answer for as well; Stalinism, Maoism, Natonal Socialism you could say. They all murdered millions.

      • Yeah but Mao and Stalin never said they were compelled by a “greater force”, they were just cunts pure and simple.

        Whereas religious fanatics just fall back on their unprovable deity to excuse their cuntitude.

        “It wasn’t me M’lud! It was the invisible pink unicorn what made me do it!”

        Utter bollocks!

      • a basic tenent of communist philosopy was atheism you would agree Rebel? Now if Atheism is such a good and rational and humane way to think you would have thought it would temper the zeal of the communists? But no it seemed to most that it made them more zealous.

      • I have no idea because I’m a capitalist.

        I earn every penny I spend and the harder I work the more money I make. Yum, yum, yum!

        And do you know who I have to thank for that? ME!


        Communism and socialism are unworkable social constructs because not every cunt is prepared to do their fare share but still expect their fare share of the spoils, which, is intrinsically unfair.

        I believe passionately about equality of opportunity (because I made good on the state education afforded to me and now I repay those cunts back tenfold).

        I do not believe in the equality of outcome – as per the idiot Lammy, et. al. – because I don’t see why I should work my pods off merely to pay for Chantal’s xylophone of rainbow coloured kids – even though she had exactly the the same state provided opportunities as I did – and chose to open her legs aged 15 instead of hitting the books as I did!

        Nah fuck that!

        I do believe in the welfare system – as a stop-gap for those put out of work through no fault of their own (businesses going into receivership, etc.) – but I don’t believe in a welfare state, where living on benefits is a lifestyle choice (which weak government after weak government has procrastinated).

        Those are the cunts who won’t do these “jobs than no-one else will do”. Well that’s easily fixed: you will wipe geriatrics arses, clean gum off floors, maintain public toilets – and the state will pay for your services – otherwise the money stops! Simple.

        Let me tell you from personal experience, some money Vs no money is an excellent motivator.

        Socialism, and it’s extreme variant, Communism, allow the idle to remain idle.

        At least capitalism means I get the lion’s share of what I earn!

        As Dick would say, fuck ’em!

  9. I notice none of these peacefull cunts are trying to pull this kind of shit in Glasgow or Newcastle or the likes, largely down to the knowledge mental or not it will be a good kicking, shot it the head and buried in a pig skin….cunts

    • On Tyneside the “peacefuls rule the roost”. They have done so ever since the riots of the 1920,s South Shields ( home of the sand dancers ) is the hub of all the shit they bring.
      The history of the riots has been rewritten by a useful idiot to show how nasty white people are. Glasgow may be our only hope

  10. And of course, being held under the Mental Health Act gives you added protection under the Law. It gives you rights and privileges that even ordinary prisoners do not enjoy. Peaceful people are little more than congenitally programmed terrorists. racists and criminal. They should never have been given the opportunity to come to this country, and I look forward to a future war that redresses the issues in our favour. Extreme view ? You betcha ! Our Leaders made me that way !

    • Instead of this malignant piece of shit being shot, he’ll now be housed in prison for £45 000 a year where he’ll be paid (true!) to be educated and learn crafts while radicalising other weak-minded cunts with his poisoning beliefs.

  11. I honestly believe that if the media, police, politicians et al reported things as they truly are, there would be rivers of blood. (Thank you Enoch. A man ahead of his time).
    They dare not for fear of provoking a violent uprising.
    What this once great country needs is a fucking good civil war, I wonder when (not if) it will happen

  12. Knock, knock. Good afternoon Mr Cuntwood. My colleagues and I are from the NHS mental health services and these gentlemen wearing the blue uniforms are police officers. The yellow plastic things they’re holding are called tasers. Slip this jacket on please Mr Cuntwood. What? Yes the arms are at the back. Put it on and come along quietly there’s a good chap or the nice policemen will taser you. We’ve a comfortable bed waiting for you at the Cuckoo’s Nest psychiatric facility where nurse Ratchet is waiting with your medication. You won’t be lonely. There’s lots of other ISAC contributors suffering from CFSD already there.

      • Posting on this esteemed website will probably get us all hauled off for a good hard “re-educating” one day.
        I really do believe it’s a possiblity but as the wise man said…
        Fuck them!

  13. There is a vast difference between a clinically diagnosed mental health condition/illness and brainwashed radicalization. Any shrink who is worth his salt can tell the difference, and whether these cunts are driven by delusion and illness or if it is something that is driven by sane, conniving free will.

    Trouble is with this lot, it is a fine line. Most people would say ‘well they must be mad for doing stuff like that’, but actual madness is very different to someone who is working with extremist but rational thoughts and come hell or high water are intent on committing a terrorist act.

    It is the snowflakes that are to blame, just like most times in this world lately. ‘Aww, don’t blame them, they are obviously unwell’.

    Oh, fuck off. My arse!

    • You know Nurse Cunty, Einstein reckoned that madness was repeating the same thing over and over but expecting a different result.

      So we have these terrorist attacks over and over again but our betters in the met, govt and meejah tell us it’s not Islam to blame over and over again.

      And so the atrocities continue…

      We need to start getting “Crusades” on these mother-fuckers because appeasing them (and the cunt Muslim Council of Britain organisation) isn’t breaking the cycle of madness is it!

      We need to get medieval on their asses, not tip-toe around the cunts, and make their lives a fucking misery.

      Not all “peacefuls” are terrorists but they’re all fucking complicit. Their wider community’s silence is deafening!


      • That is spot on RWC.

        Appeasing and pandering to these cunts is only making matters worse. The first thing they need to do is stop letting 300,000+ new peaceful gimmigrants into the country each year and then start to consider Enoch’s ideas of paying a fair chunk of those here to fuck off.

  14. The only cunts with mental health issues are the fucking goverment for letting these peaceful cunts get away with it.

    Is there a medical term for sticking your head in the fucking sand.

  15. Don’t worry with the UN migration pact intensifying we are only getting 10 million more migrants then the rest of europe is getting in the next 5 years so these things will be a bi weekly occurrence instead of just a boring monthly terrorist attack

    • Yeah, won’t be long before they become so commonplace that the meejah stop reporting on them, much like the stabby antics in Londonistab: they occur daily but are only reported on if they result in a death these days.

      And the reason for that is the “culturally enriched” demographic of both the victims and perpetrators. They wouldn’t want to upset those intellectual titans Diane Abbott and David Lammy would they…

  16. Well as their ‘prophet’ MooHamHead was a murdering, plagiarising, schizophrenic, paedophile god botherer who they follow as the best example of humanity then it’s obvious all these peaceful enrichers are mentally ill. Let’s send them all to the biggest asylum: the Middle East.

    • How the fuck did you get that past moderation?

      I only have to say “fart” and I get blocked!

      • It didn’t appear straight away, so I’ve no idea Rebel. Perhaps they’re just giving me enough rope to hang myself.

  17. If being detained for practising murderous intent is the norm….make the detention period the rest of their natural lives. It will save the taxpayer the cost of a trial.

  18. Held fuckin where.? Their local Costa, bring back the good old Victorian Asylums where they could be guaranteed a decent hammering, what the fuck do they know anyway they’re supposed to be Mad.!

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