
Flashmobs are tedious wankfests, aren’t they?

In the days of yore, if you wanted to advertise your business, you took out a newspaper advertisement or paid a hippy to write a bollock-aching jingle for the radio. Either that or you paid a simpleton to saunter up the high street with a sandwich board or dressed as a banana, dishing out leaflets with a cretinous smile.

Not in the 21st century. Now we have to endure this gleeful torture.

A gaggle of people who “have never met” start dancing in a public place supposedly for no reason, then all disperse separately giving the illusion that it was spontaneous creativity and not furiously rehearsed and painfully stage-managed.

The people performing always seem startlingly elated, as if feeling the effects of recently-imbibed, high-octane Class As.

I can’t imagine that such insipid displays would actually affect any sane person’s purchasing decision. “Well, I was going to buy this morning’s over-priced hot water from FuckBucks but after that dazzling whirl, closely filmed at every angle from twelve different cameras advertising Starcunts Coffee, I’ll buy it from them instead!”

The dancers are the kind of loud, over-excited, shallow gurners who dream of being the sixth dancer from the left at the back of The Lion King. Flashmobs are mostly for pretentious, fame-craving, popularity whores who think they’re artists but are merely paid hussies from corporate puppetmasters.

Nominated by Captain Magnanimous

24 thoughts on “Flashmobs

  1. Gay.

    That’s the only word that comes to mind when forced to recognise the existence of these banal circle jerks.

  2. Hasn’t there been like some naked fucking bike ride through London complaining about co2 or some, well, bollocks. Fucking deviants!

  3. Millennials, lacking any imagination, love this shit because they think it’s edgy. Utter cunts.

  4. The silly cunts, think they are some trendy film extras, it gives them something to stick on their facebook wall, hey look at me, i was in this flash mob, 30 likes, a few comments and they are happy little bunnies.

    Its like check ins, who gives a shit …… sally is at stabucks in Timbuktu …. yipee


    I think 2019 will have even more shit to piss me off…

  5. This one activity seems to personify what a cunt society is regressing to. Dozens of lemmings glued to social media, the smug self satisfacation of being ‘edgy’ or basking in the reflected glory of its usually for a good cause. You can guarantee they will be the same kind of wankers who light candles after terror attacks, an exercise in limelight hogging and validation from other twats with too much time on their hands.

  6. We should recruit them into the army and deploy them against the Taliban.
    Tell them that our main weapon now is about hearts and minds, changing attitudes, breaking down barriers of race, gender and sexuality through the medium of dance. They’re probably stupid enough to believe it.

    Then while they’re being gunned down the real soldiers can sneak round and set up positions….

    • “I don’t know what effect these men will have on the enemy, but by God, they terrify me”

      And if they don’t sign up –

      “Pour la canaille: Faut la mitraille”
      (For the mob, use grapeshot.)

      (Attributed to the Duke of Wellington)

  7. Reminded me, Waterloo. By god sir, I seem to have lost my leg. By god sir, so you have. Stiff upper lip or what!

  8. I simply do not know what is worse: these tedious, grinning lunatics or the abhorrent “music” to which they are prancing.

  9. Just had my piss boiled by some dippy mumsy type vicar bitch on the radio, bleating about the horrors Brexit will wreak on her children if it’s not stopped… referring to the EU specifically as “The Peace Project” over and over and over a-fucking-gain, as if the greater the repetition the more I, the listener, was going to associate the Fourth Reich with “Peace”, ffs!

    Naturally she thinks that after two and a half years of Project Fear we all know so much more about “The Peace Project” so we’ll vote overwhelmingly “Remain” in the upcoming “People’s Vote” or the “16 year olds, EU citizens, and cunts under 40’s Vote”.

    Or, in plain English, “The Loser’s Vote”.

    • You could always say: “Well ok, I’ll listen to you if you can prove that YOUR or ANY God exists.”

      That usually shuts up sanctimonious cunts like this immediately.

      Why should I listen to you, or Welby, or the Pontiff, on anything you say? You have make believe friends for fuck’s sake!

    • War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance…….

      Definate parallels between the EU and 1984, we have to get out before its too late. ?
      If change is come….. it will come from the proles, I just hope the proles dont get fucked over.
      The remoaners just dont get it, why would the population vote aginst the government machine, painting doom and destruction, the intellectuals, bankers and meda, all said we should remain….

      But the people said NO. we can survive without the EU overlords

      So stop asking us to vote again!

  10. Just the usual sheeple attitude that is so pervasive these days.

    Same cunts who live in echo chambers and who require safe spaces if a difference of opinion dares venture too near them.

    This flashmob bollocks is no different, the physical manifestation of online group-think shite that a 5yr old gay-pride kid could choreograph!

    Cuntitude at its finest!

    The only saving grace being that generation Z seems to be eschewing this group-think bullshit in deference to actually thinking for themselves and going back to individualism.

    I do fucking hope so. It’s only because of state education sanctioned group-think under cunt B.Liar’s watch that we cast these NPC automatons who all love everything group based such as globalism, socialism and the EU.

    Hopefully us “gammons” and generation Z will book-end the millennial cunts into the “fuck all” passage in the history books that they so richly deserve.


  11. A flashmob should be organised for Manchester Victoria station.

    Perhaps it could be twenty-five policemen dancing rhythmically while in the background people are pretending to be stabbed. The police-dancers could be grinning inanely as if astonishingly unaware of what’s happening.

    (From the news today:) Officers are also “retaining an open mind in relation to the motivation for this attack”. Yes, maybe the attackers were selling kitchen knives on New Year’s Eve.

    Clueless cunts.

  12. Good cunting Cap’n. These wankfests must be a Londonistan reserve. Great fucking fairies prancing around like Rudolph Nureyev on Nurofen.

    They demonstrate all the choreographic prowess of Joey Deacon with his wheelchair wired to a 11kv substation.

    If I witnessed one of these live I would fear that one of them would be using the routine as a diversionary tactic to attempt a crafty fondle of my arse/twig/berries.

    Cunts all.

    • Two dead in Londonistan already this year hours after Suckdick was mouthing platitudes of “Diversity is our strength” at NYE fireworks, the cull of architects and cumoonitee yoof workers continues unabated.

      • They must be commended, LL, a sterling NY effort. Two is a good start but they really need to up the numbers to make a significant difference.

        Nonetheless, small acorns and all that.

      • To smash 2018’s staggering total of murdered, what these aspiring architects need are some fresh faces and more violence.

        I have an idea.

        Helicopters at the Kentish coastline. After these gimmgrants crossing from France have caught the boat taxis so kindly paid for by the UK Government, i.e. us, they could fly these new architect-apprentices straight to the action in East London. They will have bettered last year’s total by Summertime.

  13. These mass flashmob cunts are nothing but a collective of smug hipster cock-smokers. “We’ll do the flashmob in a minute, then upload it straight onto Instacunt and Twatter to prove how progressive we are. God I’m so excited, I could wank in the middle of Starbucks”.

    Undiluted cuntery of vintage proportions. Usually smug middle class over-indulged daddy’s trust fund cunts who have no idea about much of anything, apart from being an expert on SJW circle-jerking and self-entitlement.

    We’ve seen it time and again. Whenever there’s some disgusting terror attack, these fucks pedal out their “Pray For So and So” and hold hands on a bridge at midnight with candles. Yep…that’s going to solve a lot. Cunts one and all. Society is wanked over beyond rational thought. Fuck it.

    • Well you could wank into your Starbucks but I prefer black (is that oppressive that I favour black?) coffee or a little cream (is cream waycist these days?).

      But hey, whatever floats your boat!

      • Very true, Rebel. The snowflakes are pushing to have it renamed “ethnically inclusive coffee”. The coffee is so confused, it can’t decide if it wants to be black, white, male or female!

  14. So the Peaceful that went on a cultural enrichment campaign in Manchester will be held under the mental health act.
    Thank god he’s mad, for a while I thought he did it with a sane mind in the name of Allah and wanted to kill as many non believers as possible.

  15. A fews back i came to the conclusiin that only stupid fuckwits were entertained and ‘startled’ by such corporate cuntery, the same slack-jawed foetuses who drone on abiut us being ‘one wooorrld, yeeeah, refugees welcome to Glastonbury!’
    Knife the cunts.

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