Faux Technocrats

Nomination: Technocrats who aren’t.

I have nothing against the idea that some questions require expert technical knowledge. I wouldn’t tell my doctor how to write a prescription, my lawyer how to draft a will nor would I tell an architect how to design a bridge. People get paid for expertise, it’s a no brainer. I would listen to Richard Dawkins if I wanted to learn about evolution rather than a priest or imam who has read one book.

Unfortunately, the ‘technocrats’ who run most international organisations are anything but. The supporters of the EU (for example) claim that the people who run this organisation are better at solving technical problems than the elected politicians in national parliaments. This doesn’t stand up to scrutiny. Since it came into existence on 1st November 1993, the European Union has faced three major crises – the Yugoslavian war, the 2008 financial crash and the ongoing Syrian refugee crisis. In every one of these situations, the ‘technocrats’ at the EU either abdicated responsibility (Yugoslavia) or made a bad situation worse (Syria).

That Canadian prick who heads the Bank of England whilst drawing the thick end of a million quid in salary draws praise from financial journalists for his doomsday predictions about a no deal Brexit. Not one of these nobheads predicted the crash in 2008 but apparently they know the exact shape of the world economy in 2030.

Fuck them. (Copyright, D.Fiddler esq.)

Nominated by Cunt’s Mate Cunt

13 thoughts on “Faux Technocrats

  1. All you need these days is to echo the popular rhetoric with the lack of any expertise whatsoever.

    Take the example of the Irish border, movement of goods across the border could be controlled by technology.

    Someone with no expertise says “the technology doesnt exist” , this is then repeated by everyone and anyone who would like to stop or soften brexit, The EU use it to complicate the so called withdrawl agreement.

    So, we dont have the ability to use customs pre-clearance for goods coming from anywhere else in the world …… vitually everything is done electronically, ok small traders will have to use freight forwarders to facilitate movements but it still works, you pay the duty and it all works.

    Experts, fuck I am sure anyone who works in import/export would laugh if told that they cant send goods across the irish border without a fucking gate being put across the road.

    There is already uncontolled movement of people across the border, neither the UK or Ireland are in schengen but no one shows a passport or ID when moving north-south or vice versa.

    Fucking EU, cunts.

  2. There might be a whole bunch of technocrats at NASA and I’m just a pleb but…

    If you want to spend billions sending men to the moon so they can bounce around in a dusty place then I would suggest most old peoples bedrooms would suffice.


    Why spend gazillions on sending probes to Mars to see if water could be found when most people can easily just turn on a tap and wow, there it is.

    It’s not rocket science.

    Goodbye for now.

    • Random reply; ‘it’s not rocket science’. Well it is rocket science. They’re wasting money rocket science.

  3. Good cunting CMC.
    The problem with this lot is that they live in their own utopian worlds and don’t allow for the fact that people are able to think for themselves.
    When something goes tits up, it’s because we didn’t adhere to their tunnel vision, and be subjected to their manipulation. They’re quite incapable of drawing up several different scenarios and making provisions for the outcome of each. They’d rather carry on in the same direction, and blame the rest of us when they fail to force us into a course of action that they’re biased towards.

  4. Too much common sense there CMC , the experts wont like that !

    Ive said same here before , these experts who mock us uneducated cunts for our mistakes were the same cunts in charge when
    1, they allowed Goldman sachs or Lehmann to fiddle Greece’s books to allow them into the EU single currency
    2, same with Italy
    3, Balklands war escalation
    4, the financial collapse 2008
    5, Greece’s escalating crisis
    6, the immigration crisis
    7, the non integration of migrants
    8, the collapse of major industries and businesses from the high street while still part of the EU

    the list goes on , and these cunts can tell us exactly how much less GDP we will have by 2030 ? incredible arrogance when your past record is fucking laid bare as total soothsaying crap

  5. Brilliant cunting….
    One of the biggest problems with the EU it’s more about ideology than common sense, people only scale the summit if they agree with this, so the effect being that ideology never gets challenged, for instance take the appointment of the man regarded as the most powerful bureaucrat in Europe possible the world Martin selmayr, was he elevated for his brilliance? No! , was he elected by a democratic process? No! , he is there because he’s a true believer in the ideology of the EU and was simply given the job by junker who told the EU parliament he was the man for the job? That kind of cronyism would make even sepp blatter blush…..

    The EU is an out of touch and (for my money ) unreformable organisation
    When that absolute shit stain clegg rolled out his favourite quip “ pulling up the drawbridge and throwing away the keys” he was looking in the wrong direction…..

    The Canadian Goldman Sachs cock goblin is probably the last person you would want to take financial advice from, he’s a bought and paid for EU shill
    As are those cunts the IMF run by that non tax paying French weasel faced cunt Christine largarde……

    As mourinho once quipped
    “ they are specialists in failure “
    Which unfortunately we’re all asked to pay for…. ?

  6. I doubt even half of these fucktards believe in the ideology and are probably just nounces being blackmailed into pushing this globalist agenda.

  7. As for that Mark Carney prick, his financial acumen was so clairvoyant that he predicted the 2008 crash didn’t he…oh no, wait a minute he didn’t, did he!

    And yet the cunt feels qualified to purvey himself as a sooth sayer when it comes to the doom and gloom of a no deal Brexit.

    The correct answer is: “Nobody Knows!”

    Of course there will be blip but it won’t be anywhere near like the 2008 crash that those financial cunts caused in the first place. It would be more akin to the fall-out following the Brexit vote result itself and the double-dip shortly after when the coward pig fucker resigned.

    But, as has been proven across the ages, we always recover. If it wasn’t for the spineless millennials and the cunts in “The City” bubble crying constantly about “what if” then no deal isn’t that scary.

    In fact a no deal Brexit should worry those EU cunts, and their failing economy, far more than it should worry us.

    Unfortunately our spineless leadership cow-tow to the cunts instead of simply telling them how it will be: the UK will generously give the EU a tariff free trade deal.

    How hard is that? And if the cunts don’t play ball we bankrupt the German car industry with tariffs so penal it’ll be cheaper to buy an Aston Martin!

    If they play hardball by going after the remaniacs favourite – Nissan – we offset any impact of that with a year of tax free operation, and then we wait for those EU cunts to blink. And blink they will.

    The UK is the biggest market for German cars outside of Germany itself. If we pull up the shutters the German car industry will be reduced to a 3 day week. That will leave less in the EU slush fund, and that will make even more Germans hate the EU than what is currently gathering momentum both there and in France.

    Yes blink they will!

    A “No Deal” Brexit is actually a win win scenario because not only can we set the tone, it could also be the straw to break that EU camel’s back!

    We just need to get the UK coward populace and leadership to see beyond the short-term pain for the long-term endgame!


    On a related Brexit note: I see Benedryl CunterTwat is starring in CH4’s “Brexit: The Uncivil War” remainer propaganda vehicle on Monday at 9pm.

    I don’t need to watch it to know that it will just be 2hrs of the usual NPC “Orange man baaaad! Brexit baaaad!” bullshit.

    CunterTwat is such a goat-eyed remainer shill that I bet he waived his fee for it (unlike his charadee ads).

    The cunt!

  8. Most “experts” are anything but. Gobshites,in the main,who spout gibberish designed to intimidate the lay-person.

    As for the “I wouldn’t tell my doctor how to write a prescription, my lawyer how to draft a will nor would I tell an architect how to design a bridge”…..I fucking would,and have, in the cases of the doctor and lawyer. It’s only due to the fact that I’ve never met an architect who was designing a bridge that has prevented me from telling that Cunt where he was going wrong too.

    Get Fucked.

  9. I like the circularity of technocratic consultancy:
    I* tell the public I am a consultant because I am an expert.
    But asked for my expert qualifications, I reply that I run a consultancy.
    In real life I do a lot of phoning and am good at Excel. If I have a lot of suckers on my books, I do a lot of airmiles too.
    And so it must be with technocrats. The ‘techno’ part is designed to look as if the entitled one has ever, just once in his life, got its hands dirty, while the ‘crat’ bit is a typo for ‘crap’.

    *hypothetically only: a rhetorical device.

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