Doctor Who Cares?

The latest series of ‘Dr Who’ has ended, and what a car crash in slow motion it’s been. The scripts were dire, and the actors as animated as cardboard cut-outs. Far worse however is the fact that the show has been hijacked to serve a postmodern neo-Marxist agenda, and it’s infected the show like a cancer.
This politicisation of content has slowly become noticeable in recent years. Former head honcho Steven Moffat was clearly set on pushing the Social Justice Warrior message, labelling those who argued that a female Doctor would be against the show’s ethos as ‘not progressive’.

In spite of rumblings from the fanbase, new ‘showrunner’ Chris Chibnall ploughed ahead, insisting that he wanted to ‘tell stories that reflect our modern society’. I’d have no problem with that sunshine, except that you’re not so much telling stories as pushing propaganda. You’ve got your close buddy, the incredibly wooden Jodie Whittaker, on hand to assist; a Doctor sans balls to push the persistent feminist angle even harder. Your antipathy to males, esp. white males, is crystal clear.  Your anti-capitalist, anti-Trump, anti-American bias is blatant. In short Chibnall, you’re another ‘showrunner’ who’s bent on imposing your ideological viewpoint, and your intention sucks.

So Who Cares? Does it really matter? Well I think it does. ‘Dr Who’ is made by the BBC, which is publicly funded. The BBC is required to entertain and educate, and to be IMPARTIAL. The show is quintessentially a piece of early evening fantasy entertainment for the family, and I expect to be entertained by it, not subjected to a stream of finger-wagging, radical left wing cant.

Short of a thoroughgoing overhaul, I think that ‘Dr Who’ may be beyond saving, a much loved icon sacrificed on the BBC’s high altar of ‘right on’ political correctness. If ratings on the likes of ‘Rotten Tomatoes’ are anything to go by, where the show has a disastrous 23% audience ‘like’ score, I’m not alone. ‘Ideology first, entertainment a long way second’ doesn’t seem to be a popular approach, and the natives are extremely restless. 

I doubt very much whether the SJW hacks now at the wheel care that much about securing  good ratings any more though. I think that first and foremost, it’s about having a platform to spread their gospel. It’s about shoving the doctrine of ‘identity politics’ down the throat of the show’s fanbase, even if they choke on it.

I despise this sort of self-righteous moralising from that self-styled ‘national institution’ the BBC, particularly when I’m bleeding well paying for it. ‘Dr Who’ is probably the most blatant example of it at present, but watch this space; this disease is going to spread if they can get away with it. 

Fuck you British Broadcasting Cunts.

Nominated by Ron Knee

Chris Chibnall is a cunt…

Now, we all know how the BBC has royally fucked up Doctor Who, and that longstanding fans of the show despise what has been done to it… We can blame the hordes of Pak-A-Maks and Mills & Boons that now infest every episode… We could blame the laughable Susan Hampshire meets Eddie Waring female Doctor…. But the biggest cunt is undoubtedly the ‘showrunner’ Chris Chibnall…

After the godawful Stephen Moffat, Chibnall could have changed things for the better, even with Whittaker in tow…. But this cunt has made the series even worse and now totally unwatchable…. From the misandry of the whole thing, to ludicrous finger wagging libfuck shite like that Rosa Parks bollocks and the ‘Pakistaniis are great’ episode, right through to the pregnant man and the female DIY Dalek… The gruesome nadir being the woman (what fucking else?) building a new look crappy Dalek and the snide anti-Brexit ‘gags’ in the New Year Special…

Anyone involved in it now is a cunt… Whittaker is a cunt, Walsh is a cunt, the aspiring architect is a cunt, the parking stanley is a cunt… But Chibnall is the biggest cunt…

Nominated by Norman

53 thoughts on “Doctor Who Cares?

  1. I’ve only watched about ten minutes of the new Doc, the partition one, and to be fair, she did say millions get killed. Not just how wonderful the muzzies are. But Bradley Walsh, I mean, are you fucking serious, sleb nepotism. Then a graun article saying how perfect the make do and mend Dalek was to laugh at brexiters who want to go back to 1949. Fucking virtue signallers, fucking scum

  2. Ive never watched this , but can imagine the infestation of identity politics , anti-brexit diatribe and neomarxist overtones….its fucking everywhere on TV/Radio/Internet , you can escape it

    the missus was watching some american crap called Madam Secretary . In this belter ( which started off as a kind of West Wing “light” ) the episodes have decended into democratic porn fantasy. the Secretarys staff are made up of a pakistani/white mix guy , a black girl , a gay guy and a lesbian crewe cut type. every story has some white supremacist being taken to task , or the team presuring some despot country to end slavery / closed borders

    its puke enducing neoliberal shit and its everywhere. My viewing schedule has greatly reduced last 2 years with the BBC/ITN/CH4/SLY NEWS , all avoidedand only to be watched occasionaly to see what the enemy of the normal people is spewing forth

  3. BBC …… Impartial, they are fucking left wing liberal cunts,

    Example of good old BBC impartiality, when Sav Jav made the comment about the cunts coming across the channel …. not genuine, why risk the crossing when they could claim asylum in SAFE France….. the fucking Beeb roll out a number of snowflake cunts to ‘condem’ not one fucking voice to say “yes, first time a fucking politician has actually made sense” cunts…. letter of complaint went in straight away …. Bias!!!

    Back to Doctor Who, the first thing on the programme plan Diversity, Has to be a woman doctor, ‘Modern’ ok they get all that together then have to write the script around it…. thats why it turned out shit.

    • For the life of me I can’t understand why that cunt Chibnall thinks the show should reflect the world we live in. We want to watch Dr Who to fucking escape from the world we live in. I can’t adequately put into words how much I hate what that arrogant cunt, and the BBC, have done here. And their political bias is creeping in everywhere in the BBC’s output. I just keep on complaining but get fobbed off. I’m now going to write to the appropriate Minister about this; they’ve got to be stopped.

      • Maybe it does reflect the world we live in. A Libtard, multicultural basket case. No thank you.

        As a 9 year old I thought the first series was pretty fucking cool, though it was the amazing theme music and opening sequence that really made Doctor Who special. Played the Decca 45 rpm single to death at the time.

        Even built my own Tardis! Sad, isn’t it?

        Haven’t personally watch an episode since Christopher Eccleston jumped bailed out.

      • I watched a few, it was pretty shit, the yorkshire lass tried but sadly she tried to fucking hard…. the part didnt seem to come natural to her….

        2 put of 10 for effort.

      • “Played the Decca 45 rpm single to death at the time”

        The Dr Who theme music by delia derbyshire is ace like a slice of ambient synth heaven

      • And not a synth in sight!

        Each note was individually created by cutting, splicing, speeding up and slowing down segments of analogue tape containing recordings of a single plucked string, white noise, and the simple harmonic waveforms of test-tone oscillators which were used for calibrating equipment and rooms, not creating music. The main, pulsing bassline rhythm was created from a recording of a single plucked string, played over and over again in different patterns created by splicing copies of the sound, with different pitches and notes achieved by playing the sample in different speeds. The swooping melody and lower bassline layer were created by manually adjusting the pitch of oscillator banks to a carefully timed pattern. The non-swooping parts of the melody were created by playing a keyboard attached to the oscillator banks. The rhythmic hissing sounds, “bubbles” and “clouds”, were created by cutting tape recordings of filtered white noise.[1]

        Once each sound had been created, it was modified. Some sounds were created at all the required pitches direct from the oscillators, others had to be repitched later by adjusting the tape playback speed and re-recording the sound onto another tape player. This process continued until every sound was available at all the required pitches. To create dynamics, the notes were re-recorded at slightly different levels.

        Each individual note was then trimmed to length by cutting the tape, and stuck together in the right order. This was done for each “line” in the music – the main plucked bass, the bass slides (an organ-like tone emphasising the grace notes), the hisses, the swoops, the melody, a second melody line (a high organ-like tone used for emphasis), and the bubbles and clouds. Most of these individual bits of tape making up lines of music, complete with edits every inch, still survive.

        This done, the music had to be “mixed”. There were no multitrack tape machines, so rudimentary multitrack techniques were invented: each length of tape was placed on a separate tape machine and all the machines were started simultaneously and the outputs mixed together. If the machines didn’t stay in sync, they started again, maybe cutting tapes slightly here and there to help. In fact, a number of “submixes” were made to ease the process – a combined bass track, combined melody track, bubble track, and hisses.

      • You sure know alot about the detailed processes of that song. You got me, always thought it was a synth or mellotron or something like that interesting informations creampuff

  4. I haven’t watched ‘Doctor Who’ since I was a sprog and Tom Baker was camping it up with K9 in tow.

    I thought it was utter shite then…. and still do.

    • I go back to some old doddery white-haired geriatric called William Hartnell who I think was the first Dr Who. Even as a kid I thought it was chronically bad and the setting were a joke. I think the Tardis thing was made of an old cardboard box.

  5. Watched Dr Who with my son up until mid way through Matt Smith series (circa 2012).

    The writing became ridiculous and my son (who would have about 7 at that time) who loved it said I don’t understand it anymore, and it’s rubbish.

    Never watched an episode since.

    Fucking waste of money PC garbage. From what I have read cannot see it lasting much longer.

  6. I have always thought the show was a pile of shite regardless of which reincarnation of the doctor was appearing, so I can’t comment on its recent deterioration.
    Suffice to say I hope it sends a message that the viewers will not stand for any of this pc propaganda bullshit.
    I could never understand why someone who could travel to any part of the universe and to any time always seemed to end up in Londonistan or Birminghamistan in the 70’s.
    The daleks were shit, cybermen walked around like they had shit themselves, and K9 looked like something a 5 year old had put together with bits of old cardboard.

  7. Now, having woken up with a nice rack of tits and aneatly trimmed pussey, I ask the simple question, ” Does the Dr know how to deal with her menses ?” I mean, does it know what happens on a monthly basis, and is it prepared ? Does it know what to buy and where ? Can it still park a car ? Does the Dr fancy a shag now and again? And would the Dr consider a fuck with a Dalek ?
    So many questions, and very puzzling to many little boys who are now shit scared to go to bed, in case they too wake up minus knackers, and a hairy menstruating gash in its place.
    A good writer needs to create understanding in its creation, and provide answers to some of the questions. The BBeCunto of course don’t. They continue with series after series of complete drivel and cuntery. And don’t start me off on fucking East Benders !

  8. Ratings have gone through the floor. Viewers apparently weren’t ready for a wimminz doctor, Feargal and Joe daki assistants and the now relentless Al-Beebera propaganda, which permeates everything from news and current affairs to drama and even their shitty soaps and kids programming. I don’t really have a dug in the race, watched the first couple of the new series but I couldn’t give a fuck about Dr Who, really. Yet another successful and highly lucrative franchise they’re managed to strangle to death (see also Top Gear. Can’t stand Clarkson but he made those cunts at the Beeb of a lot of bread in worldwide sales) .

    …apparently, Doctor Who is now on ‘hiatus’ until 2020!

    • The ratings dropped from over 11 million to 6 million.

      When you’ve lost nearly half your viewers, you’ve fucked up.

  9. A TV show that has been turned from a kids programme into an SJW brainwashing tool. It will no doubt be used as a template for other programmes, regardless of its impact on ratings, typical blinkered left wing dogma that steadfastly refuses to acknowledge reality, and lemming like, rushes ever onward to oblivion.
    I suppose ratings don’t matter when the money keeps rolling in via the licence fee, but that won’t last, people are getting pissed off with it.
    The programme actually caused a major row between me and my cuntwife, we’d only been home a few hours. She actually watches this crap, in the opening scene there was a darkie posing as an Anglo Saxon or Viking type . My snorts of derision and tide of vituperative filth caused her to question my sanity (apparently I’ve got dementia ) and I am a bigot to boot.
    I told her to fuck off and left her to it.
    New year, same old shit.
    As for Jodie Whittaker, I’d rather have a good shit. Irritating fucking cow.
    Quality double cunting, both barrels are always best.
    Get to fuck.

  10. To lighten the mood…..
    There was a good series on More 4, Berlin Station, that was a decent watch….. fucked up CIA and German intelligence, finished just before Christmas.

  11. Can’t watch any BBC output now without wanting to chew my own arm off and kicking it through the tv screen. Best leave the lefty twats to it, it’s what makes them feel saintly/happy. Twats.

    • I’d absolutely agree with that SH, if the cunts weren’t using public money to fund bolshie propaganda. It boils my piss!

  12. Jodie is not a bad looking bird. From Huddersfield apparently.

    I therefore wonder if she likes her udders-feeled?

    Old Maskinback is always there to oblige in case she does.

  13. Jodie Whittaker rates quite highly on my non-sexist shaggability scale, but it seems the BBC decided to un-sex her, making the unwatchable Dr Who even worst.

  14. Presumably some are aware of the rotten tomatoes review situation with this, where the ” critics” rating is about 95 and the public is about 30. Check it out!

    • Last time I checked, audience approval rate on RT was a disastrous 23%. punters moaning like fuck about all the snowflake wank. Beeb won’t come out and admit that it’s a sack of pc shit, tho, and are still trying to spin the show as a success. Good luck with that, you twats.

  15. I wonder if the latest Surrey stabbing was “peacefully” motivated?

    The Muslim Council of Britain has prepared it’s propaganda arm in readiness…

    • It doesn’t have the hallmarks of a peaceful….. more likely aspiring architect….
      As long as the victim falls into either category

  16. The BBC making my piss boil yet again. If they beleived that people wanted a snowflake PC agenda driven show they could of created one around a female Time lord, that would of allowed them to use the same foes, the same plot mechanisms the whole circus.

    But know they hijacked the one show I loved as a kid and fucked it to pieces.

    As far as I know a Time lord never got gender reassignment during a transformation before? The programme just isn’t entertaining, The Doctor is less convincing than Sadsack Khan, the assistants are wank, there is nothing good to say about the whole fucking festering shit shower. If I want to watch agenda driven crap I would watch Wankstainers.

    Really is time we were allowed a referendum on the BBC……

    • And then another, because we didn’t know what we were voting for in the first one…

  17. What a shock breaking news, police are looking for a black man after the train stabbing! I AM FUCKIN SICK OF THIS! By all means let the fuckin blackswipe each other out, not a problem! This fuckin nig Nog cunt murdered this bloke in front of his 14 year old son!. Nah man stop and search is racist the police are racist why you always hassle the black man honky? Fuckin cunts. Utter fuckin cunts! I reiterate what I said earlier,Hitler was an under achiever! Wonder if you can still get xyklon b?

    • Racial profiling makes sense on every fucking level, so obviously it won’t be implemented. I’m so mad I could kick Harry Kane.

    • Damned right. And nothing will be done until the child of some cunt politician of chief of police wanker is bumped off by one of these ultra-dangerous apes.
      And even, probably nothing will happen.
      Hard to know who to despise more, the chimps or the peacefuls…

      • “Avoid the groid” is sound advice in my view.

        I have come into contact with some black people during my life. Few of those I met were reasonably intelligent and balanced folk.

        However, the overwhelming majority I have come across have more in common with the simian. Low intelligence, short fuse, chip on shoulder, readily chimping out and without any sense of self-awareness, mental dexterity, irony or wit. Many lack a volume dial and have to shout every spoken word.

        Why are there few black inventors, artists, scientists and industrialist. Is it because old whitey held them back? Why was there no African industrial revolution?

        The problem is that stabby incidents such as these coupled with disproportionate promotion of black people by the government and media only serve to hoss petrol on the flames of prejudice.

        Never mind, I suppose.

  18. Good Cunting Ron.

    Haven’t watched it since it was ‘revived’ but if I did the insidious PC-pushing of everything broadcast on ABBC would make me just as angry as you.

    I only ever watched it in the 70s to see the gorgeous Leila (played by the then-lovely Louise Jameson) in her ripped dress.

    Gorgeous tits and legs. Wanked to that mental image hundreds of times I don’t mind admitting.

    As for the Chibnall / Whittaker shitshow who gives a fuck anymore. Hopefully some cunt at ABBC will put it straight out of its misery.

  19. I haven’t watched children’s tv since the 80s so I care not whether it’s a feller or a woman. Nonetheless pc is a cancer and it’s killed so much of tv and films.

    Tom Baker was ace but the show was always a bit shite, wasn’t it. About the same level of entertainment as Rentaghost but without the humour.

    • Yeah Rentaghost.

      They cancelled that and a week later Miss Poppov turns up on Coronation Shite as Gail Tylsley’s Mum!


      I was of the Tom Baker era too. Proper Daktari Who.

      • Shame about the actor who played Timothy Claypole.

        He died from having too much clay around his pole, apparently…

      • Yes, Michael Staniforth died from a big disease with a little name.

        Rentaghost was mental. As a kid I thought it was hilarious. They had some wacky old programmes back then. The writers must have been “hi-ighhh as a kite.”

  20. Breaking news, 51yr old guy stabbed to death on train in Surrey in front of 14yr old son. Surprisingly, suspected perp is, um, tanned. Who’d a thunk it.

    • Obviously all the fault orf Brexit innit. Overwhelming “Uncertainty” has left the poor bearded tanned gent well…uncertain….so he certainly had to get his blade oit. Where’s his safe space and counselling?

  21. Doctor who cares indeed quite fond of the older series have my favorites on vhs and have it burnt on dvd too, always have the option to watch the new series on netflix always find something else but I rather watch paint dry then to subject myself to this badly written pc shite

  22. A tiny bit of good news:

    That Sista Labour MP has been “deselected” and won’t return. No, not the one who gave a job to her drug-dealing son, the other one.

    What a fucking circus.

  23. Are you talking about the point dodging lying cunt who’s brother festus/ festa Tried to claim it was him “ ponda car”? Or however the cunt put it ? to mislead the police…… if yes that’s brilliant news …….

  24. Used to love Dr Who back in the day. Good clean family fun. Good acting, terrible sets, dodgy and ridiculous plots, cute assistants, some great foes some rubbish ones and the occasional bit of menace with The Master. It is truly sad what has happened to it. Patrick Troughton is spinning in his grave. Who knew the ABBC could find so many levels on which to insult their audience while taking their money at the same time. It’s despicable.

    • Taking their money unwillingly. There’s no way they would dare to make utter shite like this if it needed to be commercially viable.

  25. Our national treasure is simply not fit for purpose.
    There is no impartiality in it’s productions of drama (or morality plays with an overabundance of social stereotypes that reflect the central metropolis only), it’s news reporting (Kueunsberg…..nuff said), it’s comedy (Nish “I am on a Remoan Crusade at the Licence payer’s cost” Kumar) and it’s failure to step on wrongdoing (Yewtree, Savile, Harris etc).
    The management of that organised mess should be removed immediately. Whatever you think of the victim, when the Cliff Richard action concluded, instead of accepting that they were wrong having defended their inappropriate actions and paid damages/costs from OUR licence fees, the senior snowflake declared that he was considering an appeal…..FUNDED NO DOUBT, WITH OUR MONEY.
    In this day and age, why do we need a state funded broadcaster. If the product is good enough, it will sell. If not, then we should not be paying for it.

  26. The problem with RT is that a lot of the ratings are by bots (hence the reason a lot of them lack in depth human reviews) so that skews the score.

    Best one to look at for a more accurate review of Dr Who Season 11 is Metacritic.

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