Calais Volunteers

Also a MASSIVE cunting to the muesli crouching cunts who volunteer in Calais to help the illegal invaders who want to come to the UK to rape and pillage. These people should be arrested for aiding and abetting illegal entrants.Also,they provide generators so said future rapusts can charge up their iPhones! Utter bottom of the barrell scum cunts.

Nominated by Kravdarth

31 thoughts on “Calais Volunteers

  1. Pack them off to where the migrants are initially from and see what they think then.

  2. Two Questions
    Have they claimed asylum in France, if yes, has it been refused, if no, well fucking get on with it.

    All this bullshit, I have a third cousins sisters mate who lives in England so I want to there….. no fuck off, England DOES NOT want you!.

  3. Whining vacuous cretins all of the voluntary fuckers! And the fuckers who pay/subsidize them ought to be fucking shot on sight!
    I recall the trouble they caused at Sangat, bleating about poor medieval shitpots having the right to roam and enter at will. The fucking cunts all of them!
    And if they get raped/buggered ? I couldn’t give a fuck !

  4. These volunteer cunts are mega cunts for sure. Given half the chance they’d charter a fleet of coaches and move the entire Calais camp to England tomorrow. And the SNP are always bleating about wanting more immigration in Scotchland, ok, any that do get through send them straight to Holyrood. Except they wouldn’t stay, they’d be back down to England before you could say wee Jimmy Krankie.

    Well cunted Kravdarth. Have a nice weekend.

  5. More of the same deluded Cunts who believe that the vast majority of people aren’t bright enough,or sufficiently “advanced” to understand The Bigger Picture. Virtue-signalling is their real motivation. Of course, they’re normally twee middle-class Cunts who don’t have to live with the reality of allowing this sub- human filth into the Country. They probably live in some delightful Home Counties village where their brats’ school isn’t infested with scum,the Doctor’s surgery isn’t overrun by inbred Spongers, the house next door isn’t full of unemployed offenders etc.
    I’d insist that these damn people were forced to “guarantee” the filth that they are so happy to foist on the people of this Country. If Abdul won’t work,they pay his benefits.If Mustapha attacks a child,they do an equal jail term, etc.

    I suspect that they wouldn’t be quite as keen to aid the “poor Migrants” if they were made personally responsible for the Scum.

    Fuck them.

    • That was an addition to the Common Sense Party manifesto: any do-gooder, virtue-signalling cunt who aids or abets these unwanted parasites coming into our country will have their assets, and their extended family’s assets liquidated, in order to pay for their gregarity.

      It’s all very easy to be generous on some other cunt’s tab (namely ours via taxes that this human scum will never pay). If that generosity hit them in the arse pocket immediately I doubt many of these “like seekers” would dare stick their heads above the parapet!


      • I know people eager to see Refugees welcomed and bleat about it all on facebook. They must manage 8 hours work a week between them, pay no tax and live in Housing Assoc. Doss-holes.


    • Agree wholeheartedly dick, these fuckin cunts want these freeloading bastards to come here, well you take responsibility for them you middle class dO gooding pricks! Let them move in with you & you provide for them, unless you are prepared to then shut the FUCK UP! CUNTS!

  6. Lily Allen cried tears of sadness for their desperation. She was so upset that she vowed to take some ‘refugees’ into her own home. Surely no one would lie about such an offer?Silly snowflake woman in an occean of silly snowflakes.

    • Snowflakes are gentle and precious but there very strong indeed steely in their hatred of Britain what Britain stands for what they think the white man stands for. They are the ‘rising generation’ and will soon be in charge. Already are to great extent.. The country is doomed because of demographics.

      • Lily Allen is, and always will be a platinum grade cunt of the highest degree. These fucking SJW’s really change the composition of my piss in a big way. They certainly wouldn’t let any of these fucking swarthy scummers into their own “funded by daddy” homes and their smug way of affluent life.

        As soon as they know a camera or soshal meedja phone is pointing at them, they’re like Clark Kent changing into Superman with their moral crusader costumes. Fuck them all. It’s all about circle-jerking on Instacunt and FaceFuck with these unicorn saddling fucks. The future isn’t bright. It’s bleaker than a sewer in Paris in winter. Cunt them all.

  7. What pisses me off is we are fagging around sending boats to ‘rescue’ the cunts. Just let them drown, or failing that, patrol the beaches, round them up and dump them in an internment camp prior to sending them back to whatever parched toilet they come from.

  8. Dopey do- gooder cunts one and all…
    probably funded by even bigger cunts like lily mong, lineker, cumbersnatch and co……

    • Do you honestly think that

      “mong, lineker, cumbersnatch and co……”

      Have reached into their own pockets ever to pay for anything ever that they vociferously virtue signal about or, perhaps cynically (read realistically) , they see virtue signalling as a way to further their own careers and bank balances at no cost to them and reap the rewards. Let me think about that for one nanosecond…..

      Cringing fawning snowflake scum, sell their own grandmother if it would get them some lucrative exposure bastards the lot of them.

  9. Fucking cuntwaffles.

    What makes me puke is that most of these social warrior, do gooding fucktards come from privilege and money. They have the luxury of doing jack shit but stuff like this, with no actual rational thought for the consequences or impact it wil have on others.They are utterly blinkered and believe they are some crusader for the poor cunt fleeing from depravity to seek a better life. Does it ever cross their vacuous minds that if they were that desperate, they would stop in the first civilized country that they came across, rather that being hellbent on getting to the weak arse. goose that laid the golden egg, utter mug of a country that is the UK?

    Their privilege also allows them the luxury of not feeling the impact of illegals or having to deal with the shit that they bring to these shores, or live amongst it. They are fucking traitors to their country, in my opinion.


    • The thing is Nurse Cunty they don’t see this country as theirs so are totally detached from any problems that their latest friends bring. But of course as you say the problems are remote to where they live and they consider themselves part of the EU first and foremost so it’s all one big melting pot.
      Well the trouble with melting pots is unless you put pure stuff in specific quantities you get too many impurities and the resulting product is usually far inferior.

      • So true, goodwoodone. I 100% agree.

        I never understand this whole ‘we are all one big global family, smoking the peace pipe together and singing kumbaya’ bollocks. It is simply not true. We ARE NOT all the same in the EU, never mind the world. We DO NOT all automatically gel and ‘get’ each other. The fact is that when people enter the UK, the vast majority do not do so with the mentality of ‘when in Rome, do as the Romans do’. They are, in the main, deviant, but God forbid anyone say that as we are automatically xenophonic or racist.

        I am so nauseated by this country kowtowing to every man, woman or beast entering it, or wanting to.

  10. What is wrong with society is that a significant number of people are lije this. Now the reasons are debatable…from over empathetic parts of the brain to perhaps childhood incidents of helplessness and power feelings while part of a crowd or group leading to this kind of adult behaviour. Whatever it is it’s a problem as too many if the left leaning liberal scumbags Gave infiltrated education/ media/ law/ governance. The rest turn up at Kent coast with placards saying all welcome. They never have to live with the consequences. ……. that’s our problem to deal with. How many are raped and killed in Europe helping the cunts but the stories are suppressed as to not give us right minded cunts any oxygen to our argument
    I knew this was coming and I’m depressed seeing it unfold

    The meek have already inherited the earth

    • “The rest turn up at Kent coast with placards saying all welcome.”

      Afternoon Squint… it’ll be all over bar the civil war, once the Catweasel /Sturgeon coalition government takes power…

  11. Just what this country needs, more goat fuckers and headshrinker savages….
    Mr Fiddler is correct. If you want them here, you sponsor them, you pay for them, and suffer the consequences when they inevitably fuck up….

  12. There’s more than enough of these virtue-signalling dickheads in my hometown of Brighton. They’re the types who:
    – throw money at drunks in shop doorways but sneer at people on council estates
    – shout “racist racist racist” every chance they get but would never even think about setting foot in a black neighbourhood because they’d be scared to death of getting beaten up and/or mugged, possibly killed
    – wave placards saying “refugees welcome” and even hang them up in their windows but if a family of “refugees” got housed in the same street as them they’d be complaining to the council trying to get them evicted.
    They think they’re so intellectually and morally superior than the rest of us and that were stupid enough to believe that all our European migrants are French business magnates, Belgian brain surgeons or German rocket scientists, as opposed to Latvian labourers, Romanian street beggars and Polish pizza boys. I don’t think “useful idiots” could describe them any better.

    • Yeah Brighton is full of SJW fruitloops. I used to visit regularly but the deluded remainer vegans down there have created a suffocating little bubble of bourgeois smugness im in no rush to re-enter.

  13. Please don’t be too harsh on these women. I mean offering yourself up as a rape practice dummy must take serious bottle. Either that, or tried tinder, tried plenty of fish, where else are they going to get a shag? It’s telling in a way, that most of them look like they will probably end up on the cover of Take a Break magazine, after being fleeced by marrying a Turkish waiter, or a Masai warrior or some other cunt, the cunts.

    • Remember the married snowflake refugee charity boss slapper, Clare Moseley who had an affair with an illegal immigrant con man, who then burned down the charity office?

  14. Probably on a fucking scholarship learning to fly as well. So not only only are they illegal they are paid to learn to fly or go to university studying chemical engineering, can’t see any issues there.
    I’d have loved to do both of them and in fact at 58 I’m just about to learn to fly but I’ve gotta pay myself and of course I won’t be flying into buildings or blowing up those that helped me.
    Virtue signaling cunts are the bane of society, the Gatwick drone problem was caused by them cunts. There may have been a possible sighting but the virtue signallers want their moment of fame so just post fake pictures and bullshit comments. Just like the migrant volunteers only doing it for themselves the vast majority really don’t care about the people involved or the problems that might arise.
    Cunts one and all.

  15. I am not a violent person in nature but we should bring back flogging for cunts like this.

    This treachery is bringing about the rapid demise of our society. It’s already fucked as it is, it doesn’t need accelerating by importing even more 3rd world scum who literally will take all of their lives and will benefit no one in our (yes fucking *OUR* not their) society!

    Cunts to a one!

  16. Probably wasn’t too bothered about the “landing” part of that training either, just like his 9/11 brethren…

    Learning to be come a pilot costs a shit-load of money (I know as a friend paid privately to become twin engine rated) and the cost, for someone with no previous flying experience, is well over £30k.

    So who the fuck is paying for that? Hopefully not my bastard taxes (although I suspect they will be)!

    Fucking cunts!

  17. Who was the cunt who left her husband and baby to help our friends in Calais
    She was supposed to be the shining beacon for them helping them to try and get over here,always on tv telling us how they are all good people,calling lorry drivers for trying to mow them down,she ended up shagging one then he took her to the cleaners by emptying her bank account
    Made her look a right cunt

  18. I wonder how long it’ll be before these do-gooders twats find out how much their gimmegrant friends respect womens rights, and end up with a little visit from their benefit-chasing chums into their “We love Migrants” tent in the middle of the night?

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