TV With No Sound

A friend and I recently went for a snack in a nice little place in Crouch End.

It was great coffee and cake, but the experience was somewhat spoiled by the fact that my attention was constantly drawn to a large telly screen above the door. This was showing what appeared to be a lecture to a small group by that arsehole Gordon Ramsay. It was difficult to know what exactly was going on because there was no sound; in one sense a relief, because noisy distraction when eating out is a constant pain in the arse.

But I’m always puzzled as to what end proprietors of cafes, bars and restaurants feel is served by displaying a picture with no sound. Now fair enough; if there’s a football or cricket match on, you can see the score at top left and follow the play without the blessing(??) of commentary. But what in the name of fuck is the point of displaying a picture of (say) a film, or a music channel, without the sound? It’s just a completely irritating cunt.

On the way out, sheer curiosity compelled me to ask ‘the barista’ why the place was following this odd and annoying practice, to which I received the reply ‘boss say play picture’. I suspect that’s the closest I’ll ever get to a rational explanation on the matter. In the scheme of things it’s a minor cunt, but it’s a cunt all the same.

Nominated by Ron Knee

17 thoughts on “TV With No Sound

  1. It’s ok if there are subtitles, but watching TV in company is poor manners unless, like Ron says, it’s for sport. And then you can avoid those pubs if you don’t like that particular sport. No, watching TV in company is discourteous; it draws one’s attention away from the smartphone…..

    Just heard that the UK can unilaterally cancel Brexit. Well imagine my shock.
    The EU pretends to be upset the UK government pretend to be upset, well I’ll tell you should be upset are 34000000 voters who voted in the referendum because even the remainers must see that if the UK remain now it’s over for democracy because its just been ignored. By our government the ECJ, and the EU for ignoring their own rules otherwise what the fuck was Article 50 all about if you can just leave or stay unilaterally. And how about joining as a new country surely if I wanted to set up a new country in Bognor Regis then join I wouldn’t have to prove my worth I’d just join unilaterally become a member. They’ll do anything to keep you in. Hotel California anyone?

    • I just looked up the six cunts that brought this case to the ECJ…. have a look.
      Three MEP’s .. ‘What gravy train?’ .. Two Green party members, one of them being a 23 year old from West Coast Scotland who probably didn’t get bullied at school .. enough, ….. and another cunt.
      Cunts ..

      • From Sly News:

        “The case was brought by a group including SNP MP Joanna Cherry, SNP MEP Alyn Smith, Labour MEPs David Martin and Catherine Stihler, Green MSPs Andy Wightman and Ross Greer, and barrister Jolyon Maugham. Liberal Democrat Brexit spokesperson Tom Brake and Labour MP Chris Leslie were listed as additional parties in court documents.”

        Mega Cunts all.

    • It’s all going beautifully to plan:

      MPs vote down May’s sellout deal on Tuesday. Corbyn repeats “the alternative isn’t No Deal, nobody is going to allow No Deal…” Boris agrees. Mrs May has ruled out “a people’s vote or second referendum.” All that’s left then is “No Brexit At All”. ECJ rules that’s great, May revokes Article 50, and hey presto we’re back in the EUSSR, simples! Phew…

      • Hey RTC can you tell me the lottery numbers because you can obviously see the future. Mind you my dear old Nan could tell you how it was going to end and she’s been dead 12 months. Hope she haunts their traitorous lives they’d regret that she was a 5’0″ fiery Yorkshire woman who survived the nazis and cheered when we voted out.
        I’m going to Manchester to see my daughter graduate from the RNCM. She then flies off to China at the beginning of January to start a two year contract playing in an top orchestra. We are so proud of her and will miss her but can honestly say I don’t want her to come back to the UK to live cos it’s fucked.
        Those cunts have sold us and her out.
        They are traitors to the core.

      • Lottery numbers goodwoodone? 040519532

        Good luck to your daughter. The Chinks are the future. Rather them than the peacefuls…


      • They are sadly just as dangerous as our peaceful friends, just in a less ignorant and bigotted way.

      • Enjoy Manchester, and very many congrats to your daughter – music is VITAL.
        Hope she gets into the Vienna Phil.

        GB is indeed fucked.

      • And the day that it happens (they cancel article 50), don’t forget to cancel your Council Tax and TV Licence on the very same day.

        Some supercilious cunt said to me: “Oh they [the Govt] won’t care because that’s money collected by the local authority for the local authority!”

        Oh really. So when we bankrupt most of the councils in England and Wales, they’re not going to go crying to their overlords in Cuntminster? Fucking idiot!

        No violence, no acrimony, sends a clear message and hits them in the area they care about most: our hard-earned money to be pointlessly pissed away on the undeserving and ridiculous infrastructure projects that no one wants (other than kickback MPs and Govt lobbyists) like HS2.

        It potentially could also be legally justified in the “No taxation without representation!” sense.


      • The fucking EU and their subsidaries are just like fucking pikeys – Juncker being father because he is always pissed and telling lies.

        Don’t wan’t clothes-pegs, well we can sharpen your knives, and Holy Jesus, missus I’ve just by chance looked up at your roof and it needs retiling. No?. Well your front garden is in a bit of a mess, how about we tidy it up for you for £500.

        When will the fuckwits realise that No means no.

        I am sure Dame Keir and his bingo companion Mangledbum are rubbing their hands with glee, and the lipstick grin wider than ever. And there in the shithouse , Umunna having warmed up the seat for him, is little Dominic Grieve, sitting on the shitter for a celebratory crap, his skinny little legs apart screwing up his ugly putrid face and his glasses getting steamed up while he tries to shit out a few pebbles. Soon he will be calling for his fucking nanny to wipe his arse. Nanny is donning her gas mask now in anticipation of the foul stench that will greet her nose.

        What a bunch of transparent motherfuckers.

  3. As far as I can see they do it just to wind me up since just about everybody on the screen is a fucking cunt.
    It’s really fucking annoying when you can see Alastair Peoples Vote Campbell on the screen, you know exactly what the whiny turd is saying, but you can’t hear it. You can’t blurt out “ shut your fucking hole wanker.” or people will think you are mental.
    Yeah, I agree, silent sport or switch the fucking thing off.

  4. There is a lot to be said for TV without sound – for shows with studio audiences, who, in return for free tickets, squeal, cheer, shout, whistle and beat the living daylights out of their hands at every bit of shit the studio manager tells them to. I give you some daft cunt who came sixth in the 2002 series of X Factor he/she/it will get the same degree of applause as the second coming.

    Some fucking radio shows like The News Quiz and Now Show should be silent as well – permanently

  5. A silent comedy themed pub would be interesting. Silent films on the telly, and you’re not allowed to talk. You have to mouth what you’re saying or use a chalkboard to place you order.
    The only music would be a piano.

    The Chaplin-Keyton-Lloyd bar.

  6. TV without sound can be beneficial.

    For instance in the canteen just now, they always show BBC Fake News 24.

    I can see Derbycunt’s twisting face but she is blissfully silent!

  7. If this goes through my fellow cunters we NEED to act. Not with words, we have to go to Londonistan, take this country back maybe rope a few aspiring architects too. These traitors have to pay for their actions.

    Good day all

  8. On the subject of tv with no sound, on Friday last I attended an out patient appt. at the hospital. The waiting room had a large telly on the wall showing a studio panel discussion on something or other with no sound or subtitles. About half the people in the room were staring at it as though in a trance. You just can’t help it. On my way out I asked the receptionist, out of interest, why it was on at all. She looked at me blankly as if I was a bit batty, then when she saw I was serious, said ‘oh we always just put it on’. Baffling.

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