How has The Last Leg not been cunted before? This pile of wank used to be a really good show during the 2012 Paralympics and in the ensuing years after it – but then Brexit and Trump happened, and its true regressive colours started to shine through. Here’s an example of an episode from the most recent season:
The boys discuss Brexit, Trump, the murder of Saudi dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi, and the papoose with Tracey Ullman and award Alex for his activism but also punish him with the global warming challenge for losing their vegan bet.
I stopped watching the show in February last year and it seems it’s just gotten worse and worse since then – which is a shame as it used to be genuinely funny. Fuck them (please don’t sue me for copyright infringement DF).
Nominated by Opinionated Cunt
Yeah I used to quite like it but they all end up the same, smug, remoaner, laandan, metrosexual, ooh I just called Trump a manboy for the millionth time. Fuck off.
Never heard of this shite before but apparently the show is supposed to:
“look back on the latest news and give their alternative commentary.”
Sounds like all the other commentary on every other show on every other channel.
Shame I can’t install some kind of twat filter on my telly.
….But then I guess there’d be nothing left to watch.
Never heard of it for which I am blissful in my ignorance.
I am sure though it is presented by a bunch of cunts, made by a bunch of cunts to be viewed by a bunch of cunts.
Nowt new there with broadcast TV an they know it, frankly there is no point in feeding pigs cherries if they are happy with shit so the viewers get the shite they deserve.
No wonder it stopped being funny once the Paralympics finished.
Fuck Off.
Never fucking heard of it. Don’t think I’ll check it out either.
Currently away for a few days in Blighty’s wonderful countryside, with no access to a telly
Fucking bliss.
Good afternoon.
I’d love to think that you were camped out on the White Cliffs of Dover armed with a sniper’s rifle and a Spotter looking for little rubber boats full of Peaceful People.
Afternoon Jack.
What a spiffing idea. Why aren’t the cliffs lined with snipers. If we allow pheasant and grouse shooting, why not peasant and louse shooting? Sport in the community. Hand out the bullets for free and save on benefits and dole.
Happy New Year, chaps.
Stop tracking me you cunt.
While I have a shite signal I’ll wish everyone on this noble site good health and good fortune in the coming year.
Small inflatable at two o’ clock …..
Switching to infra red, must go.
Good evening
I was out earlier chumming (ie groundbaiting) for sharks, JTC. They’ll have a good appetite now.
Oh I thought this was a link to a mucky movie starring Heather Mills.
Yet another NPC comedy panel show containing interchangeable, leftist, on-message shills.
“Orange man baaaaad!”
“Brexit baaaaad!”
Yeah, fuck off!
I just read in the local paper that the prices are going up in Greggs the bakers….
Twitter user Ellie wrote: “I’m sure that, in a hundred years, the greatest tragedy of brexit will always be remembered as the day that the price of a greggs meal deal increased by 15p.”
Fuck me,why should Britain tremble?
2 unfunny cunts and a 1 legged Aussie. What’s not to like?
Smug, right-on, humour-free shite. Audience of smug, right-on London (presumably) cunts.
My favourite along with Mock the fucking Week and it’s desperately talent free panel fronted by the biggest Irish cunt since Bonio.
Adam Hills is an annoying unfunny CUNT. I thought we’d heard the last of him when he left for England but no, endless repeats of his shit shows from both countries. His smug face and snide nasal east coast accent shits me to tears, if only there was an old Luftwaffe bomb went off when he was making his show. I watch that one over and over.
If you think that cunt is unfunny, watch the Springbok cunt Trevor Noah on ‘Murican TV. Now that is a cunt.
Ah yes, Trevor “all I do is make the democratic audience moist by making cheap Trump jokes” Noah.
It’s truly tragic the decline the show has had. It really is. I used to be a loyal viewer but it’s just gotten so bad now that I can’t watch it without feeling seething rage.
A New Years message:
I would like to extend a truly hearfelt swift farewell to all those finding themselves in peril in the channel.
I offer a bag of pork scratchings in return for your efforts.
Now fuck off.
Goodbye for now.
I second your sentiments random ….
May I suggest that instead of a bag of pork scratchings, we offer them each a bag of bricks to help them on their journey.
Or free tickets on a ship back to North Africa.
They can stoke the boilers on the way across. Encouraged by a cat o’ nine tails of course.
Tomorrow, when the darts has finished we should deputise these mainly white men. They have a good aim and could easily take out a few hundred of these idiots in the channel.
It would be made better if the man who shouts 180 was there along with the cheerleaders of course.
This guy should definitely be invited too….…1.0..0.226.1770.6j9j1……0….1…….5..46j35i39j46i39j0i131j46i131j33i160.ep4BD-bRnsA#imgrc=hSxAOT-fZFuf0M:
It’s been reported that two more Border Force boats have been brought in to patrol the channel, in response to increased attempts by migrants to enter this country illegally.
They have been fitted out with comfortable bunks, blankets, clothing, hot food and drink dispensers, medical supplies, and a ‘Welcome To The UK’ gift pack containing money, a mobile phone, directions to the nearest benefits office and the keys to a four-bedroom council house.
Both boats have a state-of-the-art maritime navigation system installed to make sure that once the migrants are on board, they will not be taken back to France by mistake.
I’d like to see the one with the spazzy “hands” fight Gary Lineker.
Or the Aussie mono-leg vs Heather Mills (minus their falsies) in an arse kicking contest.
How about the annoying Australian (without his Heather attached) versus Oscar Petronius (without one of his spatulas attached)?
Convict vs. Convict
The Australian accent sounds like someone is taking a shit in my ears.
The Last Leg. Was the title thought up as facetious reference to the Paralympics? It was connected to the Paralympics when it started; a review of the day’s ‘action’ then the ‘comedy’. The Last Leg. Or maybe referencing the presenter’s disability? What interests me is the Doublethink. The Paralympics is risible entertainment for most. But they must have thought (this the Doublethink)we have to show that we take it seriously. The only way out (because it is boring) is to get disabled presenters on who can pretend to give a fuck for the most part. But we can quickly move onto something we really like-namely lefty political ‘humour’. It’s similar to the feminazis getting into bed with Islamists. Doublethink.
If you’re a truly wicked and despicable person, the paralympic ‘action’ IS the humour…I’ve always found it hilarious.
My morals. The funniest thing I ever saw was Blind Archery. And the funniest bit of it was them being led to where they fired,-being turned around, pointed in the direction of the target. Couldn’t help giggling. But I did watch it for a while and got caught up in the competition. My point; if it wasn’t treated in such a super- serious way then more people would accept it and enjoy it. It’s treating it in a super professional way that is the problem. I wasn’t laughing at them just at the situation.
As if my piss wasnt purple enough to start with.
I “discovered” a channel on freeview – France 24 – all in English and for a time it has had a pleasantly right wing attitude to fake news and I thought, a little fair on the trash out there. Well, thats one off the favourite list.
A programme entitled “Brexit 2019” had on it 4 “journalists / commentators / pundits. An American journo for a European paper who proffered that in the next vote nobody over 55 should be allowed to vote. An Oirish cunt who declared that in Eire they had to vote 3 times to make the “working class” realise the errors the educated had pointed out to them all along. A French bird who declared that Britain will not be allowed to leave under ANY circumstances as the EU wont let them and another French bird had said that Scotland, Ireland and Wales will band together and vote to remain en masse to “teach the bothersome English” that they are no longer rulers of an empire and they need to step back in to line with the wishes of their much larger and more powerful European neighbours.
I need several glasses of Craken, neat, with one piece of ice to sway my mood.
PS – 147,000 (I shit you not) service personnel will be on duty tonight in France to quell the yellow vest protesters who have vowed to cause havoc in Paris tonight. You have to have a bit of a soft spot for the garlic munching frogs legs scoffing French. In wars they arent much use but in peacetime they know how to fuck a government off. Why have we English lost our spines and our balls??
Evening all.
Apparently LONDONISTAN Mayor Suckdick Khunt has announced tonight’s fireworks display is designed to celebrate the Capital’s “close relationship with Europe”.
‘The sold-out display is part of Remainer Khunt’s “Open” campaign and will send a message of unity to Brussels, despite the UK leaving the bloc in three months. Mr Khunt said: “Every year our capital puts on the greatest fireworks show in the world with the spectacular images of our skyline shared all around the globe. “I’m proud that this year the millions watching around the world will see us send a message of support to more than one million EU citizens who call London their home. By paying tribute to our close relationship with Europe as we welcome in the New Year, we will once again will show the world that London will always be open.”‘
British taxpayers money well spent, I’m sure you’ll all agree… Thank fuck I don’t live there.
Happy New Year Cunters!!
Evening RTC.
Yes, and I’m sure all one million Eurotrash living in London are all contributing masses of tax, paying for their accommodation, never complaining about Britain, and none is claiming the dole.
The fireworks show in London IS the best in the World but it has nothing to do with the drug-dealing, tax-dodging Iron Curtains, zero to do with that mendacious, mudslime mîdget, and fuck all to do with the ghastly, anti-democratic EU nest of cunts.
Happy New Year, old chap.
Thanks Captain, same to you. Wish I could add “things can only get better…”
If only one of the fireworks had a 100 megaton warhead attached….
Happy new year RTC! And it’s a shame Citizen Khant isn’t strapped to one of them.
Cheers OC – you’re doing a fantastic job btw.
Regards and thanks to all Admin.
He can stick his ‘close relationship with Europe’ fireworks right up his jacksie (and light them) fucking sneaky, agenda pushing cunt.
I cannot abide that jumped up little remnant of turd. Too bad that they don’t strap him to one of the fuckers and blow him up over the Thames… that really WOULD be a ‘Happy New Year’.
Happy New Year all.
Oops, sorry OpinionatedCunt.
I have just read your ‘strapping’ post. It seems great cunts think alike!
Bugger that. That’s got to be illegal Imagine the shower of flying cunts that would descend on a mayor spending (fucking scarce) public money to promote Leave. The one million EU citizens who call London their home can fuck right off with a rocket assist back to the place which IS their home.
Wishing all you cunters and the admin team a happy new year!!
massive thank you to the AM team for their tireless work and infinite patience.
Keep the faith keep on cunting ….. ?
Sajid Javids answer to the swarm of Chanel hopping sandy people is to send MORE navy TAXIS to pick these chancers up???
Useless fucking wimp!
The government should state any cunt illegally crossing will never be given asylum status, Instead they will be put on a naval cutter and returned to France… once that message got back to Calais I’m sure those people trafficking cunts would be out if business………
For nigh on 60 fucking years I’ve sat on Auld Year’s Night and thought that maybe this new year will be better than the last….never been right yet.
Fuck Off.
I’m drinking enough port to enable me to nod off on the sofa about a quarter to midnight and miss all the firework wankers.
So Mr F, are you going to be able to make someone’s night …….. (more miserable)?!
Never go out on this night, Mr. C-E….can’t stand the enforced jollity and false bonhomie. Bunch of Cunts who call you worse than shite all year then want to pretend that they wish you well just because it’s a New Year.
Enjoy your port,a fine drink. I’m on the Bushmills and in a suitably belligerent state to see off any sponging first-footers who make the mistake of pitching up here.
I’ll have to make sure I don’t get too fucked up…last New Years I got into a terrible state and woke up to find that I’d bought a non-running Lancia on eBay!
That’s precisely why we fuck off for a few days, to get away from false cunts. The current highlight of the evening is a Tawny Owl in the woods doing overtime on the hooting.
Meanwhile, back home, our ghastly relatives are having a fancy dress party.
Fucking degenerates.
Fuck me, Dick (not literally, unless you really are the Kriddler in disguise) it’s almost like you’ve got a soft side with that tune there.
Music-wise I can’t help thinking of you in your tupping prime when I hear this ditty – Jake Thackeray’s Bantam Cock.
Don’t worry, RuffTuff will be along in a mo to provide technically-illiterate fucks like me with a ‘link’.
Merry New Year
LOL. Cheers for that, TFC. Never heard it before,but certainly perked me up.
Think nothing of it, the least I could do in return for your enlightened thoughts throughout the year.
While I’m on a roll then, look up these two: graham – sleaford mods, oh and chop chop chop by the same band.
Happy cunting for 2019.
Sajid Javids answer to the swarm of Chanel hopping sandy people is to send MORE naval TAXIS to pick the chancers up?
Useless fucking wimp!
The government should state any cunt illegally crossing will never be given asylum status, Instead put on a naval cutter and returned to France… once that message got back to Calais I’m sure those people trafficking cunts would be out if business………
Happy new year to all the wonderful cunts on this site (except a certain cunt who attacked me on my Pearson nom – you know who you are).
I suspect you think that was me. Not intentional.
Another vintage year of cunting comes to a close…
Been nice talking with you….
Indeed. Cheers JR…your jokes are fantastic!
Here’s to a 2019 where hopefully the cuntings will be better than ever.
Oh, I don’t know OC, I reckon we’ll run out of people and things to cunt…(!)
No chance Thomas. So many cunts, so little time!
Merry Drunkmas and new years eve cunters just drank a gin and tonic and dubonnet cunttail think a bit a wine is a good idea too feeling nice and fucked right about now lol
Try a Dog’s Nose if you’ve got some Gin and Guinness, T.S…..Warm the Guinness slightly in the microwave and then add as much gin as you dare..I tend to go for a third of a schooner glass filled with gin and then topped out with the Guinness.
Happy times.
I have plenty of gin DF, have a bottle of Boodles, plymouth and gordons to be exact I don’t have any guinness tho will have to take a another shot for not having any guinness on stock lol
Guess I could have a salty dog as far as dog name cocktails goes, have a grapefruit in the fridge better start mashing it
I was a child at the start of this decade. Fuck me what happened to the time?
Fucking slips by quick. O.C..
No kidding.
Best Wishes to you and your family.
Thanks Dick. From what I’ve heard it only gets worse as you get older so that’s something to dread. Incidentally I have a cunting about this coming up early next month lamenting this very phenomenon.
See the Peaceful people are out tonight in Manchester Victoria station…..3 stabbed apparently. What a culturally-enriching species they are. Utter fucking filth.
Fucking BBC make no mention of the fact that he was screaming about “Allah”, only that he was a man in his sixties…a “mentally-ill British citizen”,no doubt.
Happy New Year to all the contributors and Admin for a glorious site full of education, humour, and common sense. I can’t stand the HYY banalities but this little part of England keeps me sane and enthralled.
As the bard said, “The course of true cunts never did run smooth.”
Meanwhile their has been some cultural enrichment at Manchester Victoria station tonight. The party reveller was heard to shout Allah Akbar before performing an ancient New Year’s Eve tradition which ended in a blood bath. These guys crease me up with their high jinx performances .
No doubt Sly News will play it down showing candle lit vigils and cry’s of we stand together while Al BBC won’t even mention it.
Joe fucking Sugg on Al-Beebistan’s countdown coverage! Since when was being a YouTube vlogger counted as being proper celebrity status?!
I saw Madness tonight. They look old fat and tired. There hearts not in it any more.
Happy New Year fellow cunters and fuck off to the rest of the world
I noticed they got that no voice “comedian” on for the show. the one everyone voted for on that shite Ant and Dec talent show out of pity. Because feelings and showing support is more important than actually being funny.
They also had to get that flipper hand bloke in and his shaggy-haired carer on. Yawn. This is basically mainstream entertainment now – put the spastics and ethnics on a pedestal, make cheap jokes about Brexit and Trump, the Channel 4 / Al BBC applaudes and pats itself on the back for being so virtuous.
I watched a couple of episodes about 4 years ago and my eyes swivelled at the C4 box ticking. My friend nearly caused a riot when it came up at a BBQ and he repeatedly referred to the one with the thalidomide arms as ‘flipper boy’. several liberal snowflake millennials were outraged.