Stephen Fry [6]

** Suggested Emergency Cunting

Stephen Fry
It had to happen, I suppose. Self-aggrandising bellend in his own lifetime Fry has become the latest Metrocentric luvvy to throw his unsought twopenn’orth in on the Brexit issue.
In a video entitled ‘Brexit; Facts v Fear’, the posturing ninny claims that the Leave campaign was based on ‘deception, racism and baseless fear’. Grand ego that he is, Fry chooses to educate 17.4m. lesser mortals on the error of our ways because we desire to break free from the choking grasp of a centralised, bureaucratic, antidemocratic monstrosity. We’re stupid of course, not to mention being bigots and xenophobes, and we’ve been fooled by Brexit ‘myths’. Predictably he ends by calling for a ‘people’s vote’, because naturally the first people’s vote didn’t produce the result that he in his wisdom thinks it should have.
Regulars on here may recall my cunting of ‘opinionated luvvies’ a while ago, when I took to task the likes of Benecunt Cumbercunt and Patshit Stewarse for hectoring the rest of us with their unsought views on everything under the fucking sun. Supercunt Fry needs to be added to the list immediately. What is it with these people? They obtain a measure of celebrity by being on the telly, writing a novel or making a record, and presume that this entitles them to bore the shit out of everybody with their self-assumption of ‘expertise’ on Brexit, climate change, Trump, world poverty or whatever.
Well here’s MY message to YOU Mr Fry, conveyed courtesy of this estimable site.Your video is nothing more than the kind of loaded, hypocritical propaganda puff piece that you purport to condemn. Your ‘facts’ are really just opinions, and what you term ‘fears’ are just opinions of others that you don’t happen to agree with. I’m as unimpressed by YOUR scare stories as I am by your preening pseudo intellectualism. To me, you’re just another vain luvvy who knows that he’s right and millions of others are wrong. Just fuck off; take your video and insert it where the sun don’t shine, assuming that you can find room for it there.

Nominated by Ron Knee

41 thoughts on “Stephen Fry [6]

  1. So some manic depressive who’s been banged up for credit card fraud and likes fucking blokes up the arse thinks I can be educated…..

    I’m all ears….

    • A case of *prick up your ears* JRC?

      Why this bloated lardarse shirtlifter has been given *national treasure* status astonishes me. *Pompous bugger* would be a more appropriate title, though I am sure a future Labour government loaded with Blairite fairies will award him a Sainthood. He is, like them, a supercilious cunt who patronises those he considers his inferiors (which is just about anyone who is not of royal status, or dead entertainers who died years before he was born, but implies they were personal friends)

  2. The Oscar Wilde of modern times…… a preening, arrogant, posh fucking cunt completely in love with himself and his own self defined brilliance. Oh and a bum pervert with a taste for much younger men.
    Hardly surprising that he’s a remoaner nor that he can’t keep his uninformed and unwanted opinions to himself.
    Fuck this cunt to hell the fat fucking poof.

  3. This revolting creature’ll be worried that his supply of “barely-legal” rentboys dries up.

    On a completely unrelated manner, isn’t it reassuring to know that all of the Peter Pan type of Perverts in the “Arts” who were flushed out were past-it,washed-up old Cunts and not the urbane,oh-so-witty National Treasure types.

    I wonder if Fry is going to take his husband for a drive in the car to look at some puppies for his Christmas present? It’ll be just like the good old days for the pair of them.

    Fuck Off.

    • Great stuff Fiddler. I know you remonstrate against knob-jockery, but from what I can tell, you stop short of wanting us hung from cranes al la (allah, tee hee) our brethren of certain geographical and joke-book persuasion. That’s all the ‘tolerance’ I seek, and the rest of the LGBTQXYZ mentally diseased lot can fuck right off to hell.

      • I actually rant about all make and manner of things, WAM. I’m an equal opportunities type of Cunter. Spouting bile and bollocks has become a recreational pastime for me, I’m afraid. I’m prepared to admit that I actually laugh out loud at some of my more lurid rants when I read them back….make of that what you will.
        The only thing that comforts me is that at my (probably) inevitable trial for Hate Crimes, they won’t be able to find a dozen “unbiased” people for the jury…it’s a pretty fair bet that somewhere in my back catalogue, there’ll be something insulting about every one no matter what colour,creed,sexuality or physical/mental abilities.

        🙂 .

      • You have truly fucked off every ‘ism’, but you have done so with such mastery of the English language, and that is why you are venerated. This site is for those who have gone beyond the end of their tether of ‘ismry’. We do so eloquently and articulately. Just two simple little things that the Stepfordian Snowflakes cannot compute.

      • Mean’t to add….. I’d happily see 99.99% of the Worlds population swinging from the gibbet…regardless of whatever proclivity they may enjoy.

      • I have said it before Dick but your eloquent, piss myself laughing comments you cook up are pure artistry. The 99.99% reminds me of James Bolam in “whatever happened to the likely lads” episode – called “no hiding place”
        And Bolam’s rant is only about nationalities – were that you Dick I reckon you would be there an hour listing your gallows noms 😉

  4. I wonder why none of these showbiz cunts can come out in favour of leave?
    Do they think it would be a career ending move?
    Well it would certainly end their BBC gravy train journey.
    What a pile of cunts.
    Fry should restrict his comments on subjects he is knowledgeable on, for example boys bottoms

    • It may be because they think that gobbing off on Brexit will make them look as a big a self opinionated cunt as Fry and his fellow twats look. I like to think that anyway.

    • Roger Daltrey is the only out and out Leaver – top bloke and no surprise!

      Good cunting against that chutney eater Fry. Treacherous cunt about whom you just one day want to wake up and hear has hanged himself from his roof beam just as he’s chickened out of doing.

      Maybe with that Queen David Fucking Walliams as a counterweight .

  5. I watched about 30 seconds of this crap fry was talking about creating a dragon to frighten people ????
    Daft luvvie Cunt…….

  6. Yes, I’m really going to take heed of Stephen’s advice. Someone who’s devoted his life to leaving ‘ Fry’s Chocolate Cream ‘ deposits on young male’s bedsheets, is someone who obviously has his finger on the pulse.

  7. Shame. I didnt mind him, even after QI.
    Now he’ll have to disappear into the box marked ‘irrelevant’

  8. Nyaaa, tish pish and tummyrubbish. I cannot stomach this fat, unamusing, arrogant, dirtbox-delving p0nce.

    It is just typical of an arrogant, self-aggrandising cunt like Fry to believe he is sufficiently intellectually and morally virtuous to address 17.4m voters to listen to his personal view.

    Fry’s emotional intelligence never developed beyond the point it was when he was 8 years old. If Fry is supposed to pass for someone of higher intelligence then we best also make way for that prodigious intellect with an IQ of 150+ – the one and only Diane Abbott.

    Fry has limited capacity for intelligent thoughts beyond his own sphere comprising entertainment, bumming and gobbling off, pretty boys, pharmaceuticals and a surfeit of rich and fat-laden food. Fry is a unequivocal high grade cunt. He should just fuck off and put his gob to better use – around the cheesy corona of his young ‘husband’.

  9. Nyaaa, tish pish and tummyrubbish. I cannot stomach this fat, unamusing, arrogant, dirtbox-delving p0nse.

    It is just typical of an arrogant, self-aggrandising cunt like Fry to believe he is sufficiently intellectually and morally virtuous to address 17.4m voters to listen to his personal view.

    Fry’s emotional intelligence never developed beyond the point it was when he was 8 years old. If Fry is supposed to pass for someone of higher intelligence then we best also make way for that prodigious intellect with an IQ of 150+ – the one and only Diane Abbott.

    Fry has limited capacity for intelligent thoughts beyond his own sphere comprising entertainment, bumming and gobbling off, pretty boys, pharmaceuticals and a surfeit of rich and fat-laden food. Fry is a unequivocal high grade cunt. He should just fuck off and put his gob to better use – around the cheesy corona of his young ‘husband’.

  10. If the cunt had ever visited his home in Norfolk before he flogged it off, he, too, would have voted leave. When I lived just a couple of miles from his gaff, the first language I would hear on entering Norfolk would be Polish. Go to Kings Lynn – Polish. Go to Wisbech – Polish.

    He’s an utter has been cunt. Even Strictly and Get Me Out of Here wouldn’t have him. Has done nothing original since Blackadder.

    • Thanks Mecha. As you’ve probably gathered, the arrogant brassneck of this cunt really got my neck up.

  11. Some years ago a well-meaning relative gave me Fry´s autobiography as a Christmas present although God knows why. I would have thrown it in the bin after two pages but did not want to hurt her feelings so ploughed on. It was a series of self-indulgent recollections in which “celebrity” names were dropped like stitches and the prose gushed like an out-of-control garden hosepipe spraying water all over the place.

    I even noted a couple of passages of purple prose which I hereby inflict on you. The first is from his Cambridge days: “I ..shall never find the sight of young men in dégagé evening wear punting their loved ones along the river on a summer’s morning anything other than agonizingly romantic, piercingly lovely and heart-stoppingly adorable.”

    Here is another sample of his would-be Oscar Wildeism: “I became a sort of actor who is also a sort of writer who is also a sort of comedian who is also a sort of broadcaster who is also a sort of all sorts of all sorts sort.”

    Honestly, I did not invent the above and when I wrote a review pointing that this was tosh I was the one who was criticized for not appreciating what a genius Fry was. Maybe he is because he obviously knows you cannot underestimate the intelligence of people who think they are intelligent.

      • There are no worse writers on here. Much less Oscar Wilde than Barbara Cartland for homosexual snowflakes.

      • Tranny snowflake Grayson Perry was on HIGNFY last week, dressed up as Barbara Cartland ffs.

        (I try not to watch, but the wife insists on having it on)

        Fry not fit to lick the dog shit off Oscar Wilde’s shoes… though am sure he’d pay handsomely for the privilege.

  12. All these cunts like Fry really do piss me off , the 17.4 million leavers were wrong, no they were not.
    To assume something is wrong just because you take a different view is just avoiding the truth, a vote to leave is an opinion, a desire, a hope…. it isnt wrong

    Good solid cunting ?

  13. I see the bankers errand boy Macron was booed today when he went to see his name scrawled across the Arc de Triumph. Completely surrounded by banks of coppers protecting his grannyshagging Vichy arse.

    • Well said, Sir. This preening married-to-a-fucking-tranny walking rectum needs an appointment with Mme. la Guillotine, pronto. Wanky fucking shortarse cunt.

  14. Fry gives us manic depressives a bad name. Can he just shut up, bugger his husband/wife whatever spend some money and fuck off. His views and opinions are of no interest to me at all. Has he been diagnosed manic depressive? Or did he like many celebs choose to label himself manic depressive cos it sounds better than coke addled pissant who parks his bike up the dirt track.

    • Cyclothymia, I think he called it manic depression lite. But it gets him on the mental health ishoos victim gravy train. Oo isn’t he wonderful ‘starting a national conversation on issues around.. I’m fucked in the head, but multi millionaire luvvy cunts like him don’t help one jot.

  15. To be honest he gets away with being a cunt rather well all things considered. Uphill gardening is legal now and unless I’m forced to watch it I’m not particularly bothered what goes on behind closed doors or if Mr Fry chooses to use his mellifluous vocal tones to pass comment on his Brexit views. If other pseudo-intellectual snobs like to pretend he is the modern Oscar Wilde then that’s their perogative. Those of us who can spot a bullshitter need have no fear of whatever mildly entertaining twaddle Mr Fry comes up with or indeed in whatever context because it cannot affect our daily lives one iota. Am I playing devil’s advocate on this or just being a shit-stirring cunt? I’m not sure myself. Actually if it’s not already been thought of I’d like some sort of cunt scale to measure cuntishness in much the same way as the Beaufort or Richer Scale. Perhaps Mr Fry measures around 2 or 3 on the Sphincter Scale, assuming a minimum of 1 (e.g. Noel Edmonds) and a maximum 10 (e.g. Tony Blair).

  16. Another product of the Edinburgh Fringe, and a self promoting twat who fucks assholes. I saw this cunt only a few years back in a shop in Instow in Devon. He was with a younger male. Both were frothing for a shag, and were later to be seen entering the dunes. Ghastly cunt!

  17. A queer with a super ego and a massive chip on his shoulder Ex jailbird with far too much to say for himself Do what you do best in times of stress go and hide under a stone you big girl

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