I want to nominate Professor Brian Cox for being in the same room as James O’ Brien yesterday and not taking the opportunity to smash his smug remoaning face to a bloody pulp. Un-fucking-forgivable.
At the time of broadcast I was not aware these bellends had a history of wallowing in each other’s rectal discharge – in fact I hadn’t even heard of this particular Cox before he popped up on O’Cunt’s radio show, so I naively gave Cox the benefit of the doubt, thinking he must have been suckered into endorsing Lord Haw Haw’s especially evil strain of Project Fear…
(Following the clip above they went on to tongue each other’s ringpieces relentlessly for a further half an hour or so.)
I have since conducted some serious research and discovered Professor Cox to be:
“one of the most irritating presenters on television, a giant arse-chicken, wobbly-brained, minge-piece cunt, a theoretical physicist (charlatan) involved with CERN (centre for Euro research or some such bollocks, fucking Google it if you care).”
He also happens to be a mong and one hell of a CUNT.
Nominated by Ruff Tuff Creampuff
Poor Brian Cox, he just wants to make the world a better place….. I dont know why he would get involved with the ares wipe JOB.
He should stick to making programes about fucking science, that is his field and he does come over quite well for the media to make sience interesting.
I have to agree, he does deserve his cunting for being within punching range of JOB and not taking the oportuninty to demonstrate some basic physics, mass x acceleration = a broken nose for the cunt JOB!
Irrefutable cunting, Sir!
The moment these two limp wristed jackoffs enter close proximity the probability of reaching terminal cunt velocity is surely without need of calculation.
Compounding the audible misery is the astronomical levels of smug these two precision cunts constantly emanate from their punchable mugs, without even trying.
JoB wishes he was the certified smart arse cocknose that Cox is. Both think they know so much but in reality they are just little schoolboys who memorized others insights.
Cox fucks me off in particular for being a scientific paradigm arse licker cheerleader. Not once has he ever entertained the possibility that relativity is the biggest bunch of scientific wank to be entertained.
And now the Mystery of the Cosmos with D.Ream’s Professor Brian Cox…
“The universe. It’s big. It’s like the big shop your Mam used to do on Friday nights but bigger!”
“The speed of light is fast. It’s like necking the 3 pints you ordered at 10.50pm – and still have at 11.15pm – before getting chucked out at 11.20pm; only faster!”
“There could be diamonds the size of planets out there, we simply don’t know. But what we do know is that certain astronomical events create vast amounts of pressure, so it is conceivable. Imagine if Adele sat on a piece of coal, shortly thereafter you’d have a diamond!”
“I’m often asked if I think there is extra terrestrial life out in space. I like to think so. But what life that will be and how advanced, that’s the real question. They could be vastly superior to man, the same, invertebrate, microbe, even as low as the guests on the Jeremy Kyle Show!”
“As a professor, I sometimes struggle with anomalies. My doctor however has proscribed a cream for them and they’re clearing up nicely.”
Can’t stand professor coxheads narrating on bbc earth programs fucking aggravating to watch this perma smiled know it all talk in loops about science. you summed him up nicely
No idea who this Cox fuck is but if he is invited on to the O’Shithead show he must be a dirty remoaner, EU loving cunt……and probably a bender or a trannie as well. These, along with the immos, are the chosen people in the O’Shithead world.
The white working class are lazy fucking dim Nazis according to O’Smugcunt.
If you really want to blow the top off your head one of his regular guests is the Great Son of a Bus Driver. Listening to those two cunts metaphorically sixtynining each other would make a saint swear.
I have to admit I liked professor Cox for his documentaries and general northern nice bloke attitude. Unfortunately, scientists rely on the fact they can free load off of a euro merry go round where one country will support them for a couple of years whilst they figure out the terminal velocity of semen entering another person’s face hole.
Science is a remainer, so every professor has become a cunt in my eyes. Although, to be fair, I voted out for personal reasons as much as the benefit to everyone else and they’re only protecting their own profession so I have some remorse. JoB though can go suck shit through a straw. That cunt is a self obsessed big head, who feels normal people can’t make decisions for themselves because they don’t agree with his I know best bellend ideals. I hope in any civil unrest he ‘accidentally’ takes a solid object to the head.
I am interested in physics but cant watch programmes that either Cox or the Irish cunt O’Brain are on.
Dara O’Briain (or whatever his fekking name is) really gets on my tits. An ungainly ugly weird looking monster of a man who is about as funny and cringeworthy as Theresa May dancing.
Used to play keyboard in this popular beat combo.
Remember the song but not the band.
Was able to tolerate him if talkiing about scientific matters but now that I know he is a Remoaner will steer clear of anything he appears in. Sorry matey.
Probably the music on its own is enough to make him a large stinking cunt.
Nice one Willie – Tony B. Liar’s theme tune!
If you didn’t know better you’d think they were taking the piss.
The Prof is indeed A Cunt for All Seasons.
Cox? Name says it all. A fucking perma-smile face-jobbed cunt.
You got me wondering Sir Limply… are there any Cox’s who aren’t cunts? Brian Cox (the actor), Saint Jo, her sex pest husband… can’t find one that isn’t…
Therefore, scientifically speaking, all Cox’s are Cunts.
Thanks for all the great replies Cunters!
PS: in case you missed the actor Cox last time around, here’s the proof (if needed) that he is indeed a massive cunt:
RT, being the spoon-faced loner he is, I bet he’s seen a few ‘cox’ during his “science nights” with other nerds discussing astrophysics, eating pot noodles on toast, and watching “How I Met Your Mother.”
A highly educated and intelligent man,apparently. Best to just kick his type in the Cunt before they get a chance to start spouting their bullshit. I couldn’t give a flying-fuck about Particle Physics,whatever it might be. Eggheads should stick to discovering how to speed up the broadband for my Pornhub sessions,and not waste their time,and the taxpayers money on shit that’ll never be of interest,or use,to me.
Is he a lesbian? Certainly looks like one in the top picture.
Good cunting, Ruff Tuff.
This wannabe Rocketman, EU-apologist is an irritating turd not only because of his aloof attitude to Leave voters but also because of his jangly shit-eating grin when talking up science and talking down to non-academics.
Cease pretending you’re a tv astronaut and shut the fuck up with the preaching you one-hit wonderous, speech-impedimented cunt.
Cheers Capt. ?
I saw an advert in the paper earlier this week saying that Professor Cock is doing a fucking ‘world tour’ next year, and punting tickets to said do. It makes me wonder; between this, book launches, tv and radio chat show appearances and making documentaries to tell me that the universe is very big, with lots of galaxies and stars and stuff, when does the cunt actually do any ‘professoring’ to students?
Ah student fillies. “Professoring”. Doubtless Cock makes time for a spot orf Big Hugging and knicker inspection orf same.
Hey Sir Limply, didn’t Frankie Howard do a mint in his later years doing the auld student circuit?
What a disappointment he’d be to his heroes, Carl Ssgan and Richard Feynman, who always encouraged scepticism and questioning of authority. Sagan championed the airing off controversial views, even the whacky ones. I wonder if the Prof’s beloved employer BBC took this advice on allowing AGW sceptics a say?…
Plus he’s from Manchester so after boring you to death talking about the speed of light he’ll sell you some shit drugs and nick your wallet, the dirty Manc.
The goody-goody two shoes is bound to have a seriously DARK side, they always do. Meanwhile thanks for the heads up Cap, will avoid scoring off the woofter cunt, fucking menace to society.
I fucking despise this gormless grinning tit. “Light travels very fast, and everything is made of atoms, and I’ve passed my exams, and everyone thinks I’m wonderful.”
I’d love to give the smug cunt a good kicking.
I’d give him a 4 on the Sphincter Scale for making those awful BBC programmes where he spends an hour travelling around the whole fucking world to his favourite exotic destinations on a BBC expense account funded jolly as a 5 star hotel inspector for Trip Advisor. He could stay at home and give his primary school level explanation of scientific concepts without having to check out boutique hotels for Bear Grylls. As for Brexit, I think the general rule for all these celebs coming out of the woodwork and commenting is “did I vote for you? No? Well SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU CUNT!
The BBC love him because he is Right-On-Message.
On Global Warming, sorry, Climate Change or Climate Chaos or whatever, ,cultural diversity, EU, Globalisation.
Not like that other poor scientist, David Bellamy that was non-personned for daring to question the Orthodoxy.
And the toffs at the Beeb think that because Doctor Brian Cox has a cute mop, that he is right down with da kids.
Nicely summed up Mr Doonhammer sir – stoatin point re David Bellamy…
I find Prof Cox extremely irritating. Why ? It’s that perpetual stupid grin on his face and how he minces along the street with a limp wrist .Makes him look like a camp Soy Boy.
I heard that he’s not a Chutney ferret , that cant be the case can it ???
He and all pop-scientists are attentionwhoring, PR-fellating cunts. Spend a few years doing actual science and the rest of their lives talking about it for sweet cash.
Given how hard it is to sustain an early academic career in science, I can see why the chatshow option might look appealing to a recent PhD. But this is a hyperenergetic offensively enthusiastic maniac with an established scientific career, which looks very much to me to be the result of grinning at the right people and not being too Manc. This is a Blair, in other words. A Blair who is actually as clever as Blair thinks he is, and a Blair capable of testing hypotheses before blairing them to the world, but a Blair nevertheless.
Actually, though, the fault is with the exclusively arts-educated media and their perception that the little people won’t understand science unless it is diluted to dishwater-strength and filtered through the PR percolator before being administered in small doses with a teaspoonful of bullshit to make it go down. And Cox is made for that.
Watching ‘Politics live’. Talking about the Climate..what fucking annoys me is the greens stone cold certainty that they are right, that the climate is changing because of what we are doing. They like to forget that virtually all of their forecasts have proven to be hopelessly wrong. Didn’t that cunt Al Gore predict that by now all the Arctic ice would have melted? There are plenty of scientists who disagree that climate change is manmade, Jeremy Corbyn’s brother Piers for one and the ex head of Greenpeace for another. They just don’t get a look in.to think that we are able to micromanage the climate by 1 or 2 degrees is to vastly overestimate our abilities.
Doc Cox aka Ivor Biggun from That’s Life is more vulgar than any of us, but he’s not related to Prof Cox.