
Philanthropy. My argument in a nutshell; a philanderer plays about with women. A philanthropist plays about with money.

George Soros played the market Black Wednesday. Made a billion dollars in a single day. Then gave a lot away. Was he embarrased? I suppose it’s a sort of redemption redeeming your investments and giving the money to what you consider good causes.

Warren Buffett gives his money aways as well. But he has a way of doing it so nonchalantly. He gave billions to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation without any stipulations. He didn’t seem to care.

And (by the way) isn’t there something obscene about one immensely rich man giving another immensely rich man immense amounts of money. Monopoly money.

Nominated by Miles Plastic

57 thoughts on “Philanthropy

  1. Doubtless philanthropy won’t be well represented by certain esteemed cunters on these hallowed pages! Apart from a few well-received gifts to my local hospice (where a few people I’ve cared about have died), I’ve never given a fucking bean to any sponging cunt.
    Just the thought of giving my hard-earned away fills me with revulsion and I’m always glad to be both selfish and hard-hearted, although never enjoying the misery of others*

    * a blatant lie, I thoroughly enjoy the misery of others.

  2. Philanthropy begins at home.

    So £11bn pointlessly pissed away on M’Tembe and his mob – which we have no say in – really should begin at home.

    Starting with squaddies and their families, shamefully living on or below the poverty line and oftentimes in accommodation that not even squatters would inhabit!

    Then our own homeless, especially – and again, shamefully – ex servicemen, who really should be in military or psychiatric hospitals but who have been badly let down by a system so overstretched by mass migration that there is no money for our own, as Mo’ and his dregs, and the M’Tembe mob take presidence, courtesy of a fucked in the head administration that values everyone ahead of their own!

    If there’s anything left I’d find another UK noble cause until there isn’t enough to send a single pouch of Uncle Ben’s rice abroad!

    And George Soros isn’t a philanthropist, he’s a fucking psycho globalist, specialising in “race to the bottom” interference of western nations.

    Probably the most dangerous cunt on the planet right now. No surprises that his organisations basically wrote the bullshit that is the Marrakech Agreement!

    Fuck you Soros!

    And fuck Bill Gates who thinks that a nuclear powered Khazi will cure all the world’s ills because it will recycle piss and shit into drinkable water! No, this IS a real thing!?!

    “Wow that’s great Bill!”

    “Yeah it is kinda cool isn’t it! And they only cost $2 million each!”

    “And how many would say Mozambique need?”

    “Just 5 million or so!”

    “And do you think that Mozambique would spend a whole year’s GDP on shitters Bill, with all the other problems they have with famine, civil war, etc ?”

    “Sure! Why not? They’re cooooool!”

    “Yeah Bill and of course we want fissile material freely available across the whole of the 3rd world including mostly ‘peaceful’ regions don’t we!”


    Deluded prick!

  3. I was recently told about the latest Facebook fad. Apparently it involves nominating ones’ friends to take up the challenge of buying a trolley full of goods at the supermarket and donating them to the local Footbank….filming oneself while doing it,of course.

    What a load of wank. Foodbanks are totally unnecessary. People are given adequate benefits to buy their own food,if they choose to waste their money on lottery-tickets,drugs,drink and tattoos,that’s their fault. In the case of these spongers with brats,money is positively thrown at them lest the “little ones” have to endure the shame of wearing the wrong brand of trainers or do without the latest “stylish” haircut. Anyhow,most of these people are too feckless to actually use most of the food that they are given. Too lazy and stupid to know how to peel and deep-fry potatoes to make chips, for example,they prefer to just ring for a takeaway. Unless it’s a bag of crisps or, at a stretch, a Pot Noodle, they either chuck 90% of their donated food out of their mobility scooters on their way to the bookies,or they sell it and go to Greggs.

    Philanthropy is a load of bollocks. Fair enough if people give quietly and keep it to themselves,but these virtue-signalling Cunts who endlessly bang on about their acts of charity are nothing but Cunts.

    If I won the lottery, I still wouldn’t give any Cunt a single penny. Wonder if I should put a video up of me telling sponging,work-shy,thick leeches to Fuck Off and get a job?…see how many “likes” I can get. Then I can nominate some of my non-existent friends to do the same…perhaps it’ll “go viral”.

    Get Fucked.

    • I’d like to think that, should you win the lottery, you’d spend a great deal of time and money fucking people over that you didn’t like, Mr Fiddler.
      Good non-existant god, the fun one could have being an utter cunt with the financial clout behind one’s mischief to make machiavellian and pernicious magic take flight!
      As far as Facebook fads go, the one I’d like to happen is ‘being bummed by Peter Tatchell and that one with AIDS from Erasure challenge’.

      • Oh, I’ve got massive plans for mischief-making should I win the lottery, Mr. Cunt-Engine. The first is to buy the second pub in my local village and then give the beer away for free until I’ve bankrupted the old bag who owns the other pub…teach the auld trout to ban me “for life”…although,as I said to the Cunt,at her age,that probably wouldn’t be more than a couple of years by the look and smell of her..

      • Did the frigid old trout spurn your amorous fumblings last New Year’s Eve after 8 pints of Olde Grumblebelly, my fine fellow?

      • I genuinely can’t remember the grizzly details,and refuse to believe the tales that went about the village regarding my misdeeds. I’m sure they must be exaggerated…I’m not sure that it would be physically possible to commit so many spectacular outrages without having a heart-attack…although judging by the state of me when I woke up the next morning, I’m not ruling anything out.

      • Did you find that you had to sit down rather gingerly the next day?
        Could you have been Rohypnoled and “figged” by a homosexual ne’er-do-well whilst in a delicate state?

      • Judging by the state of my undercrackers, it would have been a brave and extremely desperate poof who tackled my arse that night….one with an overwhelming coprophilia predilection,presumably.

      • I know I would Jack, starting with the bastard traitors in Cuntminster!

        If I won a big EuroMillions win I’d make every cunt’s political existence – with the exception of Kate Hoey – a living fucking hell!

      • What about Esther McVey, Rebel?
        I’d make her life a living hell, but for different reasons. Different sexy reasons.

  4. ITV news,about five minutes of some shitty peoples vote remain seminar,then 30 seconds of brexit betrayal march,they dont even try to hide it…

  5. I donated £100 to the Cats Protection League awhile ago, when we adopted a couple of kittens.

    It were nowt to do with philanthropy, I just wanted to piss off Cuntflap and Cuntstable Cuntbubble.

  6. Brexit debate on Channel 4. Barry Gardiner and Caroline Lucas have the kind of faces that you would never tire of kicking. If I were the Met I would be having a good hard look at Barry’s C drive. I wager he hasn’t ever been asked to babysit anyones offspring.

    • Yeah but you have to hand it to Caroline Lucas, she’s pulled of the Mr. Spock impression brilliantly for years now hasn’t she.

      • That she has rebel. The green party are a mystery to me. Apart from doing my bit – recycling and the like plus being involved with building half a dozen or so nuclear power stations and keeping them going I find the “green” people are a bunch of sanctimonious holier than thou hypocritical cunts. A former councillor in my old town was a green, vegan, beard wearing Adidas Nazareth flip flop wearing cunt who lived within walking distance of the town hall, rode a bike on a very even and straight road to work every day but as a professor at the local Uni and pretty weighty in his field attended more green seminars in far flung countries around the world the cunts carbon footprint was something the average Joe wouldn’t leave in 10 lifetimes. More dodgy planning applications got through our local council that he had consented to. I can only envisage the large brown envelopes must have been well stuffed.
        Lucas is an MP for Brighton I think. The most unhinged town in England I reckon.

      • Saw Portillo on Friday night (on the magic rectangle, that is…).
        He was “doing” Brighton.
        Impressive sewers – something of a metaphor for what happens above ground there, I reckon…
        Shame about the West Pier, though. Liked that as a kid.

      • Lucarse is Zippy’s idiot bastard tranny half-sister.

        Btw Cunto, the Greens are against nuclear power.

        Some cunt on the news right now saying the Media is “helping to fuel racism and aggression.”

        Dead fucking right it is! With their pandering to the likes of racist shit like Flabbott and Lammy, what else would the cunt expect?

        Now they’re saying Boris has come out against No Deal. That’s ok… the last thing I want to do is agree with anything Boris Johnson says.

      • Thanks Cunto – that report could not have been more biased if written by John McDonut himself.

  7. We’re all a tad charitable. When I think of all the women I’ve known then returned to society I feel quite philanthropic. I don’t feel aggrieved or envious when they’re with somebody else, as I wouldn’t feel similarly if I saw a neighbour walking about in a shirt I donated to the Salvation Army.

    I am truly a magnanimous being.

  8. Channel 4 brexit debate …. 3 against 1.
    Guess which way round it is?


    • I just started watching…. is the black guy on our side or not? One minute he’s agreeing, next he’s arguing.

      • He’s a Tory in favour of May’s sellout deal.

        So 3 against 1 it is.

        Now showing on Channel 4+1 (freeview ch.13) if anyone’s interested…

      • Oh and Guru Murphy’s closing arguments first interviewee starts: “Well I, along with 17.4 million, voted to leave. And as that stands now, we simply leave on WTO rules because…”

        Cunty Murphy: “Right, that’s enough of that we need to move on!”

        And then let’s a remoaner warble on to the credits.

        Total fucking cunt! John Craven’s broom cupboard was too good for you even back in the day!


      • Anyway, I’m listening to Jason Statham’s extensive Portuguese on Film 4 now.

        It’s “Obrigada” but who gives a fuck when Jessica Alba is in it!

        Is that sexist?


      • Fuck me, Sly News have just had Santa on, spouting something close to “Mrs May has worked very hard on our behalf for a good deal and should be supported in her endeavour…”!!!!!!

        Then a 16 year old elf sitting on his lap said “I should be allowed a vote, after all it’s my future that’s at stake,” or words to that effect.

        I was genuinely gobsmacked…

        Blatant undiluted Government propaganda. Cunts!

  9. I donate to the ASPCA each month. I never give to human charidees. I figure there are a million of those and relatively few for animals and humans can ask for help, animals can’t.

    It’s an especially enjoyable moment when some cunt in a shop or supermarket asks me if I’d like to make a donation to some kids’ thing. I can then bolt on “especially to children” when I say “I never give to human charidees”.

    Kids: consumers of everything, producers of nothing worthwhile – please fuck off and get eaten by an animal.

  10. Some cunt put a People’s Vote leaflet through my letterbox.
    If I had seen them do it I would have set their fucking leaflet on fire and shoved it down their fucking throats……
    Burn you fucking piece of rag flag shit…as Freddie said that is not my flag, so fuck off you EU/remoaning cunts ????

    • I had one too, Ginge. They must do it at 5am or so late at night that their only company is rats. Fucking cowardly cunts. If I see them I’ll take the hosepipe to them. EU Vermin.

      • Most annoying it is Captain as I would have liked to have had a conversation with whoever posted it through my letter box.
        Not sure how it would have gone but I would have liked the chance to debate about the idea of a People’s Vote……then I would have told them to fuck off and not come back as we don’t like cold calling or cunts putting their shit through our door.

  11. I am a philanthropist
    I pay tax
    I saw a piece, probably Victoria D show, its always full of sob stories.

    There was a former syrian refugee, caught up in the grenfell tower inferno, he and his family got out….. very pleased about that, would wish anyone to die in a fire.

    The story was about universal credit, he is about to go onto this system, the narrator was complaining he wouldnt be able to manage waiting 5 weeks for the money…… it continues

    He has been rehoused, in what looked like a fucking nice flat in Kensington, he doesn’t work, so basically I am paying his rent, his living expenses ….. I think I am doing enough!!!!!

  12. This is the time of year when we are obliged by the media to feel sorry for the feckless. I was informed by Radio 4 that 4 million children go hungry every day in the UK. Where do they get these figures? The days of the workhouse are long gone. Instead, we have career spongers who the system has given a fairly comfortable lifestyle. Where are these starving children?

    One to watch out for is the roll out of Universal Credit in Kensington. Wait for the howls from the Grenfell grief mongers. UC seems like a good idea to me – get of your arses and find a job then we won’t need migrant labour.

  13. And on this week’s Doctor Who: the femstapo snowflake and her gang of right on colour coded cunts are in deep shit… As the BB of C have confirmed there will be no next/new series until 2020…. Which means they are shooting the lame duck and they know they have fucked up massive…. Either it will return in a spectacular and classic manner with a top bollocks male Doc (Eccleston style) or they will continue with their PC pet Jodie and it will totally die a painful death… I’m just glad they’ve been proved wrong, I’ve been proved right, and that the load of shite has been savagely axed… Good cunting riddance….

    • And I was so looking forward to the episode where she saves Chandra Bose’s plane from being shot down by those mean Americans

  14. Twice a year for Legacy, Anzac Day and Rememberence day and I hope the old soldiers and their kin piss it away. Oxfam are my favourites to deny. The look on their faces when they’re begging for mugumbo and I say it’s their fault for leaving the Empire is priceless.

  15. Deep in the back of their minds they know they have been cunts to get where they are and just the off chance there is hell they cover their odds and get some points for when the time comes for us all. There is the feel good factor as well. For me I gave my little tadpoles to those poor deserving wenches that seem to want and were of the lack of there of. Generous contributions given to all those in need and also those less deserving for their cup Ruthin over, lying bitches. I felt better for the giving, maybe that’s the same feeling rich have when fucking the poor?

  16. Nice Tony Blair’s a philanthropist. He gives generously to himself:

    “Mr Blair wound down Tony Blair Associates in 2016 and donated the substantial reserves, amounting to several million pounds, to his not for profit Institute.”

    The Tony Blair Institute for Global (Spare) Change is effectively identical to TBA, and contains the same nucleus of interlinked shell companies based on a Limited Partnership- an arrangement which at once allows profits to be recorded as expenses and prevents anything resembling transparency. However, it no longer has charitable status, and has dropped the unsuccessful investment banking operation. The amount transferred above was reportedly £9M, about the same as he got from Saudi Arabia this year for promoting MBS’s image. Where that went is of course anyone’s guess.

    The rest is also of interest.

    • At this moment, Tony is heading northeast over Ethiopia aboard the private jet of, and in the company of, Naguib Sawiris, Egypt’s richest billionaire. Over the weekend they visited Kenya, Ethiopia and Rwanda. Details in the usual place. Sawiris is very interested in gold and tourism, and has been an associate of Blair for years. Think they were digging a well for little M’Bungo? I don’t.

      • Now landed at Abu Dhabi International, no doubt to touch base with his co-employers, Abu Dhabi’s seriously wealthy national sovereign wealth fund, Mubadala. Which takes an entirely philanthropic interest in making money out of Africa. Sadly, Tony neglected (as had Thatcher) to establish a UK sovereign wealth fund to capitalise on UK gas and oil. But selling someone else’s is just as profitable.

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