People who queue for hours in the freezing cold in the middle of the night for the first day of the sales, or to take advantage of eg, a limited offer of cheap booze, are cunts. Especially those cunts who recently queued for ages at Aldi to buy the poxy Kevin the carrot cuntish xmas toy. You are all arseholes and I hope you all caught the flu.
Nominated by Mystic Maven
The irony is that, given the state of the High St, the stuff in the Sales will be cheaper still by February!
On Boxing Day News, the Brussels Broadcasting Cunts WITHOUT FAIL will show hordes of our Oriental visitors wetting themselves and trampling down the doors to the Poxford St stores to shoplift out a 52in HDTV or some stupid £500 reduced to £300 fartisan trainers.
Stupid Cunts
Fucking dullards!
Lured in by “we have 2×60″ TVs for £200” scam that have already, mysteriously, been sold even if you’re the first cunt in!
Doss cunts!
Take it you learned that the hard way, through bitter personal experience, eh Rebel?
Damn! Forgot the fucking emoji again! For you cunts without a sense of English irony, that is…
? ? ?
No but I knew someone who used to work in Woolies (Woolworths – remember those cunts) in Paisley and when opening on Boxing Day became a thing – with silly offers on a few high ticket items – she used to always volunteer because the offers were genuine.
Unfortunately the staff “purchased” them before the doors even opened them and paid cash (no record of who).
So first cunts would go tanking it to the checkout, puffing like a whale: “I’ll…take…the…port…able…TV…for…£30 quid… please…PHEW!”
“Sorry hen, they’re all gone d’ya ken!”
Like I say, doss cunts!
In retail if a deal is too good to be true it usually is but if it’s genuine the staff will find a way to annex them for themselves or their families first.
Don’t blame them cos they’re usually on shit wages.
Everything is a con nowadays.
Believe it or not the sales were largely genuine back in the ’60s, and the cunts that queued behaved a lot more civilised than they do today.
Then again people had a lot more respect for each other in general back then.
I’ve never actually witnessed these daft cunts live, only on tv.
I thought they were stupid twats then, and I do now. I’ve rarely seen anything on sale that the shop wasn’t trying to get rid of because there was a better alternative, and most stuff can be got cheaper on line anyhow.
Having said that, any queue outside a shop in the city by me will be scutters and tramps begging for alcohol money.The filthy, worthless bastards.
Even worse than these cunts are the wankers who queue up for the latest phone, computer game or offering from J.K. Remoaning.
I would like to get a load of blokes in the back of an open lorry driving past and pelting them with dogshit. That would cheer me up no end.
I always fondly think back to this cunt who was the first to get an iPhone in Perth. Utter dross cunt.
Nice one TBCC
If I was there I would have loved to have accidentally stood on it……
fucking bellend……
I remember a few years ago there was some stupid teenage twat who was the first in the UK to buy some poxy Apple gadget. They had tv crews in the shop filming it, then once the twat had bought it, the staircase leading to the shop door was lined with the shop staff, applauding him. He probably got rid of it a few months later for an upgraded version, where he could download the internet half a microsecond faster, the cunt.
Yeh those cunts are particularly irritating!
When the release any new iPhone they always show hoards of overly excited shit muppets who have been camping out on the pavement all week??
When interviewed they can barely talk due all the excitement of buying a piece of overpriced fucking plastic, where’s a lone wolf when you need one? …..
Never understood it! Watching the footage of black Friday when all the sheeple are practically killing each other for a tv or piece of clothing for half price has me scratching my head and wondering what’s wrong with human beings…..
Personally I’d rather pay double and order it online, sit in my chair and stuff my fat fucking face in peace.
I couldnt do it, i get pissed off if there is someone infront of me at the Tesco checkout.
There should also be a ban on piontless people in the supermarkets, wandering around with no goal whatsoever. iIt is also fucking annoying having to navigate the home delivery cunts with their enormous trolleys blocking the fucking aisles.
The peaceful cunts love the sales because the tight-fisted cunts never want to pay full price for anything. Ever seen them hovering around the reduced section in Asda? It’s like Night of the Living Dead in headscarves. Just mention the word “discount” and they’d climb over the top of you to get to some bit of old shite they don’t even want. Romanians are just as bad.
I live inSheffield city centre and wandered into town on Boxing Day and decided to have a look in some of the shops.
Some really good bargains but you couldn’t get near to the racks because of the hoards of peaceful cunts blocking everything.
I queued for a sale once.
The old one on the yacht was wearing thin.
God, I’m funny.
The propaganda has stepped up again.
Some cunters might remember me mentioning the other day that a new and unknown news feed appeared on my phone to notify me of the latest project fear messages, and it seems to be impossible to turn off.
Well now youtube have decided to automatically subscribe me to GUARDIAN NEWS….
I’m subscribed to Tommy Robinson, pjw, sargon, rebel media, etc…. why the fuck would I be in any way interested in the fucking guardian?
I smell a rat….
PJWs videos are fantastic, deploy.
These cunts wind me right up too.
I always watch them on TV after Christmas, queueing halfway to fucking Scotland outside shops (often still in a fucking sleeping bag) and then bitch fighting each other to get through the doors first, and THEN doing a Mike Tyson on each other to fight over some shite like a fucking bog roll holder……it utterly bemuses me.
I would rather poke forks in my eyeballs than be that fucking desperate for a bargain and make an completely undignified cunt of myself.
What sad, shallow lives these people must live.
Bring popcorn and a coke, Cuntflap.
Just be careful none of the fuckers try to snatch your snacks and Usain Bolt it to the cash desk with them……
lol at the deluded cunts at the Climate conference in Poland. apparently they want to limit temp. increase to 1.5 C and they actually think they can do something about it. they can’t. the Planet will do what it fuckin wants. we are not that important..
Is that remotely linked to my being asked every time I go shopping “if I need a bag?” when I’m feckin holding one in my hand ?
About 20 or so years ago one of my daughters wanted an iPod for Xmas. Despite trying, could not seem get one anywhere, until I contacted our local Dixon’s.
They informed me they had a few arriving at the shop later that day which they would be selling the following morning.
I arrived at the store early in the morning where there were already about half a dozen people already waiting. I took my place in line. When the store openers there were probably about 20 in line.
As soon as the shop opened the guy behind the counter said that he had 12 to sell. As I was about 7th in line felt confident of obtaining one, that was until the fucking cunt in front of me said he wanted 8 iPods. The guy behind the counter said he could have a maximum of 2. An argument ensued, the guy behind the counter stick to his guns and angry greedy cunt left with two.
Why are some people such greedy fucking selfish arseholes?
Almost certainly a Remoaner.
The High street is dead. Went shopping yesterday and it was fucking misery. None of that Dickensian jollity in which rosy-cheeked people exchange pleasantries. And the British retail model is all wrong – the shops only open for dole scum and pensioners then firmly close their doors at 1700 hrs. The service is shit and no one wished me a merry Christmas. I could understand this in Londistan but I’m talking about Inverness, which is far from the brown tide of peacefuls (for the time being). Everybody is buying online where prices are always low – no queuing for an illusory bargain – and you don’t have to find parking. Another thing – why do we have to pay for parking in shit holes? As I said, the High Street is dead.
In the Highlands, Christmas wasn’t the main hooley until as late as the 60’s. Even then it was a nod and a wink to the festival (and hide your dram under the chair should the skeletal and doom-laden figure of the minister drop by)…the energy was saved for New Year – about a week of imbibing on a circular tour of the neighbourhood – with any surplus devoted to the Old New Year a week or two later. That’s pretty well gone, I gather, along with much of the indigenous population and any community spirit, replaced by all (white) sorts from down south. The immigration’s been less visible than Luton has enjoyed, but it’s just as extensive. Good luck with hearing a Sutherland accent in Sutherland.
And Inverness always stuck me as pretty dismal anyway – watching traffic lights change being the principal activity of note.
Komodo, I have to confess to being one of those white settlers, although not one who thinks he can lord it over the locals. I try to do my bit too; having lived in London, where the streets were paved with litter, I find myself picking up litter in the local neighbourhood. The Highlands hasn’t suffered that huge decline in civility (but this is relative to Londistan) but there are cunts – locals who are feckless, ignorant uber cunts. I’ve been surprised by the number of euro trash in employment because of the career scroungers who can’t be arsed to work. But generally life is good, but there is no doubt white settler cunts have brought cuntish ways from England.
S-M – I too was a white settler, like you, did my best to do as the Romans did, and was treated on the whole hospitably. I didn’t mean to tar you with the brush of the WS who either complains that this isn’t like London (increasingly rare, that) Newcastle or Southport (rather commonly) or just behaves like the kind of cunt who was universally cunted where he came from. These categories often complain of anti-English sentiment, but I never encountered much. The local layabout is unavoidable, I agree, though they often die young from cirrhosis and are often good craic before their termination…
Lang may yir lum reek!
Ive known a few cunts like this. Scabby cunts on benefits hounding the staff just as they open. One bragged about buying a McDonalds with the money he’d saved. McDonalds on boxing day, eh?
How the other half live.
The UK high street is truly fucked.
I went to Harrow, NW London last weekend to accompany my Mum to get her hair done. We live 30 minutes away by train, but she insists on going to this bloody hairdressers as ‘they still do a perm’ and ‘I don’t know another bastard hairdressers close to home’…..
…….actually there are a shitload, my fellow cunters. She won’t try them because of ‘permgate’ and they are all ‘too modern’…….umm, ok duckie.
Anyhoo, I digress. Harrow was like walking through fucking Bangladesh. Apart from the sheer number of cunt shoppers around, there were no signs of anything remotely Christmassy for fear the ethnics are offended. There was, in fact, the ear bleeding dirge of a group of Hari krishnas echoing throughout the shopping precinct. To say I couldn’t get out of there fast enough (after drowning my sorrows with ten skinny lattes and a massive chocolate muffin in Debenhams whilst killing time) is an understatement. (I should have brought a fucking full hipflask to stick in the coffee.)
THIS is a UK shopping area at Christmas.
No carol singers.
No Christmassy lights or decorations.
No bucket-brandishing bastard dressed up as Santa, collecting for charity (annoying cunts, but nice, traditional cunts)
What the fuck has happened to this cuntry??