
Cunts who are “outraged “. What the fuck ? You cannot read a paper or listen to the news without some cunt saying that they are “outraged ” by some imagined slight which has hurt their feelings.

“Pissed off ” I can accept but “outraged”? Fuck off you snowflake twats. I am “outraged “by it all.

Nominated by Grumpy Old Cunt

43 thoughts on “Outraged

  1. Sainsburys magazine printed a recipe for a Persian curry or some such, it had some spice whatever not usual, fuck knows, no sane person would care. But no, a pile of psycho wimminz screamed waycism and cultural appropriation natch. But then, one said it was abhorrent. Fucking abhorrent. No you stupid bitch, Belsen was abhorrent. Not misplaced fucking cumin. As ever, I give in!

  2. It’s simply outrageous how a handful of whining and overly offended cunts can have so much influence – usually via unsocial media – to have something banned!

    This seems to be the de rigueur as of late, and usually by feminists with nothing better to do. And yet as soon as a few of these cunts find something to be offended by, the shop in question caves in and removes it, followed by a humble apology (M&S were the latest when they had some sexy lingerie on display)

    So how come the minority can get their way over the majority (and I won’t mention the Referendum result here)!?

    Fucking outrageous! In fact I am so outraged about this particular cunting I demand it is banned for inciting such outrageous offence!

    • I remember some libfuck chuff shuffler at the Grauniad – some TV critic called Simon something – saying he would be ‘outraged’ if the BBC chose another male Doctor Who after Peter Capaldi told them to stick it… I know these snowflakes are card carrying mardarses, but ‘outraged’ at a bloke playing a fictional character who has (up till now) always been played by a male actor? I don’t like what has been done to my favourite boyhood show, but I’m not outraged over it… I was more outraged at how those useless NHS cunts didn’t treat my mother properly when she had the Big C… Was also outraged when some sadistic bullying cunt called Gary Robinson beat up my kid sister for no reason (he never fucking did it again!)… But outraged over a TV show?! Don’t take the piss… These offenceratti cunts are so entitled and have never had it hard (unless it’s up their khyber) that they get offended and so upset about total trivia…. I’m sure my late granddad who was a prisoner of the Japs would have something to say about these cunts who are so ‘outraged’ by things that mean fuck all… What a load of fucking cunts is what he’d have said…

    • Totally agree with you grumpy !
      Modern day Britain is absolutely ckokka with this fucking bullshit!
      Using words that a completely disproportionate to what’s actually happened/ happening!

      Offended….. every cunt Appears
      to offended by any difference of opinion….

      Incandescent with rage!
      See above…. ?


      bigoted snowflake liberal thought police Cunts!

      Fuck each and everyone of them…. I go out of my way to offend Cunts like these ……..

      • There are other words I also hate these days…

        Legend … Every two bit fucker and nonentity cunt is now a ‘Legend’… Ricky and Bianca, EastEnders ‘legends’?! United ‘legend’ Phil Neville?! Fucking bollocks!

        Jaw dropping… How many mongs say that now? Just say if something is good or bad, you pretentious cunts…

        Icon… Once used for Jesus… Now used for Beckham… Say no more..

        Vile… Everything these snowflake cunts don’t like or disagree with is ‘vile’…. ‘Ooh! Isn’t that Nasty Jim Davidson vile!’… Fuck off!

        Diva… Which basically means either a total bitch or a tantrum throwing fat fritter (see you, Elton!)….

      • Absolutely! …possibly, in my uninformed opinion.
        Amazing! Like, so really really amazing!….nothing extraordinary.

        I blame Hollywood. Everyone’s overacting nowadays, and it’s outrageous.

      • O….M….G….
        Even worse than the “full” explanation.

        Treesa May…Oh… my… gleet is dripping down my scrawny legs into my leopard-print shoes.

  3. I have to admit to being outraged by that slimy heap of shit Keir Starmer.. The sheer effrontery of the vacuous turd, with that fucking awful permanent smirk on his face, really, to quote an esteemed cuter, boils my piss in 5 seconds whenever I see the odious areswipe.

    The silly deluded cunt now wants to call a motion of no confidence, in the hope there will be a general election. Half of me would like him to do that, because I think Labour would be slaughtered – both Labour parties that is, but the truth is I doubt anyone really thinks we would get anything more than yet another hung parliament. But what angers me is that I don;t think Dame Keir really gives a fuck about the EU. He just sees himself as the heir to Blair.

    Doubtless Catweazle will get the chop, and just picture the choice, smarmy Starmer or condescending Umunna, or if it has to be a woman Granny Yvette Cooper. All three of them would be a disaster for this country, since all three would turn a blind eye to the daily rubber dinghies arriving at Dover with another batch of stinking illegals. The cuntitude of Labour really OUTRAGES me! -(

    • I see that cunt Starmer is claiming ‘nobody is ruling out Remain as an option’. Oh really?? What a deluded fuckwit!!

      • I’m outraged that there aren’t any nude photos of Diane Abbott on the internet. I’m running short of wanking material.

      • Have you tried looking for Anna Soubry with a twelve inch dildo up her arse, wearing just a wide grin and a black suspender belt?

      • May stated at PMQs recently it was a choice between her ‘Agreement’, ‘No Deal’ and ‘No Brexit At All’ (code for ‘Remain’).

        Since Labour are committed to voting against May’s deal, and Catweasle has ruled out ‘No Deal’ with his “nobody is going to allow No Deal, how could we?” statement, that just leaves ‘No Brexit At All’.

        Labour’s cunting ploy is to get there via a second “people’s vote” referendum.

        So maybe Dame Kunt Starmer is not so deluded after all Ron. Although he is of course, but not about the possibility of remaining.

        What a fuck up. I blame those influential Leavers at the top who took their eyes off the ball immediately after the referendum result was announced. Cunts.

  4. I find it deeply offensive that there are so many who are ‘outraged’ by so much. The deeply offended must adopt a ‘no platform for the outraged’ immediately, which students in particular should adopt on all campuses. I go so far as to say that ‘outrage’ goes against my human rights to be deeply offended, and call upon the govt. to outlaw it at once, and for the outraged to be pursued for hate crime.

  5. Are any of you cunts – outraged or otherwise- following the riots across the channel? It’s starting to look like they could develop into something quite interesting….

    • Interesting’s the word, Mecha. Course it’ll all be put at the door of ‘the far right’. Macron’s already tried to blame Le Pen for inciting the trouble. The fact that the Frogs have woken up to the fact that they’ve got a cunt in charge has nothing to do with it…

      • Apparently an assault rifle was stolen from a police car during the festivities.

        Luckily, being French, the thieves have no idea what it is or how to use it;)

    • I’m actually enjoying every single second…..Funny thing I was watching the old classic world at war series narrated by sir Lawrence and something struck me , the French have put up far more resistance to the price of diesel increasing than they ever did to the Nazis in world war2!
      The useless snail eating, beret wearing CUNTS!

      • We just need a vegan/peaceful coalition to be outraged over wine and cheese then really watch the shit fly.

  6. After the 29th of March next year will we be out of the EU transitioning back in? Or still in the EU transitioning out?

    • The words “EU” and “transitioning” raise some interesting points.

      For example, into what might Verminhofstadt “transition” ?

      I wonder if Anna Soubry and Verminhofstadt are, in fact, one and the same. They are equally unhinged, and rant. A close inspection of Soubry’s neckline shows some sort of stitch / stretch-mark (maybe she escaped the noose ?) that would not look out of place in “Carry On Screaming.” In fact, she could well be OddBod. I am very much afraid that Verminhofstadt looks like the sort of deviant who would dress up as a wimmin; probably to go and collect the kids from school.

      There again, is Merkel a holgram of Fat Hermann of the Luftwaffe ?

      I suppose transitioning into human form is possible, but unlikely…

      JOB is a piece of excrement.

      Sod them

  7. Now that Sinead O’Connor has become a Muslim she has decided to change her name to something more in keeping with her new religion, and will now be known as Grenade O’Connor….

  8. 100% Agreed cunting.

    Everyone is ‘outraged’ and ‘deeply offended’ about every bloody thing these days. Such a bunch of precious cunts who need to go and get a life from the nearest life shop.

    What also winds me right up is this whole ‘I too am a victim’ mentality and climate that we are living in. You cannot fart downwind without some snowflake cuntwaffle complaing that they have been ‘victimised’ by your gaseous arse.

    Fact is, these twats are not actually ‘outraged’ at all. They simply throw the word out in an attempt to inflate their complaint, in order for people to take it seriously, when in fact I would hasten a guess that the vast majority are just sitting their reading or watching it and thinking ‘what a fucking pathetic, moaning tosser’.

    I know I am.


    • Sorry for the copious typing errors and spelling mistakes in this.
      (‘Their’ instead of ‘There’ – straight to the dunces corner for you, Nurse Cunty)

      Here are my pathetic excuses:
      I am knackered.
      I am blonde
      I was drinking tea and eating a digestive while typing this and got distacted by another biscuit just begging me to eat it (tempting cunt)

      • If your biscuit was capable of begging it would be begging you NOT to eat it. The fact that you ignored this hypothetical plea I find totally outrageous. Your greed and lack of empathy is outrageously vile.

    • Evening Dick.

      You are indeed the purest personification of outrage known to man, woman, poofter, tranny, gender-fluid-neutral, cockroach, the U.N…..

      When the time comes, I will be proud to serve on your Jury.

      • Don’t kid yourself….you’ll be in the Dock alongside me…I’ll make fucking sure of that….. “Yes, My Lord, that nasty man RTC made me write those horrible things,he’s a vile bully.”

        🙂 .

      • You’d let me take all the credit? I’m gobsmacked.

        You are indeed the kindest amongst us!


  9. This morning’s A Point of View on Radio 4 was worth listening to: an objective essay on how being PC isn’t good for society.


    How Roger Scruton was allowed to broadcast this, I don’t know. He must have told Al BBC that he was going to praise transbenderism then switched the tapes.

      • Is it worth a read, Ruff Tuff? I’m nearly finished reading Chris Bonnington’s autobiography, so need something else. Bonnington needs a cunting for claiming in his narrative that he never became wealthy. By the end of the book, he had a house in the lake district, bought one for his mother in Keswick and, oh, a flat in London. Pauper.

      • Ha ha – Bonnington not wealthy? Probably fed it all into fixed rate betting machines…

        Actually I haven’t read the Scruton book yet (I have a pile of books about a mile high to get through first) but if you click on the link and scroll down there are quite a few informed reviews, which is what I based my purchase on.

    • heard this. Odd thing is Scrutop was the philosopher of choice to get the message across in thatchers times,i detested his thinking then. Now, the fuckpig is making sense.Strange days/daze indeed

      • #MyExperienceToo, Mr Slips… funny old world.

        Reckon if I met my late 1970s /early ’80s self, I’d kick his fucking head in from arsehole to breakfast time.

      • Me too – about my past self.

        But at least WE are able to admit to past errors,and to move on…

    • Me too. Used to think Scruton was a fascist cunt, but I believe we’ve both mellowed somewhat. This happens – so shouldn’t old cunts be running the country?

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