‘Oh my God, guys!’

Short, sharp cunting for the two most overused phrases in modern TV-land.

Gennlemun & Laydeez I give you “Oh my God!!!!” and “Guys”.

Both have been adopted from our cousins across the Atlantic.

The former is invariably repeated ad nauseum whenever a bunch of female snowflakes gather to shriek in ever increasing volumes at even the most banal thing currently displayed on Milly’s IPhone.

The latter is typically deployed by beardy,spineless, millennial, barperson /waiters -it’s usually a bloke though- nervously approaching a gang of said snowflakes (eg “Guys. Which one of you ordered the Veggie-burger and triple-fried chips?”). The cunt is so shit-scared of addressing them incorrectly and causing offence as how is he to know the subject of his enquiry is probably transitioning to the opposite sex as he speaks? ‘Guys’ has become an all-purpose phrase to take the path of least resistance.

Nominated by Isaac Hunt

42 thoughts on “‘Oh my God, guys!’

  1. ‘Americanisms’? I fucking shit ’em. ‘Gifts’? It’s fucking ‘presents’ in this country, you trendy cunts.

  2. Great nom. Americans are ok but their butchering of our great language is a load of cunt.

    Off topic…
    Almost finished my housework and thought I’d stop for a brew (Yorkshire tea). Put on sly news and
    the reporter in Paris has a helmet and goggles like a fucking gi or stormtroooer …
    There are women walking round normally and they’re just fine.
    Man journalists are pussies.

  3. Most of this fuckwittery,like High-Fiving, started with “Friends”. A series about a group of whiny Yank Cunts sitting around in some coffee-house. Must say though that I’d have given the Monica one a fucking good rattling…..not so fussed about the other two,especially the blonde….might have let the brunette one fluff me up before I “Oh My Godded” Monica.

    The three men in it were obviously poofs involved in some kind of an abominable menage-a-trois.

    Fuck Off.

    • Must admit to having a soft spot (or should I say hard spot) for both Phoebe and Janice (who was known for saying OMG a lot) in Friends.

      Used to watch it with my young daughters and we sometimes found it mildly amusing.

      The Urban Dictionary defines On My God as follows:

      An exclamation of shock or surprise, often used repeatedly by stupid people who are shocked and surprised by almost everything and insert it into conversations …

      • Afternoon, Willie. I enjoyed the early series too. Unfortunately,like so many series,they just didn’t know when to call it a day. Utter shite by the finish.

  4. I agree Oscar. “Guys” is a favourite of TV presenter pansies as well. Can I add “listen up” to the list.

    • Defcon 1 when I hear that. ‘Can I get’? No, stay there you cunt, they’ll get it for you.

  5. Right on, Isaac dude! Ya know buddy, I’m glad you’ve stepped up to the plate on this one, and touched base! It’s an ahhhsome bit of cunting; advise every cunter on here to check it out. I’m good.

    • Fucking ‘buddy’. One more spotty little cunt, pretending that making coffee with a coffee-making machine is a mystical vocation, who calls me that before handing me a cup of hot ditchwater, and I will not be responsible for my actions. Though I rarely am, at my age.

      • Yeh I don’t get it Komodo. Why have ‘baristas’ (!!) everywhere have adopted this? Ffs.

      • I dont get the shirts with trainee Barista, what the fuck, how long does it take to learn how to make coffee …… with a fucking coffee machine, cunts they shouldnt even have time to get the fucking shirt dirty.

      • Yeh but don’t forget they also have to learn how to cut up and serve cakes and toast teacakes. it’s a long learning process, my friend.

  6. I hate all forms of modern speech and would therefore suggest that this thread needs a root and branch review to enable the team dynamic to touch base and realise their skill set to increase blue sky thinking….

  7. The Diversity and Inclusivity Show

    “Oh my God!”

    “Is it Allah?”


    “No, not ‘What’ but ‘Who’.”

    “Who what?”


    “What about God?”

    “Is it Allah?”


    “Your God.”

    “My God?”


    “But I’m an atheist!?!”


    — The End —

    Tune in next week where Gender Fluid Millie – who is currently identifying as a man – hooks up with Post Op “Sarah” (formerly Brian from Chiswick) at their favourite coffee shop – Central Perv – to discuss sex.

    The laughs come thick and fast as neither knows if they’re cumming or going!

    • Jesus Christ, what do you have to do or say to get moderated * here * ??!!

      Afternoon Gents. Are we well? Anyone watching the live feeds of the protests across the pond?

    • Guys
      Pointed out earlier on another nom. that as I gather, there’s a ‘bug’ in the system that’s randomly punting some posts into ‘mod’. For some posters this is almost every single post. No one knows how or why. Admin has to go in regularly to unblock things. Judging by comments it might be getting worse!

      • I think it’s the globalists and lefty internet cunts fucking with us. They can’t shut us up so they’ve changed the internet somehow.
        ….Yea I don’t know about how websites work.
        It’s the kind of thing they’d do though. If they could. And if it’s possible. Which it probably isn’t.

  8. OMG, fucking yanks make me laugh, but you cannot fault their attitude to service.
    A little story which i will keep short, I went to the USA and the airline left my bag in the UK, the airline customer service were brilliant, traced my bag and promised to have it delivered to my hotel, when I called the next day, again very helpful, but the punch line of the story is that the lady on the other end of the call said “we are endeavoring to get your bag closer to you” as though it would make me feel better if was 100 miles away rather that 2000 miles. ?
    Yes, I hate “guys” what is wrong with ladies, gentlemen, or using “like” in “totally” the wrong place….cunts!

    • Reminds me of the time I flew into Orlando and they’d lost my suitcase. I was told to come back the following day. I returned to the airport and they’d found it, but after he’d handed it over to me, the fella became rude and insulting. Eventually I realized he’d been expecting a tip. They lost my case causing me problems at the hotel and all sorts of inconvenience, and he expected me to pay him extra. Fucking Yanks.

  9. OMG, this is impacting us 24-7,guys, we’re evidencing it daily. It’s, like, todally awesome, right? Right?



  10. Talking of millenial cunts, I’m in Londistan this weekend. Whilst it’s nice to be my old place of work, it’s still full of dirty darkies and millenial cunts. Don’t miss the millenial cunt who thinks it’s ok to walk and text. I don’t miss them either, sending them flying with my rugby player build. Snowflake howls of protest follow, no matter that I could have been partially sighted, elderly or disabled. How did we end up with such a cunty generation?

  11. Talking of millenial cunts, I’m in Londistan this weekend. Whilst it’s nice to be my old place of work, it’s still full of dirty d**kies and millenial cunts. Don’t miss the millenial cunt who thinks it’s ok to walk and text. I don’t miss them either, sending them flying with my rugby player build. Snowflake howls of protest follow, no matter that I could have been partially sighted, elderly or disabled. How did we end up with such a cunty generation?

  12. As a female I am OUTRAGED and DEEPLY OFFENDED that some cunt should refer to me as a ‘guy’. I think I am going to hotfoot it straight to Sophie Khan’s office or perhaps consult with that other libtard twat, Shami Chakrabarti to seek legal advice and ideally bag a shit load of damages for emotional distress, whenever some pleb refers to me as such.

    I bet they would take the case too, silly fucking cunts.

    I find the worst for spewing ‘Oh my God!!’ at any given opportunity are teenage girls. The twats never stop babbling it, usually when discussing some banal shite like how their cousin’s, cousin’s best friend’s sister’s best friend got off with the bloke who works in Piri Piri chicken on the back of a mobility scooter that he had borrowed from his nan to take her clubbing up Landan Tahn……or some other similar vacuous shite.

    Whilst having to suffer bollocks like this on public transport, you do tend to sit there wishing in vain that teenagers didn’t just develop acne at that age, but also ZIPS on their mouths or chronic laryngitis until they turn 21…..

  13. Beautifully put. Young women drive me nuts with like, their like obsession with like the word like. Some blokes do it too, but it seems a young woman thing in particular, and I wonder why that is.
    Chukkabutty is indeed a massive twat, but could moderate her twatishness if she’d just adopt a posture slightly less demonstrative of her own moral certitude occasionally. Or to put it another way, get the broomhandle from up her arse and stop looking like a cunt who’s just been chewing on a fucking wasp.

    • Indeed Sir knee. 100% agreed.

      That Cuntrabarti woman actually went to the same school and college as me……AARGGH! I can just imagine what she was like there. Probably a chief member of the fucking debate club and asking for extra homework. Puke!

      It has been said that I on the other hand spent most of my scholastic years bunking off to go to the cinema or shopping in Camden, but that is nothing but a scurrilous and vicious rumour (ahem)….

  14. A colleague of mine occasionally lectures at a university where lecturers are not allowed to commence with “Ladies and Gentlemen” in case it offends LBGXYZ. God rest ye. God rest ye.

    • Maybe they could compromise, allowing something along the lines of ‘ladies and gentlemen, and mentally ill cunts anywhere between…’.

    • The correct opening gambit is simply, “So…”

      I was once reprimanded for falsely claiming I had had an affair with a cute bisectrix (it’s an optical microscopy pun, sorry) in the presence of students.

  15. As if it wasn’t bad enough hearing “oh my god” every 5 minutes, the retarded cunts are using the abbreviation “O.M.G!” as well.
    Makes me want to punch their faces through the back of their skulls..

  16. I’m sorry to hear these obnoxious verbal habits have made their way across the Atlantic. Pray you’ll be spared the use of “go” and “like” as substitutes for “say” or “said.”

    ‘So I was like “You totally know she’s a bitch” and so she goes “Well she is SO sweet to me” and so I go “That’s just to your face”‘ ad infinitum, ad nauseam.

    Don’t know if this is strictly US, but another awful trend is epidemic with cashiers and other service workers, particularly those under 30. When I am handed my cup of coffee or my change, I reflexively say “Thank you.” (It could be argued they should be thanking me for patronage, but that’s another matter.) Almost invariably anymore, the response is tepid, distracted “uh-huh” – as though saying “You’re welcome” might be to demeaning to the Liberal Arts PhD pouring my coffee, or too taxing considering all the world-changing thoughts and schemes occupying the minds of this coffee scientist.

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