I should very much like to cunt Luxembourg.
Pace my previous thoughts about DI “Juicy” Lucy Lane (and her cane), my masochistic stream of consciousness was interrupted by… yes, Luxembourg.
Convinced that I couldn’t possibly be the only person who thinks that this place is a complete piss-stain on the surface of the globe, I looked up “Luxembourg is a shithole”
Fellow cunters, I refer you to: kkilo.blogspot.com/2006/05/i-really-hate-luxembourg.html
And I’ve never been there, either. Do you know anyone who has ?
Nominated by HBelindaHubbard
I didn’t even like Luxembourg when it was on 208 metres medium wave and pump out shit in 15 minute dollops sponsored by record companies and Horace Batchelor and his “infadraw” method, but that was nothing compared to the motherfuckers wo we now have to endure. I’d rather have Jimmy bleeding Savile that that doddering old piss artist Juncker
It’s that really a photograph of Luxembourg ? Looks suspiciously like legoland in Windsor??
It’s definitely top of my one to miss list which also includes non country belgium and Albania…….
Nuke Luxembourg…. They’re cunts…
been to luxembourg. remember fuck all. was pissed.couldnt even get arrested so i spose that says something about the blandness and sterility.
Had no idea that it actually existed. I thought that it was another made up place like the country that Chitty Chitty Bang Bang went to,full of child-catchers and Kaiser Wilhelm look-a-likes.
D. I. Lucy Lane would get it…if I had a time machine and could go back 30 years.Fine bit of stuff then…
Great minds think alike, Mr. F, if I’m not being arrogant.
That beautiful image is my “go-to”… positively smouldering.
My posts all seem to be going straight to Moderation. Is anyone else having this problem,or is it some setting thing at my end? Can’t see any “trigger” words in the posts.
I’ve noticed I get modded slightly more than usual but it might be my fault for being a cunt….
I have been moaning rather a lot lately ?.
I’ve had a few non-confrontational posts go into the naughty bin recently but which do get reinstated subsequently.
I suppose it’s that or have to suffer the inane ramblings of Dickie Double-D types.
Oh I forgot about dickie.
He must’ve got bored and given up by now.
….though the cunt was nuttier than squirrel shit so it wouldn’t surprise me if he was still obsessed.
I wonder if he still has arguments with himself on other forums….
He probably does…and loses the arguments.
I gather there’s a ‘bug’ in the system which justs randomly boots some posts into moderation. Some posters get almost all posts dealt with in this way. Nobody knows how or why. Admin has to go into ‘pending’ and release them from time to time (unless they’re unusable of course).
Isn’t Luxembourg just a post box for tax dodgers?
Put a fence round it and send the migrants…..
Rather there than here.
Wasn’t drunkers or verhovstadt or someone like that from Luxembourg?
Probably not but close enough. It’s all the same to me… Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland…. all nobody cunts.
’nuff said.
The fact that Druncker spent years as Prime Minister of Luxembourg secretly blocking EU efforts to tackle tax avoidance by multinational corporations should be enough reason to unleash Trident and nuke the fucks!
Apparently it’s started to kick of in Brussels. Now where did i put my hi-vis?
That I would love to see.
Sly are banging on about sport and the beebistan are whining about brexit so I’m on euronews.
Anyone know any good feeds I’d love to know.
Rt have a feed, it’s kicking off big time.
Very satisfying.
I would never go to Luxembourg. It’s almost as bad as going to Belgium. People would think me a frightful cunt should I travel to either of those places
In fact, I haven’t been to foreign lands for years, we always holiday in dear old Blighty
At this time of year I always look forward to the harrowing news coverage of daft cunts caught up in the seasonal air travel chaos, whilst I munch mince pies and other assorted treats.
There’s more chance of me sawing my own leg off than visiting the lands of Johnny Foreigner.
Good morning.
Fuckin hell Jack I’ve driven through Belgium a few times, the most depressing shit hole of a country in Europe. No cunt gives a fuck about national identity because there’s nothing to be patriotic about.
Hello Fenton.
The eurocunts would like that state of affairs to be Pan European .
Fuck me, all Europe like Belgium. Not a happy prospect at all.
Hahaha… useless Bamber Crudd is being lined up to take over from her mentor Mavis… cos she has a cunting Plan B… the Norway option! Which includes Free Movement of People and no say in its operation…. what planet do these arrogant, deluded cunts inhabit?
I was busy writing my tome below on this very subject when you posted this mate.
I thought it was simple: May’s crap deal or leave on WTO rules.
Apparently there are all kinds of deals surfacing now which guarantee that we don’t actually leave and – let’s not forget – we always have the option of “just staying in” courtesy of Luxembourg’s very own ECJ.
But there is no “leave on WTO rules” option anymore??
Has it run away? Has it disappeared? Is it hiding?
None of the above. Of course it’s still an option, the only option as it stands now compared to shambolic offerings being presented to us by the traitors in Cuntminster!
“No deal is better than a bad deal”
If May’s deal was a good deal it would be voted through on the nod. But it’s hard to imagine a worse deal.
So if the pinheads in Parliament STILL can’t work it out the difference between Leave & Remain, and cop out by putting it YET AGAIN to the very people they accuse of ‘not knowing what they’re voting for’, there can be only two legitimate options on the ballot paper:
1. Accept the Government’s Bad Deal
2. Leave on WTO rules
We’ve already voted to Leave so ‘Remain’ or ‘No Brexit At All’ cannot be an option without disrespecting the Referendum.
But try telling them that.
well said RTCp, the “Peoples vote” hate that fucking snowflake phrase., cannot have remain on the ballot, it can only be the choice on how we leave, how many times have we heard ‘leave means leave’
Politicians, they are all cunts, just some are bigger cunts than others.
They say “I respect the result of the referendum”, then go about doing their best to undermine it.
Pure cuntery.
Morning RTCP….. ??
Yeh amber dudds an absolute genius
That’s the same plan b as labour have up their sleeves give or take some word cuntery!!
Single market
Contribute to EU budget
Follow EU rules Brilliant!
These utter cunts are treating the electorate with complete disdain ……
Morning Q!!!!!
Man of principle Comrade Catweasle is just waiting to see which way the wind ends up blowing before he makes his cynical grab for power.
May & Corbyn – different sides of the same EU 4th Reich coin.
Did I read in one of your posts that you voted remain?
Your recent posts would infer that you’ve switched sides…
No apparently it’s us that have all changed our minds. …. judging by the sly news coverage of late.
It seems that we didn’t realise that the rich cunts at the top of society might lose some money so we’ve all gone back on our principles and decided to remain in the empire to ensure that their money train keeps on rolling.
Anyone that denies this narrative is guilty of hate speech.
I did indeed (reluctantly) vote Remain in the Referendum JRC, precisely because I had zero confidence in our Government or Opposition to make anything other than a pigfucker’s ear out of managing independence.
However, immediately following the result I got fully behind the will of the people (which is where my heart was anyway) and have thus remained ever since.
Have to say though, never in my direst misgivings did I imagine things would get as bad as this.
Either way, this country is fucked.
Amber Rudd sounds like an especially smelly freshwater fish. Amber Rudd’s fanny probably smells like a rancid rotting fish and she has been a stinking inept, duplicitous MP man and boy for too many years.
At the next election her and that other stinking old cut, who looks like a funny vicar Dominic Grieve should be thrown out either by their party or their constituents.
Aaaah, the Norway “option.”
From the cuntry that brought the world Vidkunt Quisling
Seems like an inoffensive, chocolate box cover sort of place until you remember that it’s the home of ubercunt Juncker and the ECJ. That’s enough justification in itself for a boot-in cunting.
How could such a small country produce such a huge amount of cuntitude!
Although a shame that genuinely nice bloke Pete Shelley of Buzzcocks (there is no fucking ‘The’) has died, I fully expect a load of bullshit and pretentious twaddle from that complete cunt, Paul Morley any time soon… We’ll get the usual mythologising of the Sex Pistols at the Free Trade Hall bollocks… I know someone who actually did go, and he still says it was shit… All that ‘it’s great that we all went home and formed bands’ bollocks…The queue outside the guitar shop on Deansgate went round the block. …People were using lolly sticks and packing cases as drums and all that sentimental crap…. As for the sacred Pistols? Buzzcocks were a far superior band to Rotten and those other McLaren Muppet Show cunts…. Morley will also no doubt mention Joy Division for the billionth time in his fucking life… Much as I like Joy Division, Morely never shuts the fuck up about them and has dined out on his ‘association’ with them for years… Oh well, at least Pete and Ian Curtis (RIP) don’t have to listen to Morley’s blabbering crap any more… Just a shame the rest of us cunts have to….
Morley has already been at it. Agree totally about the Pistols – one riff and the rest hype.
I hate cunts who say that Manchester was crap in the 70s and that the fucking Pistols ‘changed everything’ and made the city technicolour and all that shite… Manchester in the 70s was ace and a bloody sight better than it is now… So, a bunch of talentless manufactured gorblimey cunts turned a city’s fortunes around? Fuck off! Undeniable that the Pistols inspired Buzzcocks and Joy Division (both better bands by far), but all this Manchester was grey and lifeless until punk stuff was and is complete bollocks… And Morley is a colossal cunt…
I went from sheepshagging land to Manchester in 1973. Great pubs and clubs. Lower Broughton and Cheetham hill hadn’t been ‘improved’ yet and were fine places for a drink and a laugh. And of course The Embassy, Band on The Wall, Golden Garter, Cumberland club, City Arms, Rafters (? I think) the Apollo, Bottom Kings on a Saturday teatime. Tib St and all the pet shops. No fucking Pink Village then just a few pubs like the Rembrandt with a dodgy reputation.
Later J C Clark, Buzzcocks, Mike Sweeney and the Thunderbirds, live music in lots of pubs. Great beers.
All gone now I suppose but great times.
Fuck the Sex Pistols.
Punk was about attitude. The Sex Pistols created that that. I’m afraid I found (the) Buzzcocks tame.
And here’s another thing which is as pointless as Luxembourg…
Elmer Fudd (Amber Rudd) is saying that Maybot’s deal is shite (fuck me, head of the class this one) and that we ought to go down a “Norway +” Brexit.
It means we stay in the single market BUT… we agree a new customs union with the EU in order to avoid a “hard border” in N’orn Eye-land.
Ok… So, er, what’s the PLUS?
Well the plus is that we get to keep the free movement of people!!!
Oh, well whoopee-fucking-do!
Amber love, did you not get the memo which said that one of the main driving factors for Brexit was the fact that most of the UK believes that we’re full and are fed up of watching the quality of life degrade, services stretched to fuck and resources spread thinner than Keira Knightly’s tits?
Oh but all those coming here are a net benefit right? Wrong! The Govt’s own immigration minister admitted – following a 20yr review – that there had been no overall benefit from mass immigration (since 1997 – cunt Blair). So having the country swamped, where demand has stripped supply ten-fold with no way of ever reaching parity again (as is possible with NATURAL growth), has been for absolutely no bastard reason whatsoever! Well thank you Tony, you fucking card!
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t blame the Polish, Romanians and Bulgarians for wanting to come here. Hopefully they won’t blame us for wanting to stop it (amazingly enough a lot of Poles interviewed agree with this).
One last time: WE’RE FUCKING FULL!!!
So, actually – Elmer – May’s deal is better than your suggestion because as shit as it is, it at least fucks off free movement (eventually…).
Elmer Fudd is yet another useless, failed politician looking to retain the EU gravy boat retirement slush fund!
Fuck off traitor! Fucking Vishy EU cunt!
I was slightly annoyed when I lost my work and the work I could get was for half the money, but the poles were actually alright blokes. As you say, It wasn’t their fault it was the cunts who’s job it was to protect their citizens that were to blame.
It made me promise to never vote Labour ever again in my life. After treason May I’m going to promise never to vote Tory ever again in my life either.
And the bonus from the mass migration is that they can’t complain when we turn up in Poland seeking asylum from the muzzies and the lefties…. which is bound to happen one day.
Tbh I have actually thought about going over there to see what it’s like. Learning the language would be a cunt but they don’t really do that “multicultural” shite over that part if the world. …and now they’ve got all our money the living conditions are probably quite good too.
Hi Deploy, I go to Poland often as Mrs Fistula is Polish and I can tell you it’s a much better Country than the multi Culti shit hole Blighty has become. As for the language, forget it… it’s the hardest language in the world. I can ask for a pint in Polish , important stuff, but nearly every word is unpronounceable for us. But the real beauty is , there’s not a single peaceful or Umbongo in sight. The Poles have a huge sense of tradition and national identity and they will not accept any of those cunts in. One way they discourage it is to offer fuck all in benefits.
I thought it was against EU law not to piss £billions down the shitter?
Evening Fenton.
I’m fucking sick and tired of this quisling language of Brexit + Norway + Canada +++ it’s just deceitful shite and varying degrees of what we actually voted for..
I don’t care how many bows you tie around it it’s still a fucking turd!!
I do however worry that the feeble minded sheeple may be swayed but this smoke and mirrors nonsense……
On a more positive note Paris appears to be going well over 500 arrested and hopefully plenty more to come….
Norway plus Canada ++++ minus 17.4 million leaves Remain
Luxemwank reminds me of Switzerland – poxy little countries giving it large and dictating to others, while keeping themselves isolating from the shitstorm that is reality.
Free movement of people should include to these two armpits – a few million brethren from Eastern Europe and the African countries, will soon give those smug cunts the kick in the bollocks they so deserve!
And in other ABBC Fake News…
The Paris protests are kicking off nicely.
Granny-fucker Macaroon is holed up in the Elyse Palace, sweating like a blind lesbian in a fish market, shitting himself that he’ll go the way of King Louis XVI.
Extra forces have been brought in to “protect the people of Paris” (actually just one person and he likes geriatric snatch) from far right extremists (aka ordinary people).
The AL-BEEB then came out with this nugget of non-importance: “Hundreds of people have been arrested as a ‘preventative measure’.”
So they haven’t done a thing wrong. Some of these arrests are happening at rail and bus terminals for simply wearing a yellow jacket (i.e. suppression at source) – just in case they might think about protesting.
So fish-fingered Macaroon thinks it’s ok to arrest people who have done nothing wrong just on the off-chance they *MIGHT*, like in some dystopian Sci-fi film a’la Minority Report?
I thought that was called tyranny??
Well obviously the AL-BEEB are all for this because they love the EU and it’s childless leaders who fuck their own over in deference to the RotW’s flotsam and jetsam.
However, let’s just say it was another “peaceful” atrocity in a major city in the West and the Govt there decided to arrest every cunt in a bedsheet or headscarf as a “preventative measure”.
No doubt the AL-BEEB would see this as the appropriate thing to do as well, wouldn’t they?
Like I say, when we get fucked over on Brexit and the cowards “just stay in”, we withhold taxes and monies mandated by them, especially cancelling the TV licence.
Fucking anti-British, EU shilling, neo-liberal, fascist BBC CUNTS!
Excellent post RWAC ???
Are we about due for Lily Mong to suddenly appear in front of the cameras in frogland, and tell everyone how utterly sickened she is that the underlying reason for this violent protesting activity is the persecution of immigrants, and that they should all be welcomed into the UK!
Yeah and she can fuck right off too!
She’ll only go there to do that immediately before the release of her next album failure.
She’ s released a book called ‘My thoughts exactly’, I doubt she’s heard of irony.
Probably. As if anybody gives a flying fanny about what that daft cunt says.
“like a blind lesbian in a fish market.”
Love that one !!
According to sky
Things are turning violent in Paris!!
Quelle surprise! Far-right groups are involved according to the ever-impartial Brussels Broadcasting Corporation.
I thought 99% of soap dodging Frogs were Lefties ????
I’ve been, but that was back when there was a West Germany. No telling how much has changed. They had good ice cream, though, I remember that.
Travelled through Luxembourg once , I must of blinked because I didn’t even notice I’d gone through it. I can’t think of anything significant that’s been produced there other than Radio Luxembourg with Tony Prince that had endless adverts promoting Aqua manda by Goya.
Didn’t he used to paint…?
I left a rather nice jacket on the back of a chair in a restaurant in Luxembourg about 10 years ago. If anyone is passing….
Do you know who comes from Luxembourg? Yes, John-Claude Drunker, that’s who! Proves your cunting many times over we think!