Kelly Reynolds – Cunt Babymama
Please cunt this cunt of mammoth proportions. She has prevented her child from going to school for the past FOUR MONTHS based on the fact he is not entitled to free transport courtesy of the council and she is ‘in dispute’ with them about it.
Read the cunt’s sob story here:
This utter twat chose to open her 24/7 flange, make four children (the youngest two aged 1 and 2) cannot afford a roof over her head (so naturally one makes copious children to make that situation sooo much better) and is now having a bitch fight with the council over the fact she does not drive and cannot possibly manage the walking distance between her two oldest children’s schools with all of her sprogs in tow.
This cunt has made my piss boil off the scale. Bitch, have you never heard of the word or concept of ‘RESPONSIBILITY?’
Nominated by Nurse Cunty
It’s everyone else’s fault. Lazy git get off her arse and walk the 15 minutes between schools.
“I am a single mother with 4 children.”
Get one of the fathers to pay for a taxi bitch. Aren’t we paying enough for your irresponsiblity as it is? Oh, and try keeping your legs closed you fucking old scrubber.
Little Harry is a ginger cunt and will only get picked on at school anyway. Probably turn into a poof or tranny. Still, at least he won’t be able to produce any brats to freeload off the taxpayer unlike his slag of a mother.
That child has no chance in life, he’s unfortunately going to become another freeloading scrote, who probably robs old people and hangs around a bus station during the day. All because he’s learnt how to be a person from his STD dispenser ‘mum’. We’ll blame him for doing the same thing in 10 years time, getting scruffy slags pregnant and fucking off after not taking responsibility, but really it’s all his revolving door mum’s fault. These people are the reason our taxes never make any difference.
To be fair though the council are doing the right thing refusing to give her transport, the next thing they should do is take her kids off her and say if she isn’t responsible enough to get her kids to school, she’s clearly not fit to be a mum.
None of this is fair on little Harry. Ginger or not, he shouldn’t be paying the price for her terminal hopelessness.
I note she declared herself homeless before moving into the area. Precisely where is/are the children’s father/fathers? He/they should be paying for this, unless they are the shirking type. Plenty of them around, producing a typical excessively large number of offspring. Leave the wife and kids and give up work to avoid paying maintenance. Then take cash in hand jobs and don’t declare it.
Surely this woman could have spoken with another child’s parent and come up with an arrangement for transport?
This is a multi-faceted cunting. The stupid woman and her ex partner or partners really do not deserve children if they are incapable of ensuring their welfare. The Council are not responsible for bailing her out.
Cunt/cunts to all men.
I can imagine any responsible, hard working parents would tell her to get fucked.
You’re not wrong there TITS, but it isn’t about the hopeless mother, but ensuring the kid gets to school and is therefore at least given the opportunity to not grow up a useless oaf like his own parents.
I can’t see it in the photo there, but i bet there’s a broad screen TV and a brace of the latest iphones – essential items for dole scum.
Trash like this whore and her brats should be sterilised, put an end to the repetitive cycle of scrounging and thieving once and for all.
My advice for all wimmin of this type: Keep your legs and your gobs shut at at times
Apparently she lives on Reigate Rd in Reigate.
If anyone can establish what number I’d like to know then I can send her a Xmas card with some words of advice from McCuntface.
Feckless fucking whore.
Just address it to :
The Reigate Town Bike
I’ve seen this conveyor belt about town, she’s known as yo-yo knickers.
Words fail me……
agree with all the above posts……
unfortunately Britain’s littered with cunts like her………
Bald eagle wank nugget vince cables come up with another great idea?
Apparently the government should revoke article 50 “ to restore calmness and stability where there currently is anxiety and panic” ? IF dads army was ever recommissioned cable would be a shoe in for corporal jones!
Cable should be placed in a care home
So the cunt wants to calm the panic that him and his mates have been stirring up every fucking day for two and a half years?
Simple, Just keep your fucking gob shut Cable, you dribbling old bastard.
Seeing a window of off-topic impunity, I’d just like to link to the full 2004 article (mentioned previously) which absolutely, comprehensively, unequivocally and without a shadow of any doubt at all, brands that other hypercunt Blair as a sanctimonious, hypocritical, lying, twofaced drivelling shitweasel and supreme cunt:
“If the British people vote no, they vote no. You can’t then start bringing it back until they vote yes.
Once the British people make their decision, they make their decision….
…I think it is time for the Eurosceptics to put their case, for the people who believe in Britain’s central place in Europe to put theirs and let the British people decide,” he said. “If in the end you have faith in your own people, and I do, then we should allow that to happen.””
What happened next? After announcing that he would hold a referendum, Blair delayed. Then Straw delayed it for a year, on the flimsy excuse that Britain held the presidency of the EU at the time. By then, it was obvious from surveys that the No vote would be huge. France and the Netherlands held referenda on the same issue; No won in both. The project was dropped and rebranded, ultimately resulting in the Lisbon Treaty, for which there was no referendum whatever, obviously.
We ought to have had a referendum for Maastricht in ’92 and definitely for the Treaty of Lesbon however, I’m not sure the result would’ve gone the correct (anti – EU) way. I often wish we’d had the 2016 People’s Vote earlier but what if it had been too early and a close pro-EU vote had won?
Psh. Hindsight.
By definition we’ve never actually voted to join the EU….. instead slipped in via the back door by politicians obsessed with the gravy train……
In France the EU let the politicians vote on it? No guessing which way that went? The EU has the political class in their pockets……
No, they and the Dutch voted against the EU constitution, so that was dropped and the Lisbon Treaty was the rejigged version. Only Ireland had a referendum on this version, voted against, and then had another referendum to get the right answer.
Really shady stuff.
Just another leech on the balls of this countries stupid benefit system that pays for fucktards like this to exist,shit out as many kids as you can and class filling in the latest benefit form as a full time job,from now on she should only do gob jobs and anal SO THERE ARE NO MORE BRATS YOU CUNT!!!!!!!!!!
Have a heart Cunters, there can’t a lot left over for extras after she’s selflessly shelled out on the boy’s designer clothes and wanky haircuts. Might help if she cut down on the heavy drinking and tabs too.
I suppose the Guardian will be in full support of this dumb shitbag of a woman; am surprised she hasn’t uttered the words #metoo, and that she’s been abused by ‘orrible nasty men and their huge cocks!
No doubt pressure will be brought to bare by the wimminz groups, and the council’s social services will capitulate and give in to the gaping cunt’s demands!
Oh, and we have similar stupid cunts whinging about their poor lives here in Birmingham. Check out this cunt of cunts
I thought that was a bandage on her left wrist. Carpel Tunnel syndrome syndrome from carrying all the child benefit.
What a fucking slag. I notice that none of her brats are white.
No point in asking where the fathers are then.
I bet she’s got a fanny like the Grand Canyon.
Eh? The sprog in the picture looks pretty fucking white to me.
Must be a case of “I look all white but my dad was black.”
Wake up dozy bollocks! I’m talking about the Birmingham slag who wants bigger tits.
Take a gander at her brood.
Hey, wait a minute. I’m not the dozy bollock who couldn’t even be bothered to post in the appropriate thread, am I?
Get real man (or whatever the cool fucking expression is these days).
Besides, I was only trying to help you to see the error of your ways. ?
No good deed goes unpunished.
You must be blind.
Too much wanking.
You’re not wrong about the wanking. I’ve been spunked dry.
What a fucking whore.
“it’s too difficult to walk them to and from separate schools about a mile apart”- without making the intervening pavements dangerous to walk on for other pedestrians due to the sheer volume of spunk gushing from this old slag’s burger.
“They want me to let my son go off with someone I don’t know”- sounds like you “know” most of the blokes in your area, you scrounging cuntwipe.
“I’m a single mother with four children; that is completely unreasonable.” Correct. Maybe keeping your bobm doors closed might be advisable in future.
You’d think with a ginger barnet like that, she wouldn’t advertise the fact with an absolute cunter of a haircut, too.
Bomb doors. Cunt.
1.”Ms Reynolds, who also has a two-year-old and a one-year-old, said that without the council providing transport for Harry, she cannot easily make the 20-minute journey to Wray Common with Lily then the 25-minute walk to Holmesdale with her other two children in tow, twice a day.”
2.”While living in Earlswood, she had made the 40-minute walk to Salfords Primary, which she said was difficult with all four children in tow, but because Harry and Lily were at the same school, it was possible.
Let’s dissect that. If it took her 40 minutes to get from wherever it was in Earlswood to Salfords, there must be some unknown bar to her taking 45 minutes to reach Holmesdale from where she is now, presumably via and from the SE of Wray Common. That extra five minutes is insurmountable! If that’s added to her current no doubt busy schedule, especially as McDonalds Redhill is in the opposite direction, her life will fall apart and she will have to write to her MP for redress.
But wait! She takes 25 minutes to get to Holmesdale from Wray Common. That’s 0.93 of a mile (or so). I am quite sure that over a period of a few weeks she could get herself and young Harry Nodad down to 20 minutes, with the added benefit of improving the physical fitness of both.Problem solved.
My grandfather walked 7 miles to school in Lancashire, left at 14, and started work in a slaughterhouse.
What utter, utter feckless lazy cunts.
I reckon old Captain Hewitt has been having a go on this old tart, hence the ginger hair and the name.
Fucking hell, he must be down on his luck.
People should have to pass tests and obtain permission to have children. It’s just a hobby to these cunts. My hobby is collecting DVDs but no-one helped me to pay for my multi-region player. They churn them out like the human race is in danger of dying out and they’re doing everyone a favour. Nobody needs to have four kids.
My mum, my sister and I walked 20 minutes there and then back from school as my Mum didn’t drive, not that we could have afforded a second car anyway even if she did. No collections or pick ups from the school, just that old fashioned concept called ‘WALKING.’
This cunt’s attitude is just so typical of the spoiled, entitled, ‘give me now’ whining of people these days. There is no onus on themeselves to sort their own lives out (which with this twat should start with getting her tubes tied and not bringing any more cash cows into the world)…..they just want their fucking arses wiped by society and for the the world and its mother to pay their way.
So you will have all of your children to drag along on foot? DEAL WITH IT. You (and some other irresponsible jizz bucket….or several) made them all, so fucking sort your own shit out.
It will be fine…..
Some snowflake cunt will organise a crowd fund for the bitch.
This is life in 2018, the nanny state, the I want everything for free brigade, every cunt with a campaign, rights for this that and the fucking other.
stop ALL child benefits from April 2019
don’t need to prop up the population anymore we have quite enough thank you. After all child allowance for us old fuckers was only paid for the second and subsequent children specifically brought in to help her the birth rate up having lost around two million people in two world wars only 30 something years apart.
Benefits scrounging cunts misusing the system for 70 years
Move to Rotherham and start sucking pakis knobs then at least they might run your bastards around for you in their taxis.